
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

27.11.2020 18:37:57 amer. fall from grace согрешить и впасть в немилость (to sin and get on the wrong side of God; из-за отношения к богу)
27.11.2020 18:37:56 amer. damsel in distress молодая особа, нуждающаяся в помощи (a young woman who's in trouble and needs help: Most of the female characters are stereotypical damsels in distress.)
27.11.2020 18:37:55 amer. exquisite изумительный (exquisite weather)
27.11.2020 18:37:55 amer. as many такой же (период)
27.11.2020 18:37:55 amer. kill and flush down the toilet мочить в сортире
27.11.2020 18:37:54 amer. on a first-name basis на дружеской ноге (Practically all the guests were on a first-name basis.)
27.11.2020 18:37:54 amer. calculated заранее рассчитанный риск
27.11.2020 18:37:53 amer. the most exquisite самый что ни на есть прекрасный (the most exquisite statues of the Renaissance)
27.11.2020 18:37:52 amer. Okey меня устраивает (How about early next week? Okey by me.)
27.11.2020 18:37:51 amer. make up one's mind принять своё решение
27.11.2020 18:37:51 gen. cross one's mind приходить в голову (It never crossed my mind that she might be married. • It never crossed my mind to leave the tent and live in a house)
27.11.2020 18:37:51 amer. shoot a glance бросить быстрый взгляд в чью-либо сторону (at somebody)
27.11.2020 18:37:51 amer. newbie новенький (о незнакомце)
27.11.2020 18:37:50 amer. as many as без малого (As many as 500,000 people may have become infected with the virus.)
27.11.2020 18:37:50 amer. newbie неопытный (inexperienced: his newbie lawyer botched his sentencing)
27.11.2020 18:37:49 amer. ever-changing постоянно изменяющийся (constantly changing or developing: the key is adapting to the ever-changing conditions)
27.11.2020 18:37:49 amer. normalcy обычность (same as "normality")
27.11.2020 18:37:49 amer. not for nothing не просто так (The man wasn't a cop for nothing. He knew exactly which "buttons" to push.)
27.11.2020 18:37:48 amer. rear its ugly head показать свою неприглядную сущность (Jealousy reared its ugly head and destroyed their marriage.)
27.11.2020 18:37:46 amer. what-if а что, если
27.11.2020 18:37:46 amer. bundled up укутанный (he was bundled up from head to toe)
27.11.2020 18:37:46 amer. in the nick of time без промедления (A man walking his dog saw her fall into the river and pulled her out just in the nick of time.)
27.11.2020 18:37:46 amer. right away сию минуту (She said she needed to talk to him righr away.)
27.11.2020 18:37:45 amer. slack снисходительный (a rather slack supervision)
27.11.2020 18:37:45 amer. no biggie не трудно (No problem. It's no biggie.)
27.11.2020 18:37:45 amer. no big deal не трудно (Don't worry. It's no big deal to wash the car.)
27.11.2020 18:37:45 amer. patient усердный (They put in years of patient labor on the project.)
27.11.2020 18:37:44 amer. be in the wrong дать маху (to be in error)
27.11.2020 18:37:44 amer. patient кропотливый (done in a careful way over a long period of time without hurrying)
27.11.2020 18:37:43 amer. it's not a big deal ничего особенного (Don't worry, it's not a big deal.)
27.11.2020 18:37:43 amer. dead man walking истощённый до крайности (человек; idiom)
27.11.2020 18:37:43 amer. dead man walking конченый человек (в ожидании наказания; idiom)
27.11.2020 18:37:43 amer. without reservation безо всяких колебаний
27.11.2020 18:37:42 amer. dead man walking находящийся на грани смерти (человек; idiom)
27.11.2020 18:37:42 amer. in a crude way примитивным способом
27.11.2020 18:37:42 amer. get in line встать в очередь (Just get in line and ​wait ​your ​turn like everyone ​else.)
27.11.2020 18:37:42 amer. in the nick of time в самый последний момент (I reached the airport in the nick of time and made my flight.)
27.11.2020 18:37:41 amer. haute изысканный (high-class or fancy: a haute restaurant that attracts a monied crowd)
27.11.2020 18:37:40 amer. be in the wrong совершить ошибку (He knew he was in the wrong but refused to concede the point.)
27.11.2020 18:37:39 amer. longneck бутылка пива (с удлинённым горлышком)
27.11.2020 18:37:39 amer. brood коллекция (The museum exhibited a brood of monumental sculptures.)
27.11.2020 18:37:37 amer. ease one's pain облегчить свою боль (just to ease my pain)
27.11.2020 18:37:36 amer. in crude terms проще сказать (expressed in a simple way: Private morality, in crude terms, is not the law's business.)
27.11.2020 18:37:35 amer. inexplicable уму непостижимый (an inexplicable desire for ice cream at two in the morning)
27.11.2020 18:37:34 amer. little white lies вранье по мелочам
27.11.2020 18:37:33 amer. little white lie маленькая ложь
27.11.2020 18:37:32 amer. little white lie мелкая безобидная ложь (Every little white lie you tell is still a lie and it is still meant to mislead people.)
27.11.2020 18:37:30 amer. after-hours по окончании работы
27.11.2020 18:37:30 amer. rotten to the core продажный (idiom; The whole legal system is rotten to the core.)
27.11.2020 18:37:30 amer. MSF Врачи без границ (MSF, or Doctors Without Borders in French, demands independent probe of Afghan attack.)
27.11.2020 18:28:38 amer. rotten to the core коррумпированный (idiom; corrupt: It seems that this police unit is rotten to the core, involved in numerous extortion schemes.)
27.11.2020 18:28:37 amer. defy the odds совершить нечто невероятное (to accomplish something seemingly improbable)
27.11.2020 18:28:37 amer. in a heartbeat вмиг
27.11.2020 18:28:37 amer. free at last свободен наконец ("Thank God Almighty, we're free at last!" by Martin Luther King)
27.11.2020 18:28:36 amer. old habits die hard старые привычки изменить трудно
27.11.2020 18:28:36 amer. screech to a halt резко остановиться (со скрипом тормозов)
27.11.2020 18:28:36 amer. inexplicable мистический (for some inexplicable reason her mind went completely blank)
27.11.2020 18:28:36 amer. craving требующий (a problem craving prompt attention)
27.11.2020 18:28:35 amer. annoy заводить (кого-либо; somebody)
27.11.2020 18:28:35 amer. in abundance в избытке (vines and figs grew in abundance)
27.11.2020 18:28:35 amer. for better or worse что бы там ни было (For better or worse, he trusts everyone.)
27.11.2020 18:28:35 amer. axe прекратить (работу)
27.11.2020 18:28:35 amer. go over воспринимать (опр.образом)
27.11.2020 18:28:34 amer. disintegrate рассыпаться на мелкие кусочки
27.11.2020 18:28:34 amer. make a beeline направиться напрямик (к чему-либо)
27.11.2020 18:28:33 amer. be caught in the middle оказаться в центре (событий; of events)
27.11.2020 18:28:33 amer. slog долгий и утомительный процесс
27.11.2020 18:28:33 amer. for better or worse как бы там ни было (We now have a new government, for better or for worse.)
27.11.2020 18:28:33 amer. look someone over окинуть взором (кого-либо)
27.11.2020 18:28:33 amer. every once in a while эпизодически нет-нет да и
27.11.2020 18:28:32 amer. save for a rainy day отложить про запас (Luckily she had ​saved some ​money for a rainy ​day.)
27.11.2020 18:28:32 amer. pillow hair примятая причёска (messy hair, especially caused from sleeping with the head on a pillow)
27.11.2020 18:28:30 amer. save for a rainy day приберечь на всякий случай (She has a couple of thousand pounds kept aside which she's saving for a rainy day.)
27.11.2020 18:28:30 amer. hardship финансовые невзгоды (Even slight rent increases would cause considerable hardship.)
27.11.2020 18:28:29 amer. wind down закруглить деятельность
27.11.2020 18:28:28 amer. fall for влюбиться (someone); в кого-либо)
27.11.2020 18:28:27 amer. sweep under the rug держать в тайне
27.11.2020 18:28:27 amer. firmament сфера деятельности (a sphere or world viewed as a collection of people)
27.11.2020 18:28:26 amer. in deep shit по уши в дерьме (дословно)
27.11.2020 18:28:26 amer. the whole enchilada всё, что только можно (idiom; Let's ​throw a ​party – ​birthday ​cake, ​balloons, the ​whole enchilada.)
27.11.2020 18:28:26 amer. sweep under the rug утаивать (The ​committee is being ​accused of ​sweeping ​financial ​problems under the rug to ​avoid ​embarrassment.)
27.11.2020 18:28:26 amer. ramp up заметно увеличить (Online retailers ramp up the deals around holiday time.)
27.11.2020 18:28:25 amer. firmament область интересов
27.11.2020 18:28:25 amer. right on the money абсолютно прав
27.11.2020 18:28:24 amer. fall to pieces быть в расстроенных чувствах
27.11.2020 18:28:24 amer. tend to иметь склонность к забывчивости (forget)
27.11.2020 18:28:23 amer. tend to проявлять стремление к
27.11.2020 18:28:22 inf. disappr. cocksure самонадеянный (She was cocksure that she was able to do the job better than anyone else.)
27.11.2020 18:28:22 amer. slog нудная и кропотливая работа
27.11.2020 18:28:22 inf. never ever ни за что
27.11.2020 18:28:22 amer. prop up оказать содействие (The company would go bankrupt if the government didn't prop it up with special tax breaks.)
27.11.2020 18:28:22 amer. sought after желанный (the most sought-after item was the silver candelabrum)
27.11.2020 18:28:21 inf. disappr. cocksure излишне самоуверенный (He was so cocksure he would win the election that he didn't even bother to campaign.)
27.11.2020 18:28:21 amer. in one piece целым и невредимым (returned from a mission in one piece)
27.11.2020 18:28:21 amer. ongoing развивающийся (It should be practiced on an ongoing basis and until you have developed the skill.)
27.11.2020 18:28:21 amer. blemish незначительный дефект (a small mark or flaw: any blemish on a Rolls Royce might render it unsalable)
27.11.2020 18:28:21 amer. prop up оказать поддержку (Foreign investors propped up the currency by purchasing more government bonds.)
27.11.2020 18:28:20 amer. Italianate выполненный в итальянском стиле (done or made in a style typical of Italy)
27.11.2020 18:28:20 amer. braggadocio оскорбительно грубое поведение (boastful or arrogant behavior: Trump's impulsive braggadocio)
27.11.2020 18:28:20 amer. whatsoever ни на йоту (I have no doubt whatsoever)

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