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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856208 entries)
amend amd
APR amebolic prevalence rate
American comics amecomi
ADJ amelo-dental junction Michae­lBurov
DEJ amelo-dental junction Michae­lBurov
ADJ amelo-dentinal junction Michae­lBurov
DEJ amelo-dentinal junction Michae­lBurov
EDJ amelo-dentinal junction Michae­lBurov
ADJ amelodental junction Michae­lBurov
DEJ amelodental junction Michae­lBurov
ADJ amelodentinal junction Michae­lBurov
DEJ amelodentinal junction Michae­lBurov
EDJ amelodentinal junction Michae­lBurov
AM amen Alex L­ilo
AMND amend
amd amendment
AEOP amend existing orders pertaining to ...
AMDD amended
ADP amended development plan
AMRF amended route of flight