
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user MariaSNR: 30

22.05.2024 13:12:24 psychol. bikeshedding effect эффект прокрастинации (Cognitive bias: Bikeshedding, also known as Parkinson’s law of triviality, describes our tendency to devote a disproportionate amount of our time to menial and trivial matters while leaving important matters unattended. thedecisionlab.com)
12.05.2024 19:48:36 neuropsychol. mind-wandering блуждания ума (Mind wandering is a common feature of the human experience occurring when our attention shifts from the task at hand to inner thoughts.: Mind wandering activates diffuse areas called the brain's "default system" (Kalat, Biological Psychology, 2015). nih.gov)
7.05.2024 3:49:48 psychol. Social loafing Социальная леность (Социальная психология: Социальная леность проявляется тогда, когда люди уверены, что никто не оценивает их индивидуальный вклад. В группе, если люди ни за что не отвечают и не могут оценить собственные усилия, ответственность распределяется между всеми членами группы, и возникает простор для проявлений социальной лености. bigenc.ru, psychologos.ru)
2.05.2024 10:27:24 neuropsychol. inhibitory post synaptic potential тормозный постсинаптический потенциал (nih.gov)
2.05.2024 10:20:38 neuropsychol. excitatory post synaptic potential возбуждающий постсинаптический потенциал (Excitory post synaptic potentials encourage the receiving neuron to become active and get ready to create an action potential of its own, often leading to large chain reactions across neurons. nih.gov)
14.02.2024 14:51:26 psychol. base-rate information информация об априорной вероятности (Cognitive psychology, decision-making: "We are generally poor at considering base-rate information". ebscohost.com)
24.01.2024 12:41:39 psychiat. grandiose sense of self-worth грандиозное чувство собственного достоинства (interpersonal factor in psychopathy)
7.12.2023 15:27:15 psychiat. paraphilic disorder парафилическое расстройство  (Paraphilic disorders are recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors that are distressing or disabling and that involve inanimate objects, children or nonconsenting adults, or suffering or humiliation of the person or a partner, with the potential to cause harm. https://www.msdmanuals.com/en-gb/professional/psychiatric-disorders/paraphilias-and-paraphilic-disorders/overview-of-paraphilias-and-paraphilic-disorders#:~:text=Paraphilic disorders are recurrent, intense,the potential to cause harm.)
10.10.2023 16:39:28 psychol. reticulo-limbic circuit ретикуло-лимбическая система (Activity in the reticulo-limbic circuit is responsible for increased levels of neuroticism.)
10.10.2023 16:31:00 psychol. reticulo-cortical ретикуло-кортикальный (Activity in the reticulo-cortical circuit was responsible for increased levels of introversion (reduced extraversion).)
10.10.2023 16:27:35 psychol. basal activity базальная активность
3.10.2023 11:28:03 psychol. cognitive-affective personality system CAPS когнитивно-аффективная система личности (Walter Mischel built on Bandura's work and placed cognition and cognitive strategies at the heart of personality. He proposed the cognitive-affective personality system (CAPS) as a way to define personality, although he is probably most famous for his work on delayed gratification and the marshmallow test. wikireading.ru)
25.09.2023 14:25:59 psychol. histrionic personality disorder HPD истерическое расстройство личности (Histrionic personality disorder: a pattern of excessive emotion and attention-seeking. People with histrionic personality disorder may be uncomfortable when they are not the centre of attention, may use physical appearance to draw attention to themselves or have rapidly shifting or exaggerated emotions. psychiatry.org)
24.09.2023 17:01:49 psychol. inventory психологическая инвентаризация (An inventory is a catalogue of the contents of something. In psychology the term is applied broadly with some notion of measurement attached to it so that any checklist, questionnaire or personality measure may be regarded as an inventory.: personality inventory fandom.com)
20.09.2023 15:06:35 psychol. companionate love компанейская любовь (Triangle of Love Theory proposed by Sternberg (1988) where only two of the three elements of "consummate love" are present: commitment and intimacy without passion.)
13.09.2023 13:50:05 psychol. social inhibition социальная ингибиция (Социальная ингибиция рассматривается в рамках теорий социальной фасилитации и понимается как ухудшение исполнения действия в присутствии других, когда индивид сталкивается со сложными, неизвестными задачами (Baron. 2010; Karau. 2012). bigenc.ru)
24.07.2023 16:11:06 psychol. low-ball marketing technique маркетинговая техника "выбрасывания низкого мяча" (Where customers are offered what seems like a good deal at a low price, but once they have agreed to it, they add stipulations, increase the price or reveal that certain features cost extra. People tend to stick with the deal, even though they would not have agreed if they had had all the information to start with.)
8.07.2023 14:54:38 psychol. aversive prejudice аверсивное предубеждение (имплицитное предубеждение: Aversive prejudice: E.g. “I would never discriminate, that is wrong!” But in ambiguous circumstances I might…)
8.07.2023 14:02:39 psychol. reconstrual intervention реконструирующее вмешательство (This involves getting participants to change their perception about the level of threat.)
2.07.2023 20:23:27 psychol. medial prefrontal cortex медиальная префронтальная кора
19.06.2023 16:11:01 psychol. nativism нативизм (the theory that individuals are born with all perceptual capabilities intact, although some capabilities may depend on the biological maturation of perceptual systems to reach adult levels. —nativist adj., n. —nativistic adj. apa.org)
18.01.2023 13:32:03 gen. go down the plughole пойти насмарку, пойти прахом (The efforts are going down the plughole. collinsdictionary.com)
15.06.2022 13:06:49 gen. laugh into one's sleeve посмеиваться в кулак (to be secretly happy about or amused by something (such as someone else's trouble) The mayor's critics were laughing up their sleeves when news of the scandal was first reported merriam-webster.com)
1.12.2021 22:05:19 gen. hubris гордыня
1.12.2021 22:05:19 gen. hubris непомерная гордость
23.10.2018 12:49:06 sociol. child friendly благоприятный для детей
19.10.2018 12:16:18 med. cybersickness киберболезнь
19.10.2018 12:16:18 med. cybersickness киберукачивание
5.01.2018 13:47:31 sociol. dystopian дистопический
19.11.2017 19:14:30 sport. fitness tracker фитнес-монитор