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Terms for subject Aviation (1842 entries)
radar separation The spacing of aircraft in accordance with established minima, based on information derived from radar sources
radar service A service, provided directly by means of radar, that includes radar advisory, radar control service, radar monitoring, radar navigational assistance and radar separation
radar vectoring A heading given by a controller to a pilot on the basis of radar-derived information to provide navigational guidance
radar-identified aircraft An aircraft for which the radar blip or radar position symbol is seen and identified on a radar display
radial A magnetic bearing from a VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) tactical air navigation aid (TACAN) or VORTAC facility, except for facilities in the Northern Domestic Airspace (NDA) which may be oriented on true or grid north
radio A general expression applied to the use of radio waves
radio altimeter Radionavigation equipment on board an aircraft that makes use of the reflection of radio waves from the ground to determine the height of the aircraft above the surface of the earth. • abbreviations: RA and RADALT
radio beacon A station transmitting non-directional radio signals
radio direction-finding station A radio station intended to determine only the direction of other stations by means of transmissions from the latter
radio magnetic indicator An aircraft navigational instrument that, coupled with a gyro compass or any other compass system, indicates the direction of a selected NAVAID and indicates bearing with respect to the heading of the aircraft
ramp That part of an aerodrome, other than the manoeuvring area, intended to accommodate the loading and unloading of passengers and cargo; the refuelling, servicing, maintenance and parking of aircraft; and any movement of aircraft, vehicles and pedestrians engaged in services necessary for such purposes
rapid exit taxiway A long-radius taxiway designed and provided with lighting or marking to define the path of aircraft, travelling at high speed (up to 60 kt) from the runway centre to a point on the centre of a taxiway. The high speed taxiway is designed to expedite aircraft turning off the runway after landing, thus reducing runway occupancy time.
rate one turn The turn rate of 3° per second normally used by aircraft operating at less than 250 kt
rate one-half turn The turn rate of 1.5° per second normally used by aircraft operating at approximately 250 kt or more.
rated coverage The area surrounding a non-directional beacon (NDB) within which the strength of the vertical field of the ground wave exceeds the minimum value specified for the geographical area in which the NDB is situated
RCP Reliability Control Program
readback A procedure whereby the receiving station repeats a received message or an appropriate part thereof to the transmitting station so as to obtain confirmation that the message was received correctly
real time OS RTOS system Michae­lBurov
real-time OS RTOS system Michae­lBurov
rebkrestr rebook restricted 4uzhoj