
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Val_Ships: 14.259  << | >>

21.12.2020 23:24:05 nautic. lifeboat davit шлюпбалка (are used to lower or hoist a lifeboat)
6.12.2020 17:49:35 gen. lo and behold каково же было мое удивление (когда: I went into a bar just next to our hotel and, lo and behold, who should I see sitting there but Jim Gibson.)
6.12.2020 17:49:35 gen. lo and behold ну надо же
30.11.2020 21:19:34 inf. salivate пускать слюни (в предвкушении чего-либо)
30.11.2020 17:08:27 amer. misuse использование чего-либо не по назначению (or misusing; She’s been ​accused of misusing ​federal ​funds to ​pay for her son’s ​private ​school ​expenses.)
30.11.2020 17:08:26 amer. springlike как весной (It was warmer today, almost springlike.)
30.11.2020 17:08:26 amer. springlike по-весеннему (resembling a spring or the action of a spring)
30.11.2020 17:08:24 amer. flip the finger неприличный жест рукой (an obscene hand gesture equivalent in meaning to "fuck off", "fuck you", "shove it up your ass", "up yours" or "go fuck yourself")
30.11.2020 17:08:23 amer. take one's breath away перехватить чьё-либо дыхание от восхищения
30.11.2020 17:08:21 amer. with time to spare даже время ещё осталось
30.11.2020 17:08:21 amer. have a quick bite to eat перекусить по-быстрому (I usually sleep late and just have a quick bite to eat when I get to work.)
30.11.2020 17:08:21 amer. sideboob грудь, видимая сбоку (через вырез платья)
30.11.2020 17:08:21 amer. more than once более чем единожды
30.11.2020 17:08:20 amer. have a bite to eat перекусить (You'll feel better once you've had a bite to eat.)
30.11.2020 17:08:20 amer. inalterable не подлежащий изменению (a radical ideology with inalterable objectives)
30.11.2020 17:08:20 amer. deadpan не выражающий эмоций
30.11.2020 17:08:19 amer. sepulcher усыпальница (a place of burial: a poem describing the forgotten sepulcher of a valiant knight of the Middle Ages)
30.11.2020 17:08:19 amer. salivate брызгать слюной (media salivates when criminals are Republicans)
30.11.2020 17:08:18 amer. most sought after наиболее востребованный (the most sought-after artists)
30.11.2020 17:08:17 amer. it's not rocket science это намного проще чем кажется
30.11.2020 17:08:17 amer. sick and tired уже совсем достало (I'm sick and tired of life in this Shitville of a place! – Меня уже совсем достала жизнь в этом сраном месте)
30.11.2020 17:08:16 amer. salivate истекать слюной (The food smell alone was enough to make me salivate.)
30.11.2020 17:04:13 amer. in trim в хорошей форме (keeping her body in trim)
30.11.2020 17:04:13 amer. all but почитай что
30.11.2020 17:04:12 amer. counterintuitive в который трудно поверить (a counterintuitive phenomenon)
30.11.2020 17:04:12 amer. outbreak внезапная вспышка заболевания
30.11.2020 17:04:12 amer. apples and oranges несопоставимое
30.11.2020 17:04:12 amer. live on borrowed time жить у времени в долгу (Since his ​cancer was ​diagnosed, he ​feels as if he's ​living on ​borrowed ​time.)
30.11.2020 17:04:10 amer. fait accompli постфактум (the results were presented to shareholders as a fait accompli)
30.11.2020 17:04:10 amer. pouring rain дождь как из ведра (as in "they played out in the pouring rain" – они играли под дождем, который лил как из ведра)
30.11.2020 17:04:10 amer. most sought after наиболее разыскиваемый (one of the most sought after assassins in the world)
30.11.2020 17:04:10 amer. apples and oranges совершенно разные (You can't compare inner city schools and schools in the suburbs – they're apples and oranges.)
30.11.2020 17:04:10 amer. be caught in the middle of events оказаться в центре событий
30.11.2020 17:04:08 amer. between a rock and a hard place дилемма (an adage used to refer to a dilemma, more specifically a Morton's fork – a situation offering at least two possibilities, neither of which is acceptable)
30.11.2020 17:04:08 amer. looky-loos зеваки (he wandered through the crowd of looky-loos)
30.11.2020 17:04:08 amer. in observance of в связи с соблюдением (our office will be closed in observance of Thanksgiving Day)
30.11.2020 17:04:07 amer. it's about time пора бы уже (I've got an idea. Well, it's about time.)
30.11.2020 17:04:05 amer. same old shit всё та же хрень
30.11.2020 17:04:04 amer. oftentimes довольно часто
30.11.2020 17:04:04 amer. have the clock ticking следует поторопиться так как время идёт
30.11.2020 17:04:03 amer. abuse of power злоупотребление служебным положением (improper or excessive use of authority)
30.11.2020 17:04:02 amer. fall between the cracks оказаться забытым (forgotten: Too many ​young ​people ​fall through the ​cracks in the ​healthcare ​system.)
30.11.2020 17:04:02 amer. same old shit все та же хрень
30.11.2020 17:04:01 amer. throw a curve преподнести неожиданный "сюрприз"
30.11.2020 17:04:01 amer. take the heat off снять нервное напряжение (The deputy's ​resignation over the ​scandal has taken some of the heat off his ​superior.)
30.11.2020 17:04:00 amer. the visually impaired люди со значительно ухудшенным зрением (as collective noun)
30.11.2020 17:04:00 amer. assertive упорный (having or showing a confident and forceful personality)
30.11.2020 17:04:00 amer. curveball непредвиденное обстоятельство (slang: there's always a curveball on every mission)
30.11.2020 17:03:59 amer. visually impaired со значительно ухудшенным зрением
30.11.2020 17:03:58 amer. like rain out of the blue как дождь среди ясного неба (figure of speech)
30.11.2020 17:03:58 amer. wisecrack колкость (He made some wisecrack about my ​lack of ​culinary ​ability.)
30.11.2020 17:03:57 amer. get the hang of постичь суть (чего-либо)
30.11.2020 17:03:57 amer. misdeed неблаговидный поступок (punished for her misdeeds by the church elders)
30.11.2020 17:03:57 amer. assertive убедительный (If you really ​want the ​promotion, you'll have to be more assertive in your application.)
30.11.2020 17:03:57 amer. conceit чванливость (inordinate self-esteem)
30.11.2020 17:03:57 amer. conceit высокомерие (excessive pride in oneself: he was puffed up with conceit)
30.11.2020 17:03:56 amer. nary a sound ни звука (same as "not any")
30.11.2020 17:03:56 amer. go hand in hand быть неразрывно связанными (между собой)
30.11.2020 17:03:56 amer. go head to head вести противоборство
30.11.2020 17:03:54 amer. it's not rocket science это проще, чем кажется
30.11.2020 17:03:54 amer. the whole enchilada целиком и полностью (idiom; the whole thing)
30.11.2020 17:03:53 amer. long-neck бутылка пива (с удлинённым горлышком)
30.11.2020 17:03:53 amer. I don't care мне безразлично (Should this room be white or yellow? I don't care.)
30.11.2020 17:03:53 amer. path of least resistance самый простой путь (в ходе дискуссии)
30.11.2020 17:03:53 amer. grab a bite to eat слегка перекусить (Let's get out and grab a bite to eat.)
30.11.2020 17:03:52 amer. hit close to home задеть за живое
30.11.2020 17:03:52 amer. the same one именно тот самый (This street is the same one we were on yesterday.)
30.11.2020 17:03:51 amer. at once в то же самое время (simultaneously: Everything happened at once.)
30.11.2020 17:03:51 amer. washout полная неудача (a ​complete ​failure)
30.11.2020 17:03:50 amer. nary ни одной (копии)
30.11.2020 17:03:50 amer. exclusively in исключительно на (We are specializing exclusively in original, rare and fine antique prints)
30.11.2020 17:03:50 amer. at once без промедления (You must come here at once. It is an emergency.)
30.11.2020 17:03:49 amer. nary a scratch без единой царапины
30.11.2020 17:03:49 amer. be in dire straits испытывать очень большие трудности (He's been out of work for eight months, and his family is in dire financial straits.)
30.11.2020 17:03:49 amer. at once без лишних разговоров (Mother told the children to come inside at once.)
30.11.2020 17:03:48 amer. washed out как выжатый лимон (He looks all washed out.)
30.11.2020 17:03:47 amer. flash of insight внезапное прозрение (Every now and then I'd get a flash of insight.)
30.11.2020 17:03:47 amer. exclusively for исключительно для (a club exclusively for women)
30.11.2020 17:03:47 amer. most notably и что самое важное (The ​company is ​beginning to ​attract ​investors, most notably ​big ​Japanese ​banks.)
30.11.2020 17:03:47 amer. first-ever самый первый за всё время (it was the first-ever meeting between these two countries)
30.11.2020 17:03:46 amer. looking for trouble в поисках приключений (He came into the bar obviously looking for trouble.)
30.11.2020 17:03:46 amer. never-before-seen никогда не виденный раньше (a set of never-before-seen pictures from Charles and Diana's wedding)
30.11.2020 17:03:46 amer. washed out выцветший (This carpet is all washed out from the sun)
30.11.2020 17:03:45 amer. crowd заполнить до отказа
30.11.2020 17:03:44 amer. assumption натяжка (with some assumtion)
30.11.2020 17:03:44 amer. be in dire straits находиться в безвыходном положении (in a very ​bad ​situation that is ​difficult to ​fix: These ​kids are in dire ​straits, and the ​schools are doing nothing to ​help them!)
30.11.2020 17:03:44 amer. drop in the bucket крайне недостаточно (в сравнении с тем, что необходимо)
30.11.2020 17:03:44 amer. washed out уставший (I feel too washed out to go to work today.)
30.11.2020 17:03:43 amer. tizzy ажиотаж (a state of agitation, same as "uproar")
30.11.2020 17:03:43 amer. be looking for trouble нарваться на проблемы
30.11.2020 17:03:43 amer. garner заполучить (who could garner sufficient votes to get approved)
30.11.2020 17:03:43 amer. drop in the bucket не бог весть сколько (We were ​paid about $50,000, but that was a drop in the ​bucket ​compared to what some other ​companies got.)
30.11.2020 17:03:42 amer. beer belly пивной курдюк (a protruding belly caused by excessive beer drinking)
30.11.2020 17:03:41 amer. at the crux в центре (внимания)
30.11.2020 17:03:41 amer. dire straits безвыходное положение
27.11.2020 18:37:58 amer. crux ключевой вопрос
27.11.2020 18:37:58 amer. make assumptions делать предположения
27.11.2020 18:37:58 amer. past one's prime его / её время прошло (Joan was a wonderful singer, but she's past her prime now.)
27.11.2020 18:37:57 amer. paunch огромный живот (a large or protruding abdomen or stomach)
27.11.2020 18:37:57 amer. assumption утверждение (Many scientific assumptions about Mars were wrong.)

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