
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

20.05.2016 7:22:30 idiom. hard to come by трудно встретить
20.05.2016 7:17:39 inf. real friends are hard to come by настоящих друзей трудно найти
20.05.2016 7:16:31 idiom. hard to come by найти весьма трудно (If something is hard to come by, it is difficult to find.)
20.05.2016 7:01:20 inf. lead провести (вовнутрь кого-либо; She led them into the leaving room.)
20.05.2016 6:52:57 inf. look a lot alike выглядеть очень похожими (друг на друга: you two look a lot alike)
20.05.2016 6:48:27 inf. quite windy довольно ветренно (It's quite windy today.)
20.05.2016 6:25:44 inf. worry someone a great deal очень сильно беспокоит (кого-либо)
20.05.2016 6:25:03 inf. worry someone a great deal очень сильно беспокоить (кого-либо; This is a serious problem and it worries me a great deal.)
20.05.2016 6:21:38 inf. a great deal очень сильно (This is a serious problem and it worries me a great deal.)
19.05.2016 18:07:45 amer. beg the question вызывать предположение
19.05.2016 8:59:49 inf. spring появиться неожиданно (Where did you spring from? – I didn't see you come in!)
19.05.2016 8:57:53 inf. spring внезапно появиться (to appear suddenly)
19.05.2016 8:45:37 amer. grudging демонстрирующий нежелание (displaying unwillingness: grudging acceptance of the victory of an opponent)
19.05.2016 8:36:30 amer. grudging совершаемый с неохотой (a grudging handshake)
19.05.2016 6:41:56 inf. motley пёстрый (о расцветке)
19.05.2016 6:39:36 inf. carry the day добиться своего (At auctions the wealthiest bidders usually carry the day.)
19.05.2016 6:35:15 inf. carry the day добиться успеха (Senators in favor of cutting taxes carried the day.)
19.05.2016 6:26:38 gen. body armor бронежилет (to protect against gunfire)
19.05.2016 6:21:16 gen. put a tarp over накрыть брезентом (Dad put a tarp over us to shield us from the storm.)
19.05.2016 6:13:19 amer. what the heck is going on? что происходит?
19.05.2016 6:08:21 inf. make a beeline направиться напрямую (к чему-либо: he made a beeline across the river)
19.05.2016 6:03:00 inf. a full head for hair копна волос (He has a full head of hair.)
18.05.2016 8:19:07 inf. butt out слинять
18.05.2016 8:18:23 inf. butt out смыться (to leave some place hastily)
18.05.2016 8:15:52 inf. butt out удрать (The thieves stole my bag and butted out.)
18.05.2016 8:08:22 rude butt out! отвали! (usually a command: Butt out! Leave me alone!)
18.05.2016 7:58:24 sec.sys. charge подопечное лицо (the guard had somehow lost track of his charge)
18.05.2016 7:49:43 sport. boathouse лодочный эллинг (a building especially designed for the storage of boats)
18.05.2016 6:57:56 busin. reference ссылаться (на что-либо; as a verb in "the issue that's referenced in the letter")
18.05.2016 6:39:34 auto. long-haul truck седельный тягач (для дальних перевозок)
18.05.2016 6:29:12 inf. go to great lengths приложить все усилия (people usually go to gteat llengths to make sure thay are not caught)
18.05.2016 6:22:15 inf. cut some slack сделать послабление (кому-либо; I'm going to cut you some slack. Because it's the last day of classes, we don't have to talk anything serious today.)
18.05.2016 6:16:34 logging logger лесоповальщик (or lumberjack)
17.05.2016 9:18:03 inf. light chop небольшое волнение (на водной поверхности)
17.05.2016 8:48:32 gen. in one's own right самостоятельный (Giant rose to prominence decades ago making bikes for the iconic American brand Schwinn before gradually becoming a powerhouse in its own right. • It says something when a reviewer's style, which includes insight and depth of analysis, is so forceful it becomes a work of art in its own right.)
17.05.2016 8:30:11 amer. hightail it out of свалить отсюда побыстрее (to leave in a hurry)
17.05.2016 8:26:59 amer. hightail it out of скрыться побыстрее (отсюда; Here comes the sheriff. We'd better hightail it out of here.)
17.05.2016 8:16:53 inf. so far, so good пока неплохо (in response to "how's it going?")
17.05.2016 7:31:13 inf. keep one's temper сохранять спокойствие (maintain composure or poise)
17.05.2016 7:30:50 amer. hold one's temper сохранять спокойствие (Billy has to learn to hold his temper when he's frustrated.)
17.05.2016 7:24:46 amer. keep one's temper in check сдерживать себя (it'll be better if you keep your temper in check)
17.05.2016 7:19:32 inf. keep one's temper проявлять самообладание (If the chairman can keep his temper, the matter will get settled.)
17.05.2016 7:07:51 idiom. let your hair down не затомляйся (let your hair down and just have some fun)
17.05.2016 6:57:27 amer. U-turn изменить мнение наоборот (as a verb in "that's why Golden Sachs just U-turned on its outlook for oil")
17.05.2016 6:46:30 brit. a load of bullshit лажа полнейшая (He gave me some excuse but it was a load of bullshit.)
17.05.2016 6:43:52 amer. a bunch of bullshit лажа полнейшая (What he told me was a bunch of bullshit.)
17.05.2016 6:38:12 inf. a load of bull брехня несусветная (He gave me some excuse but it was a load of bull.)
16.05.2016 17:50:52 amer. stampede паническая давка (as being related to people in "a stampede at the exits")
16.05.2016 17:47:17 amer. remarkable особенный (The girl has remarkable talent.)
15.05.2016 18:40:40 gen. inexplicable fact необъяснимый факт
15.05.2016 18:29:12 inf. shortlist включить в перечень финалистов
15.05.2016 18:28:47 inf. shortlist перечень финалистов
14.05.2016 20:39:52 meteorol. dzud суровые зимние условия (пагубные для скота; or zud; a Mongolian term for a severe winter in which large number of livestock die, primarily due to starvation and being unable to graze)
14.05.2016 8:53:34 traf. cross the street under the red light переходить улицу на красный свет ("Don't cross the street under the red light", said the man to Nick.)
14.05.2016 8:37:47 inf. sheer nonsense чистой воды бред
14.05.2016 7:03:34 inf. sheer enjoyment неподдельная радость
14.05.2016 6:58:24 inf. sheer неподдельный (sheer enjoyment)
14.05.2016 6:54:57 inf. sheer чистой воды (фразеологизм; utter: sheer nonsense)
14.05.2016 6:44:54 amer. big-tent допускающий многообразие стилей и допускающий любое самовыражение (MTV is adopting a big-tent strategy in musical programs)
14.05.2016 6:07:04 inf. a nutcase недоумок (as in"oh boy, he's a real nutcase")
13.05.2016 8:43:10 amer. have fun at one's expense подшутить над (кем-либо)
13.05.2016 8:39:11 amer. weird ненормальный (о человеке)
13.05.2016 8:34:55 gen. make a joke at one's expense выставить кого-либо в дурном свете| (if someone laughs or makes a joke at your expense, they do it to make you seem foolish)
13.05.2016 8:25:30 gen. have fun at one's expense насмехаться над (кем-либо; I think he's having fun at our expense.)
13.05.2016 8:03:10 inf. non-reconcilable differences разногласия, которые невозможно урегулировать
13.05.2016 7:57:23 inf. take a stroll down memory lane обратиться к воспоминаниям (if you take a stroll down memory lane, you talk about the past)
13.05.2016 7:46:50 inf. die by one's own hand наложить на себя руки (to commit suicide: He wasn't sick. He died by his own hand.)
13.05.2016 7:41:04 inf. die by one's own hand совершить самоубийство (to commit suicide: She died at the age of fifty, by her own hand.)
13.05.2016 7:01:40 inf. speaking of кстати говоря (в продолжение разговора; Speaking of, any words from your girlfriend?)
13.05.2016 6:49:49 inf. ambivalent неопределённый (в своём выборе; being unable to choose between two usually opposing courses of action)
13.05.2016 6:46:31 inf. ambivalent двоякое (мнение; The whole family was ambivalent about the move to the suburbs.)
13.05.2016 6:34:02 amer. cry wolf жаловаться без причины
13.05.2016 6:31:53 idiom. cry wolf сеять панику (без причины)
13.05.2016 6:23:15 gen. reconcilable differences разногласия, которые могут быть урегулированы (путем переговоров)
13.05.2016 6:19:25 gen. reconcilable который может быть урегулирован (capable of being reconciled: reconcilable differences)
13.05.2016 6:09:49 inf. bad day неудачный день
13.05.2016 6:08:34 inf. bad неудачный (день; not such as to be hoped for: you had a bad day)
12.05.2016 7:29:50 inf. what the heck? что за дела?
12.05.2016 7:28:53 inf. what the heck's the matter? что за дела? (used for emphasis)
12.05.2016 7:19:10 inf. but what the heck ну а что поделаешь (The doctor said I shouldn't drink, but what the heck.)
12.05.2016 7:11:09 amer. disaffection чувство недовольства (A chief reason for the upset is the disaffection of white working-class voters over the ailing economy.)
12.05.2016 6:57:30 amer. disaffection разочарованность (a state or feeling of being dissatisfied with someone)
12.05.2016 6:50:48 amer. disaffection разочарование (there is growing disaffection with large corporations)
12.05.2016 6:44:53 gen. hatchet маленький топор (a small ax with a short handle for use in one hand)
12.05.2016 6:40:18 poultr. gosling птенец гуся (a young goose)
12.05.2016 6:21:33 humor. the customs таможня (as in "the customs submit its approval" – таможня дает добро)
12.05.2016 6:15:09 gen. beer stein пивная кружка с крышкой (an English neologism for German traditional beer mugs made out of stoneware)
11.05.2016 23:58:53 idiom. the hair of the dog рюмка с похмелья (Paul offered me the hair of the dog, but I couldn't stand the thought of drinking any more.)
11.05.2016 23:48:36 inf. heal заживает, как на собаке (like a dog)
11.05.2016 23:46:00 inf. heal like a dog заживает быстро и без осложнений (как на собаке)
11.05.2016 23:44:59 saying. heal like a dog заживает, как на собаке (This isn't actually a phrase in English. Lifestruck)
11.05.2016 23:43:14 inf. heal заживает (быстро и без осложнений; like a dog; как на собаке)
11.05.2016 8:03:50 amer. he lucked out with you повезло ему с тобой
11.05.2016 8:01:54 amer. he lucked out повезло ему
11.05.2016 8:00:39 amer. he lucked out свезло ему
11.05.2016 7:43:38 police lead зацепка (неявная улика: I hope you have a lead to run down)
11.05.2016 7:37:58 police lead наводка (от информатора; A lead from an informer enabled the police to make several arrests.)
11.05.2016 7:27:54 inf. all but все за исключением (кого-либо; all except: we have support from all but one of the networks)
11.05.2016 6:57:12 inf. all but почти совсем (OPEC's ability to influence the oil market has all but evaporated)
11.05.2016 6:42:11 amer. luck out оказаться удачливым (She lucked out, investing at just the right time to make a lot of money.)

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