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Terms for subject Microsoft (903 entries)
wiki Wiki
Win32 API API Win32
Windows 8 Consumer Preview Windows 8 Consumer preview
Windows 8 Media Center Pack Windows 8 Media Center Pack K
Windows Azure drive Windows Azure Drive
Windows driver foundation Windows Driver Foundation
Windows Driver Kit (The SDK that contains all the tools and downloads needed to build a driver for Windows) Windows Driver Kit
Windows Live Agents Windows Live Call
Windows Live Alerts Windows live Alerts
Windows Live Space Windows Live Spaces
Windows Location Provider Windows location provider
Windows preprocessor Windows Preprocessor
Windows Process Activation service Windows Process Activation Service
Windows SideShow Windows Sideshow
Windows sockets Windows Sockets
Windows System Resource Manager WSRM
Windows Update Windows update
Windows Virtual Desktop WVD Michae­lBurov
WinSock direct WSD
WinSock direct Winsock Direct