
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user Alexander Demidov: 56.722  << | >>

11.11.2019 11:15:58 gen. financial management финансовый контроль (financial control = financial management. The actions of the management of an organization taken to ensure that the costs incurred and revenue generated are at acceptable levels. Financial control is assisted by the provision of financial information to management by the accountant and by the use of such techniques as budgetary control and standard costing, which highlight and analyse any variances. OB&M)
11.11.2019 11:14:34 gen. financial oversight финансовый контроль (financial oversight–encompasses an array of responsibilities, from establishing the. CEO's compensation, to approving the annual budget, to assessing whether the. organization should diversify its income stream. Financial oversight includes these components: Account-level Monitoring (includes reconciliations, where appropriate) Financial Forecasting Reserve and Contingency Account Management)
9.11.2019 12:04:52 gen. Singles' Day День холостяков (Singles day or Guanggun Jie is a shopping holiday popular among young Chinese people that celebrate their pride in being single. The date, November 11th, was chosen because the number "1" resembles an individual who is alone. Wikipedia wikipedia.org, wikipedia.org)
8.11.2019 10:26:17 gen. geotag геометка (An electronic tag that assigns a geographical location to a photograph or video, a posting on a social media website, etc.: you can go back and add geotags to existing shots. More example sentences: When we add a geotag to a file or piece of information, we link that file with the place with precision accuracy. That location data, or geotag, gets added automatically by some cameras and camera cards, and you can add it yourself if geotag information isn't included. iPhoto already has a database of what you're typing in, such as Yosemite, and can assign a geotag to all photos in an event once you've chosen one. ODE)
6.11.2019 19:51:03 law chief of medicine главный врач (A chief physician, also called a head physician, physician in chief, senior consultant, or chief of medicine, is a physician in a senior management position at a hospital or other institution. In many institutions, it is the title of the most senior physician, but it may also be used as the title of the most senior physician of a particular department within a larger institution. A chief physician generally is in charge of medical matters and often is the superior of other physicians (including consultants and attending physicians), but may also be in charge of other professional groups and areas of responsibility. WK)
6.11.2019 16:23:33 gen. walkabout пешая экскурсия (chiefly British An informal stroll among a crowd conducted by an important visitor: the prime minister went on an impromptu walkabout. More example sentences: Former US President Bill Clinton stunned shoppers with an impromptu walkabout yesterday, after enjoying a Yorkshire pub lunch. William Hague was right about one thing: reality bites – but even he has started cancelling his walkabouts. On a walkabout in Brent East, he accused Mr Blair of insulting the intelligence of electors by warning that voting Lib Dem would produce a Tory government. ODE)
6.11.2019 15:18:25 gen. to complete the picture для полноты картины (Add in monetary issues, foreign trade practices and sanctions to complete the picture. Palm trees and tropical grasses were brought in to complete the picture. Three cost considerations must be taken into account to complete the picture. ludwig.guru)
5.11.2019 17:04:09 gen. utility vault подземный колодец для инженерных сетей (Utility vault on Wikipedia)
3.11.2019 20:09:01 tech. cable vault кабельный колодец (CIVIL ENGINEERING A manhole containing electrical cables. ELECTRICITY Vault in which the outside plant cables are spliced to the tipping cables. MHST)
3.11.2019 17:10:26 gen. mobile concrete hopper челюстная банка
3.11.2019 17:10:18 gen. concrete hopper челюстная банка
3.11.2019 11:30:42 gen. employee incentive scheme система мотивации сотрудников (Employee incentive schemes focus on recognising and rewarding staff for their hard work. Incentive schemes can vary in terms of the rewards given, but they are usually put in place to encourage employees to work towards specific targets. .)
1.11.2019 15:50:47 gen. ground основание (For the reasons I have given I consider that we do not have power to hear the appeal on the ground for which Sir Robin has apparently granted permission. | His 14-year sentence was cut by three years on grounds of good behaviour and his state of health. TG)
25.10.2019 16:21:07 gen. financial agent финансовый агент (A fiscal agent, fiscal sponsor, or financial agent is a proxy that manages fiscal matters on behalf of another party. A fiscal agent may assist in the redemption of bonds or coupons at maturity, disbursing dividends, and handling tax issues. For example, the United States Federal Reserve is the fiscal agent of the federal government of the United States. WK)
23.10.2019 17:16:56 gen. asset valuation оценка объекта (1) An assessment of the value at which the assets of an organization, usually the fixed assets, should be entered into its balance sheet. The valuation may be arrived at in a number of ways; for example, a revaluation of land and buildings would often involve taking professional advice. 2) The assessment of the value of assets, most usually by a present value calculation. OB&M. We need to carry out an asset valuation. CBED)
19.10.2019 12:16:55 gen. co-location provider поставщик услуг коммерческих дата-центров (Austin Texas Co-location Providers . There is a lot of pain associated with managing servers on the premises. Costs for IT infrastructure and management costs ...)
18.10.2019 17:17:52 gen. carrier hotel колокационный центр (A carrier hotel, also called a colocation center, is a secure physical site or building where data communications media converge and are interconnected. It is common for numerous service providers to share the facilities of a single carrier hotel. techtarget.com)
18.10.2019 17:16:47 gen. carrier hotel узел обмена трафиком (It's known in the industry as a "carrier hotel," a moniker given only to the most interconnected downtown data centers, those that serve as the center of connectivity for that region. At least one carrier hotel can be found in every major city across the country. rackspace.com)
18.10.2019 11:53:41 gen. data centre provider оператор центра обработки данных (With that, here's the top 10 most interesting data centre providers, according to EM360º.
  • Digital Realty. ...
  • NTT. ...
  • Amazon Web Services. ...
18.10.2019 10:17:43 gen. co-location player игрок рынка коммерческих дата-центров (Recent investment by co-location players underscores their commitment to existing tier 1 locations. It also provides a detailed analysis of 10 major co-location players, an analysis of key technology, adoption and customer trends. In previous years, many co-location players benefitted from simply having availability in the right location, but cloud is accelerating the disparity between winners ...)
18.10.2019 10:02:13 gen. research reports аналитические отчёты (description of a detailed study done on a specific topic. BED. Research analysts produce research reports and typically issue a recommendation: buy ("overweight"), hold, or sell ("underweight"); see target price. WK. A research report is a document prepared by an analyst or strategist who is a part of the investment research team in a stock brokerage or investment bank. A research report may focus on a specific stock or industry sector, a currency, commodity or fixed-income instrument, or on a geographic region or country. investopedia.com)
18.10.2019 9:53:32 gen. co-location industry рынок дата-центров (Is the Co-location (colo) Industry Dying? Analyst Clive Longbottom, senior researcher with Quocirca, doubts whether tax breaks will boost the co-location industry immediately. There are four distinct levels of service within the co-location industry. Since its early hurdles, the Co-Location industry has grown successful spanning over 3,000 total Co-Location data centers spread globally.)
17.10.2019 19:46:49 gen. data centre co-location market рынок услуг коммерческих дата-центров (With the data centre co-location market seeing accelerated growth over the past 2 years,. Wanstor believes customers should understand that not all data. As the data centre co-location market has grown, prices from some providers have dropped significantly. The European data centre co-location market has grown by nearly 6 percent since the beginning of the year with supply increasing by 11MW in ...)
17.10.2019 19:45:53 gen. co-location market рынок услуг коммерческих дата-центров (Fonseca believes that while pricing for the European co-location market has remained stable over the last 12 months, limitations on the ... Singapore's co-location market is well developed and displays the characteristics of other leading global cities and financial centres. Public cloud providers will continue to represent a good revenue stream for the co-location market in the short-term, continued Wallage, but ...)
17.10.2019 19:44:07 gen. co-location services market рынок услуг коммерческих дата-центров (in IT infrastructure expenses, physical security, and high power requirements are the major factors driving the co-location services market.)
17.10.2019 17:25:32 gen. physical server стойко-место (Different data centre sizes – defined by the number of physical servers housed [по количеству введенных стойко-мест] in the data centre – are considered to investigate how the costs scale and ...)
17.10.2019 16:56:45 gen. colo колокация (Колокация, колокейшн (от англ. co-location, сокращённо colo) – услуга, состоящая в том, что провайдер размещает оборудование клиента на своей территории (обычно в датацентре), подключает его к электричеству, обеспечивает обслуживание и подключение к каналам связи с высокой пропускной способностью. Иногда указанное оборудование не принадлежит клиенту, а арендуется им у того же провайдера, в этом случае услуга называется "аренда выделенного сервера". WK)
17.10.2019 16:51:30 gen. report аналитический отчёт (an official document made by someone who has examined a particular subject: "a report on something CBED. There is no collocate such as "analysis" or "analytical" listed in Oxford Collocations Dictionary for "report".: The panel's report said that governments are not spending enough on research. » The task force published a scathing report on the impact of regulation on hotels and restaurants. »In a report, he said investors still face risks with this company if a merger does not occur. freecollocation.com)
17.10.2019 16:04:03 gen. co-location industry рынок коммерческих дата-центров (Data centres can be split into three categories. Owner-managed: bespoke design and operated by the user Commercial data centres: known as the co-location industry Web-scale cloud data centres: designed, built and operated by firms such as Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Ali Baba and Facebook (see below). ibc.org)
10.10.2019 10:47:25 gen. list of substitute holidays график переноса выходных (Substitute holiday , compensate holiday or make up holiday refer to holidays created due to overlapping of some other holidays. In most of the cases, it happens because a holiday with a fixed date occur on weekends which is also holiday in most of the world. WK)
1.10.2019 19:10:32 busin. stakeholders круг заинтересованных лиц (Any individual, group or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceives itself to be affected by, a programme

Source: What is a Stakeholder? – Definitions of a Stakeholder stakeholdermap.com)
29.09.2019 16:32:57 law under the pre-action protocol в досудебном порядке (урегулировать претензию в досудебном порядке: However, it was held that as the mediation was part of the Parties' attempts to settle the matter under the Pre-Action Protocol, and because they had not agreed ...)
28.09.2019 11:01:41 gen. current statutory provisions нормы действующего законодательства (It follows that under the current statutory provisions it is easier for a Claimant to succeed in a detriment claim than an automatic unfair ... ... preventing and reducing homelessness, particularly for those who may not previously have been owed a rehousing duty under the current statutory provisions ... Such a result is, nevertheless, inevitable under the current statutory provisions. classed as vulnerable under the current statutory provisions. Under the current statutory provisions, it is not possible for the Board to appoint ... Pursuant to the current statutory provisions , when the General Manager determines that a physician has submitted fee claims that do not meet ...)
28.09.2019 10:48:40 gen. covered territory территория страхования (. forum state within the covered territory of the insurer's policy and (2) the occurrence of that takes place during the policy periods and within the covered territory to insure a company's tools and equipment while temporarily located anywhere within the covered territory specified in the policy. The exclusion is intended, in part, to prevent a contract of insurance from . this Policy and that property is located within the Covered Territory.)
27.09.2019 10:50:34 gen. two thousands двухтысячные годы (The decade of the 2000s. WT. by the mid-two thousands/by the mid-two-thousands)
27.09.2019 10:50:01 gen. the 2000s двухтысячные годы (The 2000s (pronounced "two-thousands") was a decade of the Gregorian calendar that began on January 1, 2000, and ended on December 31, 2009. The growth of the Internet contributed to globalization during the decade, which allowed faster communication among people around the world. WK)
25.09.2019 9:49:31 gen. customs bill of entry таможенная декларация
17.09.2019 9:29:18 gen. internet service provider организатор распространения информации в сети "Интернет" (Приказ Минкомсвязи России от 29.10.2018 N 571 "Об утверждении Требований к оборудованию и программно-техническим средствам, используемым организатором распространения информации в сети "Интернет" в эксплуатируемых им информационных системах, для проведения уполномоченными государственными органами, осуществляющими оперативно-розыскную деятельность или обеспечение безопасности Российской Федерации, мероприятий в целях реализации возложенных на них задач")
16.09.2019 14:45:53 gen. internet traffic controller организатор распространения информации в сети "Интернет" (Организатором распространения информации в сети "Интернет" является лицо, осуществлящее деятельность по обеспечению функционирования информационных систем и (или) программ для электронныхю вычислительных машин, которые предназначены и (или) используются для приёма, передачи, доставки и (или) обработки электронных сообщений пользователей сети "Интернет". consultant.ru)
16.09.2019 9:49:54 gen. night knocker ночной патрульный (It’s a foot unit that walks/patrols popular small town areas at night. reddit.com)
13.09.2019 10:21:28 gen. Ministry for Digital Development Министерство цифрового развития, связи и массовых коммуникаций
13.09.2019 10:21:28 gen. Communications and Mass Media Министерство цифрового развития, связи и массовых коммуникаций
9.09.2019 15:05:32 chess.term. Tyumenite тюменец (The Tyumenites clearly had yet to learn habits of military discipline. But to be on the safe side, Tyumenites may want to stock up on lead umbrellas.)
7.09.2019 19:07:43 chess.term. simultaneous display сеанс одновременной игры (A simultaneous exhibition or simultaneous display is a board game exhibition (commonly chess or Go) in which one player (typically of high rank, such as a grandmaster or dan-level player) plays multiple games at a time with a number of other players. Such an exhibition is often referred to simply as a "simul". wikipedia.org)
4.09.2019 16:44:00 gen. Russian agriculture watchdog Россельхознадзор (Russian agriculture watchdog inspects dairy exports from ... – Tass In early April, Russian agriculture watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor announced a considerable reduction in imports of Mexican meat products ...)
4.09.2019 16:42:53 gen. Russian veterinary and phytosanitary watchdog Россельхознадзор (Russian veterinary and phytosanitary watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor said on Monday that the country has started supplying wheat to Brazil for the first time in eight years, Interfax news agency reports. MOSCOW, July 29. /TASS/. Russian veterinary and phytosanitary watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor may lift earlier introduced restrictions on vegetables import from ...)
4.09.2019 16:41:23 gen. Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Россельхознадзор (The Russian side was represented by Head of the Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Sergey Dankvert, Deputy Director of ... › fsvps › news fsvps.ru)
4.09.2019 16:33:22 gen. agri-safety watchdog Россельхознадзор (RUSSIA OFFICIALLY RESUMED IMPORTS of Egyptian fruits and vegetables, except potatoes, after the agri-safety watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor decided to lift ...)
4.09.2019 16:32:04 gen. Russian agricultural safety watchdog Россельхознадзор (after it found African swine fever (ASF) in some meat products, Russian agricultural safety watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor said on Thursday. from Belarus to March 6, the TASS news agency reported on Monday, citing Russian agricultural safety watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – On Monday, Russia's agricultural safety watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor decided to resume imports of vegetables and ...)
3.09.2019 11:13:48 gen. mauve лиловый (Mauve = Розовато-лиловый, Pale mauve = Бледный розовато-лиловый. WK)
3.09.2019 11:11:48 gen. pale red-violet лиловый (Pale red-violet (Английское название) Лиловый (Русское название) #DB7093 219 112 147 (RGB) 0 49 33 14 (CMYK) 340 49 86 (HSV). WK)
9.08.2019 12:15:18 gen. grout бетонный раствор (Grout is generally a mixture of water, cement, and sand and is employed in pressure grouting, embedding rebar in masonry walls, connecting sections of pre-cast concrete, filling voids, and sealing joints such as those between tiles. wikipedia.org)
9.08.2019 12:08:18 gen. vibrating stand вибротумба (

Knauer Engineering vibrating stands for the production of large concrete elements, in clamped or free riding moulds, are specially made according to product and customer requirements.

Special features: • The vibrating frequency can be freely selected during the compacting process. • Two different displacements/ forces possible, by just switching the rotation of the motors. knauer-engineering.com)

9.08.2019 12:07:21 gen. vibration stand вибротумба (Vibration Stands for the Manufacturing of big Concrete Parts knauer-engineering.com)
9.08.2019 12:03:53 gen. vibrating table вибростол ( knauer-engineering.com)
9.08.2019 12:01:43 gen. compaction table вибростол (COMPACTION TABLE (TYPE FTT) electrotechdrives.co.uk)
9.08.2019 11:45:39 gen. vibration machine вибростол (A device for subjecting a system to controlled and reproducible mechanical vibration. Also known as shake table. MHST)
9.08.2019 11:44:41 gen. shaker вибростол (An electromagnetic device capable of imparting known and usually controlled vibratory acceleration to a given object. Also known as electrodynamic shaker; shake table. MHST)
9.08.2019 11:19:33 gen. concrete lintel железобетонная перемычка (Steel Reinforced Concrete Lintels 2400mm (8ft) Concrete lintels are generally used for load bearing over window and door openings in brick work but can also be used for bearing under steel as a padstone bridging across manhole openings. wolverhamptonbuildingsupplies.co.uk)
7.08.2019 12:05:10 gen. single source purchasing закупка из одного источника (Single source purchasing refers to purchases from one selected supplier, even though there are other suppliers that provide similar products. If your company decides to buy only Dell computers then that is single source purchasing. However unlike sole source purchasing you and your company have a choice to switch suppliers, but for strategic and possibly cost reasons the company decides to use only a specific supplier. purchasing-procurement-center.com)
7.08.2019 11:11:21 gen. sole source procurement закупка у единственного источника (Sole source procurement however refers to those purchases where there's only one supplier that provides the product. Usually these are unique products that you cannot find anywhere but only thru one supplier/manufacturer. purchasing-procurement-center.com)
7.08.2019 11:10:59 gen. sole source purchasing закупка у единственного источника (If your company decides to buy only Dell computers then that is single source purchasing. However unlike sole source purchasing you and your company have ... purchasing-procurement-center.com)
6.08.2019 20:01:20 gen. statutory compliance соответствие действующему законодательству ( quora.com)
6.08.2019 19:59:55 gen. regulatory compliance соответствие действующему законодательству (In general, compliance means conforming to a rule, such as a specification, policy, standard or law. Regulatory compliance describes the goal that organizations aspire to achieve in their efforts to ensure that they are aware of and take steps to comply with relevant laws, policies, and regulations. WK)
6.08.2019 12:34:04 gen. terms of use условия оказания услуг (rules by which one must agree to abide in order to use a service)
5.08.2019 20:26:27 gen. glocal глокальный (Reflecting or characterized by both local and global considerations: in the Web 2.0 era, every public institution has already been transformed into a glocal enterprise More example sentences The following thread gives a more thorough illustration of this glocal phenomenon. The exhibition programme was very much glocal in its orientation. Thus, the provisional item content can best be described as "glocal," i.e., respecting the melding of global and local context, and their joint influence on individual behaviour. ODE)
5.08.2019 15:38:15 gen. thing under law объект правоотношения (Blackstonian distinctions between the property of things under law and the inalienable qualities of human beings, such that the argument for legal Property is ... academic.ru)
5.08.2019 15:10:10 law thing at law объект права (.. a number of elements: a claim of ownership in the slaves beyond a simple claim to control or use their labor (the slaves themselves were a thing at law, a res, ... A "thing" at law is, by the way, objects of dominion or property as distinguished from a person. Thus, a thing can be controlled or owned.)
5.08.2019 15:00:30 law legal persons субъекты права (A legal person in legal context typically is a person (or less ambiguously, a legal entity) –whether human or non-human–that is recognized as having certain privileges and obligations such as the legal capacity to enter into contracts, to sue, and to be sued. However, the term "legal person" is ambiguous because it is often used as a synonym of terms that refer only to non-human legal entities, specifically in contradistinction to "natural person". So there are of two kinds of legal entities, human and non-human: natural persons (also called physical persons) and juridical persons–also called juridic, juristic, artificial, legal, or fictitious persons, Latin: persona ficta–which are entities such as a corporation, firm, business or non-business group, or government agency, etc., that are treated in law as if they were persons. WK)
17.07.2019 14:14:11 gen. on account of в силу того, что
15.07.2019 15:27:35 gen. there you have it вот, пожалуйста (And there you have it – the resounding belief of 99of Americans. " And there you have it – a warmer winter is in store, with heavy snowfalls expected occasionally in the new year but with low overall precipitation.)
13.07.2019 10:16:25 gen. non-residential apartments апартаменты (Данный перевод отражает тот факт, что это помещение нельзя использовать как permanent residence, т.е. в нем нельзя прописаться по действующему российскому законодательству.  I have a situation where Prior Approval has been obtained to convert a large office building into 15  non-residential apartments .)
7.07.2019 23:34:15 gen. damages убыток
6.07.2019 12:19:20 gen. National Association of Debt Collection Agencies Национальная ассоциация профессиональных коллекторских агентств (Our debt collection agencies are member and follow the code of ethics defined by Angeco (National Association of Debt Collection Agencies), which regulates the personal data protection set by AEPD (Spanish Data Protection Agency) and the conduct of member entities. The "Bundesverband Deutscher Inkasso-Unternehmen (BDIU)" is Germany's national association of debt collection agencies. Founded in 1956, it has 560 ...)
6.07.2019 12:16:58 gen. National Association of Professional Collection Agencies Национальная ассоциация профессиональных коллекторских агентств (napca.ru)
6.07.2019 12:16:58 gen. NAPCA Национальная ассоциация профессиональных коллекторских агентств
6.07.2019 12:16:58 gen. National Association of Professional Collection Agencies НАПКА
6.07.2019 12:16:58 gen. NAPCA НАПКА
6.07.2019 12:14:44 gen. National Association of Professional Debt Recovery Agencies Национальная ассоциация профессиональных коллекторских агентств (When problems arise, professional debt recovery has proved to be an effective way of regaining lost money. CBED.  We are often top of our clients' league tables for performance, compliance and service quality scores, making us the choice debt recovery agency in the  UK .)
4.07.2019 18:42:12 fin. securities market maker маркет-мейкер по ценным бумагам
4.07.2019 18:25:22 gen. market maker маркет-мейкер (a company or person that deals in shares, bonds, etc. and agrees to buy and sell particular shares at specific prices: The investor buys through a broker who completes the transaction through a market-maker. • A couple of market-makers were caught short of stock • Market-Makers or trading houses like Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs)
2.07.2019 15:59:15 gen. Sergiyev Posad г. Сергиев Посад (formerly (before 1918) Sergiyevsky Posad or (until 1930) Sergiyev or (1930–91) Zagorsk. city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia, northeast of Moscow city. The city developed around the fortified walls of the Trinity–St. Sergius monastery, which was founded there in 1337–40 by St. Sergius of Radonezh. A theological seminary founded in 1742 remains the principal seminary of Russia. The monastic buildings, much visited by tourists, include the Trinity Cathedral (1422–23), containing the tomb of St. Sergius and icons attributed by some scholars to the medieval artist Andrey Rublyov; the Church of the Holy Spirit (1476–77), with its later tower; the Cathedral of the Assumption (1559–85), containing frescoes of 1684; the late 17th-century refectory; and the 18th-century bell tower. There is a museum of toys in the monastery. Modern Sergiyev Posad has engineering and diverse light industries. The city still holds an annual international fair. Pop. (2002) 113,581; (2006 est.) 112,700. Britannica)
1.07.2019 19:04:36 gen. oil wastes отработанное масло (Oil Wastes. Waste oil and petroleum products originate from crankcase and lubrication wastes generated during the normal maintenance of motorized vehicles ...  sciencedirect.com)
1.07.2019 19:02:52 gen. oil wastes отработавшее масло ( Oil Wastes. Waste oil and petroleum products originate from crankcase and lubrication wastes generated during the normal maintenance of motorized vehicles ... sciencedirect.com)
1.07.2019 10:09:30 gen. metal mesh металлическая решётка (A metal mesh may be wovenknitted, welded, expanded, photo-chemically etched or electroformed (screen filter) from steelor other metals. wikipedia.org)
1.07.2019 10:08:14 gen. metal screen mesh металлическая решётка (wikipedia.org)
20.06.2019 15:09:53 gen. inasmuch as в части (to the extent that; insofar as: these provisions apply only inasmuch as trade between Member States is affected)
13.06.2019 9:32:29 EBRD excess франшиза (British A part of an insurance claim to be paid by the insured: we will deduct the excess from the loss and then pay up to the policy limit  More example sentences This is a popular method of reducing premiums by increasing excesses and many insured are caught unawares. ODE)
11.06.2019 22:20:21 Landgericht переход в немецкий словарь
10.06.2019 14:30:16 gen. any and all всякий и любой (В факте труда всякий и любой человек способен стать и становится личностью истории непосредственно.  О ходе истории By Матвей Каган)
29.05.2019 18:48:35 gen. fire-fighting facility средство противопожарной защиты (Memphis International Airport (MEM) has a state-of-the-art fire fighting facility, Station 9, named in honor of Daniel Ward, the Airport Authority's longest-serving ...)
27.05.2019 16:07:48 gen. in collusion в сговоре (The company was acting in collusion with manufacturers to inflate prices. MWALD)
21.05.2019 17:09:11 gen. UN Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States Конвенция ООН о транзитной торговле внутриконтинентальных государств (wikipedia.org)
20.05.2019 14:19:08 gen. private taxi service частный извоз (Our aim is to provide customers with an "executive" level private taxi service at reasonable rates.)
9.05.2019 12:20:20 gen. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Верховный комиссариат ООН по делам беженцев
8.05.2019 14:34:34 gen. technical matter технический вопрос (проблема или дело)
7.05.2019 16:08:11 Russia polit. Nashi Наши (Members of Nashi, a pro-Kremlin youth movement, held a victory rally in Moscow on Sunday night. nytimes.com)
7.05.2019 13:26:58 fig. lodestar важнейший ориентир (something that serves as a guide or model)
3.05.2019 11:21:25 gen. self-employed person самозанятое лицо (Человек, самостоятельно занятый трудом по оказанию услуг в рамках договоров гражданско-правового характера, в том числе в форме индивидуального предпринимательства. a writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them• Syn: freelancer, freelance, free-lance, free lance, independent. WN3.)
1.05.2019 21:23:12 gen. federation member субъект федерации

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