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Terms for subject Informal (834 entries)
go hang yourself used as a rude imperative to indicate (one's) disapproval, apathy, or disdain regarding (someone's) words, thoughts, or actions
go in if information goes in, you understand it
go in for to take part in a game or contest
go in for to give support to
go in for to have or show an interest in or a liking for
go in for to engage in : take part in
go in for like or habitually take part in an activity
go in for to do or use something often because you enjoy it or like it
go tits up become broken, failed or inoperable pushak
gonna going to
gonzo unconventional, bizarre, crazy
gonzo outlandishly unconventional, outrageous, or extreme
gonzo very strange or unusual; bizarre
gonzo extreme, unconventional, or bizarre
gonzo crazy, excited, or unrestrained
good buddy a trusted companion or colleague, friend
good buddy close friend
good call standard reply to something agreeable or satisfactory Lu4ik
good grief my goodness Баян