
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Taras: 29.096  << | >>

8.11.2023 19:27:09 gen. one-upper хвастун (boaster, braggart)
8.11.2023 19:24:22 gen. one-upper выскочка
8.11.2023 18:08:23 gen. crimefighting борьба с преступностью
6.11.2023 2:18:10 vulg. lose one's shit сорвать крышу
6.11.2023 2:16:49 vulg. lose one's shit срывать крышу
5.11.2023 6:13:39 amer. oreo чёрный снаружи, белый внутри (the slang term "oreo" is a derogatory term used to describe a black person who is perceived as being too white or acting too white. The term is often used to describe black people who are well-educated, middle-class, or who have adopted white cultural norms. The etymology of the term "oreo" is uncertain, but it is thought to have originated in the United States in the 1960s. The term is thought to be a play on the name of the popular Oreo cookie, which is black on the outside and white on the inside. The term "oreo" is considered to be a very offensive term, and it should not be used. It is a term that is used to denigrate and dehumanize black people: Don't act like an oreo, man. Be yourself • She's such an oreo. She thinks she's better than everyone else • He's always trying to be white. He's a real oreo)
5.11.2023 4:10:19 amer. lookie-loo зевака
3.11.2023 22:16:08 amer. stinky dinky вонючий хер (тж. перен.)
3.11.2023 22:16:08 amer. stinky dinky вонючий член (тж. перен.)
1.11.2023 19:46:53 invect. fuck with издеваться (над кем-либо: I mean, someone is fucking with us, that's all that this is)
1.11.2023 18:57:13 gen. if I can pull it off если у меня всё получится
1.11.2023 18:24:14 gen. hyperventilating учащённое дыхание
1.11.2023 18:19:13 gen. we have a situation тут такое дело
25.10.2023 18:56:12 amer. one-off однотомник (One-offs are... somewhat a thing of the past)
25.10.2023 18:45:18 amer. canoodling обнимашки
25.10.2023 18:30:51 commer. bidding war война предложений (термин относится к ситуации, когда двое или более потенциальных покупателей или продавцов борются друг с другом за право приобретения товара/получения заказа, напр., ситуация, когда несколько участников аукциона постепенно повышают цену в борьбе за право получения товара; тж. см. auction, bidding ring, marketing warfare)
25.10.2023 18:29:29 commer. bidding war аукционная война
25.10.2023 18:21:36 gen. homburg фетровая шляпа (мужская)
25.10.2023 18:19:17 gen. take the risks рискнуть
25.10.2023 16:11:00 gen. lover's tiff любовная ссора (I think they were having some kind of lover's tiff)
25.10.2023 11:45:48 gen. what do you believe this is? что это по-твоему?
25.10.2023 11:44:16 gen. what do you call that? что это по-твоему?
24.10.2023 21:53:24 fant./sci-fi. Time Variance Authority управление временными расхождениями (тж. см. The Time Variance Authority)
24.10.2023 21:50:07 fant./sci-fi. The Time Variance Authority управление временными расхождениями (сокр. УВР)
24.10.2023 21:38:44 fant./sci-fi. The Time Variance Authority управление временными изменениями (TVA, сокр.: УВИ wikipedia.org)
24.10.2023 21:34:04 fant./sci-fi. The Time Variance Authority бюро временных вариаций (a fictional organization, a group of timeline monitors appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics)
24.10.2023 21:25:41 fant./sci-fi. temporal loom темпоральный станок
24.10.2023 19:25:54 mil. operation headquarters оперативный штаб
22.10.2023 9:19:07 inf. cock-up прокол (косяк: The papers sent out to our colleagues were all in the wrong language. What a cock-up! – Материалы, которые мы разослали коллегам, были на не том языке. Какой прокол!)
22.10.2023 9:16:52 gen. epic fail эпичный провал (тж. для ср. см. cock-up: You know, I would characterize that as an epic fail, my man • The boss tried to tell a joke to lighten the mood, but it turned into an epic fail that left the whole room in awkward silence • I tried to impress her with my dance moves, but just ended up in an epic fail that will haunt me forever)
22.10.2023 9:09:13 inf. cock-up конфуз
22.10.2023 8:27:31 gen. epic failure эпичный провал (This is a tragedy for those children, and an epic failure for all of us)
8.10.2023 8:14:05 disappr. doomer горе-предсказатель (предсказатель-неудачник, но не тот, кто предсказывает трагедии или напасти)
21.09.2023 23:43:43 gen. swamp thing болотная тварь
21.09.2023 23:43:43 gen. swamp thing тварь болотная
21.08.2023 23:10:07 gen. do the calculus делать расчёты
21.08.2023 23:08:49 gen. do the calculus проводить расчёты
21.08.2023 23:07:14 gen. do the calculus производить вычисления
21.08.2023 23:03:54 gen. and yet но (I see her logic, and yet...)
21.08.2023 22:57:33 gen. take chances полагаться на удачу (or take a chance to behave in a risky manner)
21.08.2023 22:53:24 gen. shanty песня (хоровая песня матросов)
20.08.2023 21:40:52 gen. in one's heart на душе (I guess it just goes to show, no one ever really knows what goes on in anyone's heart)
20.08.2023 21:26:46 gen. make up for one's past искупить ошибки прошлого
20.08.2023 21:25:24 gen. make up for one's past искупать прошлое
20.08.2023 21:08:46 gen. question orders оспаривать приказы (This is the mission, remember? I don't question orders)
20.08.2023 21:06:07 gen. question orders обсуждать приказы
20.08.2023 20:55:54 idiom. meat for the grinder пушечное мясо (an idiomatic expression that refers to people being carelessly sacrificed or exploited to further a larger goal. It evokes the imagery of people being metaphorically thrown into a meat grinder and ground up. It refers to expendable or disposable people who are exploited or sacrificed without regard for their dignity or welfare. It portrays people as objects to be consumed or squandered in service of some larger agenda: ...all they need is meat for the grinder • During times of war, soldiers often feel like they are seen as meat for the grinder by their leaders – just bodies to throw at the enemy regardless of casualties • The new manager treats employees like meat for the grinder – he works them to exhaustion without care for their wellbeing • Due to lack of proper safety regulations, construction workers back then were meat for the grinder – their health and lives were not valued)
20.08.2023 10:10:59 gen. make up for one's past загладить своё прошлое (to take actions in the present to compensate or atone for mistakes, failures, regrets, or wrongdoings from one's earlier life. It is commonly used when someone has undergone a moral awakening or transformation and wishes to atone through their current behavior)
20.08.2023 10:09:07 gen. make up for one's past исправлять ошибки прошлого (to remedy past wrongs, make amends, or change one's life trajectory in a more ethical, responsible direction)
20.08.2023 10:06:12 gen. make up for one's past исправлять прошлые ошибки
20.08.2023 10:03:09 gen. make up for one's past исправлять старые ошибки
13.08.2023 12:45:26 amer. dibs чур, я первый (noun., a claim: "I put dibs on tasting it first"; verb: to put a personal claim on something: I made the cocktail so I dibs first taste)
13.08.2023 12:44:24 amer. dibs чур (тж. см. call dibs: Dibs on the front seat! – Чур, я на переднем сиденье!)
13.08.2023 12:42:00 amer. call dibs on забить место (an informal way to assert your right to claim something before anyone else does, though the strength of that claim relies solely on social norms and consent. It originated as American slang and is most commonly used by children or in casual contexts among friends; The origin is likely from the phrase "to bag one's dibs" referring to taking one's share of something; тж. см. call dibs on: People might call dibs through statements like "I call dibs on that parking spot!" or "I've got dibs on the big bedroom!")
13.08.2023 12:24:22 gen. fight to get выбивать (что-л.)
13.08.2023 11:34:36 amer. resolve things помириться (We never resolved things – Мы так и не помирились)
13.08.2023 1:44:52 gen. textbook case классический случай (You have a textbook case of overwork and exhaustion)
12.08.2023 22:46:11 gen. stay in the fight не сдаваться (refers to an internal decision to keep engaged, keep trying, and not surrender or acquiesce)
12.08.2023 22:43:33 gen. stay in the fight оставаться в строю (to continue diligently striving towards a goal despite opposition, pushing through hardships with determination and stamina rather than allowing setbacks or difficulties to make you give up)
12.08.2023 22:42:05 gen. stay in the fight продолжать бороться
12.08.2023 22:40:33 gen. stay in the fight не отступать
12.08.2023 22:37:48 gen. stay in the fight проявлять стойкость
12.08.2023 22:36:36 gen. stay in the fight драться до конца
12.08.2023 22:36:36 gen. stay in the fight не покидать поле боя
12.08.2023 22:31:40 gen. stay in the fight сражаться
12.08.2023 22:29:05 gen. stay in the fight продолжать борьбу
12.08.2023 21:59:03 fig. smartest person in the room самый умный (it can have a negative connotation when describing someone who arrogantly overestimates their own intelligence and abilities compared to others)
12.08.2023 21:49:31 gen. stickler for detail бумажная душа
12.08.2023 21:49:31 gen. stickler for detail бюрократ
12.08.2023 21:49:31 gen. stickler for detail чернильная душа
12.08.2023 21:49:31 gen. stickler for detail чернильная крыса
12.08.2023 21:46:16 gen. stickler for detail буквоед (тот, кто придаёт важное значение внешней стороне дела в ущерб смыслу; формалист: Miss Clark, the new administrator, soon became known as a real stickler for detail)
12.08.2023 21:44:47 gen. stickler for detail формалист
12.08.2023 21:22:20 gen. coming right up! сейчас налью (- Brandy – Coming right up)
12.08.2023 21:19:45 gen. coming right up! один момент
12.08.2023 21:19:45 gen. coming right up! секундочку
12.08.2023 21:13:18 gen. decidedly not решительно нет (- Am I boring you, Mr. ...? – Decidedly not)
12.08.2023 21:09:21 gen. put in some legwork прилагать немалые усилия
12.08.2023 21:07:26 gen. put in some legwork прилагать усилия (немалые; to put in effort and hard work to accomplish something. It implies exerting physical energy and diligence to get something done, like you would if you were literally walking or using your legs to move around and get things accomplished. In essence, "put in some legwork" means to roll up your sleeves and actively work hard at something instead of passively waiting for it to happen)
12.08.2023 19:51:14 gen. managerial fervor управленческий пыл
12.08.2023 19:42:15 gen. take time apart побыть отдельно (о влюблённых: On January 10, 2011, Shakira announced on her website that after 11 years together, she and Antonio de la Rúa had separated in August 2010 after making "a mutual decision to take time apart from [their] romantic relationship.")
12.08.2023 19:42:06 gen. take time apart пожить отдельно (о влюблённых)
12.08.2023 18:56:35 idiom. hit a dead end упереться в тупик (Then as we appear to have hit a dead end, maybe it's time I spoke to him after all)
12.08.2023 18:54:41 idiom. hit a roadblock упереться в тупик
12.08.2023 18:47:23 gen. remediate a deficiency исправить недостаток
12.08.2023 18:45:02 gen. fix a lack исправить недостаток (The only way to fix a lack of trust is in small steps – Единственный способ исправить недостаток доверия состоит в принципе малых шагов)
12.08.2023 18:42:07 gen. rectify the lack исправить недостаток (A bipartisan bill was recently introduced in the Senate to rectify the lack of regulation – Двухпартийный законопроект был недавно внесен в Сенат, чтобы исправить недостаток регулирования.)
12.08.2023 18:38:26 gen. correct a deficiency исправить недостаток
12.08.2023 16:27:01 gen. can I get that in writing? расписку напишешь? (тж. перен.)
12.08.2023 16:19:40 gen. all over из-за (something: You tried to kill me. All over a fairy tale...)
12.08.2023 16:01:36 gen. get in close подобраться поближе
12.08.2023 15:58:20 gen. carry the weight нести груз (тж. перен.: After her father passed away, Julia felt like she was carrying the weight of the entire family on her shoulders • The star player carried the weight of the team's expectations to win the championship • The CEO carried the weight of making tough decisions that impacted thousands of employees)
12.08.2023 14:58:55 gen. don't strain yourself не напрягайся (физически; не делать усилие, не переутомляться о человеке, который получил ранение)
12.08.2023 14:52:36 gen. fly a ship пилотировать корабль (космический)
12.08.2023 14:47:06 gen. live in the moment жить настоящим моментом
10.08.2023 18:57:01 amer. floater всплывший утопленник
2.08.2023 22:22:08 gen. photoshopped photo фотожаба (или photoshopped image)
2.08.2023 13:26:26 gen. stockpile ammunition запасаться боеприпасами (In response to the rioting in the streets, some citizens have begun stockpiling guns and ammunition)
2.08.2023 13:17:39 mil., arm.veh. driver mechanic мехвод (also driver-mechanic)
2.08.2023 10:03:16 gen. sub in заменять (кого-л.: I notice you're short on a chief engineer... I'll be happy to sub in)

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