
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

12.08.2014 21:59:24 gen. run-of-the-mill ничем не выделяющийся (run-of-the-mill author)
12.08.2014 21:31:37 slang mumbo jumbo белиберда (His explanation was just a lot of mumbo jumbo.)
12.08.2014 20:47:01 amer. real McCoy настоящее изделие (не подделка: the apparent fake turned out to be the real McCoy)
11.08.2014 22:52:31 amer. keep an eye on someone наблюдать (за чем- или кем-либо; Please keep an eye on my bag while I go to the bathroom.)
11.08.2014 22:47:15 amer. junkie человек, чрезмерно увлечённый (чем-либо; He's a movie junkie.)
11.08.2014 22:39:22 amer. for good безвозвратно (I'm leaving for good this time.)
11.08.2014 22:25:47 amer. favorite наиболее предпочтительный (среди других)
11.08.2014 22:13:56 amer. too much leeway слишком много свободы (действий; He's been given too much leeway in his action.)
11.08.2014 22:08:49 amer. leeway допустимая свобода (действий; You will be given some leeway in choosing how to carry out the project.)
11.08.2014 21:59:53 amer. wuss тюфяк (о человеке; Don't be such a wuss.)
11.08.2014 9:15:37 amer. sherlock частный детектив
11.08.2014 8:58:46 amer. walk down memory lane удариться в воспоминания
11.08.2014 8:54:26 amer. stare at таращить глаза (на кого-либо)
9.08.2014 22:58:23 amer. play it safe не стоит рисковать
9.08.2014 22:33:46 amer. fall fast asleep отрубиться (крепко заснуть)
9.08.2014 22:32:00 amer. fall fast asleep крепко заснуть (не путать с "fall asleep pretty fast" – быстро заснуть)
9.08.2014 22:08:13 amer. financial irregularities финансовые нарушения (any form of financial mismanagement)
9.08.2014 22:04:15 amer. needy излишне требовательный (personality; Needy types are people who drain your energy because they constantly require your attention, affection, or affirmation.)
9.08.2014 21:39:23 amer. hinder замедлять (процесс; The witness refused to cooperate, hindering the investigation.)
9.08.2014 21:11:29 inf. stymie прервать (процесс или действие; Progress on the project has been stymied by lack of money.)
9.08.2014 0:34:44 inf. detest не переносить (чего-либо: detest cigarette smoke)
9.08.2014 0:29:54 amer. reasonably good-looking в меру симпатичный
9.08.2014 0:27:47 amer. exceptionally attractive на редкость привлекательный
9.08.2014 0:18:46 amer. downside негативный аспект (чего-либо: it is the downside of fame you have to live with)
9.08.2014 0:08:55 idiom. take breath away вызывать чувство восхищения (She was strolling along the street, and just seeing her took his breath away.)
9.08.2014 0:03:23 inf. remains to be seen пока неясно (It remains to be seen who will win this time.)
8.08.2014 23:48:53 nautic. come ashore сойти на берег (с судна)
8.08.2014 23:43:19 idiom. at bay на расстоянии (as in "keep at bay" – держать на расстоянии)
8.08.2014 23:39:20 gen. keep at bay не давать приблизиться (He kept the police at bay with a gun for several hours.)
8.08.2014 23:30:00 amer. pent-up rage сдерживаемый гнев
8.08.2014 23:18:15 amer. manacle пристегнуть (наручниками к чем-либо: manacle him to a wall pipe)
8.08.2014 23:02:07 inf. let go of something выпустить из рук (что-либо; Don't let go of the steering wheel.)
8.08.2014 22:56:46 inf. let go of отпустить (кого-либо; somebody; Please let go of me!)
7.08.2014 22:31:36 explan. have a buzz on находиться в состоянии легкого опьянения (After a few beers they all had a buzz on.)
7.08.2014 22:11:03 inf. in hindsight теперь, по прошествии времени (David realized, in hindsight, that he should have finished school.)
7.08.2014 21:59:41 inf. vindicate снять подозрения (hospital staff were vindicated by the inquest verdict)
7.08.2014 21:55:45 inf. vindicate снять обвинения (She will be completely vindicated by the evidence.)
7.08.2014 21:50:18 police false confession ложное признание (оговорить самого себя)
7.08.2014 21:33:10 amer. get roped in оказаться вовлечённым (в нежелательную ситуацию; slang; We bettere get out before we get roped in.)
7.08.2014 21:26:06 police rope off оцепить лентой (от посторонних; The police roped off the area where the crime occurred.)
7.08.2014 21:12:23 amer. hubris завышенная самооценка (His failure was brought on by his hubris.; гордыня)
7.08.2014 21:00:39 amer. startup недавно созданная компания (или предприятие: a startup biotech company)
7.08.2014 20:54:47 law alibi алиби подозреваемого или преступника (a defence to a criminal charge to the effect that the accused was elsewhere than at the scene of the alleged crime)
7.08.2014 20:44:26 law unimpeachable alibi неопровержимое алиби
7.08.2014 20:40:45 law Silver Platter Doctrine возможность использования доказательств, полученных в обход законодательства (the doctrine under which evidence turned over to federal officials by state officials would not be suppressed even though it was obtained by means of an illegal search)
7.08.2014 1:35:40 amer. raffle someone's feathers досадить (кому-либо; I didn't mean to ruffle his feathers. I just thought that I would remind him of what he promised us.)
7.08.2014 1:18:30 amer. from A to Z целиком и полностью (This book tells the story of her life from A to Z.)
7.08.2014 0:50:35 amer. in detail во всех подробностях (we will have to examine the proposal in detail)
7.08.2014 0:44:04 amer. notoriety скандальная известность (She gained notoriety when nude photographs of her appeared in a magazine.)
6.08.2014 23:25:29 amer. command respect заслужить уважение (у других || If you command something such as respect or obedience, you obtain it because you are popular, famous, or important.: you have to command respect, not demand it)
6.08.2014 23:16:06 amer. command attention привлекать внимание (She commands attention wherever she goes, including the courtroom.)
6.08.2014 21:21:19 amer. psychosis психоз связанный с потерей чувства реальности (a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality")
6.08.2014 20:53:28 amer. get jittery нервничать (I always get jittery when I have to give a speech.)
6.08.2014 20:45:15 inf. off-kilter возбуждённый (he was feeling a little off-kilter)
6.08.2014 20:39:10 amer. love dearly крепко любить (He was a great man and I loved him dearly.)
6.08.2014 20:12:22 gen. loved ones родственники (People, naturally enough, want to know that their loved ones are out of danger.)
6.08.2014 1:44:37 amer. think outside the box мыслить незаурядно (We need to think outside the box if we are going to come up with something really new.)
4.08.2014 23:35:19 amer. muggy air душный воздух (unpleasantly warm and humid)
4.08.2014 23:20:59 amer. seared flesh обожжённый участок тела
4.08.2014 23:17:13 amer. frisson нервный трепет (thrill)
4.08.2014 23:15:11 amer. frisson нервная дрожь (a frisson of excitement)
4.08.2014 23:05:22 mil. nuclear-tipped cruise missile крылатая ракета с ядерной боеголовкой
4.08.2014 22:41:57 amer. turn on возбуждать (в плане секса; He's very nice, but he just doesn't turn me on.)
4.08.2014 22:24:25 amer. ornery несдержанный (I'm getting more and more ornery in my old age.)
4.08.2014 21:36:01 police Locard's principle принцип Локарда в криминалистике (He formulated the basic principle of forensic science: "Every contact leaves a trace".)
4.08.2014 21:26:10 police forensic odontology идентификация останков средствами стоматологии
2.08.2014 22:27:16 amer. set the wheels in motion запустить процесс (для достижения опр.цели; I thought a phone call to the right person might set the wheels in motion.)
2.08.2014 22:02:20 amer. let's give it up for давайте поаплодируем (кому-либо; "Hey folks, let's give it up for Andy! One huge round of applause please!")
2.08.2014 21:31:44 busin. dormant временно бездействующий (remained dormant until recently)
2.08.2014 21:20:40 fishery shucking вскрытие (ракушек; opening of shellfish using a knife)
2.08.2014 21:07:17 amer. as of today начиная с сегодняшнего дня (включительно: account has been cancelled as of today)
2.08.2014 0:07:41 amer. be a party to быть участником (какого-либо действия: be a party to a decision-making process)
1.08.2014 23:56:37 amer. as long as the risks stay minimal до тех пор пока риски остаются минимальными
1.08.2014 23:25:29 amer. down the street вдоль по улице (as in 'stroll down the street")
1.08.2014 23:24:11 amer. down the street недалеко на этой же улице (There is a drugstore down the street.)
1.08.2014 23:11:22 amer. plebeian неотёсанный (as in 'his vulgar jokes and plebeian manners")
1.08.2014 22:28:38 amer. pose as косить под (кого-то: don't pose as a fool)
1.08.2014 22:16:59 amer. make-believe мысленно представляя себе (Brenda rode along, make-believing she was a knight riding to the rescue)
1.08.2014 22:00:00 inf. catty-corner variant of "kitty-corner"-наискосок (he sat catty-corner to me)
31.07.2014 23:24:40 inf. thrilled быть напуганным (I'm thrilled to death about the result.)
31.07.2014 23:13:35 inf. stay on остаться (на прежнем месте: Some of her friends decided it was time to go home, but she wanted to stay on until sunrise. • After graduation, she stayed on in Cambridge as a student adviser. • She thought about retiring, but she finally decided to stay on for a few more years. • After the trial period, she was asked to stay on and work full-time.)
31.07.2014 22:42:09 mil. no guts, no glory нет славы без отваги (девиз)
31.07.2014 22:12:54 amer. bozo "клоун" (Some bozo forgot to shut the door.)
31.07.2014 22:00:49 inf. first off перво-наперво (First off, we'll find a place to live.)
31.07.2014 21:33:12 inf. as it so happens к слову сказать (As it so happens I don't like ice cream.)
31.07.2014 21:28:27 inf. in the real sense of the word в полном смысле этого слова (He is a man in the real sense of the word.)
31.07.2014 21:18:20 inf. behind the eight ball в сложной ситуации (I'm really behind the eight ball at work.)
31.07.2014 20:55:23 inf. good reason to believe веский довод (чтобы поверить; Are there any good reasons to believe in God?)
31.07.2014 0:43:12 inf. in the scheme of things по большому счёту (In the scheme of things, having lots of money isn't as important as having friends.)
31.07.2014 0:16:42 inf. weigh up тщательно обдумать (I'm weighing up my options before I decide to apply for the job.)
30.07.2014 23:47:55 inf. subservient готовый услужить (ready to conform to the authority or will of others)
30.07.2014 23:43:46 inf. subservient легко внушаемый (a subservient personality)
30.07.2014 23:29:34 intell. news eavesdropping несанкционированное прослушивание (переговоров; secretly listening to the private conversation of others without their consent)
30.07.2014 23:20:27 sec.sys. wiretapping прослушивание переговоров (путём подключения к линиям проводной связи; the monitoring of telephone and internet conversations by a third party using covert means)
30.07.2014 23:10:07 inf. hit a wall исчерпать все возможности (We've just about hit the wall in terms of what we can do to balance the budget)
30.07.2014 22:52:01 amer. lodge застрять внутри (They had to remove a bullet lodged near his spine.)
30.07.2014 21:46:06 inf. elaborate тщательно проработанный (as in"the latest elaborate operational plan")
29.07.2014 22:28:46 inf. contempt неприязнь (He feels that wealthy people view him with contempt because he is poor.)
29.07.2014 22:19:37 amer. disdain высокомерие (her upper lip curled in disdain)
29.07.2014 22:01:46 inf. biased предвзятый (по отношению к чему-или кому-либо; We will not tolerate this biased media coverage.)

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