
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

3.09.2015 6:38:46 inf. to name but a few как например
3.09.2015 6:36:17 inf. to name but a few взять хотя бы
2.09.2015 8:36:31 amer. bereft отсутствовать (of)
2.09.2015 8:21:45 amer. bereft скорбящий (a bereft mother)
2.09.2015 8:03:27 amer. poppycock бессмыслица (That's a lot of poppycock!)
2.09.2015 8:03:27 amer. poppycock бред (That's a lot of poppycock!)
2.09.2015 7:45:37 amer. fellow citizen соотечественник (как форма обращения; as in "my fellow citizens"; a citizen of the same state as the person speaking, writing, or being referred to)
2.09.2015 7:33:21 amer. powder keg бочонок с порохом (a small usually metal cask for holding gunpowder or blasting powder)
2.09.2015 7:30:23 amer. powder keg опасная ситуация (the place had been a powder keg since the uprising)
2.09.2015 7:00:50 amer. snap легко и просто (crossing the border into Mexico was a snap)
2.09.2015 6:47:09 amer. deepen крепнуть (Over the ​years, her ​love for him deepened.)
2.09.2015 6:42:34 amer. deepen усугубляться (the crisis deepened)
2.09.2015 6:31:38 amer. unlined без морщин (his hair was still black and his face unlined)
2.09.2015 6:27:59 amer. all too well очень даже хорошо (Jim knew that tone of voice all too well)
2.09.2015 6:25:03 comp., net. server farm территориальный серверный кластер
2.09.2015 6:03:46 amer. poker face лицо без следов эмоций (an expressionless face: He can tell a funny story with a poker face.)
2.09.2015 5:59:41 amer. poker face бесстрастное выражение лица (an inscrutable expression on one's face that does not show any thoughts or feelings)
2.09.2015 5:25:52 amer. be on the lam находиться в бегах (Richard has been on the lam for a week now.)
2.09.2015 5:22:01 amer. be on the lam скрываться (от полиции; Richard has been on the lam for a week now.)
2.09.2015 5:18:50 amer. to be on the lam скрываться (от полиции)
2.09.2015 0:31:11 amer. be under way начинаться (It was not long before their journey was under way.)
2.09.2015 0:31:11 amer. be under way начинаться (It was not long before their journey was under way.)
2.09.2015 0:25:50 nautic. underway в ходовом режиме (occurring while in motion; We are going to try underway refueling.)
1.09.2015 18:44:51 amer. get cornered быть окружённым (врагами)
1.09.2015 18:41:59 amer. get cornered оказаться в безвыходной ситуации (figure of speech)
1.09.2015 18:33:59 amer. get cornered быть загнанным в угол (They got me cornered.)
1.09.2015 18:08:42 amer. Lucky me! Такова моя доля!!
1.09.2015 7:58:04 amer. hold one's fire воздержаться (от комментариев; Nancy decided to hold her fire until she had more information.)
1.09.2015 7:54:34 mil. hold your fire! прекратить огонь!
1.09.2015 7:52:40 mil. hold your fire! прекратить стрельбу! (to refrain from shooting)
1.09.2015 7:07:45 amer. Lucky me! это же надо так повезти!
1.09.2015 7:01:37 inf. lucky me такова моя доля (it's an answer which contains ironic or sarcastic overtones)
1.09.2015 5:38:59 amer. draw скоростная стрельба из кольта (от бедра: he's particularly quick on the draw)
1.09.2015 5:24:15 amer. draw a gun выхватить кольт из кобуры (для выстрела на скорость; to pull out a gun for quick shot)
29.08.2015 7:09:28 amer. meronym партоним (или мероним; a part of something used to refer to the whole)
29.08.2015 6:42:27 mil. the last frontier последний рубеж
29.08.2015 6:30:59 amer. the whole time в течение всего времени (We went on vacation, and the whole time the weather was fine.)
29.08.2015 6:26:41 amer. the whole time непрерывно (he was staring at her the whole time)
29.08.2015 6:23:36 amer. the whole time без конца (as in "it was raining the whole time" – без конца шел дождь)
29.08.2015 6:06:15 amer. mama-san бандерша (slang; a female in a position of authority. usually the head of a brothel or adult massage parlor)
28.08.2015 21:51:20 amer. honor уважить (просьбу: he was going to honor the man's last request)
28.08.2015 21:48:11 USA flummox растеряться
28.08.2015 21:45:43 amer. flummox растеряться (same as "confuse")
28.08.2015 21:34:51 amer. turn one's back on something проигнорировать (что-либо)
28.08.2015 21:33:53 amer. turn one's back on something отказаться от (as in "she turned her back on her career to devote her life to animals"; чего-либо)
28.08.2015 21:24:17 amer. respond in kind отреагировать адекватно (They responded in kind, threatening to ban imports from Japan.)
28.08.2015 21:24:17 inf. respond in kind отплатить тем же (They responded in kind, threatening to ban imports from Japan.)
28.08.2015 8:28:21 amer. beefed up security усиленная охрана (a beefed up security detail)
28.08.2015 8:20:47 amer. thought-out убедительный (a carefully thought-out plan)
28.08.2015 8:16:22 amer. carefully thought-out основательно обдуманный (it was likely the result of a carefylly thought-out plan)
28.08.2015 8:01:20 sport, bask. slam dunk бросок в корзину сверху в прыжке (a shot in which a player thrusts the ball forcefully down through the basket)
28.08.2015 7:58:21 amer. slam dunker самый результативный игрок (в баскетбол: the top 10 list of Best Slam Dunkers in Basketball)
27.08.2015 7:45:58 amer. on the outskirts в окрестности (a park on the outskirts of Chicago)
27.08.2015 7:38:30 amer. on the outskirts в пригородном районе (in plural form)
27.08.2015 7:32:26 amer. outskirts пригородный район (a park on the outskirts of Chicago)
27.08.2015 7:28:15 amer. tell it to the marines ври, да не завирайся (a scornful response to an unbelievable story)
27.08.2015 7:24:43 amer. tell it to the marines расскажи кому-нибудь другому (You were here all day? Sure, you were – tell it to the marines.)
27.08.2015 6:49:17 amer. drop-off явное снижение (посещаемости)
27.08.2015 6:46:40 amer. drop-off явное снижение (как эффект: a drop–off in attendance)
27.08.2015 6:38:12 amer. drop off засыпать на ходу (struggle as she might, she kept dropping off)
27.08.2015 5:23:16 busin. Joint implementation совместное внедрение (проекта: a JI-project)
27.08.2015 5:13:46 amer. walk on by игнорировать (someone – кого-либо или не замечать; in a figurative sense, it means to ignore someone)
26.08.2015 16:59:27 gen. pleasant trip приятная поездка (доставляющая удовольствие)
26.08.2015 14:01:21 mil. who Dares Wins Побеждает только отважный (a motto made popular by the British SAS)
26.08.2015 8:06:49 mil. who Dares Wins Побеждает отважный
25.08.2015 9:11:54 amer. mine and mine alone моё и только моё
25.08.2015 9:10:43 amer. mine and mine alone моё-и только моё (The blame is mine and mine alone.)
25.08.2015 8:20:53 amer. chum up сойтись накоротке (с кем-либо; She chummed up with some ​girls from Bristol on ​holiday.)
25.08.2015 8:12:57 nautic. designed from the keel up специально спроектированный (figure of speech; от киля до клотика)
25.08.2015 7:57:13 amer. wheels тачка (slang; в смысле "автомашина")
25.08.2015 7:55:41 inf. ride тачка (a car: he parked in front of my ride)
25.08.2015 7:51:19 amer. wheels автомашина (slang; I'm gonna need my wheels, dude.)
25.08.2015 6:57:32 amer. touch up подкрасить (для устр. местных дефектов)
25.08.2015 6:50:42 amer. touchup area подкрашиваемый участок (you'll need to lightly tip-off the touchup area)
25.08.2015 6:11:28 inf. touch up painting подкрасить (отд. места для устранения дефектов: how to touch up a wall without making the patch too big)
22.08.2015 7:19:24 amer. don't get me wrong не следует заблуждаться (на мой счёт; Don't get me wrong, I like Carol, I just think she has some irritating habits.)
22.08.2015 7:13:17 amer. don't get me wrong следует чётко понимать (как и я; Don't get me wrong – we're glad to have a couple of star players – but it's the team that wins games.)
22.08.2015 6:47:11 amer. here'is the deal вот в чём дело
22.08.2015 6:45:27 amer. given enough time при наличии достаточного времени (given enough time everything will happen)
22.08.2015 6:40:15 amer. isolated уединённый (напр.уединенное место; area)
22.08.2015 6:25:31 invect. fucking moron долбоёб
22.08.2015 6:15:14 amer. second to none лучше, чем где-либо (The conditions that these prisoners are kept in are second to none.)
21.08.2015 21:51:40 amer. here is the deal вот в чём дело (с послед. объяснением)
21.08.2015 21:48:39 amer. here is the deal дело вот в чём
21.08.2015 21:42:09 inf. here's the deal дело вот в чём (You want in? Here's the deal)
21.08.2015 21:35:59 amer. anchor babies дети, рождённые в США от нелегальных иммигрантов (a deroratory description of children born in the United States to illegal immigrants)
20.08.2015 8:01:40 amer. hold one's horses не торопиться (Just hold your horses, Bill! Let's think about this for a moment.)
20.08.2015 8:01:40 inf. old.fash. hold your horses не торопись
20.08.2015 7:51:34 amer. get around избегать (встречи с кем-либо)
20.08.2015 7:48:13 amer. get around избегать (someone); встречи с кем-либо; Her former friends now get around her.)
20.08.2015 7:36:44 amer. get around something обойти (что-либонапр., закон; There are ways of getting around the tax rules.)
20.08.2015 6:45:07 amer. hit close to home затронуть за живое (Her comment hit close to home.)
19.08.2015 7:33:29 amer. uptick эскалация (the uptick in fighting activities in the region)
19.08.2015 7:31:04 amer. uptick заметное увеличение (The once-safe streets of Egypt have seen an uptick in theft, sexual assault, and weapons-related violence.)
19.08.2015 7:26:08 amer. uptick всплеск (активности; We can see some uptick in activity in the marketplace.)
19.08.2015 7:17:24 amer. get caught попасться (на чём-либо: he gets caught in his own trap)
19.08.2015 7:04:47 gen. spillway водоотвод (a passageway through which surplus water escapes from a reservoir, lake, or the like)
19.08.2015 6:59:27 amer. step in выйти на замену (кого-либо: a substitute stepped in for the injured player)
19.08.2015 6:48:05 amer. step into входить (в помещение;: Tiffany stepped into the room and said hello to everyone.)
19.08.2015 6:48:05 amer. step into войти в (помещение;: Tiffany stepped into the room and said hello to everyone.)

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