
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

14.01.2016 5:25:05 amer. hallmarks отличительные черты (An ​independent ​press is one of the hallmarks of a ​free ​society.)
14.01.2016 5:21:33 inf. hang up прервать (телефонный разговор; to terminate a telephone call: She hung up on me!)
14.01.2016 5:12:37 amer. wish list список нужных вещей и дел (a list of desired things or occurrences)
14.01.2016 5:05:49 amer. doctored vodka паленая водка
14.01.2016 4:22:35 amer. doctored паленый (алкоголь: a batch of doctored whisky)
13.01.2016 21:11:20 amer. have the balls проявить решимость (You're a pussy, you don't even have the balls to ask for a girl's number!)
13.01.2016 21:09:54 amer. get a lot of balls проявить решимость (You've got a lot of balls showing your face in here.)
13.01.2016 10:22:54 idiom. explan. be out of the woods выйти из критического состояния (be past a critical phase: As soon as her temperature is down, she'll be out of the woods.)
13.01.2016 10:09:43 amer. be under the weather чувствовать недомогание (idiom; My father has been under the weather but he's coming around now.)
13.01.2016 9:57:39 amer. be more focused быть более целеустремлённым (I’m much more focused this year.)
13.01.2016 9:51:07 amer. rev-up резко ускоряться (to accelerate sharply: The economy is beginning to rev up.)
13.01.2016 9:38:11 amer. blown away потрясён (до глубины души; I was blown away, I really was.)
13.01.2016 8:37:48 amer. blow away задеть за живое (Your wonderful new poems really blow me away.)
13.01.2016 8:36:30 amer. blow away произвести сильное впечатление (на кого-либо; Their amazing performance blew away every member of the audience.)
13.01.2016 8:33:24 amer. blow away поразить (The amount of the check blew me away.; кого-либо)
13.01.2016 8:19:36 amer. take a nap поспать накоротке (I am going to take a 30 minute nap)
13.01.2016 8:11:21 amer. get some shut-eye покемарить (we'd better get some shut-eye)
13.01.2016 8:08:29 amer. get some shut-eye задрыхнуть (I need to get home and get some shut-eye before I do anything else.)
13.01.2016 7:47:21 inf. quickie по-быстрому (done or made quickly)
13.01.2016 7:45:37 slang quickie секс по-быстрому (slang; a sexual romp that's exactly that – quick)
13.01.2016 7:22:24 gen. in the meantime а пока что (In the meantime, you can use Jude's)
13.01.2016 7:14:55 amer. get the upper hand idiom получить контроль (над ситуацией; There is always worry over who will get the upper hand in the oil markets.)
13.01.2016 7:12:14 idiom. have the upper hand контролировать ситуацию (now she felt she had the upper hand)
13.01.2016 7:04:39 idiom. upper hand преимущество (At half time, the Italian team seem to have the upper hand.)
13.01.2016 6:56:16 inf. wistful невесёлый (a wistful smile)
13.01.2016 6:52:56 inf. wistful меланхоличный (in the soft light, her smile was wistful)
12.01.2016 9:57:18 amer. take a guess напрячь свои мозги (What'd he want? Take a guess, Bobby.)
12.01.2016 9:52:28 amer. in one piece без единой царапины (he made it out of town in one piece)
12.01.2016 8:05:45 inf. upend перевернуть кверху дном (figure of speech)
12.01.2016 7:54:04 inf. upend в корне изменить (себя, жизнь: lives upended by a prison error)
12.01.2016 7:39:10 inf. best of all лучше не бывает
12.01.2016 7:38:26 inf. best of all самое лучшее (There was ​wonderful ​food, good ​company, and, best of all, a ​jazz ​band.)
12.01.2016 6:50:30 TV as time goes by пока время проходит (title of a British romantic sitcom)
12.01.2016 6:44:17 amer. abuzz взбудораженный
12.01.2016 6:43:31 amer. abuzz возбуждённый
12.01.2016 6:42:27 amer. be abuzz находиться в возбуждённом состоянии (the entire scientific community was abuzz with the new string theory)
12.01.2016 6:28:51 amer. presidential hopeful кандидат в президенты (с шансами на успех: GOP presidential hopefuls)
12.01.2016 6:26:53 amer. hopefull кандидат (с шансами на успех: GOP presidential hopefuls)
12.01.2016 5:16:30 inf. whatsoever слово для усиления значения фразы (David felt no bitterness whatsoever – Дэвид не ощутил никакого расстройства)
9.01.2016 9:54:45 inf. get married вступить в законный брак (to ​begin a ​legal ​relationship with someone: When are you getting married?)
9.01.2016 9:36:25 inf. beeline напрямую (taking the shortest route)
9.01.2016 9:19:08 inf. make a beeline идти прямиком (as in"than he made a beeline for Penn Station")
9.01.2016 8:11:18 inf. break apart разбить вдребезги (crash)
9.01.2016 8:08:02 inf. break apart разбирать на части (что-либо; disassemble)
9.01.2016 8:01:52 slang brake apart разбирать на части
9.01.2016 7:14:16 slang bluff кидать понты (he's been bluffing all along)
9.01.2016 7:02:28 amer. bluffs понты
9.01.2016 5:34:27 amer. slick хорошо организованный (a slick advertising campaign)
9.01.2016 5:31:16 amer. slick как по маслу (it was a slick operation)
9.01.2016 5:18:07 amer. go sour не состояться (idiom; It looks like all my plans are going sour.)
9.01.2016 5:16:29 amer. go sour не сложиться (idiom: but the deal went sour)
8.01.2016 9:56:29 amer. lap dance порно-танец на коленях (slang)
8.01.2016 9:50:40 amer. lap dance эротический танец на коленях (у клиента стриптиз-клуба)
8.01.2016 9:39:28 amer. titty bar стриптиз-клуб (slang for a strip club)
8.01.2016 9:32:04 amer. picky излишне требовательный (but this was no time to be picky)
8.01.2016 9:19:29 amer. rather picky весьма разборчивый (she had been a picky eater as a child)
8.01.2016 9:10:17 amer. enough to worry about есть о чем беспокоиться (He had enough to worry about after what'd happened.)
8.01.2016 9:06:13 amer. rip-off обдиралово (Don’t)
8.01.2016 8:05:49 amer. gather one's wits собраться с мыслями (I ​spent the five-minute ​break between ​games ​gathering my ​wits and ​rethinking my ​strategy for the second ​half.)
8.01.2016 8:00:58 amer. gather one's wits овладеть собой (Sitting down in one of the chairs I attempted to gather my wits and decide what I should do.)
8.01.2016 7:57:07 amer. gather one's wits успокоить нервы (I was really scared, but I knew I had to gather my wits and try to figure out what to do.)
8.01.2016 7:53:18 amer. gather one's wits прийти в норму (all she needed was a minute of two to gather her wits)
8.01.2016 6:15:39 amer. in a blink of an eye моментально (extremely quickly)
8.01.2016 6:14:46 amer. in a blink of an eye вмиг (There was a huge "boom" and in the blink of an eye the buildings were gone.)
8.01.2016 6:11:42 amer. in a blink of an eye в одно мгновение (In the blink of an eye the handsome prince was transformed into an ugly frog.)
7.01.2016 9:58:58 amer. Run for one's life! Спасайся кто может! (The dam has burst! Run for your life!)
7.01.2016 9:31:37 sport. rollerblader любитель катания на роликовых коньках (a skater who uses rollerblades)
7.01.2016 9:18:09 gen. over and over раз за разом (The little girl demanded over and over to be picked up so she could see the performers on stage)
7.01.2016 9:01:44 amer. twist неожиданный поворот (событий; an unexpected development)
7.01.2016 9:00:24 amer. twist поворот (судьбы: weird twists of fate)
7.01.2016 5:28:53 astronaut. Airborne Launch Assist Space Access схема запуска космического аппарата с самолёта-носителя (abbr. ALASA)
6.01.2016 22:12:07 tech. durability under low-temperature conditions холодопрочность (применительно к изделиям при транспортировке)
6.01.2016 9:45:51 amer. doting почитаемый (кто-либо)
6.01.2016 9:23:37 inf. waste-yard мусорная свалка (a piece of land where waste materials are dumped)
6.01.2016 9:13:01 amer. horrendous чудовищный (Horrendous explosions shook the whole city.)
6.01.2016 9:04:06 amer. something horrendous нечто жуткое
6.01.2016 9:00:53 amer. something horrendous нечто ужасающее (if you've ever encountered something horrendous that you could barely even think about it)
6.01.2016 8:48:56 amer. beat to a pulp жестоко избить (кого-либо; idiom; He was beaten to a pulp in a back street and left there to die.)
6.01.2016 7:51:11 inf. another ещё одна (новость; I got another piece of news for you.)
6.01.2016 7:47:43 amer. another piece of news ещё одна новость (I got another piece of news for you.)
6.01.2016 7:38:47 amer. inconceivable невозможный (it was far-fatched but not inconceivable)
6.01.2016 7:34:40 amer. far-fetched далёкий от реальности (it was far-fatched but not inconceivable)
5.01.2016 10:15:33 inf. coot простачок (Don't mind him–he's just a crazy old coot.)
5.01.2016 10:14:25 inf. coot глупый старец (a foolish or eccentric person, typically an old man)
5.01.2016 10:03:19 amer. pumps женские деловые туфли (на каблуке; closed-toe shoes, often with a heel)
5.01.2016 9:52:30 amer. all day long в течение всего дня (throughout the day, as in"We waited for you at the station all day long.")
5.01.2016 9:43:39 brit. guv'nor шеф (slang: Whatever you say, guv'nor – Как скажешь, шеф.)
5.01.2016 9:36:21 brit. guv шеф (slang: where to, guv? – куда едем, шеф?)
5.01.2016 9:26:59 amer. cabbie водила (такси)
5.01.2016 9:24:25 inf. be fond of обожать (что-либо: one of those baseball-team T-shirts that Americans are so fond of)
5.01.2016 8:16:17 inf. be fond of испытывать тягу к (чему-либо; having affection for: I'm fond of animals.)
5.01.2016 7:50:28 nautic. ship's senior officers комсостав (на судне)
5.01.2016 7:42:40 ecol. imperiled подверженный угрозе вымирания (a list of imperiled species)
5.01.2016 7:24:14 amer. imperil поставить под удар (A ​police ​raid would imperil the ​lives of the ​hostages.)
5.01.2016 7:15:18 amer. imperil подвергнуть риску (A meltdown at the plant could imperil tens of thousands of citizens, especially children and pregnant women.)
2.01.2016 20:56:13 inf. leapfrog перепрыгнуть (через препятствие) to jump over: He leapfrogged the fence to reach the child.)
2.01.2016 10:30:25 idiom. the moment of truth переломный период (a critical or decisive time)
2.01.2016 3:13:51 inf. sluggish полусонный
2.01.2016 3:13:11 inf. sluggish апатичный (Alex woke late feeling tired and sluggish)
2.01.2016 3:01:08 idiom. the moment of truth критический момент (Lift-off is always the moment of ​truth for a new ​rocket.)

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