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Terms for subject Abbreviation (848514 entries)
A.A.P.T. American Association of Physical Teachers Углов
A.A.R against all risks
a.a.r. all average recoverable
a.a.r. against all risks
a.a.r. average annual rainfall
a.a.r. open peril insurance
A.A.S. Acta Apostolicae Sedis = The Acts of Apostolic See Углов
A.A.S. American Academy of Sciences
A.A.S. Association for Architects and Surveyors
A.A.S.S. American Association for Social Security Углов
A.A.Sc.W. American Association of Scientific Workers
A.A.T. Anglo-Australian Telescope
A.A.T. Australian Antarctic Territory
A.A.U.P. American Association of University Professors
A.As author's alterations
Above bridges a.b.
as before a.b. Углов
A.B. able-bodied
A.B. airborne
A.B. Artium Baccalaureaus