
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Taras: 29.096  << | >>

10.02.2024 22:37:58 mil. call it in объявлять тревогу (to raise the alarm)
10.02.2024 22:36:28 mil. call it in подать сигнал бедствия (to send a distress signal)
10.02.2024 22:34:48 mil. call it in запросить помощь (reporting an emergency: to request assistance)
10.02.2024 22:32:39 mil. call it in обнаружить противника (reporting contact with the enemy)
10.02.2024 22:31:40 mil. call it in докладывать (to report to someone)
10.02.2024 22:30:54 mil. call it in запеленговать цель
10.02.2024 22:28:41 mil. call it in доложить о столкновении (to report a clash)
10.02.2024 22:23:00 mil. call it in передавать информацию
10.02.2024 15:55:43 idiom. get smb. thinking about smth. с его её подачи
10.02.2024 15:53:25 idiom. plant the seed in one's head с его её подачи
10.02.2024 15:52:04 gen. do smth. under one's influence с его её подачи
10.02.2024 15:49:31 gen. at his her suggestion с его её подачи (it emphasizes that the person was the one who made the suggestion or proposal: The new project was launched at his suggestion • I did it at his suggestion)
10.02.2024 15:48:11 idiom. he she had a finger in the pie с его её подачи (While the official statement attributed the discovery of the lost city to Professor Jones, whispers throughout the academic community suggested that her talented but enigmatic assistant, Maya, had a finger in the pie)
10.02.2024 15:47:30 idiom. put the bug in one's ear с его её подачи (He put the bug in my ear)
10.02.2024 15:45:59 gen. push smb. to do smth. с его её подачи
10.02.2024 15:43:21 gen. encourage smb. to do smth. с его её подачи (He encouraged me to do it – Я сделал это с его подачи)
10.02.2024 15:39:07 gen. thanks to his her contribution с его её подачи (The project was a success thanks to his contribution)
10.02.2024 15:38:29 gen. give smb. the idea to do smth. с его её подачи (He gave me the idea to do it)
10.02.2024 15:34:19 idiom. give smb. the go-ahead с его её подачи (He gave me the go-ahead)
10.02.2024 10:33:36 amer. Principles of Jurisprudence основы правоведения (often used in a context where the theoretical aspects of law are emphasized, such as philosophical discussions or advanced studies)
10.02.2024 10:32:00 amer. Foundations of Law основы правоведения (a broad term that can be applied to various introductory materials or courses in the realm of legal education)
10.02.2024 10:29:08 amer. Introductory Legal Studies основы правоведения (like "Introduction to Legal Studies," this phrase is suited to titles for beginner courses or books in the legal field. Each of these terms can be interchangeably used, although some may be more suited for certain contexts than others depending on the audience and the level of detail involved)
10.02.2024 10:27:00 amer. Core Principles of Legal Science основы правоведения (the term is particularly suitable for texts that aim to distill the essence of jurisprudence into its most important concepts)
10.02.2024 10:25:37 amer. Legal Studies Fundamentals основы правоведения (this variant could be used for educational materials aimed at providing a groundwork of knowledge in law)
10.02.2024 10:22:55 amer. Introduction to Legal Studies основы правоведения (commonly found as a title for entry-level courses in law schools or university programs, indicating a starting point for legal education)
10.02.2024 10:20:56 amer. Foundations of Legal Science основы правоведения (typically used in a formal educational setting, this variant implies a systematic and scientific approach to understanding law)
10.02.2024 10:18:31 amer. Basics of Legal Studies основы правоведения (suitable for a non-specialist audience, this phrase simplifies the concept for those who are new to the field)
10.02.2024 10:17:02 amer. Fundamentals of Jurisprudence основы правоведения (the term is often used in academic contexts to describe a course or a textbook that covers the basic theories and concepts of law)
10.02.2024 2:44:58 amer. Legal Basics основы правоведения
10.02.2024 2:44:58 amer. Law 101 основы правоведения
10.02.2024 2:44:58 amer. The Law for Everyone основы правоведения
10.02.2024 2:44:58 amer. Everyday Law основы правоведения
10.02.2024 2:44:58 amer. Plain English Law основы правоведения
10.02.2024 2:42:33 amer. Understanding Law основы правоведения (a more practical term. It emphasizes the importance of understanding law for everyday life. It can be used in self-help books and websites)
10.02.2024 2:41:07 amer. Basic Law основы правоведения (a more simplified term. It is a good choice for a non-specialist audience. It can be used in everyday conversation)
10.02.2024 2:39:57 amer. Legal ABCs основы правоведения (a very informal term. It is a good choice for a children's book or a general audience. It emphasizes the basic concepts of law in a fun and engaging way)
10.02.2024 2:38:11 amer. Principles of Law основы правоведения (a philosophical term; it emphasizes the underlying principles of law. It can be used in legal research and analysis)
10.02.2024 2:35:23 amer. Introduction to Law основы правоведения (a good choice for a beginner's course. It emphasizes the introductory nature of the material. It is often used in college textbooks)
10.02.2024 2:34:01 amer. Fundamentals of Law основы правоведения (a more general term. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts. It is a good choice for a broad audience)
10.02.2024 2:32:45 amer. Legal Foundations основы правоведения (it's s a good choice for formal contexts. It emphasizes the academic nature of the subject)
10.02.2024 0:55:40 idiom. he she called the shots с его её подачи (In a difficult situation, he called the shots and the team changed course)
10.02.2024 0:18:49 gen. he she was the guiding spirit or inspiration behind smth. с его её подачи
10.02.2024 0:17:15 idiom. he she called the shots с его её подачи
10.02.2024 0:15:04 idiom. he she put his her two cents in с его её подачи
10.02.2024 0:11:58 gen. thanks to his her contribution с его её подачи (The project was a success thanks to his contribution)
10.02.2024 0:03:10 gen. with his her help с его её подачи (focus on participation: We were able to finish the project with his help)
9.02.2024 23:42:48 gen. through his her influence с его её подачи (The new law was passed through his influence)
9.02.2024 23:39:02 gen. he she was the driving force behind smth. с его её подачи (He was the driving force behind the company's success)
9.02.2024 23:37:36 gen. he she was the driving force behind smth. с его её подачи ( : He was the driving force behind the company's success)
9.02.2024 23:32:24 gen. he she made it happen с его её подачи
9.02.2024 23:29:09 gen. he she pulled the strings с его её подачи (He pulled the strings to get the job done)
9.02.2024 23:26:35 gen. he she pulled the strings с его подачи ( : He pulled the strings to get the job done)
9.02.2024 23:21:57 gen. he she got the ball rolling с его её подачи (She got the ball rolling on the new project)
9.02.2024 23:18:48 gen. he she got the ball rolling с его подачи (She got the ball rolling on the new project)
9.02.2024 23:12:17 gen. at his her behest с его её подачи (The party was thrown at her behest)
9.02.2024 23:09:30 gen. he she put the idea in one's head с его её подачи (He put the idea of starting a business in her head)
9.02.2024 23:04:26 gen. it was all thanks to him or her с его её подачи (It was all thanks to him that we were able to finish the project on time)
9.02.2024 23:02:20 gen. he she was the one who с его её подачи (He was the one who suggested the new marketing campaign)
9.02.2024 22:25:35 gen. thanks to him her с его её подачи (a more informal and casual way to express the same sentiment. It shows appreciation for the person's role in the action: We won the game thanks to him)
9.02.2024 22:22:58 gen. due to his her efforts с его её подачи (emphasizes the person's contribution and effort in making the action happen. It shows that they played a key role in its success: The project was completed on time due to her efforts)
9.02.2024 22:00:56 gen. on his her initiative с его её подачи (highlights that the person took the initiative and made the first move. It shows that they were proactive and took responsibility for the action: The company decided to expand overseas on his initiative)
9.02.2024 21:58:35 gen. at his her instigation с его её подачи (suggests that the person actively encouraged or motivated the action. It can also imply that they may have been the driving force behind it: The investigation was launched at her instigation)
9.02.2024 20:22:01 gen. aged like milk пропадать (исчезать: Their initial enthusiasm for the project aged like milk. It quickly evaporated once reality set in)
9.02.2024 20:17:20 gen. aged like milk потерять актуальность (the metaphor means "to lose relevance" and simply highlights the declining significance of the aged information; the origin of the metaphor is a bit tricky to pinpoint definitively, but it likely emerged in online communities in the early 2010s, with no clear distinction between American or British English. It quickly gained traction due to its simplicity and effectiveness in conveying the idea of something becoming outdated or poorly conceived: This meme aged like milk. It was hilarious yesterday, but now it's painfully unfunny)
9.02.2024 20:14:46 gen. aged like milk "заплесневеть"
9.02.2024 19:50:48 gen. aged like milk выйти из моды (emphasizes lost humor and changing trends: His jokes aged like milk. They were funny ten years ago, but now they're cringeworthy – Его шутки вышли из моды, как прошлогодние шляпки. Смешили десять лет назад, но сейчас звучат кринжевато)
9.02.2024 19:28:36 gen. aged like milk "прокиснуть"
9.02.2024 19:15:57 gen. aged like milk не выдержать испытания временем (a more figurative translation. It emphasizes the failure of the content to remain relevant or accurate)
9.02.2024 18:21:44 gen. unconscionable rudeness неприкрытая наглость (highlights the unacceptable and hurtful nature of the behavior: The customer's unconscionable rudeness to the waiter led to him being asked to leave)
9.02.2024 18:19:43 gen. audacious nerve неприкрытая наглость (focuses on the sheer audacity of someone to act in such a way: The burglar had the audacious nerve to leave a note thanking the homeowner for not being home)
9.02.2024 18:15:42 gen. outrageous impudence неприкрытая наглость (emphasizes the offensive and disrespectful nature of the behavior: The child's outrageous impudence shocked his teacher)
9.02.2024 18:15:42 gen. outrageous impudence возмутительная наглость (emphasizes the offensive and disrespectful nature of the behavior: The child's outrageous impudence shocked his teacher)
9.02.2024 18:12:57 gen. barefaced cheek неприкрытая наглость (implies a blatant disregard for social norms or expectations: The actress' barefaced cheek in demanding special treatment was met with disgust)
9.02.2024 18:10:49 gen. downright cheek неприкрытая наглость (a British idiom to convey impudence and insolence: He had the downright cheek to ask for a raise after making a huge mistake)
9.02.2024 18:08:49 gen. unmitigated gall неприкрытая наглость (focuses on the shocking nature of the behavior, often due to a lack of respect or decency: The thief had the unmitigated gall to return to the scene of the crime)
9.02.2024 17:48:25 gen. unashamed arrogance неприкрытая наглость (highlights the lack of shame or hesitation in being rude or demanding: His unashamed arrogance was off-putting to everyone in the room)
9.02.2024 17:45:38 gen. utter audacity неприкрытая наглость (emphasizes the boldness and brazenness of the behavior: The politician's blatant falsehoods were an example of utter audacity)
9.02.2024 17:16:13 nonstand. bourgeois буржуинский (свойственный буржуину)
9.02.2024 13:54:02 gen. get-together междусобойчик (a general term for a casual gathering or meeting among friends or acquaintances)
9.02.2024 13:51:57 gen. powwow междусобойчик (implies a meeting for informal discussions or planning among a group with shared interests)
9.02.2024 13:50:54 gen. tea party междусобойчик (traditionally refers to a social gathering, often among women, but can also be used ironically for a more exclusive meeting)
9.02.2024 13:48:12 gen. clandestine meeting междусобойчик (implies a secretive or hidden gathering, potentially for conspiratorial purposes)
9.02.2024 13:47:09 gen. chummy gathering междусобойчик (emphasizes the informal and friendly nature of the event)
9.02.2024 13:46:05 gen. power lunch междусобойчик (the term suggests a private meeting among high-ranking individuals, often for business or political discussions)
9.02.2024 13:44:42 gen. inner circle meeting междусобойчик (implies a meeting among a select group of people with shared interests or goals)
9.02.2024 13:43:27 gen. intimate gathering междусобойчик (suggests a smaller, more personal gathering with a sense of closeness and trust)
9.02.2024 13:42:05 gen. private gathering междусобойчик (highlights the non-public nature of the event, intended for a specific group without outsiders)
9.02.2024 13:31:00 gen. close circle междусобойчик (the term emphasizes the exclusivity of the gathering, limited to a small group of people who know each other well)
9.02.2024 0:14:29 invect. hinky shit стрёмная херня
9.02.2024 0:13:32 invect. hinky shit стрёмная хуйня
8.02.2024 23:22:38 amer. have friends in high places иметь высокопоставленных друзей (I got friends in high places)
8.02.2024 23:21:43 amer. do the flowers возлагать цветы (You want to do the flowers? Go on)
8.02.2024 19:14:24 slang poontang киска (тж. 'tang)
8.02.2024 19:13:38 amer. tang см. poontang (тж. 'tang)
8.02.2024 18:38:59 mil., avia. Universal Gliding and Correction Module универсальный модуль планирования и коррекции (UGCM)
8.02.2024 11:03:47 invect. cucker подонок
8.02.2024 11:03:35 invect. cucker негодяй
8.02.2024 11:03:22 invect. cucker сволочь
8.02.2024 11:02:59 invect. cucker паршивец
8.02.2024 11:02:18 invect. cucker трахарь

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