
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Alexander Demidov: 56.722  << | >>

11.12.2012 10:54:33 gen. cut the cost удешевить
11.12.2012 8:35:48 gen. retail function розничный блок
11.12.2012 8:02:04 gen. in a very short time в сжатые сроки (МТ)
11.12.2012 7:56:32 gen. career prospects будущая карьера
11.12.2012 7:54:02 gen. managing a team управление коллективом
11.12.2012 7:50:47 gen. management philosophy подходы к управлению
10.12.2012 21:33:20 gen. core function крупное сервисное подразделение
10.12.2012 21:30:33 gen. state-of-the-art IT solutions современные информационные технологии
10.12.2012 21:29:28 gen. cost structure and scale структура и объём затрат
10.12.2012 17:26:39 gen. compressor pressure differential перепад на компрессоре
10.12.2012 16:59:28 gen. inlet manifold всасывающая магистраль
10.12.2012 16:58:48 gen. outlet manifold выходная магистраль
10.12.2012 16:53:45 gen. operating parameters рабочие режимы
10.12.2012 16:51:16 gen. output control регулирование производительности
10.12.2012 15:35:13 gen. pressure differential limit максимальный допустимый перепад давления
10.12.2012 15:32:55 gen. ceiling максимальный допустимый
10.12.2012 15:21:35 gen. at operating conditions при рабочих условиях
10.12.2012 15:17:48 gen. gas explosion hazard взрывоопасность газов
10.12.2012 15:08:35 gen. specified parameter нормируемый показатель
10.12.2012 15:06:54 gen. operating range рабочие пределы
10.12.2012 13:24:57 gen. local conditions условия местности
10.12.2012 13:09:11 gen. integrated plant комбинированная установка
10.12.2012 13:07:53 gen. advanced petroleum refining глубокая переработка нефти
10.12.2012 13:03:54 gen. highly refined глубоко переработанный
9.12.2012 19:47:37 gen. relationship building выстраивание отношений
9.12.2012 19:32:55 gen. the devil is in the detail дьявол кроется в деталях (The idiom "the devil is in the detail" derives from the earlier phrase, "God is in the detail;" expressing the idea that whatever one does should be done thoroughly; i.e. details are important.[1] This original idiom has been attributed to a number of different individuals, most notably to German-born architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969) by The New York Times in Mies' 1969 obituary, however it is generally accepted to not have originated with him. The expression also appears to have been a favorite of German art historian Aby Warburg (1866–1929), though Warburg's biographer, E.M. Gombrich, is likewise uncertain if it originated with Warburg. An earlier form "Le bon Dieu est dans le dйtail" (the good God is in the detail) is generally attributed to Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880).[1] Bartlett's Familiar Quotations lists the saying's author as anonymous.[2] Google's n-gram function reveals that the phrase "the devil is in the details" does not appear in print before ca. 1975. WAD)
9.12.2012 19:30:35 gen. jump to conclusions делать преждевременные выводы
9.12.2012 19:26:30 gen. end product полученное
9.12.2012 19:25:03 gen. tag on добавить вторым
9.12.2012 19:08:59 gen. polish up довести до блеска
9.12.2012 19:08:50 gen. polish up отработать до блеска (1. (also polish up on something) to improve a skill or an ability by practising it: You should polish up your Spanish before you go to Chile. 2. to make something seem better or more attractive to other people: The company needs to polish up its image. LDCE)
9.12.2012 19:02:12 gen. sales pitch презентация (Sales professionals prepare and give a sales pitch, which can be either formal or informal, and might be delivered in any number of ways. WAD)
9.12.2012 18:58:33 gen. fail to hit the mark не добиваться успеха
9.12.2012 18:43:39 gen. real-life situation живая ситуация
9.12.2012 15:37:28 gen. career prospects вероятность карьерного роста в будущем
9.12.2012 15:23:09 gen. overarching goal сверхцель
9.12.2012 15:08:28 gen. payroll card scheme зарплатный проект
9.12.2012 14:18:17 gen. underperformer отстающий (plural underperformers) One who or that which underperforms, having performance that is below average or below expectations; often specifically a company or stock 1986 June 24, Donna Stef Hansard, "Lord & Taylor Parent Firm Undecided About May Offer": "Any underperformer in this business is vulnerable as a takeover," Raiff said. wikt)
9.12.2012 14:16:21 gen. conference call конференц-колл
9.12.2012 14:15:06 gen. moral incentives косвенные инструменты нематериальной мотивации
9.12.2012 14:13:23 gen. competition for awards мотивирующее соревнование
9.12.2012 14:05:48 gen. best performer лучший сотрудник
9.12.2012 13:59:30 gen. non-financial incentive scheme система нематериальной мотивации
9.12.2012 13:55:51 gen. private wealth частный капитал
9.12.2012 13:46:34 gen. the customer rules работать "от клиента"
9.12.2012 13:45:33 gen. begin at the beginning плясать от печки
9.12.2012 13:43:23 gen. hit the spot попадать в цель
9.12.2012 13:42:40 gen. more often than not в большинстве случаев (most of the time • More often than not, a student will come up with the right answer. CALD)
9.12.2012 13:21:07 gen. duplication задвоение (Duties have been reassigned to avoid wasteful duplication of work. OCD)
9.12.2012 13:10:17 gen. noisy get-together шумная компания
9.12.2012 13:09:01 gen. empathic неравнодушный
9.12.2012 12:22:03 gen. proactive attitude активная жизненная позиция (Proactive Attitude (PA) is a personality characteristic which has implications for motivation and action. It is a belief in the rich potential of changes that can be made to improve oneself and one's environment. This includes various facets such as resourcefulness, responsibility, values, and vision.)
9.12.2012 12:03:02 gen. natural born по натуре
9.12.2012 12:02:47 gen. natural born optimist оптимист по натуре
9.12.2012 11:59:03 gen. regional operations работа с регионами
9.12.2012 11:55:28 gen. retail loan частный кредит
9.12.2012 11:54:06 gen. loan issue выдача кредитов
9.12.2012 11:11:29 gen. IT executive ИТ-руководитель
9.12.2012 10:42:37 gen. put into commercial operation внедрять в промэксплуатацию
9.12.2012 10:40:44 gen. commercial operation промэксплуатация
9.12.2012 10:31:15 gen. stand-alone business unit самостоятельное структурное подразделение
8.12.2012 20:03:20 gen. statutorily compliant соответствующий требованиям законодательства (links with other Local Authority areas of service as appropriate will reduce the burden for school administrators and ensure that you are statutorily compliant.)
8.12.2012 20:00:34 gen. disciplinary action against применение дисциплинарных взысканий к
8.12.2012 19:55:49 gen. HR management разрешение кадровых вопросов
8.12.2012 19:48:12 gen. audit for compliance with анализ на предмет соответствия
8.12.2012 19:44:17 gen. core activity основной элемент работы
8.12.2012 19:40:41 gen. paperwork формирование документов
8.12.2012 19:37:03 gen. natural resources licence право пользования природными ресурсами
8.12.2012 19:35:27 gen. competitive bidding конкурсы или аукционы
8.12.2012 19:18:10 gen. filings ходатайства и уведомления
8.12.2012 19:16:07 gen. cartel синдикат, целью которого является раздел рынков и поддержание цен
8.12.2012 19:02:49 gen. fund development привлечение финансов (The terms fundraising and fund development are bantered about almost interchangeably. But, there is a difference. Fundraising is activity that is conducted with the intention of raising money for a nonprofit organization or charity. Fund development is a bit less straight-forward and a bit more of an abstract concept. Fund development is the process by which organizations use fundraising to build capacity and sustainability. Fund development is a part of the strategic marketing of a nonprofit organization. It is the concerned not only with raising money, but doing so in a way that develops reliable sources of income that will sustain the organization through the realization of its long term mission and vision. Article Source: ezinearticles.com)
8.12.2012 19:01:22 gen. fundraising привлечение финансов (Fundraising or fund raising (also development) is the process of soliciting and gathering voluntary contributions as money or other resources, by requesting donations from individuals, businesses, charitable foundations, or governmental agencies (see also crowd funding). Although fundraising typically refers to efforts to gather money for non-profit organizations, it is sometimes used to refer to the identification and solicitation of investors or other sources of capital for for-profit enterprises. Traditionally, fundraising consisted mostly of asking for donations on the street or at people's doors, and this is experiencing very strong growth in the form of face-to-face fundraising, but new forms of fundraising such as online fundraising have emerged in recent years, though these are often based on older methods such as grassroots fundraising. WAD)
8.12.2012 17:20:51 gen. safeguard against путь предупреждения
8.12.2012 15:38:40 gen. tax laws законы о налогах
8.12.2012 15:35:49 gen. litigation risk судебный риск
8.12.2012 15:34:50 gen. safeguard against мера, предупреждающая
8.12.2012 15:33:15 gen. early in уже на начальной стадии
8.12.2012 15:13:06 gen. legal liaison налаживание правовых отношений
8.12.2012 15:09:04 gen. instruments of incorporation учредительные документы компаний
8.12.2012 15:07:54 gen. corporate operations деятельность компаний (Corporate Operations are all basic actions undertaken by a business house , organisations or a unit to enhance its – basic business interests, profits, stocks, asstes etc. Thus corporate operations include may include any of the following depending upon the basic nature of the business i.e. – manufacturing, auditing, selling, marketing, transportation, etc, you name it. Such operations will be complimented by other kind of operations such as – 'Procurement Operations', 'Marketing Operations', 'Human Resource operations', 'Acounting Operations' etc which will eventually compliment the "Basic -Operations". Thus "OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT" for different businesses will need different specialisations, such as "Retailing". "Fabrication". "Designing", "Purchase", "Chemical Analysis", Diagonistic", "Forensic" etc. Yet each complimented by simmilar mandatory operations. answers.com)
8.12.2012 14:59:56 gen. statutes документы, содержащие нормы
8.12.2012 14:54:23 gen. subsurface title право собственности на недра
8.12.2012 14:14:14 gen. creative work объективный результат деятельности людей в области творчества
8.12.2012 14:02:08 gen. incorporation and restructuring создание и реорганизация юридических лиц
8.12.2012 13:55:17 gen. tax implications возможные налоговые последствия
8.12.2012 13:41:18 gen. liaise координировать отношения
8.12.2012 13:38:42 gen. initial and secondary offerings эмиссия и допэмиссия
8.12.2012 13:37:44 gen. securities offering and trading выпуск и обращения ценных бумаг
8.12.2012 13:36:45 gen. paperwork подготовка документов
8.12.2012 13:31:04 gen. likely risk вероятный риск
8.12.2012 13:17:16 gen. corporate financial system финансовая система предприятия
8.12.2012 13:08:59 gen. safeguard against превентивная мера во избежание
8.12.2012 13:08:21 gen. safeguard превентивная мера (1. safeguard against > The credit agreement includes a safeguard against overcharging. 2. safeguard for > Any agreement must provide safeguards for minority rights. OCD)
8.12.2012 12:15:09 gen. statutory regulation of banking правовое регулирование банковской деятельности (The statutory regulation of banking changed with the coming into force of Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA 2000).)
8.12.2012 12:13:00 gen. bankruptcy legislation законодательство о банкротстве (Pages in category "United States bankruptcy legislation". WAD)
8.12.2012 11:39:07 gen. timeline последовательный план-график
8.12.2012 11:36:18 gen. legitimate and legally sound правомерный и юридически безопасный
8.12.2012 11:28:47 gen. natural resource provider предприятие добывающей промышленности
8.12.2012 11:28:18 gen. natural resource producer предприятие добывающей промышленности

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