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Terms for subject Informal (833 entries)
slut candy morning-after pill chroni­k
smooch to kiss, hold, and touch someone in a sexual way
smooch dance slowly and very close together to slow, romantic music
smooch a slow, romantic dance
smooch kiss and cuddle amorously
smooch dance slowly in a close embrace
smooch a period of slow dancing in a close embrace
smooch a kiss or a spell of amorous kissing and cuddling
sneakers keds Val_Sh­ips
sneakers kicks Val_Sh­ips
sneakers trainers Val_Sh­ips
so I hear used to say that you have been told something or know it already
so I've heard used to say that you have been told something or know it already
so there's that there's that ad_not­am
So You Wanna SYW
so's so as Techni­cal
soldier in the US Army GI {gai1}
sov sovereign
spinage lil Vadim ­Roumins­ky
spit it out to overcome reluctance to say something particular or to speak in general