
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Taras: 29.096  << | >>

2.08.2023 9:59:29 gen. this is my personal opinion and evaluative judgment это моё личное мнение и оценочное суждение
2.08.2023 9:56:48 gen. this is my evaluative judgment это моё оценочное суждение
2.08.2023 2:09:30 gen. med tent медпалатка
2.08.2023 2:09:30 gen. med tent медицинская палатка
2.08.2023 1:58:12 ed. cover a class заменять
2.08.2023 1:41:28 gen. flat-out say говорить прямо (I'm flat-out saying that someone violated... • I'm not implying anything, I'm flat-out saying it • I'm flat-out saying that I don't believe your story about where you were last night)
2.08.2023 0:35:19 amer. without breaking a sweat легко (She rattled off the answers without breaking a sweat = she gave the answers very easily)
2.08.2023 0:33:19 amer. without breaking a sweat без труда
2.08.2023 0:30:07 idiom. break a sweat прилагать усилия (чрезмерные)
2.08.2023 0:18:02 idiom. break a sweat сильно напрягаться (He hardly needed to break sweat to reach the final)
1.08.2023 22:22:04 gen. debanking прекращение предоставления банковских услуг (Indiscriminate debanking of customers without good cause is an unlawful and unethical practice that should be curbed by regulators)
1.08.2023 22:20:27 gen. debanking заморозка приостановление счетов (the (alleged) practice by traditional banks of suspending the accounts (of digital currency businesses: Debanking of cryptocurrency companies by traditional banks has become a common practice in recent years)
1.08.2023 21:55:50 gen. debanking закрытие счетов (debanking (de-banking), also known as unbanking, is "when a bank chooses to no longer offer banking services to a customer": The metropolitan elite is hopping mad that the Farage debanking scandal has stopped their agenda to financially ruin people who dissent against regime-approved opinions)
1.08.2023 21:50:23 gen. debanking удаление из банка (данных)
1.08.2023 21:49:55 calque. debanking деба́нкинг
27.07.2023 11:02:35 gen. beast of burden ломовая лошадь (тж. перен. о безответном человеке, на которого взваливают всю тяжелую, невыигрышную работу)
27.07.2023 11:02:05 gen. beast of burden ломовой конь (тж. перен.)
27.07.2023 10:31:32 inf. it's go time! пора́! (Am. E.)
26.07.2023 22:47:45 gen. co-workers сослуживцы
26.07.2023 22:46:57 gen. co-workers коллеги (по работе)
26.07.2023 22:46:09 gen. co-workers друзья по работе
26.07.2023 22:42:50 amer. work friends коллеги
26.07.2023 22:42:39 amer. work friends друзья по работе
26.07.2023 16:56:22 inf. strong-arm заставлять (силой: The mobsters tried to strong-arm the shopkeeper into paying them protection money by threatening to trash his store • The corrupt senator strong-armed his colleagues into voting for the controversial bill by blackmailing those who refused • The school bully strong-armed the other kids into giving him their lunch money every day through intimidation and force)
26.07.2023 16:53:28 slang strong-arm грабить с применением насилия (to rob by force; to rob a place roughly or violently; to use physical force or violence upon, esp. in robbing (Am. E.))
26.07.2023 16:52:09 inf. strong-arm применять силу (use force or violence against: The culprit shouted before being strong-armed out of the door)
26.07.2023 15:34:22 inf. strong-arm выкручивать кому-либо руки (Am.E.: The Trump administration is modernizing the U.S. nuclear arsenal, attempting to strong-arm friends and foes alike, and withdrawing from several international accords and institutions.)
26.07.2023 15:33:47 inf. strong-arm заставлять силой (They were strong-armed into paying – Их силой заставили заплатить • He tried to strong-arm me into cooperating – Он пытался силой заставить меня сотрудничать с ним)
26.07.2023 12:28:15 fig. put through the wringer подвергать серьёзному испытанию (Tesla seats being stain-resistant is great and all, but I'm more interested in knowing if they're tear-resistant. My kids tend to put car seats through the (w)ringer!)
26.07.2023 12:26:05 fig. put through the wringer пропускать через "мясорубку" (тж. см. put through the ringer)
26.07.2023 12:19:14 fig. put through the ringer см. put through the wringer (to force someone or something to endure harsh treatment or criticism. A misspelling of "put (someone or something) through the wringer." Often used in passive constructions: After years of rigorous use, I've really put this old truck through the ringer)
24.07.2023 12:33:13 amer. be on it заниматься (чём-л.: I'm on it)
24.07.2023 11:11:26 amer. in the mix задействованный (активно; actively involved and engaged in the discussions: The company executives were all in the mix, discussing strategies for the upcoming product launch)
24.07.2023 10:46:36 amer. in the mix принимать участие в чем-л. (активно)
24.07.2023 10:45:53 amer. in the mix быть вовлечённым (активно принимать участие в чем-л.: As a new startup, they wanted to make sure they were in the mix by attending industry conferences and networking events)
24.07.2023 10:44:17 amer. in the mix заниматься (чем-л. профессионально: She has been in the mix of the fashion industry for years, working with renowned designers and attending high-profile events)
24.07.2023 10:30:05 amer. in the mix в деле (заниматься чем-л.)
23.07.2023 21:15:38 amer. classic mom типичная мама
23.07.2023 21:15:38 amer. classic mom типичная мать
9.07.2023 12:33:08 gen. unravel a case расследовать дело (распутывать: The film follows the story of a detective as he unravels a complex murder case, revealing unexpected twists and connections along the way)
9.07.2023 8:32:13 gen. follow рассказывать о (the verb "follow" is used to describe how a narrative or account unfolds, conveying information or telling a story about particular subjects or events: The novel follows Breq – who is both the sole survivor of a starship destroyed by treachery and the vessel of that ship's artificial consciousness – as she seeks revenge against the ruler of her civilization • The documentary followed the lives of five endangered species, highlighting their habitats and the challenges they face • The article follows the career of a rising young musician, detailing their early struggles and eventual success • The film follows the story of a detective as he unravels a complex murder case, revealing unexpected twists and connections along the way • The podcast series follows the journeys of adventurers, sharing their tales of exploration and the lessons they learned during their expeditions wikipedia.org)
9.07.2023 8:24:24 gen. follow повествовать (о: The book follows the history of ancient civilizations, tracing their origins, cultural developments, and ultimate decline)
26.05.2023 10:16:57 gen. gush up бить ключом
26.05.2023 0:38:37 inf. short короткий рассказ (Did you read my short? My short story from writing class)
26.05.2023 0:20:15 gen. keep a hold on держать
26.05.2023 0:20:15 gen. keep a hold on держаться
26.05.2023 0:18:56 gen. keep a hold on удерживать
26.05.2023 0:18:56 gen. keep a hold on удержать
26.05.2023 0:05:23 gen. overstep перейти границы дозволенного (I apologize. I overstepped)
25.05.2023 23:54:22 gen. lead the congregation руководить приходом
25.05.2023 23:12:54 gen. you can't fight every battle все битвы не выиграть (You can't fight every battle. Have to choose the ones you can win... • He who fights every battle is destined to exhaust his resources and fall to defeat, for victory belongs to those who choose their battles wisely)
25.05.2023 22:49:50 gen. speak one's name произносить имя (You're not fit to speak his name – Даже не смей произносить его имя • He was hesitant to speak his own name, afraid of how it would sound to others)
25.05.2023 22:39:18 amer. stretch the envelope расширить границы (to extend the boundaries, to expand one's horizons: I've set some goals that stretch my envelope – challenge me)
25.05.2023 22:37:48 amer. stretch the envelope пробовать новые подходы (We decided to stretch the envelope • As a writer, I strive to stretch the envelope with every piece I create, pushing boundaries and exploring new ideas)
25.05.2023 22:32:17 amer. grab-and-go забегаловка (см. eatery: With our busy schedules, my colleagues and I often opt for a quick lunch at the nearby grab-and-go)
25.05.2023 22:31:12 amer. grab-and-go заведение быстрого питания (grab-and-go eatery; син. fast food: The grab-and-go at the airport was a lifesaver for hungry travelers in a rush)
25.05.2023 22:28:09 amer. bummed расстроенный (- ...the conference is running long – Seriously? I was making your favorite casserole for dinner. The kids are going to be bummed – I know, I know. I'm sorry • After not getting the job offer she had been hoping for, she was really bummed and felt down for a few days)
25.05.2023 22:25:22 gen. play a practical joke разыгрывать (I once convinced my friend that his car had been towed, just to play a practical joke on him • The students in the class decided to hide their teacher's chalkboard eraser as a way to play a practical joke on her)
25.05.2023 22:21:13 vulg. fuck разыгрывать (Are you fucking with me right now?)
25.05.2023 22:19:18 amer. goof on разыгрывать (You're goofing on me, right? – Ты меня просто разыгрываешь, так?)
25.05.2023 22:05:00 gen. spicy food острая еда
25.05.2023 22:03:55 gen. foreign foods острая еда (...foreign foods gave him an upset stomach)
25.05.2023 22:00:49 gen. foreign foods заморская еда
25.05.2023 21:23:07 gen. fly a helicopter летать на вертолёте
25.05.2023 21:22:11 gen. fly a helicopter управлять вертолётом (You can fly a helicopter?)
25.05.2023 21:13:41 intell. front ширма (Telonyx company is a front for a spy organization)
25.05.2023 20:20:24 gen. work in computers работать с компьютерами (- So, uh, Helen tells me you work in computers? – Yes. Sales to mid-sized insurance companies)
25.05.2023 20:14:02 gen. there's smth. we can't account for недосчитаться
25.05.2023 20:08:19 sec.sys. terror group группа террористов
25.05.2023 19:59:05 gen. come bearing gifts приезжать с подарками (And you really don't have to come bearing gifts every time)
25.05.2023 19:51:53 amer. T-bone steak стейк на кости
25.05.2023 19:50:38 amer. T-bone стейк на кости
25.05.2023 19:48:45 amer. T-bone стейк (тж. T-bone steak)
25.05.2023 18:12:19 gen. catering van кейтеринговый фургон
25.05.2023 18:10:31 gen. catering van доставочный фургон
25.05.2023 18:03:56 intell. undercover agent агент, работающий под прикрытием
25.05.2023 18:03:30 intell. agent working undercover агент, работающий под прикрытием
25.05.2023 18:01:27 intell. agent working in the field агент, работающий в поле
25.05.2023 18:00:42 intell. field agent агент, работающий в поле
25.05.2023 17:58:46 intell. field agent полевой агент
25.05.2023 17:52:33 gen. weapons dealer торговец оружием
25.05.2023 17:52:33 gen. weapons dealer оружейный дилер
25.05.2023 17:31:37 gen. run long затягиваться (The conference is running long)
25.05.2023 17:00:30 TV close out подходить к концу
25.05.2023 16:58:03 TV close out завершаться
25.05.2023 16:57:05 TV close out заканчиваться (о серии: As the episode closes out, we jump to...)
25.05.2023 16:07:55 amer. bad booze палёнка (A year ago, Franky poisoned two hundred people with bad booze)
25.05.2023 15:23:44 amer. grab-and-go заведение экспресс-питания
25.05.2023 15:21:37 amer. grab-and-go eatery ресторан быстрого обслуживания (...so they've launched grab-and-go eatery Good Neighbour around the corner, serving coffee, smoothies and double-cut rolls)
25.05.2023 15:17:27 amer. grab-and-go eatery заведение быстрого питания
25.05.2023 15:10:39 amer. grab-and-go фастфуд
25.05.2023 15:10:39 amer. grab-and-go ресторан быстрого обслуживания
25.05.2023 1:11:09 inf. computer guy компьютерщик
25.05.2023 0:27:19 gen. you dead? ну что, ты живой? (после бурной ночи: You dead? Bet you wish you were. Come on, you're late)
25.05.2023 0:22:49 gen. you dead? живой?
24.05.2023 22:53:14 amer. deflect уклоняться от прямого ответа
24.05.2023 22:52:18 amer. deflect уклоняться от ответа (You are deflecting)
24.05.2023 22:34:18 gen. feed the soul для души (тж. ирон.: ...and movies to feed the soul)
24.05.2023 22:28:54 amer. honeybun зайка (обращение)
24.05.2023 21:25:32 gen. nature rule закон природы

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