
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

mil., navy F/A-18 Hornet палубный многоцелевой истребитель
inf. same old shit всё как и раньше
amer. cutie милашечка (a Mexican cutie)
amer. get turned around заблудиться (to get lost or lose one's way)
amer. lose too much weight совсем охлять
amer. that's so you это так на тебя похоже (that's exactly the sort of thing you would expect that person to say or to do)
amer. fish for compliments не прочь услышать комплименты (Emma, you know you don't look fat in that dress. Are you fishing for compliments?)
1.01.1970 3:00:00 amer. need for love жажда любви (her need for love is so great)
amer. condiment приправа к пище (a spice, sauce, or other in food preparation that is added to food to impart a particular flavor)
amer. processed meat products готовые мясные продукты (после технологической переработки)
amer. concession stand киоск по продаже пищи и напитков (в общественных местах)
amer. hit the side of a barn попасть в лёгкую мишень (He's a lousy shot. He can't hit the side of a barn.)
amer. broad as a barn door широченный (Jim's backside is as broad as a barn door.)
amer. clean the bar решать (старые проблемы; Ex-House Speaker Boehner cleans the barn for Paul Ryan before departing.)
amer. black-tie event официальное мероприятие (посетителям которого необходимо соблюдать опр. дресс-код)
amer. scream bloody murder выражать протест криком (When Jimmy took her teddy bear, Lauren screamed bloody murder)
amer. scream bloody murder кричать так, как будто кого-то убили (There is something wrong next door. Everyone is yelling bloody murder.)
amer. smooth as a baby's bottom необыкновенно гладкий (Her ​skin was still as smooth as a baby's bottom.)
amer. smooth as a baby's bottom гладкий как шёлк (​extremely smooth)
amer. but there's the rub но тут есть одно осложнение (You can't get a ​job ​unless you have ​experience, but there's the rub, you can't get ​experience ​unless you have a ​job.)
amer. make no difference без разницы (Pick whom you like. It makes no difference to me.)
amer. it makes no difference to me мне это без разницы (Pick whom you like. It makes no difference to me.)
comp. RF Capture устройство для наблюдения за людьми (в соседнем помещении; device)
amer. nothing-but-spin ничего кроме болтовни (it was a nothing-but-spin debate)
amer. funny farm психиатрическая больница (slang; a psychiatric hospital: he should be taken off to the funny farm)
gen. one couple, two children одна семья-два ребёнка (China adopts the new family-planning rule)
amer. tip наставление
mil. shell-shocked страдающий от контузии (suffering from shell shock: I was ​treating shell-shocked ​soldiers)
amer. checkmark отметка "галочка" (checkmark (or tick) is a mark (✓) used to indicate the concept "yes")
busin. set the record straight внести полную ясность (Jane's mother heard that Tom is a married man, but he set the record straight. He's divorced.)
amer. between you, me and the gatepost только между нами (Between you, me and the gatepost, I'm thinking of leaving.)
amer. look pretty at ease выглядеть весьма непринуждённо (as ln "she looks pretty at ease in this chic ensemble")
amer. coywolf койволк (new hybrid species in the US containing DNA from both coyotes and wolves)
amer. pants-on-fire whooper потрясающее враньё (slang)
lit. gargantuan чудовищный (a gargantuan landslide)
lit. gargantuan непомерный (a gargantuan appetite)
fash. sideboob грудь, видимая через боковые вырезы платья
1.01.1970 3:00:00 amer. chill out! уймись! (Hey, chill out!)
1.01.1970 3:00:00 prof.jarg. sepulcher саркофаг (в склепе)
lit. damsel молодая особа (a damsel in distress)
comp. foolish pride глупая гордыня (a feeling that you are better or more important than other people)
amer. foolish pride глупое высокомерие
1.01.1970 3:00:00 prof.jarg. first-ever пока что единственный (this meeeting is the first-ever so far)
amer. bone-weary сильно уставший (extremely tired)
police crime scene team следственно-оперативная бригада
avia. breather hole отверстие 0,5 мм в иллюминаторе самолёта
amer. less tech-savvy тот, кто не в ладах с техникой
inf. rationale веский аргумент (a logical basis for a course of action)
inf. rationale логичный мотив (he explained the rationale behind the change)
1.01.1970 3:00:00 inf. rationale логичное объяснение (He had a rationale for everything he did.)
amer. tech-savvy сведущий в технике (The ​state ​needs more tech-savvy ​workers for its ​hi-tech ​industries.)
amer. tech-savvy разбирающийся в технических вопросах
1.01.1970 3:00:00 amer. normalcy естественность (a combat-weary soldier longing for the normalcy of peacetime life)
comp. what the...? какого...? ("what the fuck?" when said or asked in a polite way)
police police shield нагрудный жетон полицейского
avia. jetpack индивидуальный ракетный ранец (a jet-powered or rocket-powered device, usually worn on the back, that allows a person to fly)
inf. tall order непосильное поручение (Getting the crop harvested with so few hands to help was a tall order.)
prof.jarg. in its infancy в самом начале (разработки; the program is in its infancy)
fishery seaweeds крупные морские водоросли (large algae growing in the sea or on rocks below the high-water mark)
mil., lingo raghead мужик в чалме (slang)
amer. precinct полицейский район (a district of a city or town as defined for police purposes)
police tapped телефон, взятый на прослушку и контроль перемещения (phone)
mexic. Day of the Dead День поминовения (a Mexican holiday which focused on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died)
mexic. Day of the Dea День поминовения (a Mexican holiday which focused on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died)
relig. Kumbaya религиозная песня (Kumbaya (pigeon English of the phrase "Come By Here") is an old spiritual song of Afro-American origin that later was made internationally available but in the process it was robbed of it's meaning.)
prof.jarg. two of a kind похожи друг на друга (the guys looked like two of a kind, almost like brothers)
amer. dream catcher индейский амулет "ловец снов" (по преданию отгоняет дурные сны)
mil., lingo balaclava шапка-маска балаклава
amer. far out великолепный (slang; exellent or cool: That design on that shirt is really far out!)
amer. far-out необычайный (unconventional or avant-garde: Her child-rearing theories are far out.)
amer. far-out диковинный
amer. caveman неотёсанный в общении человек
sec.sys. Standard Suicide Bomber Detection System Стандартная система выявления пояса смертника на расстоянии (SSBDS)
traf. adaptive traffic signals адаптивные светофоры (which continually read traffic and retime green lights)
sec.sys. target-rich environment обстановка с наличием множества объектов-целей (a target-rich environment on both sides of the borderline)
intell. sleeper agent агент внедрения
comp. Li-Fi аналог системы Wi-Fi на светодиодах (a bidirectional, high-speed and fully networked wireless communication technology similar to Wi-Fi)
gen. stuffies набивные плюшевые игрушки (stuffed animal plush toys for kids)
gen. stuffies мягкие игрушки (в которых можно что-либо прятать)
inf. everyday people простые люди ("Everyday People" is a 1968 song by Sly & the Family Stone)
inf. once more ещё один раз
inf. just the two of us только мы вдвоём
med. elopement побег больного (с психическими расстройствами)
gen. bug нарушать покой (annoy or bother (someon)
1.01.1970 3:00:00 inf. there's the rub однако здесь есть проблема (в кач. комментария)
inf. the core на все сто (she's still Chinese to the core)
amer. capstone пик (the capstone of his career)
amer. capstone высшая ступень (the crowning achievement)
amer. if ever что вряд ли ("It's something that the average person is not going to see very often, if ever." said FBI spokesman.)
amer. six-gun шестизарядный револьвер Кольта
inf. everlasting love нескончаемая любовь
amer. vibes эмоциональный настрой
inf. go ballistic выйти из себя (What was his response? He went ballistic.)
amer. dead leaves опавшие листья (dead leaves drifted over the park's paths)
police unnatural покойник (умерший неестественной смертью)
gen. as clear as day и ребёнку ясно
gen. as clear as day яснее ясного
gen. sortation рассортировка (the sortation of mail)
prof.jarg. hold the fort присмотреть (взамен кого-либо; idiom; You should open the store at eight o'clock and hold the fort until I get there at ten.)
inf. tipsy захмелевший (slightly drunk: I got a little tipsy at the party last night.)

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