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Terms for subject Cinematography (704 entries)
driver A person who drives either equipment or passenger trucks, typically between location shootings, sets, and the studio. The chief driver is called the transportation captain. See also transportation co-ordinator.
dubbing The technique of combining multiple sound components into one. The term is also used to refer to automatic dialog replacement of a new language.
dutch tilt A shot composed with the horizon not parallel with the bottom of the frame. Used extensively in Batman, and frequently by Orson Welles.
Dynamic Visibility Analysis DVA
prop e.g. phones, guns, cutlery, etc. Movie animals and all food styling (food seen or eaten on set/screen) also fall into this domain. See also property assistant and set dresser.
easter egg A reference to a movie, person, or event that is intended to be too subtle to be noticed on the initial viewing.
edge numbers Numbers printed on the edge of a print to allow easy identification of frames.
editing Reconstructing the sequence of events in a movie. See also AVID, editor.
editor A person who performs editing (in consultation with the director) on a movie. This term usually refers to someone who does visual editing. See also Motion Picture Editors Guild.
effects stock Special film stock that is typically used by the second unit to generate computerized composites. Effects stock usually has finer film grain, and is usually rated several stops lower than standard stock.
electrical department The department in charge of all electrical matters (primarily lighting) for productions.
electrician The person or grip in charge of and familiar with the electrical equipment on the set.
epic A film with large dramatic scope or that required an immense production.
equity A trade union for actors. In the UK, an actor must belong to Equity before being allowed to perform in any "legitimate" theater or film. Similar organizations exist in other countries but because other organizations often exist membership isn't as essential.
establishing shot The first shot of a new scene, that introduces the audience to the space in which the forthcoming scene will take place.
establishing shot ESTB Common­_Ground
Except For Adults EFA
executive producer A producer who is not involved in any technical aspects of the filmmaking process, but who is still responsible for the overall production. Typically an executive producer handles business and legal issues. See also associate producer, co-producer, line producer.
exhibitor An organization which represents cinemas.
exposition Background information necessary to the advancement of the storyline or to augment richness or detail.