
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

22.12.2014 1:55:56 amer. be top of быть наилучшим (в лиге или группе; Chelsea are top of the league again.)
22.12.2014 1:29:42 amer. avid завзятый (почитатель чего-либо; He is an avid admirer of horror movies.)
22.12.2014 1:24:32 amer. avid настоящий (интерес к чем-либо; They took an avid interest in politics.)
22.12.2014 1:23:11 amer. avid истинный (some of the newspaper's most avid readers)
22.12.2014 1:08:51 amer. provide backup оказывать поддержку (He provides backup for the regular quarterback.)
22.12.2014 0:50:54 amer. finesse высокое мастерство (She handled the interview questions with finesse.)
22.12.2014 0:40:00 amer. finesse изящность (в принятии решений: maneuvered his opponent into checkmate with his customary finesse)
22.12.2014 0:22:07 amer. finesse утонченность (в манерах; The man was totally lacking finesse.)
22.12.2014 0:17:48 amer. make sure увериться (Make sure it's done on time.)
21.12.2014 19:26:07 amer. inflict a mortal wound причинить смертельное ранение (as in " inflicting a mortal wound from which he died')
21.12.2014 19:26:07 amer. inflict a mortal wound нанести смертельную рану (the defendant inflicted a mortal wound on deceased)
21.12.2014 1:49:40 amer. vegetable lot огород (to grow vegetables for personal use)
21.12.2014 1:40:22 amer. self-inflicted умышленно нанесённый самому себе (died from a self-inflicted gunshot)
21.12.2014 1:38:56 police self-inflicted wound рана, нанесённая самому себе (he dies of a self-inflicted wound)
21.12.2014 1:13:25 amer. frond ветвь (пальмы, папоротника или им подобных; a large compound leaf of a palm, fern or similar plant: swaying palm fronds)
21.12.2014 0:54:35 inf. flattery неискреннее восхваление (insincere or excessive praise)
20.12.2014 0:47:11 sl., teen. breathtaking обалденный (The train raced past with breathtaking speed.)
19.12.2014 23:54:27 gen. heist выкрасть (heisted the collection of jewels from the museum)
19.12.2014 0:56:06 amer. takeoff взлёт (самолёта, вертолета, беспилотного аппарата)
19.12.2014 0:42:55 amer. Double-Ds большая грудь (slang)
19.12.2014 0:33:10 amer. vixen ворчунья (a shrewish woman)
19.12.2014 0:30:15 amer. vixen вздорная женщина (why anyone puts up with that vixen's sharp tongue is beyond me)
19.12.2014 0:24:15 amer. shrewish склочный (по натуре)
19.12.2014 0:05:04 amer. reynard лис (a male fox)
18.12.2014 23:51:12 amer. fashionista художник-модельер (a designer of haute couture)
18.12.2014 23:50:32 amer. fashionista кутюрье (a designer of haute couture)
18.12.2014 23:42:30 amer. con man аферист (he's an actor, not a con man)
18.12.2014 0:32:01 amer. bozo бестолочь (an incompetent person)
18.12.2014 0:06:38 amer. con artist прохиндей (His opinion is no more valid than that of a con artist selling time shares.)
18.12.2014 0:02:59 amer. con афера (he listened to him explaining the con)
17.12.2014 23:49:17 amer. smooth-talk уболтать (What you're trying to do is to smooth-talk me.)
17.12.2014 23:48:22 amer. smooth-talk уговаривать (don't try to smooth-talk me)
16.12.2014 23:39:48 inf. hideaway укромное местечко (a hiding place: an intimate hideaway overlooking the bay)
16.12.2014 23:34:11 skydive. skydive выполнять затяжной прыжок (from altitude exceeding 6000 feet)
16.12.2014 23:18:40 intell. covert asset тайный агент (to use our civert assets in Greece)
16.12.2014 23:15:17 amer. off the coast у берегов (опр. страны: off the coast of Sweden)
16.12.2014 23:07:24 mil. Abort! кодовый сигнал о немедленном прекращении (опр.действия)
16.12.2014 22:59:02 mil. scrub прекратить (операцию; same as "abort")
16.12.2014 22:55:23 mil. scrub отменить (операцию: we have to scrub the mission)
16.12.2014 22:51:07 amer. shindig гульбище
16.12.2014 22:49:29 amer. defer положиться (на кого-либо; I defer to your expertise, doctor.)
16.12.2014 22:31:18 amer. right attitude правильная позиция (It's not my problem anymore. That's the right attitude.)
16.12.2014 0:27:41 amer. up in the rafters под крышей (здания)
16.12.2014 0:25:10 amer. packed to the rafters набитый битком (During the celebrity’s trial, the courtroom was packed to the rafters.)
16.12.2014 0:18:29 amer. wipe out ликвидировать (It looks like the whole gang has been wiped out by this explosion.)
16.12.2014 0:07:29 amer. debilitating деструктивный (make the effect less debilitating)
15.12.2014 23:58:22 amer. debilitate наносить ущерб (здоровью; The virus debilitates the body's immune system.)
15.12.2014 23:54:04 amer. ill-advised непродуманный (совет, решение: due to an ill-advised decision taken before)
15.12.2014 23:40:36 amer. infiltrate скрытно проникнуть (куда-либо) to secretly enter somewhere in order to get information or do harm)
15.12.2014 23:38:22 amer. infiltrate внедрить (секретного агента или агентов) Attempts to infiltrate undercover agents into the gang have failed.)
15.12.2014 23:32:53 amer. spoiled brat капризный ребёнок
15.12.2014 23:31:03 amer. undisguised contempt неприкрытое пренебрежение (He spoke with undisguised contempt in his voice.)
15.12.2014 23:21:02 amer. undisguised очевидный (said with undisguised contempt)
15.12.2014 23:21:02 gen. undisguised неприкрытый (о чувствах: said with undisguised contempt)
15.12.2014 23:05:28 amer. time capsule контейнер (с посланием к потомкам; a historic cache of goods or information, usually intended as a method of communication with future people)
15.12.2014 22:57:27 amer. throw a party in the countryside организовать пикник за городом
15.12.2014 22:53:30 inf. in the countryside за городом (the countryside is land which is away from towns and cities: throw a party in the countryside)
15.12.2014 22:50:54 amer. countryside сельский район (We took a long drive through the open countryside.)
14.12.2014 23:06:42 amer. gusting wind порывистый ветер (We expect gusting wind up to 50 mph tonight.)
14.12.2014 23:00:37 amer. boil down to something приходить в конце концов к (чему-либо)
14.12.2014 22:53:55 amer. boil down to something сводиться в конечном счёте к (чему-либо; It boils down to the question of who is going to win.)
14.12.2014 22:41:22 amer. short fuse запальчивость (a quick temper)
14.12.2014 9:43:28 amer. bring up to speed ввести в курс (событий; It took a few minutes forTony to bring his boss up to speed on recent developments.)
14.12.2014 9:38:27 amer. Frosty the Snowman снеговик
14.12.2014 9:33:46 inf. scare the bejeezus out of напугать до смерти (someone – кого-либо: God, he scared the bejeezus out of me.)
14.12.2014 9:26:57 gen. heist совершить вооружённое ограбление (Four men were involved in the armored car heist.)
14.12.2014 9:18:43 amer. skin tight облегающая тело (одежда: skin tight bodysuit)
14.12.2014 9:00:42 amer. come from far and wide прибыть отовсюду (People came from far and wide to attend the annual meeting.)
14.12.2014 8:43:16 amer. oaf идиот (anyone who took him for an oaf and tried to cheat him would be in for a nasty surprise)
14.12.2014 8:33:38 amer. thievery хищение чужой собственности (the action of stealing another person's property)
13.12.2014 23:48:55 amer. ballsy отважный (brave and confident)
13.12.2014 23:39:45 amer. ballsy бесстрашный (поступок)
13.12.2014 23:05:38 amer. gobstruck потрясенный (чем-либо; UK slang meaning flabbergasted or awestruck)
13.12.2014 22:52:22 amer. have the smarts иметь интеллект (You had smarts to get yourself into Harvard.)
13.12.2014 21:24:08 amer. cash in использовать (she cashed in her remaining vacation days to go to LA)
13.12.2014 21:16:15 amer. spare change сменный комплект (нижнего белья: where he kept his spare change and pictures)
13.12.2014 20:57:21 mil., lingo army brat ребёнок, живущий на военной базе c родителями (I was an army brat)
13.12.2014 20:47:02 amer. spoiled brat избалованный ребёнок
12.12.2014 0:32:21 amer. duck boots резиновые сапоги с кожаным голенищем (a type of sturdy rubber-bottomed and leather-topped waterproof boots)
12.12.2014 0:16:10 amer. hired gun эксперт (по деликатным поручениям: business executives and the hired guns they pay to polish their images)
12.12.2014 0:14:36 amer. hired gun наёмный вооружённый охранник
12.12.2014 0:04:39 amer. couch-surf отдыхать на диване (слишком часто: he had a rounded belly from too much beer and couch-surfing)
11.12.2014 23:58:02 amer. couchsurfing остановка на ночлег (у друзей; a neologism referring to the practice of moving from one friend's house to another, sleeping in whatever spare space is available)
11.12.2014 23:34:59 police Repeat Auto Theft Squad Группа по борьбе с повторными угонами автомобилей (RATS)
11.12.2014 23:31:26 police Stolen Vehicle Report Рапорт об угоне автомобиля (SVR)
11.12.2014 0:02:20 amer. go into the wide blue yonder исчезнуть бесследно (I have a sudden desire to escape, to head off into the wide blue yonder and never return.)
10.12.2014 23:50:14 amer. go missing исчезнуть бесследно (the ship went missing en route to Australia)
10.12.2014 23:37:20 amer. typical соответствующий (опр.типу: a specimen typical of the species)
10.12.2014 23:30:18 amer. typical свойственный (опр.человеку; It was his typical response.)
10.12.2014 23:21:55 amer. nerve-racking весьма напряжённый (день, событие: a nerve-racking day)
10.12.2014 23:00:08 amer. hold firm соблюдаться (беспрекословно; The unwritten rule held firm – never throw a hard pass to a quarterback.)
10.12.2014 22:58:35 amer. hold firm сохраняться (The pound held firm against the Swiss franc today.; без изменения)
10.12.2014 22:49:01 inf. the joke is on you ты сам оказался в глупом положении (if you say the joke is on a particular person)
10.12.2014 22:32:51 amer. shepherd-boy пастух (a boy employed to tend sheep)
10.12.2014 0:39:46 rude BrE piss off! убирайся отсюда!
10.12.2014 0:31:08 amer. go nuts взбеситься (Bob went nuts because his car got a flat tire.; из-за чего-либо)
10.12.2014 0:15:16 amer. finagle добиться (обманным путём: finagle a day off from work)
10.12.2014 0:10:13 amer. finagle объегорить (A con man finagled my neighbor out of four hundred dollars.)
9.12.2014 23:56:04 amer. prone to имеющий склонность к (he was prone to emotional outbursts under stress)
9.12.2014 23:39:22 amer. lock, stock and barrel все без исключения (We had to move everything out of the house–lock, stock, and barrel.)

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