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Terms for subject Literature (1001 entries)
The National Speakers Association NSA
the nine Muses From Greek mythology, it was believed that they inspired the creation of art and literature.
the other world The realm of spirits or the dead.
action the unfolding of a sequence of events in a narrative or play. Or 2. the plot as a whole.
theatre Any room or building where dramatic performances take place, or motion pictures are shown.
theatre in the round A theatre where the audience surrounds the area of the stage.
Theatre of the Absurd Popular in the 1940s-1960s refers to plays and drama which deal with absurdist notions. These plays generally consider human existence to be without point as the world is devoid of meaning. Famous playwrights in this genre of the Absurd include Pinter, Stoppard and Beckett.
thematic imagery Imagery that appears throughout a work. Usually this recurring imagery assists in highlighting a central theme or an agenda.
theme A principal concept or concepts that unifies and preoccupies a literary work.
there's muck there's money there are dirty jobs to be done there is money to be made nouray
there's muck there's money there are dirty jobs to be done there is money to be made nouray
thesis In a modern day essay a thesis is an argument, which can be implicit or explicit and is developed and supported throughout the work. A thesis can also refer to an essay itself, one with a central argument.
third person narrative Unlike first person narratives, the third person perspective allows the reader to see the happenings of the plot from a variety of perspectives, as the author is not writing from the restrictive "I" narration. In the third person narrative "he", "she", "it" or "they" is used, meaning one or several viewpoints can be presented.
Third Vice President 3VP
Thomas Stearns (TS Eliot) Eliot - American poet and playwright (1888 -1965) He is considered by many as one of the most significant English-language poets of the twentieth centaury.
Tie Breaker Judge TBJ
TM Toastmaster
preach to deliver a sermon
Toast Of The Town Toastmasters TOTT
Toast With Interest Toastmasters TWI