
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.258  << | >>

27.01.2016 7:24:40 amer. one step at a time с чувством, с толком, с расстановкой (slowly and steadily)
27.01.2016 7:17:35 amer. one step at a time не спеша (Major life changes like this can fluster anyone, so just take everything one step at a time.)
27.01.2016 7:13:10 amer. one step at a time медленно и тщательно (​slowly and ​carefully: He ​wanted to ​rush through the ​job, but I ​encouraged him to take it one ​step at a ​time)
27.01.2016 7:01:37 amer. computer geek компьютерный профи (a digital-technology expert or enthusiast)
27.01.2016 6:56:58 amer. geek возбужденно разглагольствовать (о чём-либо; I could geek out about sci-fi for hours.)
27.01.2016 6:48:16 inf. buxom грудастая (a plump woman, especially with large breasts: a tall buxom woman)
26.01.2016 10:04:44 intell. Russian Military Intelligence ГРУ
26.01.2016 9:54:08 inf. scare the shit out of вселить страх
26.01.2016 9:50:26 amer. scare the bejesus нагнать страху (These complexities would scare the bejesus out of him.)
26.01.2016 9:45:19 inf. scare the shit out of перепугать до смерти (I wish you wouldn't come in without knocking – you scared the shit out of me.)
26.01.2016 9:39:19 inf. dig out откапываться (из-под снега: East digs out from its first blizzard)
26.01.2016 8:06:43 gen. close to the truth близко к истине (he come close to the truth in his research)
26.01.2016 8:02:05 idiom. truth be told откровенно говоря
26.01.2016 7:14:35 brit. lay-by место у дороги для отдыха (same as "rest stop" in the US)
26.01.2016 7:11:27 amer. rest stop место у дороги для отдыха (the US name for "lay-by")
23.01.2016 8:28:43 amer. ample в избытке (plentiful)
23.01.2016 8:26:52 amer. ample более чем достаточно (время; more that enough: there is ample time for discussion)
23.01.2016 8:17:03 inf. in plenty по горло (existing in abundance: food in plenty)
23.01.2016 7:59:24 inf. if you ask me по моему разумению
23.01.2016 7:58:01 inf. if you ask me как мне кажется (if you ask me, it's just an excuse for laziness)
23.01.2016 7:56:24 inf. if you ask me с моей точки зрения (f you ask me, ​people should go on a ​training ​course before they ​become ​parents.)
22.01.2016 9:41:25 plumb. leaky подтекающий (a leaky sink)
22.01.2016 9:30:48 amer. leaky border прозрачная граница
22.01.2016 9:21:23 amer. chances are slim to none шансы близки к нулю
22.01.2016 9:17:08 amer. chances are slim to none шансов практически никаких
22.01.2016 9:13:15 amer. slim to none практически нулевой (your chances to reschedule the flight are slim to none)
22.01.2016 8:56:55 inf. not on my watch не в моём присутствии (while someone is not on duty)
22.01.2016 8:38:52 amer. catch up побеседовать (I’ll catch up with you another time, Kevin.)
22.01.2016 8:33:06 amer. catch up восполнить (Employees are struggling to catch up with the backlog.)
21.01.2016 10:38:02 amer. brood предаваться размышлениям
21.01.2016 10:35:08 amer. brood ломать голову
21.01.2016 10:34:07 amer. brood рассуждать (he brooded over his need to find a wife)
21.01.2016 10:29:52 amer. brood раздумывать (He brooded over his mistake.)
21.01.2016 10:07:01 amer. soak up slang напиваться (в стельку; to drink to excess, as in "He can really soak up the booze.)
21.01.2016 9:56:37 amer. get soused напиваться (slang; We're gonna get soused later.)
21.01.2016 9:49:30 inf. peephole смотровой глазок (в двери: he bent over a bit so he could look through a peephole)
21.01.2016 9:44:55 inf. all right на самом деле (they are FBI agents all right)
21.01.2016 9:41:02 inf. freshly fallen snow свежевыпавший снег (On Friday I was skiing in freshly fallen snow that was largely untracked and certainly not packed.)
21.01.2016 9:39:01 inf. fresh powder свежий снег
20.01.2016 9:34:14 amer. dash гонка (they set off a dash for the open House seat)
20.01.2016 9:26:45 amer. instead взамен чего (Instead , he directed his assistant to book another flight.)
20.01.2016 9:17:07 amer. unscathed без серьёзных последствий (The government has emerged from this latest crisis relatively unscathed.)
20.01.2016 8:58:01 idiom. still waters run deep в тихом болоте черти водятся (He's quiet and shy, it's true, but still waters run deep.)
20.01.2016 8:52:54 amer. Dixie cup slang одноразовый картонный стакан (a brand of disposable paper cup.)
20.01.2016 8:41:17 idiom. wail like a banshee визжать (от страха: terrified, she wailed like a banshee)
20.01.2016 7:45:35 inf. at the most но не более того (as in "a young guy, twenty-five years old at the most)
20.01.2016 7:00:43 amer. cut short прервать (до истечения срока)
20.01.2016 6:59:13 inf. cut short срочно прервать (до истечения срока: water in helmet cuts the spacewalk short)
20.01.2016 6:47:43 skydive. base jumper парашютист, прыгающий с высотных объектов (зданий, сооружений и скал; or "BASE jumper" – see acronym "BASE")
20.01.2016 6:40:28 skydive. building, antenna, span, earth бейсджампинг (категория парашютных прыжков с высотных объектов; BASE is an acronym that stands for four categories of fixed objects from which one can jump: building, antenna, span, and Earth cliff wikipedia.org)
20.01.2016 6:30:29 amer. trade jabs обменяться резкими упреками (they traded jabs in the debate)
20.01.2016 6:26:48 amer. jab короткий удар (She gave me a ​sharp jab in the ​ribs with her ​elbow to ​stop me from saying any more.)
19.01.2016 10:06:57 inf. mine of something кладезь (чего-либо; figure of speech: mine of wisdom)
19.01.2016 10:03:13 inf. mine of wisdom кладезь мудрости
19.01.2016 10:01:15 inf. bundle of nerves сгусток нервов
19.01.2016 9:44:00 amer. be worthy of быть достойным (чего-либо; A question could be raised if a person was worthy of an award.)
19.01.2016 9:22:26 amer. worthy of something подходящий для (suitable for, as in "After ​viewing the ​damage, the ​president ​decided that the ​area was worthy of ​federal ​disaster ​relief.)
19.01.2016 9:15:27 amer. worthy of something сто́ящий (Each of the ten ​chapters is worthy of a ​separate ​book.)
19.01.2016 8:54:55 inf. make lose one's train of thought нарушить ход мыслей (Your question made the speaker lose her train of thought.)
19.01.2016 8:47:53 inf. lose one's train of thought потерять ход мыслей (Excuse me, I lost my train of thought. What was I talking about?)
19.01.2016 7:42:44 intell. clandestine строго засекреченный (to cover up this clandestine operation)
19.01.2016 7:40:09 inf. clandestine под завесой тайны ("she deserved better than these clandestine meetings)
19.01.2016 7:17:27 inf. bold рискованный (showing an ability to take risks: to take bold actions)
19.01.2016 6:40:34 phys. superluminal speed сверхсветовая скорость (or faster-than-light speed))
18.01.2016 21:00:15 transp. Silk Road транспортный маршрут "Шёлковый Путь" (совместный проект с участием Китая)
18.01.2016 6:09:39 fishery fingerlings рыбная молодь
18.01.2016 6:06:41 fishery game fish рыба для любительского и спортивного лова (saltwater or freshwater fish pursued for sport by recreational anglers))
16.01.2016 23:23:45 fishery school косяк (рыбы: school of fish)
16.01.2016 23:18:02 fishery juvenile fish рыбная молодь
16.01.2016 23:06:37 fishery rough fish непищевая рыба (same as "trash fish")
16.01.2016 10:01:37 amer. off-key не так, как было бы нужно (not in accordance with what is appropriate)
16.01.2016 9:59:56 amer. off-key невпопад (some of the cinematic effects are distractingly off-key)
16.01.2016 9:53:00 amer. give someone a jolt заставить вздрогнуть (Tha name gave him a jolt.; кого-либо)
16.01.2016 9:48:37 amer. jolt произвести впечатление разорвавшейся бомбы (His sudden death jolted us all.)
16.01.2016 9:38:00 amer. jolt эмоциональный шок (The news was a jolt to me.)
16.01.2016 9:31:19 amer. sketchy at best в лучшем случае посредственный (His theory about murder was sketchy at best.)
16.01.2016 8:25:21 amer. pry взломать монтировкой (или ещё чем-либо; to force open by levering: pried open the back door by a crowbar)
16.01.2016 8:10:23 amer. pry вскрыть ножом (или ещё чем-либо; She pried the ​oyster ​open.)
16.01.2016 8:01:36 amer. pry выманить с трудом (pried the secret out of my sister)
15.01.2016 8:30:23 amer. have yet to do something пока только намереваться сделать (что-либо; The film, starring Robert Carlyle, has yet to open in the Far East.)
15.01.2016 8:27:11 amer. have yet to do something ещё только собираться сделать (что-либо; The group has yet to find a replacement for the director who left in September.)
15.01.2016 8:20:56 amer. have yet to to do something ещё только собираться (сделать что-либо; an activity or event which has not occurred: The Governor has yet to make a formal announcement.)
15.01.2016 8:05:49 amer. wasting no time без лишних разговоров
15.01.2016 8:03:59 amer. wasting no time без промедления
15.01.2016 8:02:38 amer. wasting no time не откладывая в долгий ящик
15.01.2016 7:45:50 amer. vigor усердие (pursue this case with all due vigor)
15.01.2016 7:36:58 polit. underdog жертва (политической несправедливости; (in politics) a victim of social or political injustice)
15.01.2016 7:32:42 amer. underdog не самый популярный (кандидат; in politics)
15.01.2016 7:31:06 polit. underdog не самый популярный кандидат (in politics) a candidate with slim chance of winning)
15.01.2016 7:22:37 amer. barge in вломиться куда-либо без приглашения (somewhere; I wish you hadn't barged in on the meeting–that was very rude.)
15.01.2016 7:14:14 inf. stone-cold sober тверезый
15.01.2016 6:47:44 brit. spruce up улучшить (впечатление; They've ​employed an ​advertising ​agency to ​spruce up the ​company ​image.)
15.01.2016 6:39:05 amer. spruce up наводить порядок (She spruced up her room each day.)
15.01.2016 6:33:40 amer. spruce up привести в божеский вид
15.01.2016 6:31:11 amer. for hours on end несколько часов подряд (или кряду; idiom; We sat and waited in the emergency room for hours on end.)
15.01.2016 4:35:34 amer. dust-up ссора (a quarrel: He had a dustup with a guy in the bar.)
14.01.2016 7:51:20 amer. yahoo охламон (a bunch of drunk yahoos)
14.01.2016 6:51:12 inf. give someone a holler звать (кого-либо; get somebody's attention: Give me a holler when you need anyting.)
14.01.2016 6:32:23 inf. wisecrack насмешливое замечание (neither of the men said a word, not even a wisecrack)
14.01.2016 6:22:04 amer. babbo идиот (slang; a person who acts like an idiot or in fact is an idiot)

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