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Terms for subject Law (8349 entries)
recross examination A second examination of a witness by the opposing counsel after the second examination (or redirect examination) by the counsel who called the witness to testify is completed
recuse When you remove yourself or are removed from a criminal or civil proceeding because you have a conflict of interest. For example, a judge can recuse himself because someone in the case is a friend or business partner
Recycling Laws International RLI
Red Dragon Alliance RDA
Red Headed Boy RHB
Red Wine Trail RWT
redact adapt or edit for public record
redeemable red.
redirect examination A second examination of a witness by the counsel who called the witness to testify. This examination is usually focused on certain matters that were discussed by the opposing counsel's examination
redress set right
redress remedy
redress compensate
redress remove the causes of a grievance
Reducing Americans Vulnerability To Ecstasy RAVE
Reducing Americas Vulnerability To Ecstasy RAVE
referee A person appointed by the court to hear and make decisions on limited legal matters, like juvenile or traffic offenses
reference ref.
Referencing String RS
Reformed Youth Movement RYM
refoulement N/A