
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

27.11.2020 18:28:20 amer. sought after востребованный (in demand: this print will be much sought after by collectors)
27.11.2020 18:28:19 amer. la-la land мир несбыточных грёз
27.11.2020 18:28:19 amer. whatsoever ни в малейшей степени (used for emphasis: it makes no sense whatsoever.)
27.11.2020 18:28:19 amer. whatsoever целиком и полностью (He has no ​respect for ​authority whatsoever.)
27.11.2020 18:28:18 amer. nary a dime on me нет при себе ни цента
27.11.2020 18:28:18 amer. it was about time кажется, что уже наступило время (it was about time setting limits for him)
27.11.2020 18:28:17 amer. refuse to cooperate with investigation отказаться сотрудничать со следствием (Eventually, he refused to cooperate with investigation.)
27.11.2020 18:28:17 amer. mind one's own business when used in the imperative не суй свой нос в чужие дела
27.11.2020 18:28:17 amer. demanding привередливый (he was getting very demanding lately, almost like a husband)
27.11.2020 18:28:17 amer. trouble-prone постоянно создающий неприятности (when Mog the trouble-prone cat accidentally set her family's house on fire)
27.11.2020 18:28:17 amer. tall order трудновыполнимая задача (Building the ​bridge in ​time for the Olympics will be a tall ​order.)
27.11.2020 18:28:15 amer. dismal day мрачный день (it was a winter day, a harbinger of the many dismal days ahead)
27.11.2020 18:28:13 amer. opiate for the masses опиум для народа (figure of speech)
27.11.2020 18:28:13 amer. no margin for error ни малейшего шанса на ошибку (He left us no margin for error.)
27.11.2020 18:28:13 amer. apples and oranges совершенно противоположные
27.11.2020 18:26:29 amer. jus between you and me только между нами
27.11.2020 18:26:29 amer. blizzard сильная снежная метель (a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility)
27.11.2020 18:26:29 amer. all at once все в одно время
27.11.2020 18:26:28 amer. drop off the radar пропасть без следа (we don't have any solid evidence, except some people definetely dropped off the radar)
27.11.2020 18:26:27 amer. on the defensive быть готовым дать отпор
27.11.2020 18:26:27 amer. ingenuity сметливость
27.11.2020 18:26:26 amer. beat the shit out of избить до полусмерти (кого-либо; someboby)
27.11.2020 18:26:25 amer. in confidence под строжайшим секретом (I told him in confidence.)
27.11.2020 18:26:24 amer. take one's breath away вызвать восторг (у кого-либо)
27.11.2020 18:26:21 amer. all but практически невозможно (impossible)
27.11.2020 18:26:21 amer. walk out on уйти от кого-либо насовсем (someone: two days after she walked out on us)
27.11.2020 18:26:21 amer. as for что же касается (as for therapy, I never practiced it)
27.11.2020 18:26:21 amer. have got to hand it to необходимо оценить по достоинству (someone – кого-либо)
27.11.2020 18:26:20 amer. all but one все, за исключением одного (as in "all but one refused to do it" – it means that all refused to do and only one did it)
27.11.2020 18:26:20 amer. in general terms в общем и целом (We are prepared to discuss the deal in general terms, but the details are confidential.)
27.11.2020 18:26:20 amer. hangover достояние прошлого (something that remains from what is past: The ​present ​political ​system is a hangover from the ​colonial ​era.)
27.11.2020 18:26:20 amer. wind down закруглить (деятельность)
27.11.2020 18:26:19 amer. go to pieces оказаться душевно надломленным
27.11.2020 18:26:19 amer. fall for запасть (someone – на кого-либо: I'm falling for you)
27.11.2020 18:26:19 amer. none of your business вас не касается (my short skirt is none of your business)
27.11.2020 18:26:19 amer. mock неискренний (She gave a little ​scream in mock ​surprise when she ​opened the ​door and ​saw us.)
27.11.2020 18:26:19 amer. no more больше не тот (кем был до этого)
27.11.2020 18:26:18 amer. beat-up изрядно изношенный
27.11.2020 18:26:18 amer. gargantuan исполинский (as in "gargantuan monoliths of Baalbek"; о древних сооружениях)
27.11.2020 18:26:18 amer. more than once не один раз (he had a huge nose that had been broken more that once)
27.11.2020 18:26:18 amer. none of your business не твоё дело (is in "it's none of your business whatsoever")
27.11.2020 18:26:18 amer. fad кратковременное увлечение (He ​thought ​computers would be just a fad.)
27.11.2020 18:26:18 amer. tend to проявлять склонность к
27.11.2020 18:26:17 amer. dress up for принарядиться к (чему-либо)
27.11.2020 18:26:17 amer. cavernous напоминающий огромную пещеру (suggesting a cavern: a cavernous warehouse)
27.11.2020 18:26:17 amer. see fit считать приемлемым (He's entitled to divide up his property as he sees fit.)
27.11.2020 18:26:16 amer. deadpan бесчувственный (he delivered the joke in such a deadpan voice that we thought at first that he was serious)
27.11.2020 18:26:14 amer. wasting away in Margaritaville прожигая жизнь в пьянке
27.11.2020 18:26:14 amer. have the clock ticking необходимо поторопиться так как время идёт
27.11.2020 18:26:14 amer. start with a clean slate начать всё с нуля (The company's debts have been paid so that the new manager can start with a clean slate.)
27.11.2020 18:26:14 amer. start with a clean slate начать все заново (figure of speech)
27.11.2020 18:26:14 amer. become estranged становиться отчуждённым (от; from)
27.11.2020 18:26:14 amer. between a rock and a hard place в трудном положении (I couldn't make up my mind. I was caught between a rock and a hard place.)
27.11.2020 18:26:14 amer. pick up vibes уловить настрой (человека)
27.11.2020 18:26:13 amer. sort of пожалуй что (It's a sort of ​pale ​orange ​colour.)
27.11.2020 18:26:13 saying. explan. misery loves company неудача воспринимается легче, когда ты не один такой
27.11.2020 18:26:13 amer. last-minute tip ещё пока не запоздалый совет
27.11.2020 18:26:12 amer. allegedly скорей всего (he was allegedly a leading participant in the coup attempt)
27.11.2020 18:26:12 amer. bitterly чересчур (to an ​extreme ​degree)
27.11.2020 18:26:11 amer. giveaway выдаваемый в качестве сувенира
27.11.2020 18:26:11 amer. perk преимущественное право (this apartment, a perk of her administrative position)
27.11.2020 18:26:11 amer. bitterly весьма (When he couldn't have the ​bike, my ​son was bitterly ​disappointed.)
27.11.2020 18:26:10 amer. groovy великолепный (о настроении-сейчас употр.редко)
27.11.2020 18:26:10 amer. fall to pieces оказаться душевно надломленным (Her parents split when she was young, and her mother just went to pieces.)
27.11.2020 18:26:09 amer. physical resemblance внешнее сходство (their physical resemblance is striking)
27.11.2020 18:26:09 amer. sashay идти уверенным шагом (as in "they sashayed into the bar)
27.11.2020 18:26:09 amer. chair председатель (комиссии; abbr. from "chairman": before he was a NTSB chair)
27.11.2020 18:26:09 amer. total eclipse of the heart полное затмение сердца (назв. песни)
27.11.2020 18:26:09 amer. bitterly с горечью (she said bitterly)
27.11.2020 18:26:08 amer. cavernous огромный (very large building or room: we toured the cavernous airplane hangar)
27.11.2020 18:26:07 amer. sameness по образу и подобию (The ​fall TV ​lineup ​promises another ​season of sameness.)
27.11.2020 18:26:07 amer. after-hours после окончания работы
27.11.2020 18:26:06 amer. crave сильно захотеть (чего-либо)
27.11.2020 18:26:06 amer. feel groovy чувствовать себя превосходно (to feel really good and mellow: It's a beautiful day, and I really feel groovy)
27.11.2020 18:26:05 amer. no more больше не такой (каким был до этого)
27.11.2020 18:26:05 amer. sashay идти уверенной походкой (She just sashayed in as if she owned the place.)
27.11.2020 18:26:05 amer. the clock's ticking время пошло
27.11.2020 18:26:05 amer. snow-white чисто-белого цвета
27.11.2020 18:26:05 amer. holy grail труднодостижимая цель (idiom; For our supporters, a place in the final is a Holy Grail.)
27.11.2020 18:26:04 amer. liken сопоставлять (I think that we can liken the two pianists, at least in terms of natural talent.)
27.11.2020 18:26:04 amer. liken отождествлять (he generally likened a root canal to some horrible form of torture)
27.11.2020 18:26:04 amer. sameness схожесть (the sameness of the two methods)
27.11.2020 18:26:03 amer. fight to the bitter end бороться до конца (a determined attempt to fight to the bitter end)
27.11.2020 18:26:03 amer. bitter уязвлённый (I don't feel jealous or bitter)
27.11.2020 18:25:55 amer. just off совсем неподалёку от (an island just south off Italy)
27.11.2020 18:25:55 amer. run a red light проскочить на красный свет (I was hit by someone today who ran a red light.)
27.11.2020 18:25:55 amer. off one's rocker slang не все дома (у кого-либо; Sometimes, Bob, I think you're off your rocker.)
27.11.2020 18:23:02 amer. old money унаследованное состояние (the inherited wealth of established upper-class families: this law firm was old money)
27.11.2020 18:23:02 amer. wander off потеряться (The dog wandered off.)
27.11.2020 18:23:02 amer. good riddance! ну и слава богу!
27.11.2020 18:23:02 amer. off one's rocker slang ненормальный (He's really off his rocker!)
27.11.2020 18:23:00 amer. damsel-in-distress молодая особа в опасности (she's a typical damsel-in-distress character)
27.11.2020 18:22:59 amer. outreach обгонять (s in "the demand outreaches the supply")
27.11.2020 18:22:59 amer. duds одёжка (he didn't want to get soil on his duds)
27.11.2020 18:22:59 amer. going to puke собираться стошнить (she thought she was going to puke but managed to keep it down)
27.11.2020 18:22:59 amer. strike back in kind отплатить той же монетой (he decided to strike back in kind at the critics)
27.11.2020 18:22:58 amer. vain эгоцентричный (He is the vainest man I know.; о человеке)
27.11.2020 18:22:58 amer. walk a fine line найти баланс между двумя сторонами
27.11.2020 18:22:58 amer. as a keepsake в качестве сувенира (he took several pictures as a keepsake)
27.11.2020 18:22:57 amer. outdo дать сто очков вперёд

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