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Terms for subject Abbreviation (849359 entries)
SALWs small arms and light weapons
SAL small arms locker
SAPI small arms protective insert
SARTS small arms range target system
asparagus miner small asparagus fly
Crumb Snatcher small baby or child, during the crawling ages. Franka­_LV
SBRV small ballistic reentry vehicle
SBP small batch production
SBC small bayonet cap
Roeselia strigula small black arches
Roeselia strigula small black arches
SBOS small black oil simulator
SBF small boat formula
SBS small boat shelter Michae­lBurov
SB small bond
SB small bonds
s.b. small bonds
SB small bowel
small bowel series small bowel follow-through l'etoi­le87
SBI small bowel intussusception doc090