
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Taras: 29.096  << | >>

4.02.2024 23:06:05 amer. tip-line горячая линия (напр. в полиции; тж. tip line)
4.02.2024 22:56:57 jap. yojimbo телохранитель (wikipedia.org)
4.02.2024 22:51:44 humor. I won't lose any sleep бессонница мне не грозит
4.02.2024 22:43:02 gen. on a house visit во время визита на дом
4.02.2024 22:31:22 inet. touch grass отклейся от экрана и подыши свежим воздухом (a colloquial expression often used online to suggest that someone is spending too much time on the computer or engaged in virtual activities and not enough in the real world. It implies that the person should go outside, reconnect with reality, and participate in more tangible experiences like physically touching grass)
4.02.2024 22:17:20 disappr. take one's sweet time особо не спешить
4.02.2024 22:16:30 disappr. take one's sweet time не торопиться
4.02.2024 21:30:22 amer. go-money заначка
4.02.2024 21:14:23 amer. cruising officer патрульный (less common but sometimes used for officers patrolling in marked vehicles)
4.02.2024 21:13:12 amer. beat officer патрульный (refers to an officer assigned to a specific geographic area for regular patrol)
4.02.2024 21:11:23 amer. patrol officer патрульный (the most common term for entry-level officers assigned to general patrol duties)
4.02.2024 21:09:21 amer. officer in patrol патрульный (descriptive term indicating an officer is currently engaged in patrolling duties)
4.02.2024 21:01:54 amer. officer in patrol патрульный офицер ( )
4.02.2024 21:01:54 amer. officer in patrol сотрудник патрульной службы ( )
4.02.2024 20:31:06 brit. bent coppers оборотни в погонах
4.02.2024 20:30:39 gen. corrupt police officers оборотни в погонах
4.02.2024 20:23:33 amer. dirty cops оборотни в погонах
4.02.2024 20:23:05 amer. cops on the take оборотни в погонах
4.02.2024 20:19:03 police UC агент, работающий под прикрытием (Am.E.: OP be advised our UC is on foot)
4.02.2024 20:03:08 gen. place уголок (I just need my own place)
4.02.2024 19:49:18 amer. horn in on вмешиваться
4.02.2024 19:49:18 amer. horn in on встревать
4.02.2024 19:48:32 amer. horn in on встрять (в разговор; to try to become involved in a discussion or activity when you are not wanted: Anna's always horning in on our conversations!)
4.02.2024 19:46:56 amer. horn in on вмешаться (в разговор)
4.02.2024 19:19:29 amer. in a pickle, take the nickel хвататься за соломинку (implying that one will take any small chance when in a desperate situation)
4.02.2024 19:16:25 amer. in a pickle, take the nickel ловить каждую возможность
4.02.2024 19:10:17 amer. in a pickle, take the nickel с миру по нитке – голому рубаха (highlights pooling small resources together to overcome a challenge)
4.02.2024 19:08:42 amer. in a pickle, take the nickel на безрыбье и рак рыба (the idiom implies accepting any available option, even if it's not ideal, when in a difficult situation)
4.02.2024 19:06:18 amer. in a pickle, take the nickel не брезгуем, берем, что дают (implies pragmatically taking an imperfect option)
4.02.2024 19:04:07 amer. in a pickle, take the nickel без вариантов, хаваем, что дают (conveys grudging acceptance of the only available solution)
4.02.2024 19:00:59 amer. in a pickle, take the nickel на войне все средства хороши (the idiom implies taking any necessary action, even unconventional ones, to achieve victory)
4.02.2024 18:14:51 auto. sports car спорткар
4.02.2024 18:13:56 auto. muscle car мощный автомобиль
4.02.2024 18:12:05 auto. muscle car мощная тачка
4.02.2024 18:12:05 auto. muscle car спорткар
4.02.2024 18:03:47 gen. have a lot on one's plate навалиться (о делах)
4.02.2024 16:48:44 AI. prompt текстовый запрос
4.02.2024 16:31:22 inf. fess up признаваться (тж. 'fess up сокр. от confess)
4.02.2024 15:11:22 gen. nonsense россказни (He told all sorts of nonsense about his adventures – Он рассказывал всякие россказни о своих приключениях)
4.02.2024 15:09:24 gen. stories россказни (Don't believe his stories, he just wants to deceive you – Не верь его россказням, он просто хочет тебя обмануть • These stories are not confirmed by anyone – Эти россказни никем не подтверждены)
4.02.2024 12:52:18 amer. John Law правоохранительные органы (собир. полиция, ФБР и т.д.)
4.02.2024 12:51:52 amer. John Law органы (собир. полиция, ФБР и т.д.)
4.02.2024 12:48:44 gen. dramatically more несоизмеримо больше (The new marketing campaign resulted in dramatically more sales than we predicted)
4.02.2024 12:47:19 gen. substantially more несоизмеримо больше (The project required substantially more resources than we initially anticipated)
4.02.2024 12:44:21 gen. a lot more несоизмеримо больше (I need a lot more information before I can make a decision)
4.02.2024 12:43:33 gen. a great deal more несоизмеримо больше (I have a great deal more to learn about the world)
4.02.2024 12:42:13 gen. much greater несоизмеримо больше (The impact of climate change is much greater than we previously thought)
4.02.2024 12:41:08 gen. far greater несоизмеримо больше (The challenges facing the world today are far greater than they were a generation ago)
4.02.2024 12:39:47 gen. considerably greater несоизмеримо больше (The cost of living in New York City is considerably greater than in most other cities in the United States)
4.02.2024 12:37:43 gen. significantly greater несоизмеримо больше (The risk of developing cancer is significantly greater for smokers than for nonsmokers)
4.02.2024 12:36:34 gen. vastly greater несоизмеримо больше (The number of people living in poverty today is vastly greater than it was a century ago)
4.02.2024 12:35:20 gen. disproportionately greater несоизмеримо больше (The wealthy pay a disproportionately greater share of taxes than the poor)
4.02.2024 12:34:14 gen. immeasurably greater несоизмеримо больше (The damage caused by the war was immeasurably greater than anyone could have imagined)
4.02.2024 12:32:54 gen. incomparably greater несоизмеримо больше (The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are incomparably greater than the costs)
3.02.2024 22:39:19 gen. campfire story байка
3.02.2024 0:05:34 gen. be on the honor system под честное слово (You're on the honor system)
2.02.2024 23:46:51 gen. young blood молодняк (тж. шутл.; also young-blood)
2.02.2024 23:34:35 idiom. chomp at the bit не терпеться
2.02.2024 23:20:46 inf. place гнёздышко (I need my own place)
2.02.2024 23:06:19 amer. do some lines нюхнуть по дорожке (We did some lines and one thing led to another...)
2.02.2024 22:58:25 amer. raise right правильно воспитывать (I was raised right)
2.02.2024 22:18:42 amer. kablooey бабах (тж. kablooie)
2.02.2024 22:03:57 inf. just two ships that pass in the night разошлись как в море корабли
2.02.2024 21:53:37 inf. on a drip на капельнице (ставить на капельницу: They got her on a drip and...)
2.02.2024 21:34:24 gen. survivor боец (... keep the faith. She's a survivor)
2.02.2024 21:11:08 gen. name-calling обзывание
2.02.2024 20:02:25 slang flophouse клоповник
2.02.2024 19:46:51 inf. the Yanks янки
2.02.2024 19:46:51 inf. the Yanks американцы
2.02.2024 19:46:51 inf. the Yanks граждане США
2.02.2024 19:46:51 inf. the Yanks жители США
2.02.2024 19:43:24 inf. the Frogs лягушатники
2.02.2024 19:38:58 polit. atomic bomb of information информационная атомная бомба
1.02.2024 18:12:57 gen. entanglement хитросплетение (political entanglements)
1.02.2024 12:28:05 mil. entanglement barbed wire путанка (малозаметная проволочная сеть; тж. rabbit wire)
1.02.2024 12:27:36 mil. camouflaged barbed wire путанка (закамуфлированная проволочная сеть)
1.02.2024 1:46:50 intell. the Reds русские (or the Soviets)
1.02.2024 1:31:41 idiom. sticks and stones обзывай, как хочешь (я не обращаю внимания на твои слова; "Sticks and stones" is a proverb that derives from the children's rhyme "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me." It is used as a retort to an insult, indicating that the insult has been acknowledged but has not caused any harm. The proverb suggests that words are not as powerful as physical harm and that one should not let insults get to them)
31.01.2024 23:32:56 slang sly bastard хитроумный мерзавец
31.01.2024 23:32:56 slang shrewd scumbag хитроумный мерзавец
30.01.2024 22:00:13 slang role-player ролевик (син. LARPer)
30.01.2024 21:24:13 amer. grow a spine показывать зубы (If someone pushes you around, you need to grow a spine and fight back)
30.01.2024 21:23:08 amer. grow a spine не быть тряпкой (a colorful idiom urging someone to show courage, stand up for themselves, and stop being timid: Grow a spine and face your fears instead of hiding from them • Stop acting like a doormat, grow a spine and speak your mind!)
30.01.2024 21:20:18 amer. grow a spine проявлять характер (She finally grew a spine and refused to tolerate her parents' controlling behavior)
30.01.2024 21:19:33 amer. grow a spine собраться с духом (It's time to grow a spine and ask her out on a date)
30.01.2024 21:18:45 amer. grow a spine брать себя в руки (He needs to grow a spine and tell his boss about the unfair working conditions)
30.01.2024 21:13:32 amer. grow a spine давать отпор
30.01.2024 19:54:35 gen. with one blow, we slay seven одним махом семерых побивахом
30.01.2024 19:54:35 gen. with one stroke, we strike down seven одним махом семерых побивахом
30.01.2024 19:54:35 gen. with one blow, we vanquish seven одним махом семерых побивахом
30.01.2024 19:54:35 gen. with one blow, we defeat seven одним махом семерых побивахом
30.01.2024 19:48:14 gen. sacred trust священный долг
29.01.2024 20:29:12 gen. keep on the sunny side свет всегда побеждает тьму
29.01.2024 20:29:12 gen. keep on the sunny side даже в самой мрачной ситуации можно найти повод для радости
29.01.2024 20:28:00 gen. keep on the sunny side никогда не терять надежду и верить в лучшее
29.01.2024 20:24:49 gen. keep on the sunny side во всём нужно искать хорошее (As my grandma used to sing, keep on the sunny side)
29.01.2024 20:14:09 gen. bang on the door стучать в дверь
29.01.2024 20:08:42 gen. I'm coming down я выезжаю (на место)
29.01.2024 20:02:53 rude shit magnet человек, который будто притягивает неприятности
29.01.2024 19:53:25 amer. luchador mask маска лучадора (the origins of the luchador mask can be traced back to the ancient Aztec wrestling tradition, where mask-wearing wrestlers were seen as protectors and warriors. These early masks were often made of leather or woven materials and featured intricate designs and symbols that represented their wearer's identity or lineage. As lucha libre (Mexican professional wrestling) emerged in the early 20th century, the use of masks became an essential element of the sport. Today, luchador masks are an iconic symbol of Mexican wrestling, deeply embedded in the culture and tradition of the sport)

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