
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

5.10.2016 8:40:39 inf. I don't give a shit to it мне это всё до балды (His voice had a hard I-don't-give-a-shit edge to it.)
5.10.2016 8:16:45 slang take a shit пойти посрать
5.10.2016 8:15:20 slang take a crap пойти посрать
5.10.2016 8:08:36 rude dickhead бестолочь (an extremely stupid man, as in: Do you think it's funny, dickhead?)
5.10.2016 7:57:40 inf. far from over далеко от завершения (чего-либо: this case's still far from over)
5.10.2016 7:41:31 insur. tax write-off частичное списание налога (с дохода физ.лица; any legitimate expense that can be deducted from your taxable income on your tax return)
4.10.2016 8:55:04 amer. make добираться (куда-либо: to make for home)
4.10.2016 8:47:01 inf. maiden незамужняя молодая женщина (a young unmarried woman)
4.10.2016 8:35:15 inf. cuss материться (to use profanity)
4.10.2016 8:34:10 inf. cuss ругаться на (кого-либо; to swear at: He cussed the pedestrian for getting in his way.)
4.10.2016 8:24:29 idiom. shout at the top of one's lungs кричать что есть мочи (as loudly as possible)
4.10.2016 8:14:46 quot.aph. better a broken promise than none at all лучше нарушенное обещание, чем совсем ничего (a quote by Mark Twain)
4.10.2016 8:07:15 amer. goon костолом (figure of speech)
4.10.2016 8:03:28 inf. slaughter кровавая бойня
4.10.2016 8:02:40 inf. bloodshed кровавая бойня (the killing or wounding of people, typically on a large scale during a conflict)
4.10.2016 8:01:17 inf. bloodbath кровавая бойня (an event in which many people are killed in a violent manner)
4.10.2016 7:57:34 amer. walk on by пройти мимо (someone); намеренно не замечая)
4.10.2016 7:46:49 sewage septic tank септик танк (or cesspit)
4.10.2016 7:45:37 sewage septic tank септик-отстойник (a settlement chamber, which provides treatment to sewage and drainage waters)
4.10.2016 6:59:04 sewage cesspool канализационная цистерна (a septic tank)
4.10.2016 6:55:54 sewage cesspit канализационная цистерна (a sealed tank having no outlet and used for the storage of sewage)
4.10.2016 6:31:47 bible.term. an eye for an eye заповедь "око за око" (из Ветхого Завета; and a tooth for a tooth; or the law of retaliation)
4.10.2016 6:16:22 bible.term. thou shalt not kill заповедь "не убий" (or "you shall not kill" – a moral imperative included as one of the Ten Commandments in the Torah)
3.10.2016 21:52:45 amer. sons of bitches суки (муж.рода, мн.числа: Sons of bitches, y'all !" – реплика депутата В.Шандыбина "Суки вы, суки!)
3.10.2016 18:54:10 inf. swelter изнывать от жары (be uncomfortably hot: Barney sweltered in his doorman's uniform)
3.10.2016 18:46:14 inf. at gunpoint со стволом у виска (At gunpoint I was told to hand over my money.)
1.10.2016 8:52:56 inf. bubbly жизнерадостный (personality)
1.10.2016 8:51:52 inf. bubbly радостный (personality)
1.10.2016 8:50:48 inf. bubbly неунывающий (personality)
1.10.2016 8:50:05 inf. bubbly задорный (personality)
1.10.2016 8:49:20 inf. bubbly весёлый (personality)
1.10.2016 8:34:13 inf. bubbly personality жизнерадостный
1.10.2016 8:31:09 inf. bubbly personality жизнерадостный характер (full of life and energy)
1.10.2016 8:24:08 inf. foul mood хреновое настроение (that whole deal had put him in a foul mood)
1.10.2016 8:16:57 amer. shithole забегаловка (vulgar slang)
1.10.2016 8:10:49 idiom. born with a silver spoon из очень богатой семьи (s in "Paul can afford to go to Harvard – he was born with a silver spoon.")
1.10.2016 7:57:22 idiom. born with a silver spoon in his mouth из очень богатой семьи (someone born into a very wealthy family)
1.10.2016 7:03:44 inf. put away скушать (to eat something: Are you going to put this last piece of cake away?)
1.10.2016 6:53:43 inf. put in jail угодить в тюрьму
1.10.2016 6:53:09 inf. put in jail попасть в тюрьму
1.10.2016 6:46:26 inf. turn up in jail оказаться в тюрьме
1.10.2016 6:36:03 inf. calculating дальновидный (means that you think of everything you can to the last detail)
1.10.2016 6:35:14 inf. calculating рассудительный (he was more calculating than others)
30.09.2016 18:29:26 inf. end up завершиться (The deals were popular at the time, but many ended up losing money)
30.09.2016 18:28:17 inf. end up in jail завершиться тюрьмой
30.09.2016 18:18:26 inf. end up закончиться (тюрьмой: end up in jail)
30.09.2016 8:26:57 fig.of.sp. killing machine убийца (slang for a such person or animal: The lion is an efficient killing machine.)
30.09.2016 8:22:28 amer. Missy форма обращения (к молодой девушке; slang for "miss" as a form of address for a young lady: You're in big trouble, Missy!)
30.09.2016 8:13:44 inf. about all of this обо всём этом (What do you think about all of this?)
30.09.2016 8:09:40 inf. all of уже́ (she's all of 20 years old)
30.09.2016 7:14:42 gen. old cuss старый упрямец (he's a mean old cuss)
30.09.2016 7:12:25 amer. cuss упрямец (an annoying or stubborn person)
30.09.2016 6:41:15 inf. bitch язвить (в разговоре: you can bitch all you want)
30.09.2016 6:25:49 amer. ardent преданный (his most ardent supporters)
30.09.2016 6:23:56 gen. ardent theatergoer заядлый театрал (he was an ardent theatergoer)
30.09.2016 6:21:43 amer. ardent заядлый (an ardent theatergoer)
30.09.2016 6:17:10 sec.sys. detail спецгруппа (a four-person security detail)
30.09.2016 6:16:13 sec.sys. security detail спецгруппа охраны (a group of bodyguards)
30.09.2016 4:46:40 mil., navy Surface Ship Torpedo Defence Система противоторпедной защиты для надводных кораблей (system; abbr. SSTD)
30.09.2016 4:41:00 inf. parasol зонт от солнца (she's carrying a parasol against a burning sun)
30.09.2016 4:28:33 mil., navy Amphibious Combat Vehicle амфибийная боевая машина (for the U.S. Marines)
30.09.2016 3:09:22 gen. engineer-on-duty дежурный инженер (abbr. EOD: we called EOD to come and fix the malfunction)
30.09.2016 3:01:17 inf. be on call дежурить по вызову (duty)
30.09.2016 2:55:04 inf. be on call быть наготове (для вызова по звонку: our technicians are on call around the clock)
30.09.2016 2:47:55 gen. the power of love сила любви
30.09.2016 2:46:39 amer. whenever когда угодно (any time)
30.09.2016 2:44:32 amer. whenever в любое время (когда надо; at whatever time: you can ask for help whenever you need it)
29.09.2016 9:12:04 amer. afoot пешим порядком (on foot)
29.09.2016 9:11:35 amer. afoot на своих двоих (they were forced to go afoot)
29.09.2016 9:09:53 amer. afoot пешкодралом
29.09.2016 9:07:48 amer. afoot пёхом
29.09.2016 8:52:58 inf. for good measure вдогонку (he fires one more shot for good measure and left)
29.09.2016 8:31:11 amer. blowback неожиданный результат (обычно негативный: this is the blowback from all those aggressive public health campaigns)
29.09.2016 8:24:26 amer. blowback непредсказуемый результат (an unforeseen result)
29.09.2016 8:20:28 amer. blowback нежелательное действие (an unwanted effect)
29.09.2016 8:11:40 inf. end up in jail закончиться тюрьмой
29.09.2016 8:09:48 inf. end up кончиться (end up in jail)
29.09.2016 8:01:51 amer. vibrant кипучий (a city as vibrant as Paris at night)
28.09.2016 8:55:11 amer. strike back ответить (на грубый выпад)
28.09.2016 8:53:44 amer. strike back ответить на грубый выпад (Ex-Miss Universe strikes back at Trump)
28.09.2016 8:21:41 saying. the enemy of my enemy's my friend враг моего врага-мой друг (an Arab proverb)
28.09.2016 8:14:26 afr. couscous крупа кускус (a type of North African semolina in granules made from crushed durum wheat)
28.09.2016 8:10:42 afr. berber whiskey сладкий мятный чай (nickname for a sugared mint tea in Morocco)
28.09.2016 8:09:45 afr. berber whiskey марокканский мятный чай (They greeted us with a glass of sugared mint tea, called a "Berber whisky".)
28.09.2016 7:54:57 cook. couscous блюдо "кускус" (a spicy North African Berber dish made by steaming or soaking couscous and adding meat, vegetables, or fruit)
28.09.2016 7:49:22 cook. couscous кус-кус (блюдо)
28.09.2016 7:13:46 inf. whip-smart проницательный
28.09.2016 7:12:06 gen. lurk скрытно перемещаться
28.09.2016 7:08:31 gen. lurk незаметно передвигаться (to move in a secret way so that you cannot be seen)
28.09.2016 7:04:16 gen. lurk затаиться (lying in wait in a place of concealment)
28.09.2016 6:50:05 scottish dirk "дирк" (или шотландский кинжал; a dagger which formerly worn by Scottish Highlanders)
28.09.2016 6:27:01 inf. quick-witted смекалистый
28.09.2016 6:25:31 inf. whip-smart смекалистый
28.09.2016 6:25:01 inf. whip-smart смышлёный (very quick-witted and intelligent)
28.09.2016 6:22:27 inf. whip-smart сообразительный (a private eye is expected to be whip-smart and tough as nails)
28.09.2016 5:59:02 inf. spare me оставь меня в покое (means "leave me alone")
28.09.2016 5:48:55 inf. save for кроме (чего-либо; The parking lot was virtually empty save for a few cars clustered to one side.)
28.09.2016 5:42:16 inf. save for не считая (save for the wind, the night was still)
28.09.2016 5:40:52 idiom. save for помимо
27.09.2016 8:26:45 gen. bare-bones furnishings незатейливая обстановка (помещения)

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