
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Taras: 29.096  << | >>

8.04.2023 17:07:47 police cordon off the area оцепить территорию
8.04.2023 17:07:47 police cordon off the area оцеплять территорию
8.04.2023 16:58:13 med. patient chart карта больного (Am.E.)
8.04.2023 16:49:39 amer. chicken coop весовая станция (a weight station. Citizens' band radio and trucking slang; official State weight & check station where trucks are weighed and documentation is checked)
8.04.2023 16:46:57 amer. chicken coop курятник (женская тюрьма; a prison for women)
8.04.2023 16:45:50 amer. chicken coop наружный туалет (an outdoor toilet)
8.04.2023 16:43:15 gen. chicken coop птичник (син. hencoop, henhouse, chicken-shed)
8.04.2023 16:42:04 amer. chicken coop мохнаткина зона (женская тюрьма)
8.04.2023 16:18:01 amer. chicken coop туалет на улице (an outdoor toilet)
8.04.2023 16:18:01 amer. chicken coop уличный туалет (an outdoor toilet)
8.04.2023 16:15:21 amer. chicken coop женская тюрьма (a women's jail or prison)
8.04.2023 15:53:27 gen. stepping-stones средство для достижения цели (тж. stepping stones: Do you view your colleagues as stepping-stones? – Вы рассматриваете своих коллег только как средство достижения цели? • This job is a stepping stone to better things • Education is a stepping stone to a good job • Modelling is seen as a stepping stone to a career in movies)
8.04.2023 15:51:17 gen. stepping-stones дорожка, выложенная из камней (для преодоления препятствия)
8.04.2023 15:47:42 gen. stepping-stones средство для улучшения положения
8.04.2023 15:26:37 gen. conflict-averse неконфликтный (см. conflict-averse person)
8.04.2023 15:25:40 gen. conflict-averse person неконфликтный человек (A "conflict-averse person" refers to an individual who tends to avoid or shy away from engaging in conflicts or confrontations. Such a person may have a strong preference for avoiding disagreements, disputes, or arguments, and may seek to maintain peace and harmony in relationships or situations, even at the cost of suppressing their own needs, opinions, or concerns. Conflict-averse individuals may feel uncomfortable or anxious about confrontation, and may employ various strategies to minimize or avoid conflicts, such as withdrawing from conflict situations, avoiding expressing dissenting opinions, or seeking compromise and consensus even when they may have differing views. Conflict-averse behavior can stem from various factors, including personality traits, past experiences, cultural upbringing, or personal beliefs about conflict resolution)
8.04.2023 0:02:44 police slim lead слабая зацепка
7.04.2023 23:22:34 amer. rat-fuck elections вмешиваться в результаты выборов
7.04.2023 23:18:49 amer. rat-fuck elections фальсифицировать результаты выборов
7.04.2023 22:53:52 amer. rat-fuck elections подтасовывать результаты выборов
7.04.2023 22:52:08 amer. rat-fuck elections фальсифицировать выборы (руг.; a colloquial and informal term that is used to describe illicit or manipulative activities aimed at interfering with or manipulating the outcome of elections. It can refer to various illegal or unethical tactics, such as voter suppression, voter intimidation, gerrymandering, spreading false information or disinformation, hacking or tampering with election systems, ballot stuffing, or engaging in other fraudulent activities to sway the results of an election in favor of a particular candidate or party. The term "rat-fuck" is considered vulgar and offensive, and its use should be approached with caution in formal or professional settings)
7.04.2023 22:23:57 amer. feelgood lie сладкая ложь (I can't tell whether I'm supposed to apologize for asking or if you're telling me the feelgood lie)
7.04.2023 22:16:31 amer. key fob брелок-флешка с электронным ключом безопасности (см. USB token; для входа в какую-л. сеть, сервер, систему, ПО)
7.04.2023 21:05:48 amer. stain pen ручка для удаления пятен
7.04.2023 20:55:50 amer. dateless loser неудачник без пары
7.04.2023 20:54:06 amer. incel guy инцел (Ew. Are you some incel guy? Like sad, sad loner shit?)
7.04.2023 20:20:01 amer. food run поход за едой (напр. из магазина, кафе, дома и т.д. в офис: ...I came back from the food run • to go on a food run: Jimmy went on a food run during his lunch break)
7.04.2023 20:06:37 amer. shady one мутный тип (Clearly, you are the shady one. You murder people)
7.04.2023 19:59:17 amer. FinCen сотрудник управления министерства финансов США по борьбе с финансовыми преступлениями (a Treasury official, U.S. Treasury Agent: Howard was FinCen at Treasury)
7.04.2023 19:58:27 amer. U.S. Treasury Agent агент казначейства США
7.04.2023 19:42:22 amer. aisle проход между рядами в палате представителей США (или Конгресса: The decision hotly anticipated by members on both sides of the aisle)
7.04.2023 19:29:59 amer. treasury official чиновник министерства финансов (тж. департамента казначейства США wikipedia.org)
7.04.2023 19:24:52 amer. treasury official сотрудник министерства финансов (США)
7.04.2023 19:24:52 amer. treasury official сотрудник минфина (США)
7.04.2023 19:24:52 amer. treasury official чиновник казначейства (США)
7.04.2023 19:18:39 amer. tech entrepreneur тех-предприниматель
7.04.2023 18:35:09 gen. identification chip идентификационный чип
7.04.2023 18:34:54 gen. ID chip идентификационный чип
7.04.2023 18:31:20 gen. identity chip идентификационный чип
7.04.2023 18:29:30 fant./sci-fi. spark pad спарк-пад
7.04.2023 18:28:59 fant./sci-fi. spark pad идентификационный чип (fandom.com)
7.04.2023 18:27:28 gen. identichip идентификационный чип
7.04.2023 18:13:36 gen. rogue droid неисправный дроид
7.04.2023 18:02:05 gen. hyperloop pod капсула вакуумного поезда
7.04.2023 17:13:25 amer. tech entrepreneur предприниматель в сфере информационных технологий
7.04.2023 17:13:25 amer. tech entrepreneur ИТ-предприниматель
7.04.2023 16:36:04 amer. slap a boot on ставить блокиратор (на колёса движ. средства; тж. put a boot on; an informal expression that is often used to refer to the act of attaching or affixing a boot or wheel clamp to a vehicle as a form of penalty or punishment. This typically happens when a vehicle is parked illegally, obstructing traffic, or violating parking regulations, and the authorities or parking enforcement personnel take action by immobilizing the vehicle with a boot)
7.04.2023 16:20:31 amer. task monkey мальчик на побегушках
7.04.2023 16:20:31 amer. task monkey курьер
7.04.2023 16:20:31 amer. task monkey посыльный
7.04.2023 15:57:16 amer. out-bill someone обойти (кого-л.)
7.04.2023 15:56:53 amer. out-bill someone заработать больше чем другие (typically refers to a situation where one person or entity generates more billing or revenue than another person or entity. It can be used in various contexts, such as in business, sales, or professional services, where the goal is to generate more revenue or billing than a competitor or counterpart: The Smith Law Firm out-billed their competitors in the last quarter, earning them the top spot in the industry • ABC Advertising Agency out-billed their competitor for the recent marketing campaign project)
7.04.2023 15:31:41 amer. steal from the till воровать из кассы (тж. см. skim the till: I have a video of him stealing from the till)
7.04.2023 15:25:48 inf. make a buck заработать
7.04.2023 15:24:33 st.exch. tank the price снизить цену (резко)
7.04.2023 15:24:17 st.exch. tank the price обрушить цену
7.04.2023 14:35:36 amer. floor биржа
7.04.2023 14:33:55 amer. floor фондовая биржа
7.04.2023 14:31:21 gen. flurry of panic шквал паники (,...it set off a flurry of panic on the floor)
7.04.2023 14:24:30 gen. warthog африканский дикий кабан (бородавочник)
7.04.2023 14:22:57 gen. warthog кабан (африканский)
7.04.2023 14:19:52 amer. spy thriller шпионский триллер
7.04.2023 14:16:57 amer. espionage agent шпион (a corporate spy: a private espionage agent)
7.04.2023 14:08:28 amer. Hail Mary молитва (a traditional Christian prayer: Look, I didn't come here for some kind of counsel or salvation or Hail Marys or whatever it is you do here. I just need someone to listen)
7.04.2023 13:53:27 IT chromecasting хромкаст (chromecasting, also known as Google Chromecast, is a technology developed by Google that allows users to wirelessly stream or cast media content from a computer, smartphone, or tablet to a television or other compatible display device. Chromecast works by using a small dongle-like device that is connected to the HDMI port of a television or display, and it uses Wi-Fi to establish a connection between the casting device (e.g., a computer or mobile device) and the display device. Users can then "cast" or send media content, such as videos, photos, or music, from their casting device to the television or display, and control the playback using their casting device as a remote control. Chromecasting is compatible with various streaming services, apps, and devices, and it allows users to enjoy multimedia content on a larger screen without the need for physical cables or connections between the devices)
7.04.2023 13:52:01 IT chromecast хромкаст
2.04.2023 10:42:57 gen. heat press термопресс (пресс для термопереноса – электромеханическое устройство, применяемое для термопереноса изображения на различные материалы: металл, керамика, текстиль, картон, пластик, кожа, композиционные материалы и т. п. wikipedia.org)
1.04.2023 19:31:26 amer. door prize приз (вручаемый тому, кто вытащил или выкупил выигрышный билет на представлении, танцах или вечере (особ. проводимых с благотворительной целью)
31.03.2023 1:08:50 gen. cover one's shift подменять (What do you say? Cover my shift on Friday?)
30.03.2023 22:24:19 police.jarg. toss the house обыскивать дом (Am.E.)
30.03.2023 21:32:48 amer. make a cut-off пойти кратчайшим путём
30.03.2023 20:39:14 gen. aberrant behavior девиантное поведение (aberrant behavior and deviant behavior are both terms used to describe behavior that falls outside the norms of what is considered acceptable or typical in a particular society or culture. However, there is a subtle difference in their meanings: Aberrant behavior refers to behavior that deviates from what is considered normal or typical, but the deviation is unintentional or not within the control of the individual. This can include behavior that is caused by a physical or psychological condition, such as mental illness or neurological disorders. Deviant behavior, on the other hand, refers to behavior that intentionally or willfully violates social norms or expectations. This can include behavior that is considered criminal, immoral, or unethical in a particular society or culture. To summarize, the main difference between aberrant and deviant behavior is that aberrant behavior is often outside of an individual's control, while deviant behavior is a conscious choice to behave in a way that is considered outside of social norms or expectations)
30.03.2023 19:36:13 gen. court proceeding судебная процедура
30.03.2023 19:29:44 amer. arraignment court суд по предъявлению обвинений (an arraignment court is a court proceeding where a person who has been arrested and charged with a crime appears before a judge to hear the charges against them and to enter a plea. During an arraignment, the judge will read the charges against the defendant, explain their rights, and ask for a plea of guilty, not guilty, or no contest. The arraignment court is the first court appearance in a criminal case, and it is an important stage of the criminal justice process because it sets the tone for the rest of the case. At the arraignment, the judge may also consider the defendant's request for bail or release pending trial. If the defendant pleads not guilty, the case will move forward with additional court appearances and proceedings)
30.03.2023 18:04:20 police.jarg. box детектор лжи (He's not the first person to fool the box)
30.03.2023 17:13:41 gen. under the rubric под вывеской
30.03.2023 17:04:25 gen. under the rubric под видом
30.03.2023 17:01:36 gen. under the rubric под лозунгом
30.03.2023 16:53:35 gen. have got something going with находиться в романтических отношениях
30.03.2023 16:51:11 gen. have got something going with иметь романтическую связь (- Do you know that guy? – Yep. I've got something going with him, but it's nothing serious)
30.03.2023 16:43:02 gen. be romantically involved иметь романтическую связь (There is no evidence that they were romantically involved)
30.03.2023 16:42:17 gen. be romantically involved быть в романтических отношениях
30.03.2023 16:40:33 gen. be romantically involved иметь близкие отношения
30.03.2023 16:23:21 gen. work-related correspondence рабочая корреспонденция
30.03.2023 16:15:12 amer. charity gala благотворительный концерт
30.03.2023 16:13:44 amer. charity gala благотворительный вечер
30.03.2023 16:12:54 amer. charity gala благотворительный гала-вечер
30.03.2023 16:10:31 amer. legal mind юрист (She was a brilliant legal mind)
30.03.2023 16:06:55 amer. fast hands дар (- This is literally everything I've been asking for. How did you get your hands on this so fast? – Fast hands, I guess)
30.03.2023 15:00:54 fant./sci-fi. mythosaur мифозавр (мифозавры – гигантские животные, обитавшие на планете Мандалор во Внешнем Кольце fandom.com)
30.03.2023 14:39:48 fant./sci-fi. snubfighter снаб-истребитель
30.03.2023 14:38:12 fant./sci-fi. snubfighter истребитель (snubfighters or snubships was a slang term to describe fighter models which usually carried a crew of one or two. The snubfighters were equipped to attack ground targets and warships along with other fighters. Because of this role they typically carried missiles or torpedoes in addition to laser or blaster based weaponry. They also often include a Hyperdrive to allow planet based fighters to attack targets in nearby systems, or to allow deployment from carriers without forcing the carriers to enter battle directly fandom.com)
30.03.2023 13:51:21 amer. boop буль
30.03.2023 13:51:21 amer. boop бульк
30.03.2023 13:51:21 amer. boop бум
30.03.2023 13:51:21 amer. boop бух
30.03.2023 13:51:21 amer. boop шлёп
30.03.2023 3:15:42 amer. spread one's ashes развеивать (чей-л.) прах (When their father is murdered, three brothers descend upon an Oregon mountain river to spread his ashes • We're going to his favorite spot to spread the ashes)
30.03.2023 2:26:25 amer. dangalang болтающийся член (a penis that dangles)
30.03.2023 2:26:11 amer. dangalang пенис

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