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Terms for subject Abbreviation (856004 entries)
6M Man, Machine, Method, Measurement, Materials, Mother Nature Cold L­ogic
6M money, material, management, machine, manpower & market
6M money^ material^ management^ machine^ manpower & market
6MO Six MOnth rule dismissal
6MWD six minute walk distance Efimov­ich
6O Civil aircraft marking
6P Persian Gulf
6P product^ price^ place^ promotion^ power^ public relation
6R Arabian Sea
6REN IPv6 research and education network
6S Sifting, Sorting, Sweeping, Standardizing, Sustaining, Safety
6S sort, straighten, shine, standardize, sustain and civilization safety
6S sort, straighten, shine, standardize, sustain and civilization, safety
6S Hyp 6-mercaptopurine
6T hexamethylene terephalamide
6T cell six-transistors cell
6T SRAM six-transistors static random access memory cell
6TG 6-thioguanine
6W Why^ What^ Where When^ Who^ How
6W What^ Where^ When^ Who^ How^ Why