
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Taras: 29.032  << | >>

30.03.2023 2:25:43 amer. dangalang член
30.03.2023 1:44:53 amer. ten codes десятичные коды (The "ten codes" are a set of standardized codes used by law enforcement, emergency services, and other organizations for quick and concise communication over the radio or other communication systems. They were developed in the 1930s and 1940s and were originally intended to facilitate communication over two-way radio systems that were prone to interference and static. The codes are numbered from 10-1 to 10-99 and each code has a specific meaning or message associated with it. For example, some of the more commonly used ten codes include: 10-4: Affirmative, OK 10-7: Out of service 10-8: In service 10-9: Repeat message 10-20: Location 10-33: Emergency traffic only 10-42: End of shift 10-50: Traffic accident. While the use of ten codes has declined in recent years due to concerns over misunderstandings and confusion, some agencies and organizations still use them as a shorthand for certain types of communication )
30.03.2023 1:05:20 amer. hot mess полный провал ("She got up on stage and tried to sing Beyonce's "Dangerously In Love" but her performance was a hot mess." – "Она поднялась на сцену и попыталась спеть песню Бейонсе "Dangerously In Love", но её выступление было полным провалом.")
30.03.2023 0:52:54 amer. hot mess полная задница
30.03.2023 0:47:35 amer. hot mess катастрофа
30.03.2023 0:47:35 amer. hot mess бардак
30.03.2023 0:45:23 amer. hot mess полная катастрофа
30.03.2023 0:45:23 amer. hot mess полный бардак
29.03.2023 21:43:16 amer. Gun Violence Suppression Division подразделение по борьбе с насильственными преступлениями с применением огнестрельного оружия
29.03.2023 20:20:51 gen. sweat out toxins выводить токсины (Therefore, sweat is not made up of toxins from your body, and the belief that sweat can cleanse the body is a myth. “You cannot sweat toxins out of the body,” Dr. Smith says. “Toxins such as mercury, alcohol and most drugs are eliminated by your liver, intestines or kidneys.”)
29.03.2023 19:17:13 amer. freezer truck рефрижератор
29.03.2023 18:48:21 slang boops сиськи
29.03.2023 18:47:23 slang boop сиська (= boops n (pl.) – сиськи)
29.03.2023 18:43:48 slang beer-boep пивной живот (S.Afr.) a paunch, a beer belly: If you’re fat don’t wear your trousers tight. Everywhere we’ve got to look at three layers of boep sticking out • His most prominent feature is his beer boep • It’s official – the bigger your boep, the shorter your lifespan • Men incinerate carbs at a rate of knots which explains why the beer-boep only sprouts at 30)
29.03.2023 18:43:15 slang boop пивной живот (см. beer-boep)
29.03.2023 18:32:01 slang boop заниматься сексом (gay slang; to do the sex act; fuck)
29.03.2023 18:32:01 slang boop трахаться (gay slang; to do the sex act; fuck)
29.03.2023 18:29:43 gen. boop тыкаться нос-в-нос (The word pops up a lot on photos of beloved pets, as it describes the noise that, well, everyone makes when they briefly touch the nose of something adorable. It wasn't until the subreddit /r/boop was created in 2009 that it became commonly known, though the earliest example of it seems to be a 1992 Simpsons episode in which Bart places a stamp on baby Lisa's nose before mailing her away: When a cat kisses you by nudging your nose with its own: My cat Leroy just booped me three times)
28.03.2023 11:56:30 gen. sex worker секс-работница
28.03.2023 11:56:30 gen. sex worker секс-работник
28.03.2023 11:46:38 inf. salad days в молодости
28.03.2023 11:36:29 gen. not to see anything wrong in нет ничего зазорного в том, чтобы (For those who do not see anything wrong in the use of simulations, there is a huge range of artificial substitutes • Also, many banks still do not see anything wrong in charging a fee for issuing a loan)
28.03.2023 11:32:35 gen. there is no shame in нет ничего зазорного в том, чтобы (There is no shame in asking for others to help you carry this responsibility • There is no shame in wanting to live)
28.03.2023 10:53:08 amer. raw dog заниматься сексом без презерватива
28.03.2023 10:51:46 amer. raw dog есть в сыром виде
28.03.2023 10:48:35 fig. raw dog натянуть (кого-л.)
28.03.2023 10:46:13 fig. raw dog говорить с кем-то, кто не хочет говорить с тобой (to talk to somebody that doesn't want to talk to you: Ah, Liz. She raw dogged me at the cheese store)
28.03.2023 10:45:30 fig. raw dog отыметь ("без мыла")
28.03.2023 10:38:29 amer. raw dog вступать в половую связь без использования презерватива
28.03.2023 10:36:31 amer. raw dog унижать (US black) to humiliate horribly: T.R. Houser Central Sl. 44: raw dog – to treat someone worse than a dog. To bring cruel abuse and heartless harm to bear)
28.03.2023 10:33:09 amer. raw dog относиться с крайним презрением
28.03.2023 2:20:52 amer. meatball толстуха
28.03.2023 2:14:53 amer. meatball болван
28.03.2023 2:13:55 amer. meatball глупый (stupid)
28.03.2023 2:13:31 amer. meatball бестолковый
28.03.2023 2:12:44 amer. meatball безголовый
28.03.2023 2:12:44 amer. meatball тупой
28.03.2023 2:12:44 amer. meatball скудоумный
28.03.2023 2:10:47 amer. meatball безмозглый (H. Kissinger in Woodward & Bernstein Final Days n.p.: You tell our meatball President I’ll be there in a few minutes)
28.03.2023 2:09:09 amer. meatball дурацкий (R. Hardman Chaplains Raid 7: In all of recorded United States Marine Corps history has there ever been such a meatball deal?)
28.03.2023 2:06:03 amer. meatball афроамериканец (an African-American)
28.03.2023 2:04:26 amer. meatball незначительное или ложное уголовное обвинение (US Und.) a minor or false criminal charge: ‘A.C. Clark’ Crime Partners 103: You guys picked me up on a meatball. I ain’t robbed nobody, so you ain’t got no case on me)
28.03.2023 2:00:42 amer. meatball клиент проститутки (a prostitute's customer: J. Stern Sisters of the Night 5: Clerks, bellhops and elevator operators were recruited to steer the customers – the ‘Johns’ or ‘meatballs’ – to the selected suites)
28.03.2023 1:57:38 amer. meatball итальянец (an Italian (the stereotyped partiality of Italians for the dish): Goldin et al. DAUL 137/2: Meat-ball. 1. (Chiefly N. Y. State prisons; Ital.-Amer.) [...] (applied derisively) a Negro. 2. (Same area; adopted by Irish-Amer. convicts) An Italian • On top of all this spaghetti is a meatball, an Italian • H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 12: The time-honored tradition of disparaging other nationalities, including the [...] Italians (Eyetalians, macaronis, meatballs). • ‘Jack Tunney’ Split Decision [ebook] I don’t like Mr Cardone [...] Treats me like a child, that meatball)
28.03.2023 1:45:31 amer. meatball посредственный боксёр (a second-rate boxer)
28.03.2023 1:44:23 amer. meatball глупец (a stupid person; thus a potential victim; fig. ext. + ref. to meathead)
28.03.2023 1:43:54 amer. meatball простофиля
28.03.2023 1:42:11 amer. meatball бестолочь
28.03.2023 1:32:44 amer. wonder wheel колесо Ферриса (The Wonder Wheel is a 150-foot-tall (46 m) eccentric Ferris wheel at Deno's Wonder Wheel Amusement Park at Coney Island in the New York City borough of Brooklyn wikipedia.org)
28.03.2023 1:32:20 amer. wonder wheel чёртово колесо
28.03.2023 1:30:10 amer. Ferris wheel колесо Ферриса
28.03.2023 1:20:55 amer. wonder wheel колесо обозрения
28.03.2023 1:09:08 prop.&figur. skate under the radar скрываться от радаров (...our charge is to bust an international drug cartel that's skated under the radar for two decades, okay?)
28.03.2023 0:53:54 amer. drive-by стрельба из движущегося мотоцикла
28.03.2023 0:13:12 amer. mob lawyer адвокат мафии (He's a mob lawyer, locked up at Green Haven)
28.03.2023 0:02:58 amer. shell corporation фиктивная корпорация
28.03.2023 0:01:18 amer. shell corp фиктивная корпорация (формально зарегистрированная, но не ведущая операций)
27.03.2023 23:58:03 amer. shell corp компания-прокладка
27.03.2023 23:34:12 amer. poster boy показательный пример (You've been my poster boy for why this system works)
27.03.2023 23:33:48 amer. poster boy главное лицо
27.03.2023 23:31:59 amer. poster boy пример
27.03.2023 23:31:13 amer. poster boy парень с плаката
27.03.2023 23:20:24 amer. go down for murder сесть за убийство (I need to make sure this son of a bitch goes down for murder)
27.03.2023 23:11:51 amer. grab a seat садись
27.03.2023 23:07:20 amer. thing "искра" (I thought we had a thing (between us)
27.03.2023 23:06:51 amer. energy "химия" (They have an energy. I have seen it)
27.03.2023 23:06:51 amer. energy "искра" (They have an energy. I have seen it)
27.03.2023 23:04:54 amer. vibe "химия" (I mean, there's definitely a vibe between you two)
27.03.2023 22:33:27 amer. shrinker психотерапевт (син. head shrinker; shrink; headshrink; psychiatrist, psychoanalyst)
27.03.2023 22:29:27 amer. mental health specialist психотерапевт
27.03.2023 22:21:00 amer. smooches чмоки
27.03.2023 22:19:01 amer. certified hottie красавчик (He's a college boy? Is he a certified hottie? Are you thinking about giving him a little smooch?)
27.03.2023 22:14:48 amer. certified hottie красотка
27.03.2023 22:10:34 gen. misread the signs неправильно истолковывать знаки
27.03.2023 22:04:30 sport, bask. trey ball трёхочковый бросок
27.03.2023 22:03:34 sport, bask. trey трёхочковый бросок (a "trey" in basketball is another name for a three-point shot attempt. The term is widely used by announcers and color commentators to describe the action during a live TV broadcast. Other synonymous names include 'trey ball' and "downtown.")
27.03.2023 21:56:55 rude cornhole посадить на бутылку (тж. перен.; син.: отпетушить, опустить; to victimise someone; to force someone into submission)
27.03.2023 21:55:03 amer. cornhole деревенщина
27.03.2023 21:07:16 fig. cornhole наносить поражение (in fig. use, to defeat, to victimize: C. Loken Come Monday Morning 155: If he hadn’t let that slimy bastard cornhole him with that policy he’d be clear right now)
27.03.2023 16:45:38 sport, bask. shoot the ball бросать мяч (Am.E.: Shut up and shoot the ball)
27.03.2023 16:39:33 sport, bask. three boys трёхочковый бросок (выкрик после броска; Am.E.: - Nice! – Three boys)
27.03.2023 16:20:15 sport. fanny pack подсумок
27.03.2023 16:16:04 rude fagbag гомосек (Am.E.)
27.03.2023 16:15:49 rude cornhole fucker гомосек (Am.E.)
27.03.2023 16:13:13 rude fagbag извращенец
27.03.2023 16:12:34 rude fagbag гомик
27.03.2023 16:11:48 rude fagbag педераст
27.03.2023 16:09:40 rude fagbag педик (Am.E.)
27.03.2023 16:09:14 rude shit shoveler педик
27.03.2023 16:08:36 rude cornhole fucker педик (Am.E.)
27.03.2023 16:07:21 rude shit shoveler пидор
27.03.2023 16:06:49 rude cornhole fucker заднепроходец
27.03.2023 16:06:49 rude cornhole fucker пидор
27.03.2023 16:06:18 rude shit shoveler заднепроходец (a noun to describe a male of the species that indulges in sticking his penis into another man's anus thereby shovelling the shit)
27.03.2023 16:05:22 rude shit shoveler говномес (Am.E.)
27.03.2023 16:04:05 rude cornhole fucker говномес (Am.E.)
27.03.2023 16:03:03 rude pillow biter заднеприводный
27.03.2023 16:02:35 rude faggot заднеприводный
27.03.2023 16:02:13 rude fag заднеприводный
27.03.2023 16:01:19 rude fagbag заднеприводный

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