
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.258  << | >>

11.05.2016 6:35:53 amer. lucked out повезло (I really lucked out when I ordered the duck. It's excellent – Мне просто повезло, когда я заказал утку.Она оказалась великолепной.)
11.05.2016 6:25:37 amer. luck out стать везучим
10.05.2016 8:37:31 inf. time and time again в который раз (I’ve told you time and time again to lock both doors before you leave.)
10.05.2016 8:33:00 idiom. Inside the Beltway политическая жизнь федеральных структур США (an American idiom used to characterize matters important primarily to officials of the U.S. federal government, as opposed to the interests and priorities of the general U.S. population)
10.05.2016 8:19:39 amer. the Beltway кольцевая автострада вокруг округа Вашингтон (I-495 – an Interstate Highway that surrounds Washington, D.C)
10.05.2016 8:08:42 idiom. the Beltway политическая элита округа Вашингтон (the political establishment of Washington, DC)
10.05.2016 7:56:07 idiom. Beltway социум округа Вашингтон
10.05.2016 7:49:42 garden. arboretum дендропарк (park; More commonly, today, an arboretum is a botanical garden open for public and containing living collections of woody plants.)
10.05.2016 6:43:09 inf. lay the facts out for me изложи мне суть дела
10.05.2016 6:28:48 inf. a thing or two полезные сведения (used to refer to useful information that can be imparted or learned)
10.05.2016 6:26:15 inf. a thing or two полезный совет (Why don't you ask Andrew about it? He knows a thing or two.)
9.05.2016 1:42:48 gambl. trifecta ставка на три первые лошади в выбранном порядке (a bet in which the person betting forecasts the first three finishers in a race in the correct order)
8.05.2016 20:12:32 hotels night manager ночной администратор (отеля; a hotel night porter)
7.05.2016 8:47:14 saying. one hand washes the other, and both wash the face рука руку моет
7.05.2016 8:43:31 saying. one hand rubs another рука руку моет
7.05.2016 8:38:09 idiom. one hand washes the other в накладе никто не остаётся (Look, if you feature our company's logo during your campaign, we get a major boost in advertising visibility, and you get a bump in your campaign funding–one hand washes the other!)
7.05.2016 8:31:10 idiom. one hand washes the other при этом каждая сторона остаётся в выигрыше (and both wash the face; The criminal organization has several politicians and most of the police force in its pocket, with everyone seeing a profit from illegal activities. One hand washes the other, and both are washing the face!)
7.05.2016 8:20:41 amer. wait through the day дождаться конца дня (I couldn't wait through the day)
7.05.2016 8:13:54 econ. the manufactured economic crisis искусственно созданный экономический кризис
7.05.2016 8:07:49 slang vaper любитель электронных сигарет (The bar was filled with late-night vapers.)
7.05.2016 7:59:11 inf. cheers and jeers возгласы одобрения и недовольства (we heard both cheers and jeers)
7.05.2016 7:16:54 inf. the likes of типа таких, как (used of someone or something regarded as a type)
7.05.2016 7:10:33 inf. the likes of такими как (кто-либо: she didn't want to associate with the likes of me)
7.05.2016 6:55:11 inf. fall into ruin превратиться в груду руин
7.05.2016 6:53:48 lit. fall into ruin обратиться в груду развалин (The castle fell into ruin.)
7.05.2016 6:40:38 build.mat. gunmetal grey тёмно-серый с лёгким голубым оттенком (a dark grey color with a tint of blue)
6.05.2016 18:51:58 inf. hoodie спортивная куртка (с капюшоном)
6.05.2016 18:49:09 slang sleeping with the fish спать с рыбами (an old Sicilian message to be killed and thrown in the water)
6.05.2016 18:33:52 forens. cement shoes обувь из цемента (a method of execution, usually associated with the Mafia, that involves weighting down a victim and throwing him into the water to drown)
6.05.2016 6:11:25 amer. without breaking a sweat совершенно не утруждая себя (физически; without exerting oneself physically)
6.05.2016 6:08:21 amer. without breaking a sweat не прилагая усилий
6.05.2016 5:52:10 inf. the circus left town, but the clowns stayed behind цирк уехал, а клоуны остались (Внимание! Выражение "a few clowns short of a circus" (неумный, глупый, слегка не в себе) в данном случае является ложным другом переводчика.)
5.05.2016 22:53:39 inf. exert оказать воздействие
5.05.2016 22:52:07 inf. exert воздействовать (на что-либо)
5.05.2016 22:50:45 inf. exert напрячь усилия (exerted ourselves mightily to raise funds)
5.05.2016 22:35:15 inf. exert приложить (силу: exerted all my strength to move the box)
5.05.2016 22:31:40 inf. exert influence повлиять (на что-либо)
5.05.2016 22:23:53 inf. exert оказать (влияние; exercise: exert influence)
5.05.2016 22:19:35 slang break a sweat вспотеть от напряжения
5.05.2016 22:06:31 slang break a sweat работать (в поте лица;: Students were not the only ones breaking a sweat Sunday.)
5.05.2016 22:04:42 inf. exert oneself утруждать себя (физически)
5.05.2016 21:59:43 inf. exert утруждать (себя чем-либо; oneself)
5.05.2016 21:40:41 mil. installation военный объект (in the vicinity of our secret installation)
5.05.2016 21:35:37 brit. the gents мужской туалет (a public toilet for men)
5.05.2016 7:41:11 lit. ill-nourished недостаточно просвещённый (в чём-либо; We have been ill-nourished in contemporary music.)
5.05.2016 7:32:06 police tox токсикология (сокр.; abbr. from toxicology: What's the tox report say?)
5.05.2016 7:25:36 inf. tally with the time совпадать по времени с тем, когда (when)
5.05.2016 7:21:52 inf. tally with the time совпадать со временем (когда: and that tallies with the time Isaw him last)
5.05.2016 7:18:22 inf. tally with совпадать с (agree or correspond with: their signatures should tally with their names on the register)
5.05.2016 6:46:38 amer. canned laughter запись закадрового смеха (используемая на телевидении; recordings of laughter that have been added to a humorous radio or television programme)
5.05.2016 6:35:10 slang rat on someone настучать (на кого-либо)
5.05.2016 6:32:30 slang rat on someone заложить (кого-либо: he ratted on his boss)
5.05.2016 6:18:33 mil. hut временная казарма (a wooden or metal structure for the temporary housing of troops)
4.05.2016 8:16:43 inf. wisecrack сарказм (a witty or cutting remark)
4.05.2016 8:06:50 mil. rapelling спуск по канату (с вертолета)
4.05.2016 8:05:07 mount. rapelling спуск по канату
4.05.2016 8:04:43 mount. rapelling рапеллинг (спуск по канату)
4.05.2016 7:55:04 greek.lang. ouzo традиционный греческий аперитив "узо" (an anise-flavoured aperitif that is widely consumed in Greece and Cyprus)
4.05.2016 7:16:26 inf. cocky bastard борзота
4.05.2016 7:15:50 amer. cocky bastard наглец
4.05.2016 7:12:01 inf. poor bastard бедняжка (The poor bastard broke his leg.)
4.05.2016 6:42:34 gen. shot and killed застреленный (but later he was found shot and killed)
4.05.2016 6:38:59 gen. shot to death застреленный
4.05.2016 6:38:25 inf. shot to death убитый (three people were found shot to death)
4.05.2016 6:17:23 idiom. you may crash my party anytime ты можешь прийти без приглашения в любое время
4.05.2016 6:11:49 inf. anybody but кто угодно, но только не
3.05.2016 8:58:00 cloth. compression sport bra компрессионный спортивный бюстгальтер (which presses the breasts against the body and hold them in place)
3.05.2016 8:48:09 USA pixie cut женская стрижка "под мальчика"
3.05.2016 8:45:41 amer. pixie-style под мальчика (женская стрижка: her hair was cut pixie-style)
3.05.2016 8:40:01 amer. slob невежа
3.05.2016 8:39:40 amer. slob хамло (He's a ​big ​fat slob of a man – I can't ​stand him.)
3.05.2016 8:33:08 amer. concoction of lies небылицы
3.05.2016 8:27:15 inf. take it on the lam поспешно скрыться (The swindler took it on the lam and was never seen again.)
3.05.2016 8:09:16 inf. it comes with a price и это,разумеется, не бесплатно
3.05.2016 8:04:46 amer. at a price с некоторыми издержками (Following the recommendation would have increased teamwork, but at a price.)
3.05.2016 7:57:10 amer. come at a price создавать свои трудности (The company's success was made possible by the country's rulers, but their support comes at a price.)
3.05.2016 7:47:40 avia. attack jet истребитель
3.05.2016 6:56:20 weap. Biometric Handgun Holster кобура для пистолета со сканером (отпечатков пальцев владельца; BHH – a holster that uses a fingerprint reader to grant access to the weapon)
3.05.2016 6:47:11 inf. backstage втайне
3.05.2016 6:46:47 inf. backstage за кулисами (перен.)
3.05.2016 6:44:57 inf. backstage в кулуарах (The ​organizers say it's a ​fair ​contest but who ​knows what goes on backstage?)
3.05.2016 6:37:14 inf. miserable нищенский (all they pay me is a miserable $10,000 a year)
3.05.2016 6:33:34 inf. miserable горестный (their happiness made Anne feel even more miserable)
3.05.2016 6:25:12 idiom. on a par with на равных с (кем-либо; This violinist may be an amateur but he's on a par with professional orchestral players.)
3.05.2016 6:17:52 gen. poke around проверить (все вокруг: poke around one more time)
3.05.2016 6:15:27 gen. poke around рыться (в поисках чего-либо: poking around his stuff)
3.05.2016 6:07:02 gen. siblings родные брат и сестра
3.05.2016 6:06:09 gen. siblings родные братья и сестры (по крови; offsprings having one or both parents in common)
3.05.2016 5:58:23 inf. gain traction получить поддержку (от кого-либо; The bill failed to gain traction in the Senate.)
3.05.2016 5:52:21 idiom. crash the party прийти без приглашения (на вечеринку; to attend a party without being invited: There's always someone who crashes the party and ends up causing trouble.)
30.04.2016 8:58:00 idiom. sell short недооценивать (кого-либо; Don't sell her short; she's a very able lawyer.)
30.04.2016 8:53:21 inf. don't sell yourself short брось прибедняться
30.04.2016 8:52:37 inf. don't sell yourself short не прибедняйся (which means "don't underestimate yourself")
30.04.2016 8:42:59 idiom. cuckoo's nest психбольница (a pejorative term for an insane asylum)
30.04.2016 8:31:24 idiom. humor me уж поверь мне (so we do pretend to believe someone: The husband thought it best though to humour his wife.)
30.04.2016 8:18:36 gen. elitism элитарный снобизм (pride in or awareness of being one of an elite group)
30.04.2016 8:15:14 gen. elitist snob элитарный сноб
30.04.2016 8:09:30 amer. pout кривить губы (в знак недовольства; Our four-year-old pouts ​whenever she doesn’t get what she ​wants.)
30.04.2016 8:01:52 account. per diem суточные (расходы: a resonable per diem axpenses and a bonus)
30.04.2016 7:56:12 busin. a vote of confidence поддержка и одобрение (they gave the chairman a vote of confidence)

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