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Terms for subject Military (73214 entries)
Safeguard System Configuration Control Board SSCCB
Safeguarding America For Everyone SAFE
SAFEORD safety of explosive ordnance
SAFEPLAN submarine-air frequency plan
safety saf
safety sfty
safety and arming mechanism A dual function device which prevents the unintended actuation of a main charge or propulsion unit prior to arming but allows activation thereafter upon receipt of the appropriate stimuli.
Safety And Fitness Electronic Record SAFER
Safety and Health Data Sheet SHDS
safety assessment The evaluation of an ammunition life cycle to determine the hazards to which the ammunition may be exposed
Safety Assessment Report SAR
Safety Cut Rope Axe Man SCRAM
safety intelligence On operations, piece of intelligence that supports the development and the planning of measures aiming at depriving the enemy of pieces of intelligence and at securing the freedom of action of a force, warning it of an unexpected encounter and protecting it against an attack. It concerns the enemy intelligence, monitoring, recon and target acquisition capabilities in the area of operation as a priority.
safety limit Limit short of which a standard artillery fire risks hitting the first friendly elements.
safety line In land mine warfare, demarcation line for trip wire or wire-actuated mines in a minefield. It serves to protect the laying personnel. After the minefield is laid this line is neither marked on the ground nor plotted on the minefield record.
Safety Mechanism Assembly SMA
Safety Release SR
safety zone A land, sea or air area reserved for non-combat operations of friendly aircraft, surface ships, submarines or ground forces.
Safety, Reliability, and Maintainability Committee SRMC
Safety, Security and Intelligence SSI