
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Alexander Demidov: 56.722  << | >>

avia. flying experience опыт лётной работы (Sukhoi chief test pilot Alexander Yablontsev, with more than 25 years of flying experience, was at the controls. TMT)
avia. parking light стояночный огонь (US)
avia. parts catalogue каталог деталей (A parts book or parts catalogue is a book published by manufacturers which contains the part numbers and other relevant data for their products or parts thereof. wiki)
gen. safety precautions меры безопасности
avia. skin panel панель обшивки (тж. строительство: e.g., building skin panel)
gen. work crew рабочая бригада
busin. accident at work несчастный случай на производстве (An accident at work is defined as an external, sudden, unexpected, unintended, during the execution of work or arising out of it, which may lead to an industrial injury and /or fatality and /or material and /or environmental damages.The accident is a preceding "event" while the resulting damage,be it injury, fatality, material or environmental damages are all consequences of this event. wiki)
busin. agency agreement агентское соглашение (Type of marketing agreement: Agent sells goods or services on behalf of a principal, the principal selling directly to the final customer Privity of contract exists between the principal and the ultimate purchaser Agent receives commission Agency agreements are often more suitable for high-value items such as aero-engines etc. LE)
busin. charter capital уставной капитал (usu. in rus->eng translation: The assets brought together to form a company. For example, a joint stock company takes its charter capital and divides it into a set number of shares.: He [Yakunin, head of Russian Railways] presides over one of the largest transportation systems in the world, with a charter capital estimated at 36.5 billion euros ($53 billion) in 2010. TMT)
busin. credit limit лимит кредитования (From Macmillan English Dictionary (En-En) credit limit: maximum amount of money that a customer can borrow using a particular credit card account Thesaurus: general words relating to bankinghyponym From Financial & Business Terms 2.0 credit limit: the upper limit of credit that a business will allow a customer to have. Glossary of Business Terms)
busin. falling due причитающийся к платежу (Mr Putin said Russia would also allow its neighbour to "restructure" gas debt payments falling due next year. BBC)
busin. fiscal relief налоговые льготы (Skogen said "significant fiscal relief" – in the form of discounted rates of mineral extraction tax and gas export duty – was required from the Russian federal government. TMT)
busin. import permit разрешение на импорт (max hits)
busin. non-returnable не подлежащий возврату (The example clause given below provides that one party must pay a non-returnable deposit to the other party. Party A shall pay to Party B a deposit in the sum of [ ] within seven (7) days of the date of signature of this agreement. If Party A fails to pay the balance of the Contract Price by [insert date] or seeks to terminate the Order, Party B may retain all of the deposit. LE2)
busin. rent rate ставка арендной платы
busin. spoilage allowance норма естественной убыли (spoilage allowance, breakage allowance A manufacturer's allowance to a wholesaler/retailer for breakage or spoiled products. Found on fmi.org)
busin. working order рабочее состояние
chem. rolling-up закатка (oперация листовой штамповки формирование кольцевого закругления по краю полых деталей путем изгиба борта по радиусу …)
chem. shock resistance ударная прочность (The property which prevents cracking or general rupture when impacted. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003)
construct. balcony slab балконная плита
construct. brickworks кирпичный завод (A brickworks also known as a brick factory, is a factory for the manufacturing of bricks, from clay or shale. Usually a brickworks is located on a clay bedrock (the most common material from which bricks are made) often with a quarry for clay on site. wiki)
construct. cycle path велосипедная дорожка (a path for bicycles, for example beside a road or in a park. LDCE)
construct. electricity meter электросчётчик (wiki)
construct. height above sea level высота над уровнем моря (mid UK hits)
construct. loading dock аппарель (chiefly US : an area at the side of a building where goods are loaded onto and unloaded from vehicles – called also (chiefly Brit) loading bay. MWALD)
construct. low-alloy низколегированный
construct. main wall несущая стена
construct. poultry farming птицеводство (ORD. raising of birds domestically or commercially, primarily for meat and eggs but also for feathers. Chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese are of primary importance, while guinea fowl and squabs are chiefly of local interest. This article treats the principles and practices of poultry farming. For a discussion of the food value and processing of poultry products, see egg. See also livestock. Britannica)
construct. recessed balcony лоджия
construct. rotation axis ось вращения (an imaginary line through a crystal about which the crystal may be rotated a specified number of degrees and be brought back to its original position. Also called axis of symmetry, symmetry axis of rotation. Cf. symmetry element. RHWD)
construct. rubbish chute мусоропровод (British) an inclined channel or vertical passage down which rubbish may be dropped for disposal Example Sentences Including "rubbish chute" She dropped the films and other items into a rubbish chute. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD 2001) She is mobbed by the squirrels, who rightly judge her to be a bad nut and throw her down the rubbish chute. Paul Martin MAKING HAPPY PEOPLE 2005). Collins)
construct. sewage plant установка для очистки сточных вод
construct. spacer ring распорное кольцо
construct. third rail контактный рельс
construct. wooded tundra лесотундра (Britannica)
gen. academia научное сообщество (the part of society, especially universities, that is connected with studying and thinking, or the activity or job of studying • A graduate of law and economics from Moscow State University, he had spent his life in academia. CALD)
gen. standing lamp напольный светильник
gen. station auxiliaries voltage напряжение на шинах собственных нужд электростанции
law customs regulations таможенные правила
law just deserts заслуженное наказание (idiomatic) A punishment or reward that is considered to be what the recipient deserved. It may appear that they're getting ahead by cheating, but they'll get their just deserts in the end. Usage notes: Deserts here is the plural of desert, meaning "that which one deserves". "Desert" is now archaic and rarely used outside this phrase. The spelling just desserts is non-standard. It is sometimes used as a pun in, for example, restaurant names. Synonyms: payback, poetic justice, comeuppance. WT)
law replevin виндикация (In creditors' rights law, replevin, sometimes known as "claim and delivery," is a legal remedy for a person to recover goods unlawfully withheld from his or her possession, by means of a special form of legal process in which a court may require a defendant to return specific goods to the plaintiff at the outset of the action (i.e. before judgment). wiki)
law stigmatization общественное осуждение (1. the act or practice of marking out or describing (as something bad) 2. the act of marking with a stigma 3. (Roman Catholic Church) the act of marking with stigmata. Example Sentences Including "stigmatization" Ms. Gordon said she continues to suffer from abnormal blood tests and from stigmatization because of her bout with SARS. GLOBE AND MAIL (2003) The story of his journey and his stigmatization has now become a legend. Harrison, Ted STIGMATA – A MEDIEVAL MYSTERY FOR A MODERN AGE Thomas also blamed rap and reggae artists from the region for producing songs that contribute to the stigmatization of homosexuality. CANADA.COM (2004). Collins)
mil. analysis of samples анализ проб
mil. bring into line приводить в соответствие (UDC was originally based on the fifth edition of DC, and though the two schemes tended to drift apart, there was for some time an attempt to bring them into line again. Bab ESD)
mil. centralized management централизованное управление (Management practice in which all or most decision makers (who have the authority, control, and responsibility for the entire organization) are located in one central office (the headquarters). > for customers already virtualized on vSphere platform, vCloud Connector plug-in is available, offering centralized management of their on-premise and remotely-hosted resources from their familiar vCenter client. BD)
mil. guerrilla band партизанский отряд
mil. hard data достоверные данные (There are no hard data on illegal immigrants in Moscow, but they are estimated to number several million. TMT)
mil. leave roster график отпусков
mil. sea-going ship морское судно
mil. set of problems комплекс проблем
mil. state of alert состояние боевой готовности (Its press service told Interfax that 51,500 police including 2,000 interior troops had been on a state of alert since 1 December, as part of election preparations. BBC)
Makarov. hygrometer см.тж. гигрометр влагомер (прибор для определения влажности воздуха)
met.phys. parametrization параметризация (the process of deciding and defining the parameters necessary for a complete or relevant specification of a model or geometric object. wiki)
met.phys. relative humidity относительная влажность воздуха (The relative humidity of the air is the amount of water that is present in the air compared to the greatest amount it would be possible for the air to hold at that temperature: The relative humidity will be about 80% today. CALD)
nautic. air-fuel ratio коэффициент избытка воздуха
nautic. chief engineer старший механик (In marine transportation, the chief engineer is a licensed mariner in charge of the engineering department on a merchant vessel. "Chief engineer" is the official title of someone qualified to oversee the entire engine department; the qualification is colloquially called a "chief's ticket". wiki)
nautic. combustible liquid горючая жидкость
nautic. customs fees таможенный сбор
nautic. elevation above sea level высота над уровнем моря (max UK hits)
nautic. expansion turbine турбодетандер (We supply centrifugal gas compressors and expansion turbines to suit your applications in gas processing in the petrochemical industry. altlas copco)
nautic. fire monitor гидромонитор (max hits)
nautic. fire screen противопожарная штора (1. (NAmE) = fireguard 2. a screen, often decorative, that is put in front of an open fire in a room to protect people from the heat or from ^sparks, or to hide it when it is not lit. OALD)
nautic. foam extinguishing system система пенотушения
nautic. gauge pressure избыточное давление (¦ noun Engineering the amount by which the pressure measured in a fluid exceeds that of the atmosphere. COED)
nautic. inland vessels суда внутреннего плавания (20k UK hits)
nautic. inland waterways craft судно внутреннего плавания (200k UK hits)
nautic. inland-navigation vessels суда внутреннего плавания (92k UK hits)
nautic. inland-waterways vessels суда внутреннего плавания (4.5k UK hits)
nautic. level gauge уровнемер
nautic. maritime administration морская администрация (The United States Maritime Administration (MARAD) is an agency of the United States Department of Transportation that maintains the National Defense ...wiki)
nautic. motor-driven pump электронасос
nautic. non-propelled craft несамоходное судно
nautic. power turbine силовая турбина
nautic. public space общественное помещение (wiki)
nautic. reactor shell корпус реактора
nautic. refrigeration plant рефрижераторная установка
nautic. resuscitator аппарат для искусственного дыхания (device used to stimulate respiration by forcing air into the lungs (Medicine). Babylon)
nautic. seaworthiness certificate свидетельство о годности к плаванию (fewer UK hits than c. of s.)
nautic. self-propelled vessel самоходное судно (Самоходное судно – судно, использующее собственную силовую установку для перемещения, за исключением судна, силовая установка которого используется только для совершения перемещений на незначительное расстояние или для увеличения его маневренности во время буксировки. Считается, что первым самоходным судном стал парусный корабль с силовой установкой в виде такелажа и рангоута. вики)
nautic. technical inspection технический осмотр (Visual and/or instrumental verification of compliance with technical specifications. BD)
nautic. vibration displacement виброперемещение
telecom. burst noise импульсный шум (Burst noise is a type of electronic noise that occurs in semiconductors. It is also called popcorn noise, impulse noise, bi-stable noise, or random telegraph signal ... wiki)
telecom. communications facilities средства связи
telecom. operation manual руководство по эксплуатации
telecom. semiconductor detector полупроводниковый детектор (A semiconductor detector is a device that uses a semiconductor (usually silicon or germanium) to detect traversing charged particles or the absorption of photons. In the field of particle physics, these detectors are usually known as silicon detectors. wiki)
telecom. telephoned telegram телефонограмма (ORD)
gen. adjudicate выносить решение (adjudicate on a matter – выносить решение по какому-либо вопросу)
dril. bill of lading транспортный документ (international law distinguishes bills of lading from waybills in that a bill of lading is a title document issued to order of a "consignee," who can then transfer title ... miragefin.co.uk)
dril. finishing окончательная отделка
dril. front лицевая часть
dril. percentage процентное соотношение
gen. account details реквизиты счёта
gen. bank statement справка о состоянии счёта (a printed record of the transactions in and balance of a bank account. COED)
gen. bid package тендерный пакет (предложений цены; Full set of bidding documents (bid documents). BD)
gen. cement slurry тампонажный раствор
gen. cyclone separator гидроциклон
gen. electrical supervisor главный энергетик
gen. external funds заёмные и привлечённые средства (Although executives have said repeatedly that the company was likely to raise up to $1.2 billion in foreign loans for the project, Simpson said the work was progressing within budget and would not be seeking any external funding. TMT)
gen. hydrate inhibitor ингибитор гидратообразования
gen. illite гидрослюда

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