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Terms for subject General (3878 entries)
unloyalty disloyalty I. Hav­kin
unpleasant unpleas
unrequited feelings unrequited love Ivan P­isarev
unrough smooth Timkin­Tut
unrough clean-shaven Timkin­Tut
untaxing not requiring energetic effort polina­tregubo­va
unwed mother unwedded mother
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply soa.iy­a
upscale to increase in size; to scale up
urban legend urban myth 4uzhoj
urban myth urban legend 4uzhoj
urbex urban exploration grafle­onov
US Army Corps of Engineers United States Army Corps of Engineers
US Govt United States Government
US of A United States of America Aiduza
USA USA {spec1}
USC ICC United States Council of the International Chamber of Commerce
used bookstore used book store Abyssl­ooker
more of used to say that one way of describing a person or thing is better or more accurate than another A.Rezv­ov
here you are used when you are giving something to someone