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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856005 entries)
APERSTRUCTURE aperture structure
ADC aperture time
ap apex Vosoni
ap. apex
AB apex beat
AWI apex water injection
ACG apexcardiogram
ACG apexcardiography
aphanitic aph
A aphanitic
AP aphanitic
aphid aphis
AA aphyric andesite
AP4C apical four chamber Nataly­a Rovin­a
HCM apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Michae­lBurov
AHCM apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy harser
AH apical hypertrophy Dimpas­sy
AI apical impulse
ASBT apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter natali­e-nik95
ATJE apical termination of the junctional epithelium Michae­lBurov