
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

9.12.2014 0:13:02 amer. grind to a halt медленно остановиться (The bus ground to a halt at the corner and someone got off.)
8.12.2014 23:48:46 amer. uninhibited свободный от предрассудков (free from traditional, social or moral constraints)
8.12.2014 23:41:08 amer. uninhibited раскрепощённый (She is the most uninhibited femaile I've ever met.; о человеке)
8.12.2014 23:35:46 amer. uninhibited незакомплексованный (free from traditional, social or moral constraints)
8.12.2014 23:26:43 amer. pilfered воровать (по мелочи; to steal, especially in small quantities)
8.12.2014 23:26:43 amer. pilfer воровать (по мелочи; to steal, especially in small quantities)
8.12.2014 23:23:04 amer. pilfered ворованный (He always had enough pilfered money to buy food and drink.)
8.12.2014 20:11:58 amer. Defence Advanced Research Project Agency Агентство по разработке перспективных проектов
8.12.2014 10:00:13 amer. get into a jam угодить в историю
8.12.2014 9:54:26 amer. get into a jam оказаться в трудной ситуации (as in " if you get into a jam, give me a call?)
8.12.2014 9:48:30 amer. sparsely populated area слабозаселённый район (a sparsely populated area in Australia)
8.12.2014 9:36:32 amer. sparse встречающийся крайне редко (open land is sparse around here)
8.12.2014 9:28:05 amer. gig временная работа (It's a nice gig which brings extra money.)
8.12.2014 3:48:51 amer. ante up сделать начальную ставку (poker: to put one's initial stake into the pot)
8.12.2014 3:47:06 amer. ante up оплатить (He anted up his half of the bill.)
8.12.2014 3:43:19 amer. without missing a beat не раздумывая
8.12.2014 3:39:20 amer. without missing a beat без промедления (Ella forgot the words she had memorized but, without missing a beat, she made up new ones.)
8.12.2014 3:36:01 amer. miss a beat промедление (Not missing a beat, she outlined all the reasons for her decision.)
8.12.2014 3:30:59 amer. expect nothing more не рассчитывать на большее (After leaving the detox program, he began using drugs again. I expected nothing more.)
8.12.2014 3:25:55 amer. expect nothing less не рассчитывать на меньшее (She reveled in the attention and expected nothing less.)
8.12.2014 1:29:25 amer. not thinking twice не раздумывая (about)
8.12.2014 1:19:50 amer. off the cuff не раздумывая (I could give an opinion off the cuff, but I'd rather think about it.)
8.12.2014 1:16:20 amer. shudder to think боюсь даже подумать (I shudder to think what my parents will say when I tell them I've failed my exams.)
8.12.2014 1:02:10 amer. window период времени (window of opportunity)
8.12.2014 0:58:49 idiom. window of opportunity период времени (когда есть возможность что-либо сделать; This afternoon, I had a brief window of opportunity when I could discuss this with the boss, but she wasn't receptive.)
8.12.2014 0:47:22 idiom. window of opportunity удачная возможность (которую не следует упустить)
7.12.2014 1:23:56 amer. jack угнать (Let's go fetch the truck we jacked this morning.; автомашину)
6.12.2014 1:36:56 inf. sans безо всего (without: flavorful vegetarian dishes sans meat, eggs, or milk)
6.12.2014 1:06:59 inf. sans при отсутствии (чего-либо: anyone sans shirt will not be allowed in the restaurant)
6.12.2014 1:04:27 inf. sans без (чего-или кого-либо: a steaming cup of coffee sans milk or sugar)
6.12.2014 0:46:35 amer. coupling половой акт (the casual couplings of adolescents)
6.12.2014 0:33:28 amer. throng переполнять (людьми; The narrow streets were thronged with tourists.)
6.12.2014 0:30:26 amer. throng сборище (людей; A huge throng had gathered around the speaker.)
6.12.2014 0:20:36 amer. throng заполнить до отказа (They thronged the small room.)
5.12.2014 20:34:42 amer. one-off который бывает всего один раз (событие)
5.12.2014 1:13:14 amer. posterior последующий (за опр.событием: a date posterior to the first Reform Bill)
5.12.2014 0:52:13 amer. one-off редкостный (экземпляр)
5.12.2014 0:42:16 inf. one-off всего один только раз (tour is a one-off event to commemorate the band's 20th anniversary)
5.12.2014 0:19:52 amer. once-off предоставляемый единожды (the once-off offer)
4.12.2014 23:51:25 amer. a roll in the hay занятие сексом (на стороне)
3.12.2014 0:51:53 amer. dissuade удержать (от неправильного решения)
3.12.2014 0:41:25 amer. dissuade уговорить (не делать что-либо)
3.12.2014 0:11:18 amer. dissuade переубедить (Our warnings did not dissuade them.)
2.12.2014 23:49:15 inf. gossip наговор (rumor, especially about personal or private affairs of others)
2.12.2014 23:45:44 amer. buzz сплетня (slang)
2.12.2014 23:34:18 amer. buzz стрижка под "ёжик" (cut)
2.12.2014 23:14:19 amer. perfect storm катастрофическая ситуация (из-за воздействия ряда негативных факторов figure of speech: the past two years have been a perfect storm for the travel industry)
2.12.2014 0:28:05 amer. pushover болван
2.12.2014 0:25:45 inf. patsy болван (They treated us like a bunch of patsies.)
2.12.2014 0:17:07 amer. patsy бестолочь
1.12.2014 23:58:59 amer. not too shabby не такой уж и плохой (is in "it's nothing fancy,but not too shabby, either")
1.12.2014 23:41:58 amer. strong в составе (опр.количества человек; as in "25-strong crew" or "a military force 50,000 strong)
1.12.2014 23:29:14 amer. launch pad стартовый стол (the area on which a rocket stands for launching, typically consisting of a platform with a supporting structure; космодрома)
1.12.2014 23:29:14 missil. launch pad стартовый стол космодрома (the area on which a rocket stands for launching, typically consisting of a platform with supporting structures)
30.11.2014 2:58:50 inf. the small of one's back место на пояснице (a good place to hide a handgun)
30.11.2014 2:56:41 inf. the small of one's back поясница (He guided her with his hand on the small of her back.)
30.11.2014 2:47:15 amer. toll bridge платный автомобильный мост
30.11.2014 2:41:27 amer. yokel провинциал (с пренебрежением: a lame comedy about the misadventures of yokels in the big city)
30.11.2014 2:36:24 amer. member in good standing действительный член (клуба,общества: identified him as a member in good standing of the National Rifle Association)
30.11.2014 2:21:55 amer. bib употреблять (алкоголь slang: the old professor has been known to bib on occasion)
30.11.2014 2:12:17 amer. let alone уже не говоря о
30.11.2014 2:01:11 amer. on the downside не устраивает то, что (On the downside, it means working all five days a week.)
30.11.2014 1:34:24 amer. get the hang of it уловить (что к чему; I guess I pretty much got the hang of it now.)
30.11.2014 1:32:39 amer. get the hang of преуспеть в (чем-либо; After three weeks of using this computer I think I've finally got the hang of it.)
30.11.2014 1:24:47 amer. step out выйти прогуляться (leave a room or building, typically for a short time)
30.11.2014 1:24:47 amer. step out выйти из дому (ненадолго; leave a room or building, typically for a short time)
26.11.2014 0:23:55 amer. touch up painting подкраска (для устр. местных дефектов; You need touch up painting before you try and sell the house.)
26.11.2014 0:01:34 amer. likeness сходство (с изображением: it was not a very good likeness with the photo robot images)
25.11.2014 23:39:02 amer. SWAK скреплено поцелуем (в конце послания; abbr. "Sealed with a kiss" or "Sent with a kiss")
25.11.2014 21:59:44 mil., WMD Intrinsic Use Control алгоритм для системы защиты ядерного оружия (IUS uses the weapon’s fluctuating radiation fields to create use control algorithm, known only to the weapon)
24.11.2014 23:15:37 inf. relent уступать (в чём-либо; She negotiated first but finally relented.)
24.11.2014 23:10:53 inf. relent ослабевать (The wind would not relent.)
24.11.2014 23:07:09 inf. relent пойти на попятный (They had refused to pay and relented only after being threatened with a lawsuit.)
24.11.2014 22:52:48 amer. grace украсить (своим присутствием; He was personable and charismatic and the first black governor ever to grace the statehouse in Columbus,Ohio.)
24.11.2014 22:38:16 gen. sit tight не суетиться
24.11.2014 22:35:52 inf. call someone names обзывать (кого-либо обидными словами; Billy cried when the other kids called him names.)
24.11.2014 0:04:41 mil., lingo terp местный переводчик (из местных жителей: one of our Afgan terps)
23.11.2014 3:37:30 inf. swagger пижонить (verb; I, too, would swagger if I'd won first place in the bowling tournament.)
23.11.2014 3:33:41 inf. swagger уверенная походка (to walk with a swagger)
23.11.2014 3:29:06 amer. I'll give all of me to you я отдам тебе всего себя
23.11.2014 3:23:59 inf. wimp хиляк (just because you can't lift 300 pounds doesn't mean you're a wimp)
23.11.2014 3:15:42 amer. fare показать (результат: their team fared poorly in tests)
23.11.2014 2:59:50 gen. good deal выгодная сделка (She got a good deal on her new house.)
23.11.2014 2:58:13 amer. a good deal of много (времени, усилий; She spends a good deal of her time in Glasgow.)
23.11.2014 2:39:51 amer. two-a-days тренировки по схеме "дважды в день" (sports; Two-A-Days is used primarily to get in shape for the season and learn new strategies.)
23.11.2014 2:07:33 amer. pregame перед началом игры (pregame speeches by league officials)
23.11.2014 2:02:57 amer. pregame выпить (по рюмке перед тем как пойти куда-либо; slang; We'll probably pregame over here till 10:30 then go out.)
22.11.2014 1:37:21 gen. pair of tongs пинцет (using pair of tongs he lifted a stamp from its glassine envelope)
22.11.2014 1:34:48 gen. tongs пинцет (any of various devices for taking hold of objects)
21.11.2014 0:31:37 gen. on the fly по пути (Please try to buy some aspirin somewhere on the fly today.)
21.11.2014 0:26:50 gen. on the fly по дороге (Please try to buy some aspirin somewhere on the fly today.)
20.11.2014 21:28:00 amer. vape вдыхать (пар эл.сигареты; People who use e-cigarettes say they don't smoke but "vape" since the devices heat nicotine into a vapor they inhale.)
20.11.2014 20:42:15 amer. tweel колесо с гибкими элементами (взамен пневм. шины; a new wheel design concept replacing a pneumatic tire with flexible shock-absorbing components between wheel's outer rim and inner hub)
20.11.2014 0:44:31 amer. unanimously approve одобрить (единогласно; The idea was unanimously approved by the board)
20.11.2014 0:40:30 amer. take a breather вздохнуть с облегчением (после опасности)
20.11.2014 0:34:05 amer. take a breather получить передышку (во времени)
20.11.2014 0:15:09 amer. leave French style уйти незаметно (leaving a party without bidding farewell to the host)
20.11.2014 0:13:36 amer. fold one's tent уйти незаметно (It's late, so let's fold our tent.)
19.11.2014 23:59:19 amer. close up shop свернуть (бизнес, дело; The time has come to close up shop and move to another town.)
19.11.2014 23:54:29 amer. dustup ссора (с дракой; an angry dispute quarrel followed by fight)

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