
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Taras: 29.096  << | >>

20.01.2024 19:06:33 inet. keyboard warriors чатлане (a playful, slightly negative, term depicts someone who is argumentative and passionate in online discussions)
20.01.2024 19:05:29 inet. e-luminaries чатлане (a more creative option conveys the idea of чатлане as respected figures and sources of knowledge within online communities)
20.01.2024 19:03:07 inet. discussion leaders чатлане
20.01.2024 19:02:32 inet. forum regulars чатлане
20.01.2024 19:01:15 inet. internet denizens чатлане
20.01.2024 17:57:59 ed. be top of the class быть лучшим в классе (I was top of the class)
20.01.2024 17:46:44 inf. don't escalate it не нагнетай
20.01.2024 17:42:53 inf. it's a hard pass for me ни за что
20.01.2024 17:05:14 gen. sun-like солнцелицый (см. солнцеликий)
20.01.2024 16:45:00 polit. sunstruck солнцеликий (the term conveys a negative and mocking attitude towards the person or thing that is described as "солнцеликий". It implies that they are blinded, dazzled, or deluded by the sun, or that they have an inflated sense of self-importance or grandeur. For example, "солнцеликий диктатор" could be translated as "sunstruck dictator" or "солнцеликий идеал" could be translated as "sunstruck ideal".)
20.01.2024 16:41:47 polit. glorious leader солнцеликий
20.01.2024 16:28:47 gen. radiant солнцеликий
20.01.2024 16:28:47 gen. luminous солнцеликий
20.01.2024 16:26:37 gen. sun-like солнцеликий
20.01.2024 16:26:37 gen. resembling the sun солнцеликий
20.01.2024 16:18:28 polit. tyrannical ruler солнцеликий (negative connotation)
20.01.2024 16:16:51 polit. false idol солнцеликий (suggests that the person is not as benevolent or capable as they appear, and that their sun-like image is a mere facade)
20.01.2024 16:14:22 polit. despot солнцеликий (the term implies that the person is a tyrannical ruler who uses their power to suppress dissent and exploit the people)
20.01.2024 16:13:11 polit. cult of personality солнцеликий (the term suggests that the person is being idolized or worshipped in an unhealthy way, with their image overshadowing any real discussion of policy or governance)
20.01.2024 16:10:42 polit. power figure солнцеликий (neutral connotation)
20.01.2024 16:10:42 polit. central figure солнцеликий (neutral connotation)
20.01.2024 16:07:43 polit. sun-faced солнцеликий (the specific political nuance of "солнцеликий" will depend on the context in which it is used. Who is using the term? What is their political agenda? What is the current political climate like? By considering these factors, you can choose the most accurate and impactful translation)
20.01.2024 16:04:50 polit. golden child солнцеликий (the term implies that the person is seen as destined for greatness, chosen by fate or some higher power to lead the nation. It carries connotations of hope and optimism for the future)
20.01.2024 16:02:18 polit. enlightened ruler солнцеликий (the term suggests that the person is wise and forward-thinking, leading the country into a bright new era. It emphasizes their intellectual and moral authority)
20.01.2024 16:01:00 polit. luminous leader солнцеликий (the term emphasizes the charisma and inspirational qualities of the person. It suggests that they have a magnetic personality and can rally people behind their vision)
20.01.2024 15:59:10 polit. sun-king солнцеликий (the term evokes the image of a powerful and benevolent monarch, like Louis XIV of France, who was nicknamed the "Sun King." It suggests that the person is seen as the center of a political system, bringing light and prosperity to their subjects)
20.01.2024 15:44:42 gen. lead the way! показывайте дорогу!
11.01.2024 20:48:49 brit. cash-in-hand подработка (за наличку)
11.01.2024 20:47:50 brit. cash-in-hand работа "за наличку" (тж. cash-in-hand work – неофициальная работа, при которой работодатель не оформляет работника в установленном порядке и не выплачивает ему заработную плату на банковский счёт. Вместо этого работодатель выплачивает зарплату работнику наличными деньгами)
11.01.2024 18:49:21 gen. fatemaker вершитель судеб (a fatemaker is typically portrayed as a powerful and influential figure who can shape the future of others. They may have access to special knowledge or abilities that allow them to see the future or manipulate events in their favor. Sometimes, fatemakers are seen as benevolent figures who use their power to help others, while other times they are seen as dangerous and manipulative individuals who use their power for their own gain: The king considered himself the fatemaker of his subjects)
11.01.2024 18:49:00 gen. fatemaker вершитель (судеб; the term is often used in a metaphorical sense to describe someone who has the power to control or influence the course of events. In a certain context, it can be seen as a synonym for arbiter of destinies: History is written by the fatemakers, not by the observers – Историю пишут вершители, а не наблюдатели • At the age of twenty, she was already the fatemaker of her own destiny)
11.01.2024 18:44:46 gen. terminator вершитель (the best translation will depend on the specific context: The technological revolution was the terminator of many traditional jobs – Технологическая революция была вершителем многих традиционных профессий • The judge was the terminator of the defendant's hopes for freedom – Судья был вершителем надежд подсудимого на свободу • The religious figure was the terminator of a long-standing conflict – Религиозный деятель был вершителем давнего конфликта • The artist was the terminator of a conventional perception of beauty – Художник был вершителем традиционного восприятия красоты)
11.01.2024 18:32:33 gen. decider вершитель (someone who makes a decision or brings about a result: The jury was the decider of the defendant's fate – Присяжные были вершителями судьбы подсудимого)
11.01.2024 18:28:00 gen. master вершитель (He felt like the master of his own destiny – Он чувствовал себя вершителем своей жизни • I will be the master of my own fate – Я буду вершителем своей судьбы)
11.01.2024 18:26:04 gen. decision-maker вершитель (She was the decision-maker in our company – Она была вершителем нашей компании)
11.01.2024 18:21:49 gen. tastemaker вершитель (He was a true tastemaker in the fashion world – Он был настоящим вершителем в мире моды)
11.01.2024 18:19:04 gen. arbiter of destinies вершитель (судеб: Time is the arbiter of destinies)
11.01.2024 18:08:15 gen. arbiter of destinies вершитель судеб
11.01.2024 18:05:14 gen. creator вершитель (or maker – someone who brings something into being: creator of the world)
11.01.2024 18:04:22 gen. maker вершитель
11.01.2024 18:04:02 gen. ruler вершитель
11.01.2024 18:03:41 gen. sovereign вершитель
11.01.2024 18:03:17 gen. proclaimer вершитель (the best translation will depend on the specific context)
11.01.2024 17:59:03 gen. originator вершитель (someone who brings something into being: originator of the universe)
11.01.2024 17:51:30 gen. determiner вершитель (someone who makes a decision or brings about a result)
11.01.2024 17:49:48 gen. executor вершитель (or performer – someone who carries out a task or an action)
11.01.2024 14:11:52 gen. law enforcer вершитель (закона)
11.01.2024 14:11:52 gen. law enforcement officer вершитель (закона)
10.01.2024 20:25:11 lgbt kinky party костюмированная вечеринка (от kinky – эксцентричный; см. kinky wikipedia.org)
10.01.2024 20:23:09 lgbt kinky party кинки-пати
10.01.2024 20:23:09 lgbt kinky party кинки-вечеринка
10.01.2024 19:26:28 AmE fake паль (Those designer shades are faker than a Kardashian smile. Caught 'em in two seconds)
10.01.2024 19:24:00 AmE replica паль (This is definitely a replica. It doesn't have the same details as the original)
10.01.2024 19:21:30 AmE dead giveaway паль (Looks like someone bought their Rolex at the flea market. Dead giveaway, man)
10.01.2024 19:18:02 AmE knockoff паль (паль – подделка, которую легко распознать (a knockoff is a fake that's easy to spot. It's often used in a humorous or ironic way. Usually the fake is of poor quality and can be easily distinguished from the real thing. Syn.: fake, counterfeit: Those Gucci sunglasses are definitely knockoffs. The logo is crooked)
10.01.2024 19:15:13 AmE sham паль (That's a sham so cheap, it looks like it came from the dollar store)
10.01.2024 14:42:32 idiom. have the upper hand иметь преимущество
9.01.2024 17:12:00 econ. highly qualified professional высококлассный специалист
9.01.2024 15:59:51 econ. retreat ретрит
9.01.2024 15:58:50 econ. retreat сеанс целенаправленного обучения (focused learning session)
9.01.2024 15:54:48 econ. retreat выездной семинар (a retreat provides an focused environment for participants to immerse themselves in learning without distractions. It allows for deep thinking, discussion, and collaboration with experts and peers on a specific topic)
9.01.2024 15:53:32 econ. retreat образовательный интенсив
8.01.2024 10:41:53 amer. dumb skull тупица (a dull or stupid person)
6.01.2024 18:28:39 amer. dumb skull дурень (a dunce)
6.01.2024 18:26:23 amer. dumb skull олух
6.01.2024 18:21:45 amer. dumb skull придурок (a moron)
6.01.2024 18:15:23 amer. dumb skull дурак (a person with poor judgment or little intelligence (derogatory)
6.01.2024 18:14:07 amer. dumb skull имбецил (an imbecile, a fool, an idiot (derogatory)
6.01.2024 18:12:13 amer. dumb skull болван
6.01.2024 18:12:13 amer. dumb skull идиот
6.01.2024 17:16:58 polit. election meddling иностранное вмешательство в выборы (the term specifies the origin of the meddling, referring to interference from foreign actors)
6.01.2024 17:14:10 inf. election meddling подтасовка выборов (implying unfair changes to the election results)
6.01.2024 17:12:07 polit. election meddling манипулирование выборами (the term emphasizes the intentional and unfair manipulation of the electoral process)
6.01.2024 17:08:12 amer. make major moves творить чудеса (разг., о Боге)
6.01.2024 17:08:12 amer. make major moves совершать великие деяния (разг., о Боге)
6.01.2024 17:02:34 gen. foment wars разжигать войны
6.01.2024 17:00:52 gen. snuff film игровое кино с намеренно произведённым реальным убийством, играющее на самых низменных чувствах зрителя
6.01.2024 13:32:57 gen. hodman литературный раб (a low-level laborer; refers to writers who perform essential but unglamorous tasks in the literary world. They might write blog posts, ghostwrite for less prestigious projects, or do extensive research and editing for others. They may not receive full recognition for their work, but their efforts provide the foundation for others' successes)
6.01.2024 13:29:42 slang shadow puppeteer литературный раб (similar to "ghostwriter," but highlights the fact that the writer controls the words behind the scenes)
6.01.2024 13:28:16 brit. ghost in the shadows литературный раб (a more subtle alternative to "ghost in the machine")
6.01.2024 13:26:59 brit. hack scribbler литературный раб (combining "hack" and "scribbler" for a particularly harsh description)
6.01.2024 13:25:13 brit. pen for a quid литературный раб (similar to "pen for hire," but using British slang for "pound")
6.01.2024 13:22:47 slang ghost in the machine литературный раб (a modern slang term, emphasizing the writer's hidden and anonymous contribution)
6.01.2024 13:21:18 slang wordsmith for rent литературный раб (a slangy wordplay on "swordsmith," emphasizing the writer's craft but also the commercial aspect)
6.01.2024 13:19:39 slang content mule литературный раб (a derogatory term, comparing the writer to a beast of burden producing content for someone else's benefit)
6.01.2024 13:17:48 ironic. inkwell drone литературный раб (a humorous term, poking fun at the writer's repetitive and monotonous work)
6.01.2024 13:17:48 ironic. inkwell drone литературный подёнщик (a humorous term, poking fun at the writer's repetitive and monotonous work)
6.01.2024 13:15:27 gen. pen for hire литературный раб (similar to "contract writer," but with a hint of mercenariness or lack of artistic passion)
6.01.2024 13:14:05 gen. literary hack литературный раб (implies the writer is of low quality or produces formulaic work for quick pay)
6.01.2024 13:12:26 gen. contract writer литературный раб (the term emphasizes the transactional nature of the work, often for specific projects or assignments)
6.01.2024 13:11:28 gen. hireling pen литературный раб (a more literary term, often used figuratively to highlight the writer's lack of control or ownership over their work)
6.01.2024 13:10:06 gen. ghostwriter литературный раб
6.01.2024 12:26:20 show.biz. casting ground for the spotlight кузница кадров (the term captures the competitive and selective nature of the environment, where only certain individuals gain the spotlight)
6.01.2024 12:23:45 show.biz. creative forge кузница кадров
6.01.2024 12:22:18 show.biz. artist development pipeline кузница кадров (emphasizes the systematic and structured approach to talent development)
6.01.2024 12:19:42 show.biz. talent incubator кузница кадров
6.01.2024 12:18:02 show.biz. star-making machine кузница кадров
6.01.2024 12:16:58 show.biz. launchpad for fame кузница кадров
6.01.2024 12:15:27 show.biz. artistic hatchery кузница кадров
6.01.2024 12:07:14 econ. breeding ground for talent кузница кадров (emphasizes the cultivation and development of skilled individuals within the organization)

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