
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

26.09.2014 1:35:34 amer. faked паленый (faked vodka)
26.09.2014 1:31:22 amer. nosy излишне любопытный (nosy in-laws asking about our finances)
26.09.2014 1:28:55 amer. nosy сующий нос (в чужие дела; showing too much curiosity about other people's affairs)
25.09.2014 1:32:34 amer. skedaddle срочно уйти (I've got to skedaddle or I'll be late.)
25.09.2014 1:08:50 amer. beside the point не имеет значения (Stephen had certainly lied to her, but that was beside the point.)
25.09.2014 0:57:48 amer. besides the point не так важно (I can't think of anything that he and I agree on, but that's beside the point.)
25.09.2014 0:49:14 inf. by the by к слову (By the by, here's the money I owe you.)
25.09.2014 0:47:24 inf. by the by кстати о птичках (By the by, do you know praying mantis? You're looking at him.)
25.09.2014 0:08:56 amer. on a shoestring острая нужда в деньгах
24.09.2014 1:20:22 amer. spare no expense не ограничивать себя в расходах (She spared no expense in getting the house to look just right.)
24.09.2014 0:59:51 intell. Clandestine method of entry тактика скрытного доступа (в помещение)
24.09.2014 0:56:20 amer. candor открытость (a man of refreshing candor)
24.09.2014 0:48:41 inf. ride автомашина (Get ready, our ride is coming soon.)
24.09.2014 0:13:41 amer. tartly с сарказмом (in a tart manner)
24.09.2014 0:08:57 amer. tartly раздражённо ("You don't seem to appreciate the situation," she said tartly.)
23.09.2014 23:42:27 amer. prudent здравомыслящий (marked by sound judgment)
23.09.2014 23:41:44 amer. prudent здравый (совет, подход; He always listened to her prudent advice.)
23.09.2014 23:24:46 amer. prudent дальновидный (An endless war is not always the most moral or the most prudent course of action.)
23.09.2014 23:04:00 vulg. shit hits the fan "попадалово"
23.09.2014 22:53:21 amer. spiffy шикарный (She looked very spiffy in her new dress.)
22.09.2014 23:59:46 mil. police commencing начинаю (commencing pursuit – начинаю преследование)
22.09.2014 23:54:14 amer. wet work убийство (как сфера деятельности; an euphemism for murder or assassination, alluding to spilling blood)
22.09.2014 23:48:44 amer. see for yourself взгляни сам
22.09.2014 23:46:15 amer. take a look for yourself взгляни сам
22.09.2014 23:06:07 police forced entry силовой доступ внутрь помещения (при проведении спецоперации)
22.09.2014 22:54:11 intell. Clandestine method of entry тактика скрытного доступа (в помещение; CMOE – tactical skills that ensure undetected access and egress from a specific target location)
22.09.2014 22:38:02 amer. granny пожилая женщина (There were a few grannies sitting on the bench chatting.)
22.09.2014 21:56:13 mil. early-warning radar system радиолокационная система дальнего обнаружения
22.09.2014 21:44:36 mil. maintain strict radio silence сохранять режим полного радиомолчания (при проведении спецоперации)
22.09.2014 21:38:58 intell. sanitize удалить следы (the place; оставленные во время выполнения спецоперации)
22.09.2014 0:26:47 amer. dis высказываться неуважительно (о чём-либо; to criticize something in a way that shows disrespect)
21.09.2014 23:56:24 mil. flak vest штурмовой бронежилет (body armor vest made of kevlar or with ceramic plates – or as a combo of both)
21.09.2014 23:55:10 бронежилет броник
21.09.2014 23:55:10 бронетранспортер броник (редко)
21.09.2014 23:42:33 mil., lingo tactical assault vest разгрузка
21.09.2014 23:40:41 mil., lingo assault vest разгрузка (жилет разгрузочный)
21.09.2014 21:49:58 amer. one of a kind исключительный (о человеке)
21.09.2014 21:35:53 amer. one of a kind не имеющий себе равных
21.09.2014 21:35:19 amer. one of a kind единственный в своём роде (the only item of a particular type)
20.09.2014 21:57:47 inf. old habits die hard старые привычки трудно изменить (Joan retired last year, but she still gets up as early as she used to when she had to go to work. Old habits die hard.)
20.09.2014 21:25:52 amer. nice digs хорошая квартира
20.09.2014 21:24:30 amer. disinvite отказать в приглашении (as in "the White House called to disinvite him from the president's party"; выданном заранее)
20.09.2014 21:15:59 austral. outback глухая провинция (isolated rural country especially of Australia)
20.09.2014 0:07:37 amer. in spades в большом количестве (from the game of bridge in which spades is the highest suit)
19.09.2014 23:56:52 amer. sky-high выше крыши (prices rocketed sky-high)
19.09.2014 23:42:09 amer. sketchy неполный (об информации; as in 'whatever info we have is rather sketchy")
19.09.2014 23:34:23 amer. dapper хорошо одетый (a dapper young man)
19.09.2014 23:17:06 inf. go to ground затаиться (где-либо; She found the constant media attention intolerable and went to ground in France for a few months.)
19.09.2014 23:06:11 amer. not going to fly не увенчается успехом (Your insane demands are not going to fly with your boss.)
19.09.2014 23:03:14 amer. not going to fly не сработает (Your insane demands are not going to fly with your boss.)
19.09.2014 22:52:18 amer. be at odds with не сочетаться (одно с другим: the silvery hair was at odds with her youthful shape)
19.09.2014 22:31:56 amer. top military brass высшие военачальники (high-ranking military officers)
19.09.2014 22:20:38 amer. boondoggle дорогой и нецелесообразный проект (осуществляемый на средства налогоплательщиков; Critics say the dam is a complete boondoggle–over budget, behind schedule, and unnecessary.)
17.09.2014 0:00:48 amer. fairness откровенность (as in 'in all candor,we have to admit that ...")
16.09.2014 23:57:38 amer. candor объективность (I was impressed by the candor of his statement.)
16.09.2014 23:32:52 idiom. put out to pasture выпроводить на пенсию (He felt he was still capable enough,both physically and mentally, to be put out to pasture.)
16.09.2014 23:27:52 amer. bug out свалить (в спешке slang: he bugged out without so much as saying a word)
16.09.2014 23:22:00 amer. longsword средневековый меч (a type of European sword characterized as having a cruciform hilt with a grip for two-handed use and a straight double-edged blade of around 35 to 43 in.)
16.09.2014 23:22:00 amer. longsword средневековый удлинённый меч (a type of European sword characterized as having a cruciform hilt with a grip for two-handed use and a straight double-edged blade of around 35 to 43 in.)
16.09.2014 0:05:49 amer. field test испытание в условиях реальной эксплуатации
16.09.2014 0:01:54 amer. act of nonviolent civil disobedience акт мирного гражданского неповиновения
15.09.2014 23:48:20 inf. sly жуликоватый (he had a sly personality)
15.09.2014 23:45:24 inf. sly ушлый (прохиндей; clever in a dishonest way)
15.09.2014 23:22:06 amer. sketchy нечёткий (not complete or cle)
15.09.2014 23:22:06 amer. sketchy смутный (I'd stay away from him; he's got a sketchy past.)
15.09.2014 23:19:14 amer. sketchy расплывчатый (I have only a sketchy idea of how it works.)
15.09.2014 8:57:36 inf. come hell or high water несмотря на любые трудности (regardless of any difficulty)
15.09.2014 8:43:51 inf. come hell or high water как бы то ни было (I'll get you to the airport by noon, come hell or high water!)
15.09.2014 8:34:27 amer. what you are really like кто ты есть по жизни
15.09.2014 8:34:27 amer. what you are really like что ты из себя представляешь (Let's see what you are really like.)
15.09.2014 8:14:11 amer. what you're really made of кто ты есть по жизни (Let's see what you're really made of.)
15.09.2014 8:11:36 amer. what someone is made of на что кто-либо способен (Let's see what you're really made of.)
15.09.2014 5:58:22 amer. catchphrase популярное выражение (one of those catchphrases like "politically correct")
15.09.2014 5:58:22 amer. catchphrase популярная фраза (или выражение: one of those catchphrases like "politically correct")
15.09.2014 5:47:11 police cache место для хранения (краденого; Police found a cache of stolen cars in the woods.)
15.09.2014 5:41:14 amer. cache схрон (a weapons cache used by terrorists)
15.09.2014 5:34:19 mil. kill zone зона поражения сил противника
15.09.2014 5:31:09 amer. courtroom зал заседаний суда (A courtroom is the enclosed space in which a judge regularly holds court.)
15.09.2014 5:31:09 amer. courtroom зал заседания суда (A courtroom is the enclosed space in which a judge regularly holds court.)
15.09.2014 5:28:00 mil. kill zone зона поражения противника (перекрёстным огнем)
15.09.2014 4:39:46 amer. quintuple возрасти в пять раз (Share prices are quintuple what they were a few days ago.)
15.09.2014 4:22:57 mil., lingo walk point выполнять функцию ведущего разведчика патруля (to assume the first and most exposed position in a combat patrol)
15.09.2014 4:22:57 mil., lingo walk point выполнять функцию ведущего разведчика (патруля; to assume the first and most exposed position in a combat patrol)
15.09.2014 4:02:47 mil. point man ведущий разведчик (патруля; a soldier who walks at the front of an infantry patrol in combat)
14.09.2014 23:21:16 amer. maudlin жалостливый (к себе самому; He became maudlin and started crying like a child.)
14.09.2014 23:08:30 amer. way too much сверх всякой меры
14.09.2014 22:58:53 amer. over the edge чересчур (His performance was over the edge. Too long, too dirty, and too loud!)
14.09.2014 22:53:49 amer. that's a given а как иначе (as a statement)
14.09.2014 22:35:54 amer. that's a given безусловно (That's a given he will win the first political debate this year.)
14.09.2014 22:18:36 amer. contingent upon зависящий от (This is a complicated property contingent upon many factors.)
14.09.2014 21:54:34 gen. on the grounds на основании (charges brought on the grounds that...)
14.09.2014 21:54:34 amer. on the grounds that на основании того,что (charges brought on the grounds that...)
14.09.2014 21:35:50 inf. have in mind планировать (She would say only that they had ambitious projects in mind.)
13.09.2014 22:48:07 amer. interstate основная автомагистраль между штатами (one of a system of expressways covering the 48 contiguous states)
13.09.2014 22:48:07 amer. interstate федеральная автомагистраль (между штатами; one of a system of expressways covering the 48 contiguous states)
13.09.2014 22:44:17 amer. interstate автострада (a picnic area just off the interstate I-5)
13.09.2014 22:26:01 amer. thoroughfare основная автомагистраль (a main road or public highway)
13.09.2014 22:09:54 intell. station резидентура (разведки; as in: CIA station in Bagdad)
13.09.2014 0:33:12 amer. rendezvous встреча (в опр. месте в обусл. время; He was late for their rendezvous.)
10.09.2014 22:56:18 amer. one too many выпито свыше нормы (об алкоголе)

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