
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Alexander Demidov: 56.722  << | >>

28.12.2014 10:49:31 gen. mentally disturbed person психически больной человек (Alabama Public Safety Radio Code)
28.12.2014 10:47:59 gen. mentally disturbed people психически больные люди
28.12.2014 10:43:49 gen. psychotics психически больные люди (a person suffering from a psychosis. NOED. a person suffering from severe mental illness. In informal English psychotic is sometimes used to describe anyone suffering from a mental illness, but in correct medical usage it only describes people who have difficulty relating to external reality. It contrasts with neurotic which describes people who are less seriously mentally ill and are still able to distinguish what is real from what is not. OALD. someone who is dangerous or violent because they have a serious mental illness. MED)
28.12.2014 10:31:56 gen. health facility лечебное учреждение (building where medicine is practiced. • Syn: medical building, healthcare facility. WN3)
28.12.2014 10:06:53 gen. personal bests личные рекорды (an achievement in a race, competition etc that is better than anything that you have achieved before. MED. A sports player's personal best is the highest score or fastest time that they have ever achieved. She ran a personal best of 13.01 sec in the 100m hurdles. CCB. The best time or score ever achieved by an athlete in a particular event: she clocked two hours 24 minutes 59 seconds, breaking her own personal best of 2:29:53. OD. Earlier this week, Hird slashed an amazing 15sec off of his personal best in a 3.2km time trial around Princes Park. THE ADVERTISER, SUNDAY MAIL (2005) He had made sixty-six not out, a personal best , and a fitting end to his school cricket career. Garth Nix LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR (2001) Luckily, athletics taught me that taking time to chill out is an important part of finding your personal best. Sally Gunnell, Kathryn Leigh BE YOUR BEST: HOW ANYONE CAN BECOME FIT, HEALTHY AND CONFIDENT (2002) Queenslander Nicholas Sprenger set a personal best time in the 400m freestyle to become the sixth-fastest Australian over the distance. COURIER, SUNDAY MAIL (2004) Triumph, even in ensuring a personal best , lies in the detail. INDIA TODAY. Collins)
27.12.2014 20:23:35 gen. Butyrka prison Бутырская тюрьма (Butyrka prison (Russian: Бутырка, a colloquial term for the official Бутырская тюрьма, Butyrskaya tyurma) was the central transit prison in Tsarist Imperial Russia, located in the Tverskoy District of central Moscow, Russia. Currently Butyrka remains the largest of Moscow remand prisons. Overcrowding continues to be a problem. WK)
27.12.2014 20:16:33 gen. trot out выставлять на всеобщее обозрение (1 disapproving : to say (something that has been said before) as an excuse, explanation, etc. Don't trot out that old excuse again. 2 : to bring (something) out to be displayed Designers trotted out their latest designs at the fashion show. MWALD)
27.12.2014 20:04:24 gen. teeth bared оскал (When we get home and the dog is really excited to see us, she'll give us a huge smile, teeth bared | Then she sat back and froze her face in a bizarre fake smile, teeth bared. | ... half her hair torn away and fingers missing from her left hand, reached for the child, her mouth splitting into a mockery of a mother's smile, teeth bared to bite.)
27.12.2014 19:39:14 gen. aggravation of a chronic mental illness обострение хронического психического заболевания
27.12.2014 19:37:15 gen. observed in отмеченный у (Within the framework of this paper it is not possible to cover all clinical disorders observed in persons with Down Syndrome in an encyclopedic fashion.)
27.12.2014 19:35:48 gen. psychological and psychiatric disorders психические и психотические расстройства
27.12.2014 19:30:05 gen. under close observation с интенсивным наблюдением (He spent two nights under close observation in hospital. LDOCE)
27.12.2014 19:27:48 gen. specialist psychiatric hospital психиатрический стационар специализированного типа
27.12.2014 19:22:42 gen. painful mental disorder болезненное расстройство психической деятельности (What's the difference between a bad case of the blues and the painful mental disorder known as depression? According to the experts, impaired functioning is ...)
27.12.2014 19:21:43 gen. psychic dysfunction расстройство психической деятельности
27.12.2014 19:19:51 gen. painful dysfunction болезненное расстройство (Acupuncture in the treatment of painful dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint – a review of the ...)
27.12.2014 19:15:05 gen. peremptorily в категоричной форме (in a way that allows no discussion or refusal • She peremptorily rejected the request. • He insisted peremptorily on speaking to Rachel. OALD)
27.12.2014 19:03:41 gen. Serbsky State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry Государственный научный центр им. В.П. Сербского (The Serbsky State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry (Russian: Государственный научный центр социальной и судебной психиатрии им. В.П.Сербского) is a psychiatric hospital and Russia's main center of forensic psychiatry. In the past, the institution was called the Serbsky Institute. The institution garnered negative publicity because many Soviet dissidents were examined there and then sent to psychiatric hospitals. WK)
27.12.2014 18:46:57 gen. psychiatric hospital клиническая психиатрическая больница (Psychiatric hospitals, also known as mental hospitals and psychiatric wards ("psych" wards) when they are a sub-unit of a regular hospital, are hospitals or wards specializing in the treatment of serious mental disorders, such as clinical depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Psychiatric hospitals vary widely in their size and grading. Some hospitals may specialize only in short-term or outpatient therapy for low-risk patients. Others may specialize in the temporary or permanent care of residents who, as a result of a psychological disorder, require routine assistance, treatment, or a specialized and controlled environment. Patients are often admitted on a voluntary basis, but people whom psychiatrists believe may pose a significant danger to themselves or others may be subject to involuntary commitment. WK)
27.12.2014 18:45:11 gen. inpatient forensic psychiatric assessment стационарная судебно-психиатрическая экспертиза
27.12.2014 18:42:52 gen. ever за всю историю (тж. за всю историю его/ее/их существования)
27.12.2014 17:16:10 gen. classified information эксклюзивная информация (Classified information is protected material that a government body claims is sensitive information that requires protection of confidentiality, integrity, or availability. Access is restricted by law or regulation to particular groups of people, and mishandling can incur criminal penalties and loss of respect. A formal security clearance is often required to handle classified documents or access classified data. The clearance process usually requires a satisfactory background investigation. Documents and other information assets are typically marked with one of several (hierarchical) levels of sensitivity – e.g. restricted, confidential, secret and top secret. WK)
27.12.2014 17:10:02 gen. melancholically меланхолически (Her room, which normally looks as if it has been burgled, is empty, incongruously, melancholically tidy, save for a few carrier bags of clothes borrowed from friends. Handfuls of other gymnasts from Mika's team clapped him on the back as he ambled melancholically towards his black nylon bag, pulling on a maroon jacket and waiting in his usual quiet, brooding manner for the scores to be announced. ‘No, maybe later,' Caleb sighed melancholically, looking thoroughly defeated. OD)
27.12.2014 17:03:25 gen. one of the senior people один из руководителей (Late in the afternoon, one of the senior people at Air Canada e-mailed Nordick with a very serious "subject" line.)
27.12.2014 16:52:20 gen. understand the implications of отдавать себе отчёт в (отдавать себе отчёт в своих действиях = understand the implications of their actions)
27.12.2014 16:48:56 gen. where there is в тех случаях, когда возникает (в тех случаях, когда возникает сомнение по поводу = where there is doubt as to. LPAs and, where there is doubt as to the existence of an LPA, a health professional can apply to search the register.)
27.12.2014 16:44:47 gen. antisocial deed общественно-опасное деяние (WN3)
27.12.2014 16:40:31 gen. incomplete picture недостаточная исследованность (an incomplete picture of the core requirements.)
27.12.2014 16:26:10 gen. behaviours особенности поведения (The framework offers a model of professional behaviours which has been developed through desk research, consultation questionnaires, workshops and focus ...)
27.12.2014 16:01:05 gen. sexual orientation сексуальные наклонности (a person's sexual preference or identity as bisexual, heterosexual, or homosexual : the state of being bisexual, heterosexual, or homosexual. His sexual orientation has never been a problem for him at work. people of different sexual orientations – called also orientation. MWALD)
27.12.2014 14:44:45 gen. what happens участь (What happens to your Facebook account when you die ... TG)
27.12.2014 14:42:05 gen. FSB officers сотрудники ФСБ
27.12.2014 14:37:59 gen. what's the use of что толку (what's the use of...? (ALSO what use is...?) F0 used to tell someone to stop worrying because worrying will not help: " Try not to get depressed – after all, what's the use of worrying? CALD)
27.12.2014 14:32:21 gen. mental torment моральная пытка (She suffered years of mental torment after her son's death. OALD)
27.12.2014 14:31:38 gen. torment моральная пытка (extreme suffering, especially mental suffering. the torment inflicted on a young girl by her mother. OALD)
27.12.2014 14:25:07 gen. give it some thought задуматься (First Give It Some Thought. | Give it some thought. You think your day at school was bad? Remember, like 40 years ago it)
27.12.2014 14:12:16 gen. psychotropic психотропный препарат (adj. 1. affecting mental activity, behavior, or perception, as a mood-altering drug. n. 2. a psychotropic drug, as a tranquilizer, sedative, or antidepressant. RHWD)
27.12.2014 14:06:41 gen. disturb the balance of one's mind вывести из душевного равновесия (вывели его из душевного равновесия = disturbed the balance of his mind. The film so disturbed the balance of his mind that he suffered visions of Lon Chaney making terrifying faces at him and shouting.)
27.12.2014 14:02:41 gen. flat renovation ремонт квартиры (French union spends €130,000 on flat renovation for boss. TG)
27.12.2014 13:57:43 gen. investigation process следствие (What is the investigation process? Once a crime has been reported to the MPS an officer will carry out an initial investigation, this will always happen, however a crime is reported. The below information briefly outlines the many stages of a police investigation, from the initial investigation when a crime is first reported, to the investigative assessment and then through to the three possible outcomes of any investigation. police.uk)
27.12.2014 13:54:55 gen. shadow практикант (a person that accompanies someone in their daily activities at work in order to gain experience at or insight into a job. NOED)
27.12.2014 12:48:38 gen. fail to see не мочь себе представить (fail to see/understand 2. C2 used when you do not accept something: " I fail to see why you can't work on a Saturday. CALD)
27.12.2014 12:44:44 gen. hardware компьютерная аппаратура
27.12.2014 12:42:59 gen. be challenged слабо разбираться (крайне слабо разбираться в технике = be extremely technologically challenged. OK ... so I am extremely technologically challenged when it comes to anything which is not a computer.)
27.12.2014 12:22:26 gen. have poor spatial awareness плохо ориентироваться в пространстве
27.12.2014 12:06:29 intell. intelligence operations деятельность разведок
27.12.2014 12:03:17 gen. dismember разрубать на куски (1. ~ something to cut or tear the dead body of a person or an animal into pieces • Police say the body had been dismembered. 2. ~ something (formal) to divide a country, an organization, etc. into smaller parts • The British railway network has gradually been dismembered. OALD)
27.12.2014 11:59:55 gen. make away with утащить (to escape with something that you have stolen. The burglars made away with all their silverware. MED. 1. to steal or abduct 2. to kill, destroy, or get rid of. ... and make away with it before they noticed it had gone. Will Davenport THE PAINTER (2003). Collins)
27.12.2014 11:34:42 gen. fantasy world выдуманный мир (something existing solely in the imagination (but often mistaken for reality). WN3)
27.12.2014 11:33:45 gen. make-believe world выдуманный мир (He lives in a world of make-believe/make-believe world. CALD)
27.12.2014 11:33:19 gen. world of make-believe выдуманный мир (he lives in a world of make-believe = он живёт в мире грёз. ORD)
27.12.2014 11:08:33 gen. person of sound mind здравый человек (Нормальный,здравый человек в монастырь не пойдет = No normal person of sound mind would retire to a convent or monastery.)
27.12.2014 11:07:56 gen. retire to a monastery or convent уйти в монастырь (A month elapsed in this manner, when they were ordered to retire to a monastery or convent, the inmates of which, had been driven out of doors by the fanatical ...)
27.12.2014 10:59:37 gen. impairment of critical thinking нарушение критичности мышления
27.12.2014 10:54:56 gen. critical thinking критичность мышления (the process of thinking carefully about a subject or idea, without allowing feelings or opinions to affect you. CALD. The objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment: professors often find it difficult to encourage critical thinking amongst their students MORE EXAMPLE SENTENCES If traditional subjects are taught properly, there should be no need for a separate course in critical thinking. During their time with us, I hope our graduates will have sharpened their capacity for critical thinking and their sense of social responsibility. The new curriculum is expected to value skills such as critical thinking, working with others, communication and information processing. OD)
26.12.2014 21:10:14 gen. voluntary remedial action добровольное устранение нарушений (Voluntary recall notice means a notification to consumers and others of the voluntary remedial action applicable to a consumer product or ...)
26.12.2014 21:06:46 gen. web resources веб-ресурсы (The concept of a web resource is primitive in the web architecture, and is used in the definition of its fundamental elements. The term was first introduced to refer to targets of uniform resource locators (URLs), but its definition has been further extended to include the referent of any uniform resource identifier (RFC 3986), or internationalized resource identifier (RFC 3987). In the Semantic Web, abstract resources and their semantic properties are described using the family of languages based on Resource Description Framework (RDF). ... The concept of a web resource has evolved during the web history, from the early notion of static addressable documents or files, to a more generic and abstract definition, now encompassing every "thing" or entity that can be identified, named, addressed or handled, in any way whatsoever, in the web at large, or in any networked information system. WK)
26.12.2014 21:01:41 gen. reputational risk риск ущерба репутации
26.12.2014 20:59:33 gen. reversal of a court ruling отмена судебного акта (a reversal of the Scaf decision to dissolve parliament, which he described as an administrative one, rather than a reversal of the court ruling. | The Authority seeks reversal of the court's ruling permitting recovery of damages for emotional distress under the nuisance theory, contending the court erred in ...)
26.12.2014 20:56:41 gen. enforceable court ruling вступивший в законную силу судебный акт (file is complete, compensation will be paid within 10 days following the agreement between the Insurer and the Insured, or the enforceable court ruling.)
26.12.2014 20:56:09 gen. enforceable court ruling вступивший в законную силу акт суда (ultimately prevail before a national court, the lead CA could effectively prevent the product from being marketed until there was an enforceable court ruling.)
26.12.2014 20:54:05 gen. URLs of website pages указатели страниц сайтов (Law schools to send links to ABA of URLs of website pages with Employment Summary Reports, April 15th. | Seo link analysis Search engines can read the content of links or URLs of website pages as text.)
26.12.2014 20:52:26 gen. URLs указатели страниц сайтов (URL: abbreviation for uniform (or universal) resource locator, the address of a World Wide Web page. NOED)
26.12.2014 20:49:47 gen. online database автоматизированная информационная система (An online database is a database accessible from a network, including from the Internet. WK)
26.12.2014 20:47:01 gen. blacklist реестр нарушителей (A blacklist (or black list) is a list or register of entities or people who, for one reason or another, are being denied a particular privilege, service, mobility, access or recognition. As a verb, to blacklist can mean to deny someone work in a particular field, or to ostracize a person from a certain social circle. WK)
26.12.2014 20:46:31 gen. black list реестр нарушителей (A list of persons who have incurred suspicion, censure, or punishment. OED)
26.12.2014 20:44:44 gen. infringer list реестр нарушителей
26.12.2014 20:39:23 gen. be punishable by a fine влечь наложение штрафа (влечет наложение административного штрафа = is punishable by an administrative fine. Violation of the regulations concerning the means of publication and the procedure for the offer is punishable by an administrative fine of one twentieth to one ...)
26.12.2014 20:36:31 gen. remedy statutory breaches устранять нарушения законодательства (Officers also observe that Environmental Health controls are available to remedy statutory breaches in terms of.)
26.12.2014 20:29:01 gen. failure to comply within the prescribed period with невыполнение в установленный срок (failure to comply within the prescribed period with the duty to make good the surface of a footpath or bridleway after lawful disturbance to not less than its ... | I would like to point out that failure to comply within the prescribed period of 12 days will result in the alleged debt becoming unenforceable until ...)
26.12.2014 20:26:27 gen. tour operators организации, оказывающие туристические услуги (A tour operator is a company that provides holidays in which your travel and accommodation are booked for you. CCB. * Ask your tour operator where the water in your hotel comes from. * Need help in checking on the reliability of a travel agency or tour operator? LDOCE)
26.12.2014 20:22:00 gen. closer attention усиление внимания (усиление внимания со стороны = closer attention from. Pacific dominance: China's defense build-up merits closer attention from Navy, say analysts.)
26.12.2014 20:08:26 gen. personal data subjects субъекты персональных данных (Smart cities projects will usually require the consent from personal data subjects insofar as the data processing (e.g. for statistical or analytical ... | ... the settling of standard forms for the gaining of personal data subjects' consent, thereby being enabled to carry out personal data processing.)
26.12.2014 20:00:51 gen. cancel отменять возможность
26.12.2014 20:00:35 gen. bar отменять возможность
26.12.2014 20:00:28 gen. ban отменять возможность
26.12.2014 19:54:33 gen. be legislated быть урегулированным на законодательном уровне (Although this issue has not been legislated, the Supreme Court of Canada has made it clear that an embryo is not a "human being" at law.)
26.12.2014 19:53:18 gen. legislate урегулировать на законодательном уровне (Note that Canada's depository system, in the sense of making government information available to the public, has not been legislated)
26.12.2014 19:34:41 gen. primary purpose of the proposed amendments главная цель вводимых изменений (The primary purpose of the Proposed Amendments is to eliminate substantially all of the restrictive covenants (other than, among other covenants, the covenant ... | The primary purpose of the proposed amendments was to address a growing demand in the states for a legislative solution for growing tensions between the. | The primary purpose of the proposed amendments is to update the rule to reflect additional ways in which political committees may be dissolved and ...)
26.12.2014 19:31:49 gen. cosponsors авторы законопроекта (two senators who were cosponsors of new legislation. AHD)
26.12.2014 19:17:37 gen. redundant hosting дублирование (Дублирование персональных данных на иностранных серверах = Redundant hosting of personal data using offshore servers)
26.12.2014 19:11:55 gen. overseas servers серверы за границей
26.12.2014 17:22:46 gen. total refunds итоговая сумма возвратов
26.12.2014 17:22:04 gen. total receipts итоговая сумма поступлений
26.12.2014 17:20:47 gen. amount received сумма поступления
26.12.2014 17:11:08 gen. bank fee rate процент банковской комиссии
26.12.2014 17:08:54 gen. payment by charge cards оплата платёжными картами (But this protection only applies to credit cards, not payment by charge cards, store cards, debit cards, cash or cheques.)
26.12.2014 17:02:54 gen. pre-discount amount сумма без скидки
26.12.2014 17:00:32 gen. loyalty bonus scheme бонусная программа лояльности (The loyalty bonus scheme builds on existing loyalties and seeks new ways of satisfying existing and potential customers. | The loyalty bonus scheme is exclusive to Chris Blackburn's driving school and is aimed at saving you money on the day of your practical test.)
26.12.2014 16:56:29 gen. bonus point бонус (количество бонусов = number of bonus points)
26.12.2014 16:53:56 gen. acquiring fee торговая уступка (денежная сумма, уплачиваемая предприятием торговли эквайреру, за расчёты по операциям с использованием банковской карты при реализации товара или услуги. You will also pay an acquiring fee, which is a percentage of the transaction value, and a flat authorisation fee per transaction. Additional fees may be levied for refunds and chargebacks. The rates of all fees may vary between credit and debit cards.)
26.12.2014 16:46:41 gen. manual discount ручная скидка (the order line, while manual discounts can be applied by an order entry clerk.)
26.12.2014 16:44:33 gen. total discount сумма процентов скидки (So your total discount would be 5% + 35% = 40%.)
26.12.2014 16:29:31 gen. amount for services сумма услуг
26.12.2014 16:28:51 gen. amount for goods сумма товара
26.12.2014 16:25:56 gen. stock movement перемещение товаров
26.12.2014 16:24:25 gen. as received по факту (Итого по факту = Total as received. These results are added together to give the total/as received/as delivered ...)
26.12.2014 16:16:18 gen. set-off взаимозачёт (1) In general, the legal right to reduce the amount owed by one party to another party by the sum that the second party also owes to the first party. 2) The confiscation of a deposits held by a borrower to offset some or all of the amounts owed by the depositor the depository institution for defaulted loans. A common law right that is usually blocked or reversed by a bankruptcy court. American Banker Glossary. An agreement between the parties involved to set off one debt against another or one loss against a gain. A banker is empowered to set off a credit balance on one account against a debit balance on another if the accounts are in the same name and in the same currency. It is usual, in these circumstances, for the bank to issue a letter of set-off, which the customer countersigns to indicate agreement. A letter of set-off is also needed if the accounts are not in the same name, e. g. differently named companies in the same group. OB&M)
26.12.2014 16:12:00 gen. previous purchase price цена прошлой закупки (The Descriptive and Prescriptive Use of Previous Purchase Price in Negotiations ...)
26.12.2014 16:09:19 gen. automatic pricing автоформирование цен

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