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Terms for subject Religion (3849 entries)
Becoming Engaged Everywhere BEE
Before Babel Brigade BBB
Before Before Christ BBC
Before Christs Entry BCE
beget begat Isaev
beget begat Isaev
Beginning Is The End BITE
Being Radiant In Godliness Holiness And Testimony BRIGHT
Bekka "Set apart" (i.e. sacred) fire. It is often generated by rubbing wood and is used in rites of purification (saikai) before a ritual
Bekkaku-kampei-sha 'Special-rank governmental shrine'. A category (see Shakaku seido) established in 1872 which eventually comprised twenty seven existing and newly-built shrines dedicated to famous loyalists and military heroes. Examples include the Uesugi jinja, built in 1871 and made a bekkaku in 1902, dedicated to Terutora, Uesugi, the jinja (1873) enshrining Toyotomi, Hideyoshi, the toshogu (classified as a bekkaku shrine in 1873) which enshrines Tokugawa, Hideyoshi and the Minatogawa-jinja (1872) in Kobe enshrining, at the spot where he died in battle in 1336, Kusunoki, Masashige, the faithful champion of emperor Daigo. The jinja came in the same category but was dedicated to all fallen loyalists and the war-dead of subsequent national wars, rather than to one hero. See jinja,
Bekku A "subsidiary" shrine within or near to a main worship hall (honden) The deity of the bekku is not necessarily less important than the "main" deity. Cf. hongu, jinja
Belief B
Belief Stuff BS
Believe Really Believe BRB
Believe Receive Obtain Withstand Never BROWN
Benten One of the Originally Sarasvati, a deity of Hindu origin introduced to Japan with Buddhism and associated with the arts and music. In Japan she has been credited with the power to grant longevity, eloquence, wisdom and military victory as well as providing protection from natural disasters. Her symbol is the biwa (lute) and she is often represented with coils of snakes, believed to stand for jealousy, which discourages married couples from visiting her shrine together. She has a "Shinto" name, ichikishima-hime-no-mikoto but often neither priests nor worshippers distinguish her as being particularly Shinto or Buddhist
Benzaiten One of the Originally Sarasvati, a deity of Hindu origin introduced to Japan with Buddhism and associated with the arts and music. In Japan she has been credited with the power to grant longevity, eloquence, wisdom and military victory as well as providing protection from natural disasters. Her symbol is the biwa (lute) and she is often represented with coils of snakes, believed to stand for jealousy, which discourages married couples from visiting her shrine together. She has a "Shinto" name, ichikishima-hime-no-mikoto but often neither priests nor worshippers distinguish her as being particularly Shinto or Buddhist
Beppyo-jinja 'Shrines on the special list'. It refers to the postwar list maintained by Honcho which gives privileged status to about 250 former national or state shrines and other large shrines
Bernardino Riverside Area Sunday School BRASS
Beth Israel BI