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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856150 entries)
CFMA collision-free multiple access
CFW collision-free window
CRHF collision-resistant hash function
CRC collision/reaction cell igishe­va
coll/s collision/second
CR collisional radiative
CT collisional transition
coll/s collisions per second
CRG collisions, rammings and groundings
collision collizh
VOR-DME/T collocated VOR and DME portion of TACAN
VOR TAC collocated VOR and TACAN stations
STCOLCOK collocated cokriging in temporal-spatial domain
CFM collocation finite element
CFE collocation finite element
CFM collocation finite element method
collod. collodium
coll colloid
COP colloid osmotic pressure
Alucol. colloidal aluminium hydroxide