
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

21.11.2015 5:10:02 amer. dream trap индейский амулет "ловец снов" (по преданию отгоняет дурные сны)
21.11.2015 0:11:05 amer. two of a kind похожи как две капли воды (the guys looked like two of a kind, almost like brothers)
21.11.2015 0:09:03 amer. two peas in a pod похожие друг на друга (two of a kind: We were two peas in a pod – we liked all the same things, and we did everything together.)
20.11.2015 23:56:33 amer. inquiring дотошный
20.11.2015 23:54:36 amer. inquiring пытливый (ум: an open, inquiring mind)
20.11.2015 23:45:16 amer. inquiring вопрошающий (взгляд: he shot them an inquiring look)
20.11.2015 22:49:28 police tapped phone телефон, взятый на прослушку (и контроль перемещения)
20.11.2015 10:04:18 amer. whatever goes around comes around все возвращается на круги своя (Now he is the victim of his own policies. Whatever goes around, comes around.)
20.11.2015 9:50:31 amer. tune out игнорировать (кого-либо; ignore someone or something: He tunes me out every time I ask him about the money that he owes me.)
20.11.2015 8:25:57 amer. take on the mantle взять бразды правления (в свои руки;: It is up to Europe to take on the mantle of leadership in environmental issues.)
20.11.2015 8:14:58 amer. rain or shine без разницы – солнце или дождь (no matter whether it rains or the sun shines: We'll hold the picnic–rain or shine.)
20.11.2015 8:08:18 amer. expletive-laced rhetoric пересыпанное бранными словами разглагольствование
20.11.2015 8:03:31 amer. expletive-laced пересыпанный бранными словами (the expletive-laced note)
20.11.2015 7:51:49 inf. ad hominem делая нападки на личность (а не на его доводы; attacking an opponent's character rather than answering his arguments)
20.11.2015 7:42:24 amer. ad hominem апеллируя в основном к чувствам, а не разуму (he was arguing ad hominem)
20.11.2015 7:42:24 inf. ad hominem апеллируя к чувствам (а не разуму; appealing to feelings rather than intellect: he was arguing ad hominem)
20.11.2015 7:25:20 amer. chew the fat говорить ерунду
20.11.2015 7:24:57 amer. chew the fat молоть чепуху
20.11.2015 6:24:06 amer. mull something over внимательно обдумать (что-либо; That's an interesting idea, but I'll have to mull it over.)
20.11.2015 6:05:35 amer. dress up принарядиться (к чему-либо; Please dress up for the dance.)
20.11.2015 2:45:48 slang towelhead мужик в чалме (offensive word; a person who wears a turban)
20.11.2015 0:31:15 amer. all at once всё одновременно (all at the same time: scared and excited all at once)
19.11.2015 23:59:55 amer. wind down закруглять (деятельность)
19.11.2015 23:50:06 inf. fall for запасть (на кого-либо) She was so beautiful and I just fell for her right away.)
19.11.2015 23:27:33 mil., lingo raghead мужчина в чалме (offensive term; a person who wears a turban)
19.11.2015 10:11:23 amer. weed травка (марихуана; slang)
19.11.2015 10:10:31 amer. weed травка (наркотик; slang; the broadly hippest current term for marijuana)
19.11.2015 10:00:43 amer. play a part in привносить (s in ""numerous factors play a part in job satisfaction")
19.11.2015 9:38:53 inf. legalese правовая терминология ("I was confused by the legalese in the contract.")
19.11.2015 9:27:04 amer. well-versed хорошо владеющий (своим ремеслом: I'm not well-versed in legalese)
19.11.2015 8:45:52 amer. hardship житейские лишения
19.11.2015 8:43:24 amer. hardship жизненные невзгоды
19.11.2015 8:13:11 amer. blemish испортить (общее впечатление; spoil the appearance: thousands of Web pages are blemished with embarrassing typos)
19.11.2015 7:55:51 amer. diminish поставить в унизительное положение (someone – кого-либо: the trial has aged and diminished him)
19.11.2015 7:12:45 amer. on the defensive быть готовым к защите (от нападок; In his presence, she was constantly on the defensive.)
19.11.2015 7:09:28 amer. on the defensive быть готовым дать отпор (The ​speech ​produced a ​firestorm of ​protest, putting him on the ​defensive.)
19.11.2015 6:33:25 inf. more than once и не один раз (he had a huge nose that had been broken more that once)
19.11.2015 6:27:29 amer. deadpan безучастный
18.11.2015 9:53:18 amer. firmament круг (или круги: within the firmament of international fashion)
18.11.2015 9:41:24 amer. firmament круг интересов (the field or sphere of an interest or activity)
18.11.2015 9:37:59 amer. firmament среда (one of the great stars in the American golfing firmament)
18.11.2015 9:26:41 amer. pin down удерживать (на месте; For a time, the crew was pinned down by machine-gun fire.)
18.11.2015 9:16:28 amer. ongoing продолжительный (It should be practiced on an ongoing basis and until you have developed the skill.)
18.11.2015 7:28:59 inf. soon after спустя некоторое время
18.11.2015 7:13:11 construct. supertall building сверхвысотное здание
18.11.2015 6:52:13 construct. tuned liquid damper жидкостный компенсатор резонансных колебаний (сверхвысотных зданий; TLD is a giant water tank at the top of the supertall building which helps to counteract the building's swaying caused by wind or earthquakes)
18.11.2015 6:24:56 USA Department of Motor Vehicles Департамент штата по регистрации транспортных средств (DMV) In the United States DMV is a state-level government agency that administers vehicle registration and driver licensing.)
17.11.2015 23:52:31 amer. bundled up from head to toe укутанный с головы до ног
17.11.2015 23:31:27 mil. recon mission разведывательная операция
17.11.2015 10:09:42 amer. pipe down прекратить шум (как указание; to cease making noise: Pipe down, can't you see we're working here.)
17.11.2015 9:20:00 amer. hold back придержать на время
17.11.2015 9:18:24 amer. hold back придержать до поры до времени
17.11.2015 9:14:51 amer. hold back придержать (что-либо: he held some info back for a later date)
17.11.2015 8:58:52 amer. strike back отплатить той же монетой (as in"he decided to strike back at the critics")
17.11.2015 8:55:19 amer. strike back ответить (ударом на удар; They threatened to strike back against the UN for the bombing raids.)
17.11.2015 8:04:55 amer. matronly солидная (женщина: she was beginning to look matronly)
17.11.2015 7:24:33 amer. main culprit основная причина (ухудшения ситуации; Children in this ​country are getting much too ​fat, and ​sugar and ​sweets are the ​main culprits.)
17.11.2015 7:05:46 gen. turn in заехать (свернуть с дороги куда-либо: I'll turn in for gas now. – Сейчас заеду на заправку.)
17.11.2015 7:05:46 amer. turn in свернуть (куда-либо; I'll turn in for gas now.)
17.11.2015 7:02:28 slang turn in сдать (что-либо или кого-либо полиции и т.д.: His own brother turned him in. • We couldn't decide what to do with the money we found on the side of the road; she said we should turn it in, I said we should keep it.)
17.11.2015 7:02:28 amer. turn in сдать полиции (кого-либо; His own brother turned him in.)
17.11.2015 6:57:37 gen. turn in вернуть (что-либо; в знач. "сдать": I think Mr. Watkins has already turned in his pass and his pager.)
17.11.2015 6:39:55 amer. stretch thin испытывать нехватку (кадров: we're stretched thin with responders this week)
17.11.2015 5:22:11 gen. Guy Fawkes mask маска Гая Фокса (один из символов акций протеста; the mask became a well-known symbol for the online group "Anonymous" and widely used by anti-government and anti-establishment marchers)
16.11.2015 23:08:13 lit. damsel in distress молодая особа в опасности (she's a typical damsel-in-distress character)
16.11.2015 22:32:02 gen. Guy Fawkes mask маска Гая Фокса (один из символов акций протеста (the mask became a well-known symbol for the online group Anonymous and widely used by anti-government and anti-establishment marchers to keep anonymity)
16.11.2015 6:32:48 econ. pay in recompense выплатить денежную сумму (в счёт компенсации понесенных убытков: substantial damages were paid in recompense)
16.11.2015 5:54:10 amer. have a quick bite to eat перехватить (о еде)
16.11.2015 2:31:16 mil. badge отличительный нагрудный знак (in the military, badges are used to denote the unit or arm which the wearer belongs to, and also qualifications received through military training, rank, etc.)
16.11.2015 1:38:13 gen. encore продолжение (выступления, представления, книги и т.п., особ. по просьбе публики; далеко не всегда означает "на бис": Can I get an encore? • The band spontaneously played an extra song as an encore. • Like its predecessor, this novel will leave readers aching for an encore.)
14.11.2015 23:01:00 amer. poker face человек с бесстрастным лицом (a person who has or deliberately assumes a poker face: It is impossible to tell what that poker face is really thinking.)
14.11.2015 21:49:39 amer. point-blank простой
14.11.2015 21:40:18 amer. point-blank напрямую (directly: He ​asked me point-blank if I was ​lying.)
14.11.2015 21:40:18 amer. point-blank напрямик (directly: He ​asked me point-blank if I was ​lying.)
14.11.2015 9:31:20 amer. discussant принимающий участие в обсуждении вопросов (на конференции: often he was asked to be both a discassant and a presenter)
14.11.2015 7:56:40 amer. well-built прочный (о конструкции; of strong, solid construction: the well-built and massively thick walls)
14.11.2015 6:54:20 amer. once grand некогда великолепный (о чём-либо старом; Once grand, the building was all getting pritty shabby now.)
14.11.2015 6:40:40 law mortal danger опасность, угрожающая смертью
14.11.2015 1:39:55 amer. in a crude way созданный примитивным способом (constructed in a crude way)
13.11.2015 22:16:12 amer. in general в общем и целом (when the speaker is discussing the topic broadly)
13.11.2015 21:57:52 amer. in general terms не вдаваясь в подробности
13.11.2015 21:36:04 amer. jerry-rigged сооружённый наспех (из подручных средств)
13.11.2015 10:16:08 amer. bag out вздуться (о парусе; to swell or bulge: A stiff breeze made the sails bag out.)
13.11.2015 10:04:59 austral. bag out критиковать (slang; to criticise someone: I don't mean to bag you out, but that top is really not flattering on you.)
13.11.2015 9:58:23 amer. none whatsoever абсолютно никаких (проблем; Are there any problems? None whatsoever.)
13.11.2015 9:57:07 inf. none whatsoever ни в коем случае
13.11.2015 9:54:08 amer. none whatsoever никоим образом
13.11.2015 9:53:02 amer. none whatsoever никак нет
13.11.2015 9:47:53 amer. every once in a while не так часто
13.11.2015 9:34:24 amer. star in the making восходящая звезда (в процессе становления: she is a star in the making)
13.11.2015 8:27:11 amer. enter the fray оказываться вовлечённым (в распри; Members of the royal family rarely enter the political fray.)
13.11.2015 8:22:51 amer. join the fray присоединиться к предпраздничной суете
13.11.2015 8:21:03 amer. join the fray включиться в состязание (Other bidders are now likely to enter the fray.)
13.11.2015 8:13:16 amer. join the fray присоединиться к конкурентной борьбе (today Walmart has joined the fray with their own deals)
13.11.2015 8:01:25 amer. indentation of something вмятина (от чего-либо)
13.11.2015 7:59:45 amer. indentation of something след (от чего-либо: his ring finger had the indentation of a ring)
13.11.2015 7:27:18 amer. get emotional расчувствоваться
13.11.2015 7:25:46 amer. get emotional растрогаться (из-за чего-либо: it's easy to get emotional)
13.11.2015 7:08:24 amer. jerry-built сооружённый наспех (из подручных средств: like a cardboard box he'd jerry-built into his own space)
13.11.2015 6:44:31 amer. abuse of authority злоупотребление служебным положением

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