
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

10.04.2015 22:33:09 amer. evict выселить (на законном основании; They were evicted from their apartment.)
10.04.2015 22:19:57 police Gunshot Residue остаточный пороховой след (as in "to conduct a GSR test"; от выстрела в упор)
10.04.2015 22:19:57 police gunshot residue пороховой след (от выстрела в упор; abbr. GSR)
10.04.2015 22:10:51 police Scientific Investigation Division Отдел криминалистики (SID)
9.04.2015 22:32:56 amer. smar tass саркастичный тип
9.04.2015 22:30:51 amer. smart ass саркастичный тип (a person who annoys the hell out of people with their sarcastic-attitude)
9.04.2015 22:06:02 amer. not at all нисколечко не (I'm not at all tired.)
9.04.2015 22:02:41 amer. not a bit совсем не (I'm not a bit tired.)
9.04.2015 21:38:49 amer. the lady of the house хозяйка семейства (the female head of a household – usually preceded by "the")
9.04.2015 21:34:20 can. tin консервная банка (из жести; from "a tin can")
9.04.2015 21:29:05 USA Master of ceremonies распорядитель общественного мероприятия
9.04.2015 21:26:37 amer. Master of ceremonies распорядитель (общественного мероприятия; MC is the official host of a staged event or similar performance)
9.04.2015 19:19:39 inf. lack thereof отсутствие оного (it says a lot about his character – or lack thereof)
9.04.2015 19:11:15 inf. lack thereof отсутствие такового (The problem is money, or lack thereof.)
8.04.2015 23:42:11 amer. snap спонтанный (Don’t make a snap decision – take some time to think it over.)
8.04.2015 23:16:39 amer. play along принять участие (в неправомерном деле; She claims she was fired because she refused to play along with the coverup.)
8.04.2015 23:13:55 amer. play along симулировать согласие (They decided to play along with the robbers, at least for a while.; под угрозой)
8.04.2015 23:07:25 amer. play along подыгрывать (на муз.инструменте; I listen to the radio and play along with the songs on my guitar.)
8.04.2015 22:17:06 amer. thereof того самого (о чем упомянуто ранее)
8.04.2015 22:06:17 amer. or lack thereof или отсутствие
8.04.2015 21:57:47 amer. or lack thereof или отсутствие оного (The problem is money, or lack thereof.)
8.04.2015 21:52:28 amer. or lack thereof или отсутствие такового (give expert testimony on the competence, or lack thereof)
7.04.2015 23:47:08 amer. distress психологический стресс (death of his wife caused him great distress)
7.04.2015 23:32:50 nautic. in distress в опасности (a ship in distress)
7.04.2015 23:15:20 amer. indie независимый (разработчик: an indie game developer)
7.04.2015 22:52:45 amer. peace of mind успокоение (For my peace of mind, please check that the door is locked.)
7.04.2015 22:27:19 amer. hip претенциозная публика (a restaurant that catered for a hip)
7.04.2015 22:12:12 amer. hip по последней моде (hip sunglasses whose fancy prices will make you squint in disbelief)
7.04.2015 22:10:03 amer. hip модерновый (stylish, fashionable or just "cool")
7.04.2015 21:53:51 amer. human forebear предшественник современного человека
7.04.2015 21:47:56 amer. emoji японский смайлик (the ideograms or smileys used in Japanese electronic messages and Web pages)
6.04.2015 23:05:47 austral. Aussy rules австралийский футбол (or "Footy")
6.04.2015 22:58:44 sport. Australian football австралийский футбол (a sport played between two teams of eighteen players on the oval-shaped field)
6.04.2015 22:53:34 amer. Australian Football League Австралийская футбольная лига (AFL)
6.04.2015 22:41:41 police caseload рабочая нагрузка (по колич.дел на расследовании; He carried a heavy casload this year.)
6.04.2015 22:36:48 amer. snippet короткий отрывок (из чего-либо: snippets of information about the war)
6.04.2015 22:02:25 inf. stay on оставаться (включённым: stay on upon finishing defragmentation)
6.04.2015 21:56:19 police Investigating Officer детектив (ведущий опр. дело; IO – a detective in charge of the case)
6.04.2015 21:45:09 amer. sleazy зачуханный (to stay in that sleazy motel)
6.04.2015 21:40:28 amer. sleaze скользкий тип
6.04.2015 21:40:02 amer. sleazeball скользкий тип
6.04.2015 11:17:15 sec.sys. sound-suppressed shot выстрел с использованием глушителя
6.04.2015 4:05:46 inf. drag главная дорога (a main street of a town or city)
6.04.2015 3:57:45 amer. drag улица (или дорога)
6.04.2015 3:55:41 inf. drag основная улица (along the town's drag)
6.04.2015 3:52:40 inf. drag скукота (The evening was a real drag.)
6.04.2015 3:43:46 inf. drag скукотища (working nine to five can be a drag)
6.04.2015 3:33:31 low work one's ass off работать как каторжный (My father worked his ass off to pay for our education.)
6.04.2015 3:31:14 inf. work one's ass off ишачить (for someone – на кого-либо) I worked my ass off for that man.)
6.04.2015 2:50:12 amer. catch a second wind получить прилив новых сил (hoping to catch a second wind)
6.04.2015 2:39:18 amer. click shut захлопнуться (office door clicked shut buhind me)
6.04.2015 2:31:26 inf. ever since с той самой поры как (walking to work ever since I'd moved into the new house a month ago)
5.04.2015 22:15:37 amer. right on target точный (Estimates of costs for the new high school were right on target.)
5.04.2015 22:15:17 amer. right on target правильный (I think their comments were right on target.)
5.04.2015 22:06:10 amer. shame on you! как тебе не стыдно!
5.04.2015 22:01:13 amer. right on cue как будто бы по команде
5.04.2015 21:57:48 amer. right on cue как будто по команде (Right on cue, the first drops of rain splat against the window.)
5.04.2015 21:46:41 amer. have a bite перекусить (чего-нибудь; I usually sleep late and just have a quick bite to eat when I get to work.)
5.04.2015 21:38:57 amer. take a bite out of something значительно уменьшать (что-либо: commissions that can take a bite out of your retirement funds)
5.04.2015 21:25:27 amer. sole близкий по духу (человек; mate)
5.04.2015 21:15:47 amer. I'll take it теперь я займусь этим (from here)
5.04.2015 21:11:04 slang brass офицер (The bars on his uniform told me he was brass, not rank and file.)
5.04.2015 21:02:58 amer. bottom-feeder босяк (slang)
5.04.2015 20:23:16 amer. shame on you! как ты только мог!
5.04.2015 19:30:05 inf. rumor has it that поговаривают, что (Rumor has it that Fred is seeing Mary and that they are engaged.)
3.04.2015 22:13:45 amer. crunch numbers анализировать (финансовые показатели; We decided to go ahead with the deal after we crunched the numbers and met with the management team.)
3.04.2015 19:31:04 inf. ever since с той поры когда (Ever since my aunt died I have been sad.)
2.04.2015 22:36:24 amer. soul душа (как олицетворение человека: twenty unfortunate souls who died in the collapse of the building)
2.04.2015 22:25:02 inf. snowpack нанос снега (a seasonal accumulation of slow-melting packed snow)
2.04.2015 22:03:51 amer. hit man наёмный убийца (киллер)
2.04.2015 21:58:10 inf. enforcer "смотрящий" (a criminal employed by a crime syndicate)
2.04.2015 21:51:21 amer. goon мордоворот (He was beat up by a couple of goons.)
1.04.2015 22:21:37 avia. pull up набирать высоту (полёта; The plane pulled up just enough to miss the tower.)
1.04.2015 22:16:52 avia. Pull up! взять ручку управления "на себя"
1.04.2015 22:14:26 avia. pull up! взять ручку управления "на себя" (команда к набору высоты)
1.04.2015 22:06:27 inf. here's the rub вот загвоздка (The factory is ready to go, but here's the rub – there's no market for the products.)
1.04.2015 21:47:31 amer. unequivocal бескомпромиссный (Her answer was an unequivocal yes.)
1.04.2015 21:40:18 inf. unequivocally без всякого сомнения (jury has so quickly and unequivocally brought this matter to an end)
31.03.2015 22:40:38 amer. bring to bay загнать (в ловушку; to force into a position from which retreat is impossible)
31.03.2015 22:35:03 law disavow заявить о несогласии (дезавуировать)
31.03.2015 22:32:01 law disavow опровергнуть
31.03.2015 22:28:55 law disavow опровергать (he will disavow any knowlege of my action)
31.03.2015 22:21:16 gen. keep at bay удерживать (на расстоянии)
31.03.2015 21:58:56 amer. lend a hand пособить (кому-л; Could you lend me a hand with this piano? I need to move it across the room.)
31.03.2015 21:18:59 amer. if the need arises если потребуется
31.03.2015 21:01:51 mil. officer on duty дежурный (OOD)
31.03.2015 20:51:44 amer. custom-engineered сконструированный (по особому заказу; The five-story tower was custom-engineered to perform a few critical lifts.)
30.03.2015 22:13:17 amer. attest засвидетельствовать официально (I can attest that what he has said is true.)
30.03.2015 22:10:31 amer. attest заверить подписью (в кач.свидетеля; to authenticate by signing as a witness)
30.03.2015 21:57:56 amer. testimony показание (под присягой)
30.03.2015 21:50:22 law so noted заявление принято (means that your complaint about judge's ruling has been duly recorded)
30.03.2015 21:29:46 amer. flat edge фаска
30.03.2015 21:08:44 amer. more likely than not скорее всего (как обознач. вероятности) It's more than likely that this problem will occur again. It is more likely than not that the A-plus student will get into college.)
30.03.2015 21:01:51 amer. most likely верней всего (We'll most likely go to a pub tonight.)
30.03.2015 20:39:20 amer. most likely наиболее приемлемый (That seems to be the most likely explanation.)
30.03.2015 6:53:01 amer. that's it! все, хватит! (That's it! I'm not putting up with any more of her rudeness.)
30.03.2015 6:46:45 amer. that's it? и это все?
30.03.2015 6:42:43 amer. that's it хватит (Okay, that's it, you've cried long enough.)
30.03.2015 6:36:54 amer. stink отдаёт душком (slang; The whole operation stinks.)
30.03.2015 6:28:21 amer. suck отдаёт душком (slang: the whole business sucks)

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