
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.258  << | >>

3.08.2018 15:44:36 amer. put on the back burner приостановить (Business issues were put on the back burner to give the technical ideas room to roam.; на время)
3.08.2018 15:44:36 nautic. batten down the hatches задраить люки (команда перед штормом)
3.08.2018 15:44:22 amer. desk clerk дежурный (на входе)
3.08.2018 15:44:20 amer. piece of cake проще некуда (The exam was a piece of cake.)
3.08.2018 15:44:14 amer. this here house этот самый дом (сленг)
3.08.2018 15:37:15 inf. bigwig большая шишка (...who happened to be some kind of bigwig doctor.)
3.08.2018 15:37:15 inf. never mind! забудь (об этом: Never mind. I forget what I was going to say.)
3.08.2018 15:37:15 amer. never mind не беспокойся (о ком-либо; Never mind Susan – she can get a ride home with someone else.)
3.08.2018 15:36:56 amer. rub досадная помеха (She's an amazing cook, but she rarely has time to make meals. There's the rub.)
3.08.2018 15:36:56 amer. herder погонщик (a camel herder)
3.08.2018 15:36:40 amer. from across the pond из-за океана (that's what I'm hearing from across the pond)
3.08.2018 15:36:24 amer. we all have our faults всем свойственно ошибаться
3.08.2018 15:36:24 amer. work both ways иметь свои преимущества и недостатки (Installing the new computer system works both ways – we'll have better control of our business, but we'll lose some of our best workers.)
3.08.2018 15:36:24 amer. work both ways срабатывать в одинаковой степени (для всех; Asking for sacrifices has to work both ways – workers and management both have to accept cuts.)
3.08.2018 15:36:24 amer. work both sides of the street следовать двойным стандартам (The real estate agent was known for working both sides of the street, advising first the buyer and then the seller.)
3.08.2018 15:36:24 amer. work both sides of the street поступать по принципу "и вашим и нашим"
3.08.2018 15:36:06 inf. by no means ни за что
3.08.2018 15:35:51 amer. desk clerk служащий
3.08.2018 15:35:51 amer. con an instance of deceiving or tricking someone "разводилово"
3.08.2018 15:35:45 amer. grind to a halt прекратить работу (из-за аварии; If the computer network crashed, the whole office would grind to a halt.)
3.08.2018 15:35:45 amer. grind to a halt замедлиться (до полной остановки; Traffic on the interstate almost ground to a halt today because it was so foggy.)
3.08.2018 15:35:43 amer. roll in the hay заняться сексом (How's about we roll in the hay?)
3.08.2018 15:35:40 amer. impound lot арестплощадка (службы эвакуации автомобилей)
3.08.2018 15:35:40 amer. adhere to the rules строго соблюдать правила
3.08.2018 15:35:37 amer. Yield Уступи дорогу (give way – дорожный знак)
3.08.2018 15:35:34 amer. call it quits быть в расчёте (You paid for the theatre tickets so if I pay for dinner we can call it quits.)
3.08.2018 15:35:34 amer. pass the buck перекладывать свою ответственность (на других)
3.08.2018 15:35:34 amer. threads одежда (slang; He changed into his finest Italian threads for the meeting.)
3.08.2018 15:35:33 amer. tatters рванье (He was dressed in some tatters.)
3.08.2018 15:35:29 amer. nothing to write home about ломаного гроша не стоит (Their performance was nothing to write home about.)
3.08.2018 15:35:29 amer. in stark contrast to в явном противоречии с (His criticism of the movie stands in stark contrast to the praise it has received from others.)
3.08.2018 15:35:29 amer. nothing ventured, nothing gained без риска успеха не достичь
3.08.2018 15:35:22 amer. even-tempered сдержанный (He was even-tempered, fair-minded, and willing to work with his fellow legislators to make a difference.)
3.08.2018 15:35:22 amer. even-tempered невозбудимый
3.08.2018 15:35:22 amer. reflex angle тупой угол (any angle between 180 and 360 deg.)
3.08.2018 15:35:21 amer. hatchet man профессиональный убийца
3.08.2018 15:35:17 amer. minion любимчик (most of the top appointments went to the new governor's personal minions and political cronies)
3.08.2018 15:35:15 amer. spazz out разгневаться (Mom spazzed out when she smelled cigarette smoke on my clothes.)
3.08.2018 15:35:15 amer. spazz out вспылить
3.08.2018 15:35:15 construct. core drilling сверление отверстий в межэтажных бетонных перекрытиях (для прокладки труб и кабелей)
3.08.2018 15:35:15 amer. legacy последствие (a programme to overcome the legacy of inequality created by Apartheid)
3.08.2018 15:35:12 amer. right on cue как будто бы по заказу
3.08.2018 15:35:11 mil. senior commanders старший комсостав
3.08.2018 15:35:10 amer. put the skids on предотвратить (an idea that could put the skids on bicycle theft)
3.08.2018 15:35:09 amer. flummoxed растерянный (he became flummoxed and speechless)
3.08.2018 15:35:06 amer. glide парить в воздухе (swans gliding over the lake)
3.08.2018 15:34:59 amer. overkill сверх меры
3.08.2018 15:34:56 amer. in spades выше крыши (The thing that you absolutely must have for this job is confidence – and Adam has it in spades.)
3.08.2018 15:34:50 amer. have something in mind планировать (She would say only that they had ambitious projects in mind.; что-либо)
3.08.2018 15:34:50 amer. ebb постепенно угасать (о жизни, здоровье: his life ebbed away)
3.08.2018 15:34:45 amer. game-changer прорыв (в мировозрении или опр.области деятельности: a potential game-changer that could revitalize the entire US aerospace industry)
3.08.2018 15:34:44 amer. cry wolf жаловаться без всякой на то причины (Growers who cry wolf today about the lack of water will probably be selling their vegetables in a few months.)
3.08.2018 15:04:10 amer. venture пуститься (наудачу)
3.08.2018 14:58:48 amer. bite прикусить (напр.губу: she bit her lip)
3.08.2018 14:26:20 amer. throw someone to the dogs бросить за ненадобностью (If Jessica doesn't achieve as they expect, they'll throw her to the dogs.)
3.08.2018 14:26:19 amer. give the green light санкционировать (The House of Representatives gave a green light to oil exploration off the East Coast.)
3.08.2018 14:26:18 amer. hothead вспыльчивый человек (Working on the project with such a hothead has been unpleasant.)
3.08.2018 14:26:16 amer. up for grabs для выигрыша (We've got $1000 up for grabs in our new quiz. All you have to do is call this number.; о деньгах)
3.08.2018 14:26:12 amer. come what may что бы там ни было (I'll be home for the holidays, come what may.)
3.08.2018 14:26:06 gen. run-of-the-mill обыкновенный (a run-of-the-mill college graduate • I was just a very average run-of-the-mill kind of student.)
3.08.2018 14:26:06 gen. run-of-the-mill ординарный
3.08.2018 14:26:05 slang piece волына (a handgun in criminal slang)
3.08.2018 14:26:04 amer. pen name авторский псевдоним (в литературе)
3.08.2018 14:26:03 amer. in conjunction совместно (herbal medicine was used in conjunction with acupuncture and massage)
3.08.2018 14:26:03 amer. in retrospect теперь, по прошествии времени (in hindsight)
3.08.2018 14:26:02 amer. loved one близкий (People, naturally enough, want to know that their loved ones are out of danger.; член семьи или друг)
3.08.2018 14:25:59 amer. in the back of one's mind где-то там в подсознании (It's been in the back of my mind to call José for several days now, but I haven't got around to it yet.)
3.08.2018 14:25:54 yacht. tack дистанция между сменами галсов (follow a short tack)
3.08.2018 14:25:54 inf. after all как бы там ни было (He came in time after all.)
3.08.2018 14:25:53 amer. in the making восходящий (Her drama teacher is confident Julie is a star in the making.; о талантливых людях)
3.08.2018 14:25:53 amer. loiter ошиваться (she saw Mary loitering near the cloakrooms)
3.08.2018 14:25:49 amer. undertaking обещание (I give an undertaking that we shall proceed with the legislation.)
3.08.2018 14:25:46 amer. shrill пронзительный звук (the shrill of the ship's whistle)
3.08.2018 14:25:43 brit. beat hollow обыграть с большим преимуществом (soccer)
3.08.2018 14:25:39 amer. gutter гетто (a slang word for "ghetto" or "hood")
3.08.2018 14:25:36 amer. lub-dub имитация звука (пульсации работающего сердца)
3.08.2018 14:25:36 amer. begin with первое и самое главное (To begin with, I don't have enough money to take a trip to Europe this summer.)
3.08.2018 14:25:34 amer. belfry башка (slang: a belfry full of curious notions)
3.08.2018 14:25:27 amer. promontory возвышенность (He stood on the windswept promontory overlooking the bay.)
3.08.2018 14:25:19 amer. wide-awake настороже (состояние)
3.08.2018 14:25:09 amer. real quick очень быстро
3.08.2018 14:25:07 amer. pick урожай (The pick of apples was poor this season.; при поштучном сборе)
3.08.2018 14:25:04 amer. snuf замочить (убить кого-либо – to kill, murder etc.)
3.08.2018 14:25:04 amer. real hot жарища
3.08.2018 14:25:02 amer. niche небольшое углубления (для сокрытия чего-либо)
3.08.2018 14:25:02 amer. jab подначка (He ignored her jab.)
3.08.2018 14:25:01 amer. niche сфера деятельности (She finally found her niche as a teacher.)
3.08.2018 14:24:59 amer. place in jeopardy подвергнуть риску (She has placed the entire project in jeopardy.)
3.08.2018 14:24:41 amer. rub проблема (We'd like to travel, but the rub is that we have no money.)
3.08.2018 14:24:41 amer. jab критическое замечание (In a sharp jab at the White House he said that the system relied on good faith and honor on both sides.)
3.08.2018 14:24:41 amer. jab острое ощущение (боли, чувств: the jabs of pain up my spine" or "a jab of envy)
3.08.2018 14:24:41 amer. cat-o-nine tails плеть для наказания (a type of multi-tailed whip that originated as an implement for severe physical punishment)
3.08.2018 14:24:39 amer. put up соорудить
3.08.2018 14:24:38 amer. complete disarray хаос (The room was in complete disarray.)
3.08.2018 14:23:59 amer. deploy доставить (Two scientists were deployed to study the problem.; в опр. место)
3.08.2018 14:23:47 amer. mold стереотип (figure of speech: He doesn't fit the mold)
3.08.2018 14:23:32 amer. straight arrow добросовестный (a straight-arrow cop)
3.08.2018 14:23:32 amer. square откровенный (a square answer)
3.08.2018 14:23:32 amer. Occam's razor принцип бритвы Оккама (out of multiple possibilities the simplest is most likely the best choice)
3.08.2018 14:23:31 police COD причина смерти (cause of death)

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