
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Taras: 29.096  << | >>

22.07.2016 23:54:35 gen. army veteran ветеран
22.07.2016 23:52:24 gen. army veteran ветеран боевых действий (Am.E.)
22.07.2016 23:47:15 gen. endocrine disruption нарушение эндокринной системы
22.07.2016 23:26:24 gen. electronic benefits transfer card карта для электронного перевода пособий (пластиковая карта, выдаваемая получателям государственных пособий и позволяющая получать наличные деньги или оплачивать покупки с помощью компьютерных терминалов)
22.07.2016 23:23:19 gen. EBT card карточка для электронного перевода пособий (тж. см. electronic benefits transfer card – пластиковая карта, выдаваемая получателям государственных пособий и позволяющая получать наличные деньги или оплачивать покупки с помощью компьютерных терминалов)
22.07.2016 23:23:19 gen. EBT card карта для электронного перевода пособий
19.07.2016 0:48:00 inf. snort храпок
19.07.2016 0:43:28 gen. eyelids веки
18.07.2016 23:05:25 gen. network покрывать сетью (densely networked with roads – покрытый густой сетью дорог)
18.07.2016 22:59:13 gen. network знакомства (тж. см. old-boy network)
18.07.2016 22:53:55 gen. old-boy network узы старой дружбы
18.07.2016 22:43:49 amer. administration пребывание в должности президента (the tenure of a president: things were quiet during the Eisenhower administration)
18.07.2016 22:43:49 gen. tenure of a president пребывание в должности президента
18.07.2016 22:31:11 gen. big shot влиятельный чиновник
18.07.2016 22:23:00 gen. top corner office высокий кабинет (...you have to get invited to network, go upstairs and meet big shots in a top corner office. • But once this has happened, the name of the game becomes execution, and any change of signals from the top corner office is usually counterproductive.)
18.07.2016 20:09:18 gen. heirloom наследственный
18.07.2016 20:09:18 gen. heirloom фамильный
18.07.2016 20:03:57 bot. heirloom негибридный (heirloom tomatoes – негибридные помидоры; негибридные (наследственные, фамильные) сорта овощей – heirloom vegetables)
18.07.2016 15:57:30 gen. Skull and Bones Череп и кости (Старейшее тайное общество студентов Йельского университета; Skull and Bones is an undergraduate senior secret society at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut)
18.07.2016 0:30:40 gen. ween предполагать
18.07.2016 0:04:19 gen. materiel военно-техническое обеспечение (армии)
17.07.2016 23:58:28 gen. materiel материально-техническое снабжение
17.07.2016 23:06:14 gen. dramatic change коренное изменение
17.07.2016 23:02:07 gen. revolutionary change революционное преобразование
17.07.2016 23:02:07 gen. revolutionary change революционное изменение
17.07.2016 23:02:07 gen. revolutionary change коренное изменение
17.07.2016 21:17:18 gen. under glass в парнике
17.07.2016 21:08:54 gen. glass-house парник
17.07.2016 20:29:52 gen. board up заколотить (досками)
17.07.2016 19:21:34 gen. fraternity of the Press журналисты
17.07.2016 19:04:00 gen. fraternity of the Press газетчики
17.07.2016 19:04:00 gen. fraternity of the Press журналистская братия
17.07.2016 18:56:22 gen. pledge a fraternity вступить в братство
17.07.2016 17:21:46 gen. deprived children обездоленные дети
17.07.2016 17:03:09 gen. destitute person обездоленный (сущ.)
17.07.2016 17:03:09 gen. underdog обездоленный (сущ.)
17.07.2016 17:00:11 gen. down-and-out обездоленный
17.07.2016 16:55:32 gen. bereaved обездоленный
17.07.2016 15:51:19 gen. Owl of Minerva Сова Минервы (The Owl of Minerva – In Greek mythology, a little owl (Athene noctua) traditionally represents or accompanies Athena, the virgin goddess of wisdom, or Minerva, her syncretic incarnation in Roman mythology. Because of such association, the bird – often referred to as the "owl of Athena" or the "owl of Minerva" – has been used as a symbol of knowledge, wisdom, perspicacity and erudition throughout the Western world.)
17.07.2016 14:38:55 gen. palatable подходящий
17.07.2016 14:27:05 gen. palatable хороший (That option is not very palatable – Этот вариант не очень хорош; the council is hardly palatable – состав совета малоприемлем)
17.07.2016 14:17:52 gen. palatable благоприятный
17.07.2016 13:41:38 law extrinsic evidence устные показания (свидетеля)
17.07.2016 13:27:51 law counteracting evidence контрсвидетельство
17.07.2016 13:27:51 law evidence to contradict контрсвидетельство
17.07.2016 13:27:51 law opposing evidence контрсвидетельство
17.07.2016 13:14:45 law rebuttal контрдоказательство (In an American trial, after the defendant's case, the plaintiff can present rebuttal witnesses or rebuttal evidence to try to disprove the evidence presented by the defendant. This may include only new evidence (not presented in the plaintiff's initial case), or a new witness who contradicts the defendant's witnesses)
17.07.2016 12:55:32 law rebuttal доказательство (представленное на суде одной стороной, чтобы превзойти доказательства другой стороны)
17.07.2016 12:45:00 gen. Trumpkin сторонник Дональда Трампа (Am.E.)
17.07.2016 1:01:23 gen. frontman лицо компании (Their party began to go places only after it found a glamorous front man. (Time))
17.07.2016 0:51:51 gen. frontman фиктивное лицо (a person who lends his or her prestige to a group by acting as its public representative or nominal leader; often, such a person used as a cover for illegal or subversive activity: They wouldn’t sell him their company, so he bought it through a frontman; тж. см. figurehead)
17.07.2016 0:47:35 mus. frontman лидер группы (the leader of a group of musicians; the most prominent or visible member of a group of musicians, as a lead singer)
17.07.2016 0:40:38 brit. frontman ведущий (телепрограммы: frontman for the BBC's golf coverage – ведущий репортажей о соревнованиях по гольфу на Би-би-си)
17.07.2016 0:35:00 gen. figurehead номинальный глава (тж. см. frontman)
17.07.2016 0:27:17 gen. front man фиктивное лицо
17.07.2016 0:23:59 gen. front man фиктивное лицо (тж. см. frontman)
17.07.2016 0:13:48 gen. frontman номинальный глава (тж. см. front man)
16.07.2016 23:58:29 gen. regurgitate повторять (что-либо автоматически, не понимая смысла: She tries to get students to think critically, not just regurgitate facts)
16.07.2016 23:53:21 gen. regurgitate механически повторять (что-либо, не понимая смысла)
16.07.2016 23:42:43 gen. Philips Exeter Academy Академия Филипса в Экзетере (Одна из наиболее известных и престижных школ-интернатов [academy, prep school]. Находится в г. Экзетере, шт. Нью-Хэмпшир. Основана в 1781 дядей С. Филлипса, основателя Академии Филлипса [Phillips Academy]. С 1970 в школу принимаются девочки. Здания студенческого городка – памятники колониальной архитектуры)
16.07.2016 23:35:02 gen. Phillips Exeter Academy Академия Филипса в Экзетере (While the vast majority of students who attend public schools are primarily concerned with the latest teen idol, their favorite professional sports teams, or simply getting drunk and high, children of the elite are taught team building, networking skills, and other tools to prepare them to rapidly advance up the social hierarchy once they enter the "real world." Philips Exeter Academy is just one example of a private boarding school which was set up for the children of the elite to prepare them for life in the upper class. The Illuminati has largely funded this school and used it to educate their children and prepare them for their duties later in life. In 1930 Edward Harkness (a member of Skull & Bones' sister organization Wolf's Head) donated $5.8 million dollars to the school under the condition that their method of teaching students would change to what he called the Aristotelian method of antiquity. Harkness was the second largest shareholder in Rockefeller's Standard Oil in the early 1900s and was in John D. Rockefeller's inner circle.The Rockefeller family has been one of the most powerful Illuminati families for generations and the "Aristotelean method of antiquity" that Edward Harkness paid to implement at Philips Exeter Academy was based on the ideology of the Greek philosopher Aristotle (a student of Plato) who believed that most people were too stupid to govern themselves, and that society should be structured in a way that "philosopher kings" should rule and decide what was best for the people [Inside The Illuminati, Mark Dice])
16.07.2016 23:23:23 gen. Exeter Academy Академия Филипса в Экзетере (см. Phillips Exeter Academy)
16.07.2016 23:16:43 video. cinema videographer оператор (оператор, производящий съёмку видеосюжетов любительской камерой; Any person involved in the production of video material, but especially a person who uses a video camera; a person who makes videotapes with a camcorder; a person who records images or events using a video camera)
16.07.2016 22:57:24 gen. spoof фабриковать
16.07.2016 22:40:28 gen. fanbase фанаты (the body of admirers of a particular pop singer, football team, etc.; Their fanbase are mostly British – Их фанаты – это, в основном, англичане; His fanbase is worldwide – У него поклонники по всему миру)
16.07.2016 22:40:28 gen. fanbase поклонники
16.07.2016 22:31:20 gen. female fanbase поклонницы
16.07.2016 22:18:30 gen. fan base поклонники (The fan base of someone such as a pop star or a pop group is their fans, considered as a whole; тж. см. fanbase)
16.07.2016 19:59:35 gen. scruple угрызения совести (He had no scruples about selling faulty goods to people)
16.07.2016 18:55:45 media. Operation Mockingbird Операция "Пересмешник" (Today, much of the American mainstream media and other outlets in countries around the world are under the control of the government. In some countries the State-controlled television is clearly evident, but in places like America such control is done more covertly, leading many to believe that it is a "free and independent" press. In 1975 a congressional investigation discovered the CIA had virtually every editor from the major news outlets in their pocket. The Church Hearings, as they were called, uncovered the government was spending a billion dollars a year (in 2014 dollars) to secretly pay editors and reporters to work as gatekeepers and propagandists for the establishment. The program was dubbed Operation Mockingbird.)
16.07.2016 17:34:07 media. gatekeeper цензор (The gatekeeper decides which information will go forward, and which will not)
16.07.2016 17:22:32 gen. news outlet информационное агентство
16.07.2016 15:11:38 gen. perfectabilist перфекционист
16.07.2016 15:01:17 hist. Perfectabilists перфекционисты (Originally he (Adam Weishaupt (codename: Spartacus)) called his group the Perfectabilists, meaning they aimed to "perfect" man by facilitating his "evolution," but the name Perfectabilists was quickly changed to the Illuminati to fit in with the "enlightenment" theme of the era, since Illuminati is Latin for "the enlightened ones.")
16.07.2016 14:41:40 gen. perfectibilian перфекционист (устар.)
16.07.2016 14:35:00 gen. perfectibilist перфекционист
16.07.2016 14:32:03 gen. perfectist перфекционист
16.07.2016 14:20:59 relig. Rosicrucianism доктрина розенкрейцеров (philosophie de l'ordre de la Rose-Croix; A theology of a secret society of mystics, formed in late medieval Germany, and using the rose and the cross as their symbol)
16.07.2016 13:26:27 taboo piss off отъебаться
16.07.2016 11:19:25 gen. wide readership широкая читательская аудитория
16.07.2016 10:14:46 gen. International union of bibliophiles Международный союз книголюбов
16.07.2016 9:57:27 gen. bibliophile society общество книголюбов (тж. см. reading society)
16.07.2016 9:54:51 gen. society of bibliophiles общество книголюбов
16.07.2016 9:48:10 gen. reading society читательский кружок
16.07.2016 9:48:10 gen. reading society читательский клуб
13.07.2016 10:23:38 gen. cut somebody's hair anyhow оболванивать (плохо постричь) to cut someone’s hair anyhow)
13.07.2016 10:12:06 gen. indoctrinate промывать мозги
13.07.2016 10:07:13 gen. news apparatus пропагандистская машина (People can be indoctrinated (brainwashed) by the news apparatus)
13.07.2016 9:25:10 gen. brainwashed с промытыми мозгами
13.07.2016 9:15:25 gen. indoctrinated с промытыми мозгами (People can be indoctrinated by the news apparatus)
13.07.2016 8:58:16 gen. mark of the beast начертание зверя (Middle English marke of the beast, translation of Late Latin character bestiae, translation of Greek charagma tou thēriou; 1. A stamp on the forehead or right hand of a worshipper of the Beast (Antichrist) as in the Bible, Revelation 13:16; 2. Hence a sign of whatever was considered to be of the Antichrist, or (loosely) evil or even bad manners)
13.07.2016 7:52:02 gen. justifiable payback оправданная месть
13.07.2016 7:27:14 gen. alternative media альтернативные СМИ
12.07.2016 22:59:48 gen. by and by сразу
12.07.2016 22:42:45 gen. by and by потом
12.07.2016 22:42:45 gen. by and by несколько позднее
12.07.2016 22:42:45 gen. by and by со временем
12.07.2016 22:40:31 gen. by and by вскоре
12.07.2016 22:37:45 gen. by and by мало-помалу
12.07.2016 22:37:45 gen. by and by один за другим

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