
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Taras: 29.096  << | >>

9.04.2023 21:57:14 amer. jump ship уйти с работы
9.04.2023 21:56:56 amer. jump ship уволиться (When the company announced that it was losing money, many of its employees jumped ship)
9.04.2023 21:56:40 amer. jump ship попасть из одной ситуации в другую
9.04.2023 21:56:20 amer. jump ship покидать корабль
9.04.2023 21:54:52 amer. duck out уйти с работы (по-тихому в рабочее время: She ducked out about 11:00)
9.04.2023 21:51:37 inf. mooch стрелять (сигареты: He mooched a cigarette from me – Он стрельнул у меня сигарету)
9.04.2023 21:50:04 inf. mooch "стрелок" (сигарет: The guy's a mooch – Этот парень вечно стреляет)
9.04.2023 21:48:41 amer. skuzzball козёл (in NYC)
9.04.2023 21:48:41 amer. skuzzball ублюдок (in NYC)
9.04.2023 21:48:41 amer. skuzzball выродок (in NYC)
9.04.2023 21:38:57 amer. skell пройдоха
9.04.2023 21:38:00 amer. skel преступник (см. skell)
9.04.2023 21:36:50 amer. skell мошенник
9.04.2023 21:35:18 obs. skelder бродяга (wiktionary.org)
9.04.2023 21:33:55 obs. skelder мошенник
9.04.2023 21:26:55 amer. skell мерзавец
9.04.2023 21:26:38 amer. skell негодяй
9.04.2023 21:26:12 amer. skell злодей
9.04.2023 21:23:27 amer. skell преступник (бездомный; also skel, skelder – (US) a villain, a rogue, esp. a vagrant who lives on the streets; a vagrant, especially of the thuggish sort. Seemingly related to the C17 ‘skelder', an honorable cant term for ‘a professional beggar' which was long obsolete when ‘skell' started to show up in New York in the early 1970s. A favourite word of police television dramas in the 1990s; the screeplay by Gardner Stern for episode 2 of season 2 of NYPD Blue that aired in September 1994 was titled For Whom the Skell Rolls: The skell had already raped and tortured the kid's mother)
9.04.2023 21:20:14 amer. skell пьяница
9.04.2023 21:20:14 amer. skell наркоман
9.04.2023 21:19:34 amer. skell бомж (a homeless person)
9.04.2023 21:18:47 amer. skell бродяга (in New York) a tramp or homeless person; originated in 1980s: perhaps a shortening of skeleton)
9.04.2023 21:02:36 amer. auto repair автомастерская
9.04.2023 19:14:07 amer. sex jones сексоголик (см. have a sex jones)
9.04.2023 19:11:59 amer. have a sex jones быть сексоголиком (is an informal and colloquial expression that is used to describe someone who has a strong or insatiable craving or desire for sexual activity. It is often used to indicate a heightened or obsessive longing for sexual experiences. The word "jones" in this context is derived from African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and is often used to refer to a strong craving, addiction, or obsession. It can be used in various contexts to describe a passionate desire or longing for something, such as "food jones," "shopping jones," or "drug jones." The phrase "to have a sex jones" is typically used in a casual or informal setting, and its usage may vary depending on the cultural or social context in which it is used. It's important to be mindful of the audience and situation when using colloquial or informal expressions, as they may not be appropriate in all contexts: Marnie had a sex jones)
9.04.2023 18:45:49 gen. subvert elections фальсифицировать выборы (Foreign hackers accused of attempting to subvert elections in...)
9.04.2023 18:40:27 gen. manipulate elections фальсифицировать выборы
9.04.2023 18:40:27 gen. fix elections фальсифицировать выборы
9.04.2023 18:40:27 gen. cheat in elections фальсифицировать выборы
9.04.2023 18:40:27 gen. tamper with elections фальсифицировать выборы
9.04.2023 18:40:27 gen. influence elections фальсифицировать выборы
9.04.2023 18:40:27 gen. corrupt elections фальсифицировать выборы
9.04.2023 18:40:27 gen. interfere with elections фальсифицировать выборы
9.04.2023 18:40:27 gen. fraudulently impact elections фальсифицировать выборы
9.04.2023 18:40:27 gen. engineer elections фальсифицировать выборы
9.04.2023 18:09:22 amer. empty nester человек, дети которого выросли и живут отдельно (a person whose adult children have left home: Cruise companies tend to cater to empty nesters who finally have both the time and the money to travel the world)
9.04.2023 18:04:31 amer. nester член банды (a slang word for a member of the Mexican-American prison gang Nuestra Familia. A corrupted pronunciation of ‘Nuestra')
9.04.2023 17:46:01 amer. gangster член уличной банды
9.04.2023 17:46:01 amer. thug член уличной банды
9.04.2023 17:44:52 amer. hood член уличной банды (also hod – a gangster, a thug: He looked like a hood)
9.04.2023 17:43:29 amer. hood бандит (also hod – a gangster, a thug)
9.04.2023 17:43:29 amer. hood хулиган (also hod – a gangster, a thug)
9.04.2023 17:43:29 amer. hood бандюга (also hod – a gangster, a thug)
9.04.2023 17:43:29 amer. hood отморозок (also hod – a gangster, a thug)
9.04.2023 17:35:15 amer. sling dope толкать дурь
9.04.2023 17:33:45 amer. sling dope торговать наркотиками (...showed him there were other possibilities besides slinging dope on some corner)
9.04.2023 17:25:45 amer. kid from a drug corner трудный подросток (Kid from a drug corner, has a real shot at college now)
9.04.2023 17:24:15 amer. wild kid трудный подросток
9.04.2023 17:13:46 invect. Mother shit! Матерь Божья! (Am.E.)
9.04.2023 17:13:29 invect. oh, Mother shit! Матерь Божья! (Am.E.)
9.04.2023 17:11:16 amer. Mary, Mother of God! Матерь Божья! (восклицание крайнего удивления, досады и т.п.)
9.04.2023 15:00:17 amer. goose egg большая шишка (на голове от удара)
9.04.2023 14:50:11 amer. photo-op фотосессия (или показушная фотооперация; is a term that originated from the field of photography and refers to a planned or staged opportunity for taking photographs, typically for media coverage or publicity purposes. It is often used in the context of public relations, politics, or celebrity events, where individuals or organizations arrange and stage events or situations specifically for the purpose of generating favorable publicity through photographs. A photo-op is designed to create visually appealing images that can be used for media coverage, social media, or other forms of communication to convey a desired message, image, or narrative. It may involve carefully selecting the location, setting, props, and participants, as well as controlling the timing and circumstances of the event to create the most favorable visual impact. The term "photo-op" is often used in a somewhat derogatory or critical sense, suggesting that the event or situation is staged or contrived for public relations purposes, rather than being genuine or spontaneous. However, photo-ops are a common and widely used practice in various domains, including politics, entertainment, sports, and corporate communications, as a way to shape public perception and generate media attention: ...a trophy kid to pull out for photo-ops • Here, despite the photo-ops and the hugs and the local cuisine, the American president was simply not ready, willing or able, to give satisfaction to his colleagues, from capital to capital.)
9.04.2023 14:49:51 amer. photo-op фотооперация (показушная)
9.04.2023 14:48:28 amer. photo-op фотоматериал
9.04.2023 14:24:20 amer. raise holy hell поднять шумиху (син. raise a ruckus, raise a fuss, raise a commotion, raise a stink, raise Cain, kick up a fuss, kick up a storm, cause a rumpus, create a ruckus, raise an uproar, raise a disturbance)
9.04.2023 14:21:01 amer. raise holy hell поднять хай
9.04.2023 14:21:01 amer. raise holy hell устроить скандал
9.04.2023 14:16:07 amer. raise holy hell заварить кашу
9.04.2023 14:14:37 amer. raise holy hell поднимать шум
9.04.2023 14:12:55 amer. raise holy hell поднимать шумиху
9.04.2023 14:10:50 amer. raise holy hell рвать и метать
9.04.2023 14:06:46 amer. computer whiz kid компьютерный гений (...Vanross Piller Investments. He was their computer whiz kid)
9.04.2023 14:02:33 amer. uni полицейский (в форме; short for "uniform policeman")
9.04.2023 1:00:16 idiom. jack-in-the-box чёрт в табакерке (тж. перен.: Jack, Jack, Jack. Like a jack-in-the-box ready to pop, pop, pop)
9.04.2023 0:56:59 idiom. jack-in-the-box чёрт из табакерки (тж. перен.)
9.04.2023 0:33:37 idiom. one's cup of tea быть по вкусу
9.04.2023 0:33:19 idiom. one's cup of tea быть по душе
9.04.2023 0:09:27 amer. hunky-dory зашибись
9.04.2023 0:08:38 amer. hunky-dory просто зашибись (- How are you? – Hunky-dory)
9.04.2023 0:05:17 gen. on the ropes на грани разорения (The new supermarket took most of the business from Mr. Tomas's grocery, and the little store was soon on the ropes)
9.04.2023 0:04:22 gen. on the ropes на канатах боксёрского ринга (тж. перен.: The fighter was on the ropes and could hardly lift his gloves)
8.04.2023 23:32:53 amer. crew mess корабельная столовая
8.04.2023 23:31:50 amer. lunchroom столовая (школьная)
8.04.2023 23:30:44 amer. crew mess столовая (на корабле)
8.04.2023 22:25:12 IT AI suite набор инструментов для работы с ИИ (термин "AI suite" обычно относится к программному комплекту или набору инструментов и приложений, предназначенных для совместной работы с целью включения или расширения возможностей искусственного интеллекта (ИИ). AI-набор может включать различные программные компоненты или модули, которые облегчают задачи, такие как машинное обучение, обработка данных, обработка естественного языка, компьютерное зрение или другие функциональности, связанные с ИИ)
8.04.2023 22:14:15 gen. Siya Сия (женское имя)
8.04.2023 22:02:12 amer. pip-squeak ничтожный
8.04.2023 22:01:29 amer. pip-squeak презренный
8.04.2023 21:22:31 amer. delivery worker работник курьерской службы
8.04.2023 21:20:37 amer. delivery worker работник службы доставки
8.04.2023 21:19:44 amer. delivery worker курьер (Two men disguised as delivery workers smuggled a weapon into the facility)
8.04.2023 21:04:22 gen. not the best person to ask не лучший советчик (- What if I'm pregnant? – I'm probably not the best person to ask)
8.04.2023 20:56:49 gen. disheveled appearance растрёпанный вид (You saw her disheveled appearance?)
8.04.2023 20:10:12 gen. by statute в глазах правосудия
8.04.2023 20:04:29 amer. hair fiber волосок
8.04.2023 20:01:40 amer. hair fiber волос (Lab lifted two distinct hair fibers from...)
8.04.2023 19:51:03 amer. ding отказывать в членстве (студенческого братства или женского клуба: In fact, Tess tried to get Kelly dinged during pledge week)
8.04.2023 19:44:01 amer. pledge week неделя вступлений в студенческие братства
8.04.2023 19:43:02 amer. pledge week неделя принятия клятвы братства (у студентов: It's pledge week at the fraternities – На этой неделе принимают в студенческие братства)
8.04.2023 19:32:23 amer. hit останавливать и обыскивать (транспортное средство; to stop and search, usu. of a vehicle: If the Man hits the van, it ain’t hot)
8.04.2023 19:21:59 amer. juvie hit привод (по малолетству: - The juvie hit for possession of ecstasy. – That record was expunged after my client finished his community service)
8.04.2023 19:13:12 amer. have heft with иметь вес (Guy must have some heft with the university)
8.04.2023 19:00:07 amer. wind-up cop "заводной" полицейский
8.04.2023 18:58:58 amer. windup cop "заводной" полицейский (The sentence "We're not all windup cops, you know" is a declarative statement that means not everyone in a certain group or category behaves in a specific way. The phrase "windup cops" may refer to police officers who are perceived or stereotyped as being robotic, mechanical, or overly reliant on following procedures or rules without exercising individual judgment or discretion. The term "windup" suggests a lack of autonomy or independent decision-making, as if the police officers are simply following preset instructions or protocols like wind-up toys. The speaker is likely trying to convey that not all members of a particular group (which could be police officers or any other category of people) fit the stereotype of being overly rigid or mechanical in their behavior. The speaker may be pointing out that there is diversity within the group, and not all members conform to the same stereotype or pattern of behavior. It could be a statement of self-identity or a defense against a negative generalization or assumption about the group)
8.04.2023 18:45:12 gen. date rape drug гамма-гидроксибутират (gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) – так называемый "наркотик для изнасилования"; тж. для ср. см. roofie)
8.04.2023 18:05:12 amer. glue on smb. клеиться к (кому-л.) (She was always glued on somebody)
8.04.2023 17:56:13 amer. stellar bio звездная биография (тж. ирон.)
8.04.2023 17:45:15 amer. rush party вечеринка (студенческих братств и женских клубов; The term "rush party" typically refers to an event or gathering held by a fraternity or sorority during the recruitment or "rush" period, which is a period of time when these organizations seek to recruit new members. A rush party is typically organized as a social event where potential recruits or "rushees" are invited to meet and interact with current members of the fraternity or sorority. The purpose of a rush party is to provide an opportunity for prospective members to learn more about the organization, its values, activities, and members, and to see if there is a mutual fit between the rushees and the fraternity or sorority. Rush parties can vary in format and theme, ranging from casual gatherings, social activities, or themed events such as game nights, parties, or dinners. The term "rush party" is commonly used in the context of fraternity and sorority recruitment processes in the United States and some other countries)

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