
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

5.06.2014 23:40:18 inf. there's the rub вот загвоздка (You can't get a job unless you have experience, but there's the rub – you can't get experience unless you have a job.)
5.06.2014 0:31:14 amer. proclivity for склонность к (чем-либо: proclivity for violence)
5.06.2014 0:29:24 amer. lights-out time время выключения освещения
5.06.2014 0:18:25 amer. temper преуменьшить (to makesomething less severe or extreme)
5.06.2014 0:06:14 amer. a good part of the day почти весь день (We spent a good part of the day at the beach.)
4.06.2014 23:57:08 amer. pretty thoroughly весьма тщательно (The case will be studied pretty thoroughly before any decision is made.)
4.06.2014 19:46:38 amer. galleon вооружённый парусный корабль (16-18 века; a large, multi-decked merchant sailing ship armed with cannons)
4.06.2014 19:37:41 amer. dog-eared page страница с загнутым уголком (в качестве закладки)
4.06.2014 19:30:16 amer. cross-dressing переодевание (часто связанное с сексуальной ориентацией; the act or practice of wearing clothes made for the opposite sex)
31.05.2014 21:05:24 amer. pending issue вопрос в процессе рассмотрения
31.05.2014 20:59:55 amer. it's the least one can do это самое малое что можно сделать
31.05.2014 20:57:36 police.jarg. unmarked автомашина без опознавательных знаков (as in: ...including two unmarkeds parked nearby.)
31.05.2014 20:49:33 police DMV shot фото из досье Департамента регистрации автотранспорта
31.05.2014 20:45:24 police mug shot фото арестованного (a two-view photo taken after a person is arrested)
31.05.2014 20:37:49 amer. the elderly люди пожилого возраста (The program is intended to provide medical care for the elderly.)
30.05.2014 22:35:30 amer. big shot имеющий вес (влияние: a big shot in local politics)
30.05.2014 22:30:27 amer. swishy гомосексуальный (effeminate and homosexual in behavior)
30.05.2014 22:18:25 amer. rip off вводить в заблуждение (a false advertising campaign that ripped off consumers)
30.05.2014 22:01:14 amer. upstanding уважаемый (an upstanding member of the community)
30.05.2014 21:55:23 inf. split убежать (He freaks out and splits.)
30.05.2014 21:34:16 inf. rigmarole нудная процедура (to go through the rigmarole of a formal dinner)
30.05.2014 21:27:13 amer. signage информационные указатели (Recent airport improvements include more lighting and better signage.)
30.05.2014 21:22:45 inf. my,oh,my! ничего себе! (My, oh, my, what a strange haircut!)
30.05.2014 21:18:45 amer. as much as one can вволю (You can eat as much as you can.)
30.05.2014 20:18:55 amer. gentrify перестроить (as in "gentrify the old center of town"; запущенный район)
30.05.2014 20:12:49 amer. be short on dough испытывать нехватку денег (разг. выражение)
30.05.2014 1:17:08 amer. gentrification реновация запущенного района (the buying and renovation of houses and stores in deteriorated urban neighborhoods by upper- or middle-income families or individuals, thus improving property values but often displacing low-income families and small businesses)
30.05.2014 1:13:08 amer. schmooze пообщаться (в неформальной обстановке; People will have time to schmooze during the cocktail hour.)
30.05.2014 0:47:06 inf. wiseass хитрожопый (His wiseass comments got him thrown out of class.)
30.05.2014 0:36:21 amer. wanderlust желание уехать (куда-либо; a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world)
30.05.2014 0:24:23 amer. start all over again начать все заново (I want to reformat my laptop and start all over again.)
30.05.2014 0:19:19 amer. not to worry не стоит беспокоиться (I think we're about to run out of money. Not to worry, I have some more travelers checks.)
29.05.2014 23:59:42 amer. teeny bit немного (I'm a teeny bit upset.)
29.05.2014 23:53:30 inf. path of least resistance наилегчайший путь (решения проблемы; the easiest, but not necessarily the best or most honourable, course of action)
29.05.2014 1:09:21 amer. systemic problem проблема системного характера (a problem due to issues inherent in the overall system, rather than due to a specific, isolated factor)
28.05.2014 20:50:24 amer. clout авторитет (I knew he carried a lot of clout.)
28.05.2014 20:45:21 amer. celibacy воздержание от секса (a widower who has maintained absolute celibacy since the death of his wife)
28.05.2014 20:29:50 slang slut потаскуха (a woman who has many casual sexual partners)
28.05.2014 20:27:58 amer. butterfingered неловкий (I'm so butterfingered this morning–I keep dropping things.)
28.05.2014 20:05:49 amer. fall short of не оправдать (ожиданий; Sales for the first half of the year fell short of the target.)
28.05.2014 20:01:20 inf. put off отложить (исполнение чего-либо: never put off until tomorrow what you can do today)
28.05.2014 19:57:44 inf. anybody but любой кроме (anybody but him)
28.05.2014 19:56:12 amer. anybody but him любой, кроме него
28.05.2014 19:35:18 amer. have a few too many перебрать (об алкоголе; You'd better not drive. I think you've had a few too many.)
28.05.2014 19:14:59 amer. pull a Jonah надеяться на удачу (если повезёт; I didn't study! I hope I pull a Jonah!)
27.05.2014 21:43:17 inf. stone забить камнями (в качестве наказания; A pregnant woman was stoned to death by her own family in Lahore, Pakistan.)
26.05.2014 22:03:19 amer. on the off chance с надеждой на удачу (We didn't think we would get into the football game, but we went on the off chance.)
26.05.2014 21:51:14 amer. in a short while вскоре (see you in a short while)
25.05.2014 22:25:26 police cop a plea признать вину (для сделки со стороной обвинения; The police hoped the men would cop a plea and testify against the ringleaders in return for reduced sentences.)
25.05.2014 21:59:15 amer. get trimmed off постричь (How much of my hair should I get trimmed off?)
25.05.2014 21:57:48 amer. pick someone's brain попросить совета (Can I pick your brain about how you got rid of those weeds?; у кого-либо)
25.05.2014 21:54:10 inf. pick сбор (урожая поштучный; The pick of apples was poor this season.)
25.05.2014 21:34:30 amer. write off учесть как убыток (write off a bad loan)
25.05.2014 21:22:02 amer. pansy гомик (a male homosexual)
25.05.2014 21:17:19 amer. crestfallen огорчённый (She was crestfallen when she found out she hadn't got the job.)
25.05.2014 21:00:48 amer. go for a spin покататься (We're going for a spin in Al's new car.; на чём-либо)
25.05.2014 20:55:33 amer. keep this under the hat об этом не следует распространяться
25.05.2014 20:49:24 amer. wage garnishment удержание зарплаты в счёт долга (a last-ditch effort to collect debt, can result in a court order seizing part of debtor's wages)
25.05.2014 20:49:24 amer. wage garnishment удержание части зарплаты (в счёт долга; a last-ditch effort to collect debt, can result in a court order seizing part of debtor's wages)
25.05.2014 20:42:28 amer. truant officer школьный контролёр (a person employed by a public-school system to investigate the continued absences of pupils)
25.05.2014 20:37:34 inf. serene исполненный спокойствия (he remained serene in the midst of turbulence)
25.05.2014 20:04:32 amer. we've nothing in common между нами нет ничего общего
23.05.2014 22:29:38 amer. one of a kind необыкновенный (He was an extraordinary person – absolutely one of a kind.)
21.05.2014 23:04:21 amer. pry out выколупывать (чем-либо)
21.05.2014 22:32:49 amer. turn someone down отказать (We turned down Joan, even though her credentials were good.; кому-либо)
21.05.2014 22:30:50 amer. turn someone down дать от ворот поворот (кому-либо)
21.05.2014 22:28:25 amer. potential snag непредвиденная помеха
21.05.2014 22:24:24 amer. top-of-the-line новейший (a top-of-the-line model)
21.05.2014 22:19:21 amer. knockoff дешёвая подделка (That purse is a knockoff.)
20.05.2014 21:30:36 amer. spin-off from сопутствующий результат (от иной деятельности: the spin–off from the space program)
20.05.2014 20:57:36 amer. snuff замочить (slang; to kill or murder)
20.05.2014 20:51:37 amer. contempt. goombah гангстер (chiefly of Italian-American origin)
20.05.2014 20:49:26 amer. contempt. goombah мафиози (chiefly of Italian-American origin)
20.05.2014 20:45:49 inf. size too large на размер больше (His coat was a size too large.)
20.05.2014 20:16:03 inf. do причёска (his cropped and gelled do)
18.05.2014 23:54:08 amer. jailhouse место заключения
18.05.2014 23:53:22 amer. lockup место заключения (The firm conviction that juvenile offenders should never be held in adult lockups.)
18.05.2014 23:49:17 amer. loose ends небольшие упущения (The job's nearly done. I'm just tying up one or two loose ends at the moment.)
18.05.2014 23:44:23 amer. fill in the gaps исправить упущения (Not everything has been done, but I'm sure you can fill in the gaps.)
18.05.2014 23:27:10 amer. lace with добавлять (что-либо; He gave us coffee laced with brandy.)
18.05.2014 23:12:12 amer. reckless action опрометчивый поступок (It's reckless action on your part.)
18.05.2014 23:09:19 amer. reckless behavior безрассудное поведение
18.05.2014 23:07:52 amer. admin board административный совет
18.05.2014 23:05:29 amer. just name it только скажи что (We can do whatever you need, just name it.)
18.05.2014 22:59:47 amer. it remains to be seen это ещё надо посмотреть (It remains to be seen who will win.)
18.05.2014 22:55:15 fig. drive a wedge посеять вражду (She thinks Samantha's jealous and is trying to drive a wedge between her and her boyfriend.)
18.05.2014 22:49:20 fig. drive a wedge внести разногласия (This is a clear attempt to drive a wedge between the USA and its western allies.)
18.05.2014 22:38:06 amer. in perpetuity без ограничения срока действия (bequeathed to them in perpetuity)
17.05.2014 21:29:33 amer. gangly нескладный (tall, thin, and awkward: a gangly kid)
17.05.2014 21:26:39 amer. be on the mend поправляться (о здоровье)
17.05.2014 21:20:56 amer. jaywalk переходить улицу (в неположенном месте)
17.05.2014 21:08:21 amer. polish off выпить до дна (He polished off the champain and availed himself for another.)
17.05.2014 21:05:18 amer. spit-polished начищенный до блеска (as in "spit-polished shoes" – figure of speech)
17.05.2014 20:58:50 amer. hulk громила (a six-foot hulk of a man)
17.05.2014 20:56:35 amer. spaghetti-straps тонкие лямки (платья, топика)
17.05.2014 20:50:28 police.jarg. old unsolved case "висяк"
17.05.2014 20:41:56 amer. all well that ends well все хорошо что хорошо кончается
17.05.2014 20:36:02 amer. joyride опасная езда (a fast and dangerous ride, especially one taken in a stolen vehicle)
17.05.2014 20:33:37 amer. misname использовать неправильный термин (They misnamed the airport when they called it “international.” Almost all the arriving and departing flights are local.)
17.05.2014 20:33:37 inf. misname использовать ошибочный термин (They misnamed the airport when they called it "international.")

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