
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

17.12.2015 10:37:59 inf. it's beyond any doubt вне всякого сомнения (His ability to succeed has been established. It's beyond any doubt.)
17.12.2015 8:04:42 amer. circumvent обходить стороной (find a way around) As in: The checkpoints were easy to circumvent)
17.12.2015 7:57:37 inf. thank goodness слава богу (что все хорошо; an expression of relief: thank goodness no one was badly injured)
17.12.2015 7:28:41 inf. through по опр.время включительно (it starts today and continues through Friday)
17.12.2015 7:19:33 polit. internet sovereignty суверенитет в интернете (the notion that nations should have total control over the Internet within their borders; англ. термин используется в новостных сообщениях CNN, США)
17.12.2015 7:18:05 comp.sl. jarg. internet sovereignty интернет-суверенитет
17.12.2015 7:14:12 comp.sl. jarg. cyber sovereignty суверенитет киберпространства
17.12.2015 6:57:48 inf. bitch трудная задача (the stove is a bitch to fix)
17.12.2015 1:40:03 psychiat. delusion бредовая иллюзия
17.12.2015 1:26:48 polit. grand delusion колоссальное заблуждение
17.12.2015 0:29:26 amer. it seems like Вроде того (в кач. краткого ответа)
16.12.2015 9:57:59 amer. brood группа
16.12.2015 9:56:04 amer. brood обдумывать (He brooded the problem.)
15.12.2015 10:06:20 amer. out of the blue как чёрт из табакерки
15.12.2015 9:46:32 amer. fall into disrepair приходить в негодное состояние
15.12.2015 9:40:03 amer. state of disrepair ветхое состояние (здания; The place is in such a state of disrepair that it is dangerous.)
15.12.2015 7:25:33 amer. off завалить (someone – кого-либо) slang: they offed him a week later)
15.12.2015 7:18:10 amer. nick of time вовремя (idiom)
15.12.2015 7:05:02 amer. like a jack in the box появиться внезапно (как гром среди ясного неба; idiom)
15.12.2015 6:38:05 amer. in the nick of time весьма кстати (The doctor arrived in the nick of time and the patient's life was saved.)
12.12.2015 9:16:52 amer. hillbilly humor тупой юмор
12.12.2015 9:15:50 disappr. hillbilly тупой (о человеке: hillbilly humor)
12.12.2015 9:14:14 amer. hillbilly пентюх
12.12.2015 9:09:49 derog. hillbilly вахлак
12.12.2015 9:09:12 contempt. hillbilly деревня (о человеке) an unsophisticated country person)
12.12.2015 9:00:33 gen. scab корочка (на ране: the scab formed over the cut on her hand)
12.12.2015 8:16:01 amer. guesswork догадливость (She had to rely on ​pure guesswork in ​deciding how much ​food to ​order.)
12.12.2015 7:59:15 inf. used to когда-то (раньше что-то происходило: valleys where rivers used to run – долины, где когда-то текли реки)
12.12.2015 7:09:42 inf. hoodie куртка с капюшоном (a sweater that has a hood)
12.12.2015 5:22:37 amer. justice судья Верховного Суда (страны или штата в США; a judge of the supreme court of a country or state: Justice Scalia is under fire for his comments)
12.12.2015 0:02:47 auto. big rig грузовик-тягач с трейлером (another term for "18-wheeler")
11.12.2015 23:51:44 amer. do мужская причёска (slang)
11.12.2015 23:38:08 inf. coif причёска (hair or hairdo: Trump manages to create the unique coif that is half combover, half Davy Crockett cap)
11.12.2015 10:04:02 amer. fad веяние (напр.в моде; She's always interested in the latest fads.)
11.12.2015 9:11:05 amer. off one's rocker slang крыша поехала (у кого-либо)
11.12.2015 8:43:41 lit. relic of the past старинный обычай (или обряд; по контексту)
11.12.2015 8:25:28 gen. cislunar space окололунное пространство
11.12.2015 7:26:05 amer. kowtow угодничать
11.12.2015 7:25:55 amer. kowtow ходить на полусогнутых
11.12.2015 7:22:32 amer. kowtow подхалимничать (you can try kowtowing to the boss, but he'll see right through you)
11.12.2015 7:11:48 amer. brag похваляться (about: The ​government has been bragging about the good ​economy.)
9.12.2015 23:17:02 inf. lost soul заблудшая душа (I am trying to help sinners and bring their lost souls back to the fold.)
9.12.2015 23:02:42 amer. rack one's brains шевелить извилинами
9.12.2015 22:59:18 amer. rack one's brains напрячь свои мозги (I've been racking my brains trying to recall where we put the key.)
9.12.2015 22:58:04 amer. rack one's brains кумекать
9.12.2015 22:57:03 amer. rack one's brains размышлять (I racked my brains all afternoon, but couldn't remember where I put the book.)
9.12.2015 9:09:48 police community custody условное освобождение осуждённого (под надзор; same as "probation" in some states)
9.12.2015 7:56:53 police get probation получить условный срок
9.12.2015 7:49:01 busin. probation испытательный срок (для работника: for an initial period of probation, your manager will closely monitor your progress)
9.12.2015 6:28:58 amer. and good riddance! ну и слава богу! (He's gone, and good riddance!)
9.12.2015 6:28:58 idiom. good riddance и слава богу (в контексте: He's gone, and good riddance!)
9.12.2015 2:58:54 amer. it remains to be seen ещё не совсем ясно
9.12.2015 2:58:04 amer. it remains to be seen пока не совсем ясно (t remains to be seen whether she’ll be fit enough to play in the finals.)
9.12.2015 0:05:11 amer. grits блюдо из кукурузной крупы (popular in the Southern United States)
8.12.2015 22:33:34 amer. left and right повсюду (idiom)
8.12.2015 22:32:56 amer. left and right везде (idiom)
8.12.2015 22:31:48 brit. left, right and centre везде и всюду (idiom)
8.12.2015 22:30:36 brit. left, right and centre повсеместно (idiom)
8.12.2015 22:18:34 inf. left and right везде
8.12.2015 9:42:45 amer. take оценка (кого-или чего-либо; an opinion or assessment)
8.12.2015 9:40:09 amer. take мнение (о ком-либо; What's your take on this candidate?)
8.12.2015 9:27:13 amer. apples and oranges две совершенно разные (вещи, ситуации)
8.12.2015 9:19:03 amer. apples and oranges как небо и земля (You can't compare inner city schools and schools in the suburbs – they're apples and oranges.)
8.12.2015 9:05:33 amer. apples and oranges абсолютно разные (You can't talk about Fred and Ted in the same breath! They're like apples and oranges.)
8.12.2015 7:03:04 amer. once in a while нечасто (Once in a while I enjoy going fishing.)
8.12.2015 7:01:36 amer. once in a while порой
7.12.2015 0:44:37 amer. yakety-yak словоблудие (continuous, and trivial talk or conversation)
7.12.2015 0:37:37 inf. yak трепотня (incessant idle or gossipy talk)
7.12.2015 0:33:02 inf. yak языком чесать (They've been yakking on the phone for over an hour.)
7.12.2015 0:23:09 amer. yuck выражение отвращения (used to express strong distaste or disgust: Raw herrings! Yuck!)
6.12.2015 23:35:55 amer. they deserve each other одного поля ягода
6.12.2015 23:34:48 amer. they deserve each other два сапога пара
6.12.2015 23:27:28 saying. two boots make a pair два сапога пара (Russians use "two boots make a pair" to describe two people who are compatible and close.)
6.12.2015 23:19:56 amer. hammered на кочерге
6.12.2015 23:17:27 slang buzzed на кочерге (амер.)
6.12.2015 23:04:20 amer. little tipsy слегка поддатый
6.12.2015 22:51:03 amer. buzz звонок (по телефону; I’ll give you a buzz early next ​week.)
6.12.2015 22:11:01 amer. hold the fort заменить (кого-либо; idiom; Harry did a good job of holding the fort until his boss recovered.)
6.12.2015 22:01:58 amer. hold the fort присмотреть (за чем-либо; idiom; You should open the store at eight o'clock and hold the fort until I get there at ten.)
5.12.2015 10:01:38 gen. sortation сортировка (как процесс; the act or process of sorting: sortation center)
5.12.2015 9:50:57 gen. sortation разбирание
5.12.2015 9:48:35 gen. sortation подборка (по опр. критериям)
5.12.2015 8:37:42 gen. as clear as day к гадалке ходить не надо
5.12.2015 7:52:22 amer. for nothing тщетно
5.12.2015 7:31:47 gen. not for nothing не зря (Not for nothing is New York City called the fashion capital of the world. • Not for nothing did the Citi board press him into service as chairman in late 2007, after his predecessor's head rolled because of the company's $10 billion loss.)
5.12.2015 7:31:47 amer. not for nothing не без причины (Not for nothing is New York City called the fashion capital of the world.)
5.12.2015 7:01:50 amer. rear its head проявить себя (о проблеме; It was in the 1970s that the problem of violent soccer fans first reared its head in Britain.)
4.12.2015 23:28:13 amer. holy grail голубая мечта (idiom; something that you want very much but that is very hard to get or achieve)
4.12.2015 23:24:26 amer. holy grail сокровенное желание (idiom; Finding a cure for cancer is the holy grail of medical researchers.)
4.12.2015 23:21:44 amer. holy grail заветная мечта (idiom; Earth-like ​planets – the holy grail of ​planet ​hunting – are too ​small to ​detect.)
4.12.2015 21:26:31 amer. over-the-road truck driver дальнобойщик (an interstate driver)
4.12.2015 21:19:51 amer. long-haul driver дальнобойщик
4.12.2015 9:46:21 amer. dead leaves увядшая листва
4.12.2015 8:09:45 amer. fall through the cracks остаться невостребованным
4.12.2015 7:36:46 inf. go ballistic рассвирепеть
4.12.2015 7:29:13 amer. pick up vibes уловить (настрой человека)
4.12.2015 7:16:30 amer. pick up vibes уловить эмоциональный настрой (человека: we've been picking up some bad vibes on that guy)
4.12.2015 6:55:16 amer. vibes атмосфера (места; I didn't like the ​place – it had ​bad vibes.)
4.12.2015 6:44:45 amer. the very one именно тот самый (Is he the shink we met yesterday? The very one.)
4.12.2015 1:42:12 amer. right on the money абсолютно права (Shania ​guessed there were 126 ​jelly ​beans, and she was right on the ​money.)

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