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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849356 entries)
accounts receivable a/c rec oVoD
customer's account number a/c ref pelipe­jchenko
on alternative (alternate) days a/d Углов
Airfield a/f
Airframe a/f
Across flats a/f efenti­sov
at home a/h
all hours a/h ABelon­ogov
at the rate a/r
all risks a/r
after sight a/s Yuriy8­3
atomic spectroscopy a/s verner­_rt
age/sex/location a/s/l Vosoni
average a/v Vosoni
alcohol by volume a/v baletn­ica
autumn/winter a/w oVoD
along with a/w Yuriy8­3
accessibility a11y Sun2da­y
Atypical Protein Kinase C aPKC CubaLi­bra